The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 15, 1957, Page 4, Image 4

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Rites Read Here
Thursday afternoon August 8,
at 4 p m Miss Glenda Warner,
daughter of Mr and Mrs. A J
Warner of O'Neill was united in
marriage to Itoyce Jordan of
Rose at the Wesleyan Methodist
The church was decorated with
baskets of gladioli. Rev. Duane
Laubrr officiated at the double
ring ceremony.
Mrs. Blaine Garwood of Amelia
accompanied Miss linda Serek
who sang Wedding Prayer'
and "The Lord's Prayer."
Given in marrige by her fath
er, the bride appeared in a floor
length gown of lace featuring a
front ponel The high neckline
had a Peter Pan collar. An in
sert fell to her shoulders and was
outlined with lace. Her elbow
’«ngth illusion veil fell from a
Jc.iwn of lace decorated with se
quins and tiny pearls. The veil
was trimmed in lace. Her lx>u
quet was white daisies with
white streamers. She wore ear
The hidegroom wore a light
suit and a carnation boutonniere.
The couple's attendants were
Miss Carol Gurney and Alois
Warner. A reception followed in
the church basement. The ladies
of the church asisted.
After a wedding trip to the
Black Hills, the rouple will reside
in the country where the bride
groom is engaged in ranching.
Mrs. Jordan is a graduate of
O’Neill high school rlass f 1957
Page News
Mrs Earl Parks was hostess to
the memliers of the Wesleyan
Missionary society Thursday af
ternoon for a study and work
meeting Mrs Otto Terrill had
the lesson “Our Home Mission
Stations". Work went forward on
the piecing of a quilt top. Mrs.
Hary Park will be the September
Mrs. Alta Finch was Friday
evening hostess to the members
of the SOOS club. Mrs. Evelyn
Gray received the traveling a
ward and will bo the August 23
Mrs. C. P. Loach was surprised
Friday morning when 16 friends
congregated at the home of her
' <r, Mrs. I. O. Wood. It was
N. : loach's birthday anniver
sary A mid-morning coffee hour
wax observed.
Mr. and Mrs. M. G. French, jr.,
entertained at a no-host picnic
dinner Sunday, August 4, with
the following guests in attend
ance: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chilv
ers and family of Pierce, Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Chilvers and family of
Ainsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Stan
Lambert and family of Ewing.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Uimbert and
family of Chamber*, Mr. and
Mrs Art Svoboda and family of
Butte and Mr. Svoboda’s father
of Richardson.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Clark and
son of Council Bluffs, la., and
her mother, Mrs. Cora West,
were week-end visitors in the Edd
Stewart and Mrs. Ethel Park
Mesdames William Neubauer,
Carl Max and Melvin Roach were
Mr. and Mrs. Koyee .Ionian . . . Ihe bride is the former
(•lenda Warner of O’Neill.—O'Neill Photo IV).
hostesses to the Teusday evening
meeting of the Commercial club
members. Plans were discussed
for the free day activities to be
sponsored by the club. The roof
of the newly purchased Improve
ment club building on main
street was reported repaired and
work begun on the interior
changes. A special meeting may
be called to complete plans.
Mr and Mrs. Edgar Wood of
Lincoln were Sunday callers at
the Herbert Steinberg home.
Mrs. Clifford Jacka of Tecum
sch was a Sunday visitor at the
home of Mrs. Hester Edmisten, a
former Johnson county neighbor.
Mrs. Jacka is visiting her broth
ers and sisters-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Snyder, and Mrs.
Icio Snyder at Page and Mrs. and
Mrs. Harry Snyder at Inman, and
other relatives.
Mrs. William Fink of Engel
wood Colo., and Mrs. Ross Fink
of Boulder, Colo., left Monday
morning for their homes, leaving
Gary, Sherilyn and Jioelene with
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Trowbridge, and Loretta
with her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Heiss, for a longer
Mrs. R. C. Scott of Ottumwa,
la., spent last week with her
hrother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Harvey. She
went to the home of her brother.
Jay Ames, at Neligh Sunday and
will go from there to the Dan
Stauffer home at Elm Creek be
fore leaving for her Iowa home.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Taylor and
Terry and her mother, Mrs. Lulu
Clemensen, all of Oakdale, were
Sunday afternoon and supper
guests at the Herbert Steinberg
home. Mrs. Clemensen is Mrs.
Steinberg's aunt and Mrs. Taylor
her cousin.
Clyde Si*>nhouer of Denver,
Colo., was a Monday visitor in
the home of his brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Wrede
and family of O'Neill, Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Smith and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Black
burn and daughter of Kelliher,
Minn., were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stevens.
Rev. and Mrs. Neal Phipps
were' Wednesday, August 7, visi
tors in the home of Rev. and
Mrs. Burl Baty. They were en
route from a month’s trip in
which time they visited 24 states
enroute to their home at Hot
Springs, S. D.
Mrs. Dora Townsend will be
the leader for the study period
today (Thursday) when the
members of the WSCS wil meet
at the church. Mrs. Harley Ken
nedy and Mrs. J. W. Finch will
be hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Saltz at
tended funeral services for Wil
liam Schultze at Brunswick Fri
day afternoon.
Celery HEARTS... 22c
2 Stalks
U. S. NO. 1 RED
110 Lbs-39c
KETCHUP ... 2 for 45c
303 can- 1 Oc
Evap. MILK - 39c
LEMONADE. 3 for 29c
hsh sticks ..... 39c
Pure Golden LARD. G9c
For Golden Deep Fat Frying
Chocolate SYRUP - 21C
CAKE MIXES ..... 29c
(Devils • Yellow • Marble • Spice •
Burnt Sugar)
Van. Sand. Cookies. 29c
i ■ .. I
10 Lbs._ 99c
Luncheon MEAT .. 43c
Pork LIVER ..... 25C
Round STEAK_^9c
Pork ROAST..... 59c
4th Street Market
I Phone 93 WE Deliver O’Neill
96 Attend f amily
Reunion at Page
PAGE The Fuelberth reunion
was held Sunday, August 11, at
the Page park.
Included in the 96 attendants
Mr. and Mrs. George Fuel
horth and Henry Fuelberth of
Hartington; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Fuelberth and three children.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meusch and
two children and Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Newman and five child
ren, all of Stuart.
Mr and Mrs. Walter Fuelberth
and two children of Creighton;
W. P. Fuelberth of Corning. Ia.;
Mrs. Alta Hennigin and three
children of Blockton, Ia; Mr and
Mrs. Glen Hixson and three
I children of Norfolk; Mr. and
Mrs. Byron Gutz of Pierce;
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Fuelberth,
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Fuelberth
and child, Mr. and Mrs. Benja
min Fuelberth and son and Mr.
and Mrs. George Luebbers and six
! children, all of Osmond; Mr. and
Mrs. W. D. Fusselman and two
| children of Plainview. Mr. and
Mrs. Anton Nissen, Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Nissen. Mrs. Frieda Asher.
Diane, Devon and Marlene Kemp
er. Mr. and Mrs Harold Asher
i and son. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Asher and four children, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Nissen and three child
ren. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and
three children. Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Freemyer and two children,
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Asher and
two children, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Nissen and two children,
all of Page; Mr. and Mrs.Emest
Brunkhorst of Inman.
There were 10 births, no
deaths and three marriages dur
ing the year. Charles Leon, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher,
was the youngest in attendance,
and George Fuelberth of Harting
ton was the oldest. Mrs. Alta
Hennigin and children came the
greatest distance.
The group will meet again on
the second Sunday' in August,
1958, at the Page park.
Other page News
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen and
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Warnke of
Tilden were Black Hills tourists
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Terrill and
Miss Marilyn returned Tuesday
evening from Denver, Colo.,
where they took their daughter,
Mrs. Lyle Parsons, and son to
their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Stump of
Kansas City, Kans., were Sunday
and Monday visitors in the home
of her brother-in-law and sister,
Rev. and Mrs. Burl Baty, enrouto
home from a vacation trip
through Missouri to Spencer and
Page back to their home.
Spanish speaking Interpreter needed during a lay study here, l,eft-to right—Raldoniero Mor
airs and Carlos laipez Sandoval, both tiuatein via hankers; William II. Davidson, advisor; Jantea
\\ Itooney. Mrs. Krnestina Solarea (Interpreter), a id Ei-equ’el tjulros of Panama.—The Frontier
Centred Americans Arrive
Study Credit Operations
Three agricultural credit lead
ers from Central American coun
tries made a study of the O’Neill
Production Credit association,
Monday and Tuesday, August 12
; and 13. it was announced by
James W. Rooney, secretary
treasurer of the O'Neill Produc
tion Credit association.
The three men, Valdomero Is
Mael Morales P. and Carlos Gus
tavo Lopez S. of Guatamala, and
Ezequiel Quiros C. of Panama;
their interpreter, Mrs. Ernestina
Solares, of Itolioken, N. J. and
William H. Davidson of Stan
wood, la., district farm credit
director, and Jack Bristow,
regional manager of the federal
land bank of Omaha, were hon
ored at a dinner at the Town
House on Sunday evening, August
1 H.
The men are studing the organ
ization and operation of the Pro
duction Credit associations and
i studied the territory and types of
I farming tind ranching served by
.he O'Neill association. In a spec
i ific study of loan procedures,
they* learned what the lender ex
pects of the farmer and what the
farmer expects of the lender, and
they discussed the purposes for
which short terms and intermed
iate-term loans are uesd.
While in O’Neil, they visited
the office of the National Farm
Loan association of which Lyle P.
Dierks is secretary-treasurer.
The group visited the D. C.
Schaffer ranch southwest of O'
Neill Tuesday morning and the
M. F. Gribble ranch east of
Chambers on Tuesday afternoon.
They observed the haying and
baling operations and inspected
the cattle herds of both ranchers.
A high light of Tuesday was a
visit to the Holt county fair at
Chambers. They expressed their
interest in the 4-1! exhibits and
judging. Their study of cooper
ative agricultural facilities is a
part of a three-month program of
study set up for them by the In
ternational Cooperation adminis
tration. They will visit the Farm
Credit banks in Omaha, various
NFLA and PCA groups in Neb
raska and Iowa, as well as com-'
ercial banks, offices of the farm
ers home administration, Iowa
State college and the U. S. de
partment of agriculture.
Those present at the dinner
honoring the group were Mr. and
Mrs. Otto E. Oherg of Erieson.
Mrs. Otto Krupieka of Spencer;
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Eenuner of
Atkinson, and Mr. and Mrs. M.
E. Gribble of O'Neill.
Mr K«upukj, .%li Lemmer
aiui, Mr Grihhle are directors of
the association Others present
included Allen Edward* of Ord,
Mr and Mrs D . C. Schaffer Mr
and Mrs. Wm S, Mat tern and
Mr. and Mrs. Janies W Roonej
of ‘O'Neill.
\\ hite Horse Gals
to Present Show—
NAPER Girls at the White
Horse ranch camp plan their
achievement da\ program Sun
day afternoon, August IS at 2;u)
o'clock at the White Horse ranch
near Napcr.
Girls from Alabama, New York,
Colorado, Iowa, Illinois, Tennes
sce, Ohio and Canada will deni
onstrate their ability in Roman
riding jumping routines and oth
er horse training activity learned
at the ranch this summer before
returning to their homes.
The program will lie under the
direction of Carrey Gilhert of
Omaha who has had a number of
years of horse training on the
ranch. She will bo assisted b\
Nancy Dickey from Morrison, 11 i
Both these girls have been In
st ruetors the past summer on the
I ll Club Makes
Fair Plan*—
The Pleasant Brook 1-11 club
met Tuesday. August 8. at the
Cletus Muff home with seven
members present. Misses Elaine
and Jordeen Funk were visitors
Kathleen Funk, vice-president,
, took the place of our president,
Linda Schmiser, who was absent
Our assistant-leader, Mrs, Pat
Vtm Vleck, was also absent.
For roll cal! we each named a
wild flower. We had a discussion
on what each one was going to
exhibit at the Holt county fair.
The meeting was then turned ov
! er to ‘‘girls room."
Lunch was served by Mrs. Clet
us Muff Katherine Thiele, re
Real “stinker” bargains galor ... in every store... on this BIG DAY!
Watch Next Week’s FRONTIER for Details!
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