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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1957)
Holt County Board of Supervisors OFFICIAL PROCCEDINGS u Neill, Nebr. May 31. 1957 10 :00 A M Holt county hoard' of supervis met as per adjournment, with the following members present: Cronk, Barthel. Flood. Ernst, landreth and Frickel Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read The finance committee report ed that the fees of the various county offices have been remitted to the county treasurer, as re quinxi by law Motion by Landreth, seconded by Ernst, that the medical claim No 3092, of Christine Hoffmeist er be cancelled. Motion carried. Motion by Barthel, seconded by Flood that the following lxtnds be approved. Motion carried. Asa Watson, treasurer—Town ship of McClure. Elmer Vogel, clerk—Township of Green Valley. George H. Shald, justice of peace—Township of Cleveland. Irvin LaRue, treasurer—Town ship of McClure. Edw J Funk, justice of peace —Township of Deloit. 12:00 noon. On motion the board adjourned until 1:00 p m. O’Neill, Nebr. May 31. 1957 1:00 P. M. Holt County board of super visors met as per adjournment, with the following members pres ent Cronk. Flood. Barthel. Ivin dreth nnd Frickel. Motion by Frickel, seconded by by Frickel, that the Holsclaw Electric being the low hid on re wiring the Court House Annex, be given the contract. Motion car ried. Motioh by Frickel, seconded by Barthel that the County Service Officer by given permission to or der grave markers for service men Motion carried. Motion by Ernst, seconded by Hartnei, mai ine lieer Applica tion of Hugh F. I^angan, on re consideration of the board, the application bo denied, due to the location of the school house near by and also because of isolation Motion carried. •1:00 p. m. On motion the board adjourned until June 17. 1957 at 10:00 A M. Frank Cronk Kenneth Waring Chairman County Clerk O'Neill, Nebr June 4, 1957 10:00 A. M. Holt County board of equaliza tion met as per ad journment with tlie following members present: Barthel, Cronk, Flood, Frickel Landreth and Ernst. Meeting called to order by the chairman. Minutes of the previous meet ings were read and approved as read. Motion by Barthel, seconded by Ernst that upon examination of the schedule by representative of the state tax commisioner's of fice to accept the original sched ule of Lee Store. Motion carried. Motion by Frickel, seconded by Landreth that upon examination of records by representative of state tax commissioner’s office that the assessed valuation be raised from $8,035.00 to $8,330.00. intangible raised $373.00, on the Gamble Store, Atkinson, Nebr. Motion carried. Motion by Ernst, seconded by Frickel, that after examination of schedule by representative of the state tax commissioner's office that the assessed valuation of the J. C. Penny Store of O’Neill, Nebr., be changed from $9,11500 to $11,080.00 Motion carried. Motion by Frickel, seconded by Barthel that the raise given the J M McDonald company store be sustained Motion carried Motion by Landreth. seconded by Barthel that the trailer house of Don E Holliday be left on the tax roll for the year 1957. Motion carried. The following persons appeared before the hoard of equalization concerning the valuations on real estate Mrs Mary I Biglin, and John Kramer, sr.; and the fol lowing complaint was received by the board of equalization from: Mrs. Clarence Donohoe. Name Legal Des Action of board Mrs Mary I. Biglin NE>4 of Sec. 30, township 30, range 11, and WH of SEV4 of sec. 30, town ship 30, range 11 motion by Er nst. seconded by I^andreth, that the property was inspected by county assessor and two members of county board and recommen dation was that the assessed val uation of property lie reduced from $4 370 00 to $3,740.00. Mo tion carried. John Kramer, sr.- SEVi of sec. 33. township 30, range 16—-motion by Frickel, seconded by I^andreth, that upon recommendation of the board the property lie checked. Property was checked on June 4, 1957 and was recommended that t h e assessed valuation be changed from $2,410.00 to $2,140 - 00. Motion carried. Mrs Clarence Donohoe—lot 10, 11 and west 10 feet of north 30 feet of lot 12, blk. 28, original town O'Neill, Nebr motion by j Barthel, seconded by Ernst, that 1 the assessed valuation he chang ed from $3,235.00 to $2,410.00. Mo tion carried. Motion by Flood, seconded by ; Frickel, that the assessed valua 1 tion of (tie Apparel Shop be chang ed from $2,320 00 to $2,840.00. Mo j tion carried. 2:30 P. M. Motion by Barthel, seconded by Ernst that the board of equalization of 1957 lie adjourn ed to the call of the chairman. Motion carried. r.i_. /"X 1 _ rr 1 l iir ; ■ i mm vji ■ uirv iwum ui til mg Chairman County Clerk O'Neill, Nehr. June 4, 1957 2:30 P. M. Holt county board of supervi sors met in special session with Ci-onk. Barthel, Flood Ernst, Lan \ dreth and Frickel present. Motion by Frickel, seconded by Barthel that the salary of Verna ] Pruss, part time case worker, he set at $210.00 per month and Judy j Cloyd at $150.00, per month. Mo tion carried. Supervisor Batenhorst appeared before the board accompanied by his attorney, Julus D. Cronin, at which time the board took up the matter of settling the accounts of A. M. Batenln^st, supervisor of district No. 6, and discussion was had following which it was moved by supervisor Ernst, sec onded by supervisor Flood that the board of supervisors does find and declare that A. M. Baten horst, is now indebted to the County of Holt on his accounts as supervisor in the amount of $3, 663.72, and that demand for pay ment and the county attorney is instructed to make said demand formally and in writing. Vote re sulted: AYE: Barthel, Flood, Er nst, Landreth. Frickel and Cronk. Motion carried. Motion by Barthel, seconded by Landreth, that the assistance lien of the Maggie Siders estate be re leased. Motion carried. Board adjourned until June 17, 1957 at 10:00 A. M. Frank Cronk Kenneth Waring Chairman County Clerk O'Neill, N'ebr June 17, 1957 10:00 A. M Holt County board of supervis ors met as per adjournment, with the following members present: Cronk Barthel. Flood. Ernst. Landreth and Friekel. Meeting called to order by the chairman Minutes of previous meetings were read and approved as read. Motion by Friekel, seconded by Ernst that the Truck hire for travel hauling he increased from $3.00 jier hour to $3.50 per hour. Motion carried. Motion by Barthel, seconded by Landreth. that the following claims tie allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the general fund in payment of same. Motion carried Atkinson Graphic, pub lishing fees and printing of diplomas 59.04 A. M. Batenhorst. salary 118.75 Biglins, blinds for court room 148.50 Bricker Typewriter Go., office supplies and office equipment 182 56 City of Grand Island. Nebr. for services rendered 3.00 Frank Cronk. salary 118.75 Kldora M. Cunningham, salary _ 88.00 Clarence Ernst, salary 118.75 Edw. N. Flood, salary 118.75 Alice L French, postage 13.00 A!ex Friekel, mileage 69.42 Frontier, publishing fees 45.66 Gillespies, supplies for an nex _. 26.00 Wm. W. Griffin, salary & mileage * 218.40 John Grutsch, salary 235.00 J. Ed Hancock, salary' 300.00 Father Harris, salary 225.00 FJsther Harris, postage 6.00 Jim Holsclaw, installed electric cords in court 1 house 7.00 Holt County Independent, publishing fees and office supplies 55.67 | Miner fc. Kaiser, salary 20.83 I Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co., gas service for court house 68 25 i M, V. Landreth, mileage 21.24 Howard I>. Manson. salary 266.00 Mimeograph Duplicator' Co., office supplies 17.30 ! Nora Mullen, salary 200 00 I James Mullen, mileage 49.50 Mabel McKenna, salary 170.00 Norfolk Office Equip. Co., office supplies and equip ment 604.81 ; Northwestern Bell Tele phone Co., telephone ser vices 201.96 Louis W Reimer, salary' 420.00 Charles Richter, salary ' 235.00 Servall Towel & Linen Co., towel services 26.40 Stephenson School Supply, office supplies 82.32 Leo S. Tomjack, expenses & mileage for relief case to Lincoln 64.20 Leo S. Tomjack, prisoner board 102.00 Twin States Typewriter Co., office machine 182.50 Joyce Waller, salary _ 42.00 Kenneth Waring, Co. Clerk postage 9.00 Wm. F. Wefso, salary' 300.00 Ailene Wilkinson, salary 200.00 World Book Co., office sup plies 23.60 Holt County Independent, office supplies & pub lishing fees 141.51 The Augustine Co., office supplies 167.68 Kenneth L. Barthel, sal ary 118.75 Biglins, blinds for sheriffs office 44.83 Delores Boyle, salary 170.00 Dr. L. A Carter, mental hearing exam 1000 Geo. E. Collins, salary . 61 00 Geo. E. Collins, mileage 11 90 Frank Cronk, mileage 37.08 Mrs. Lavern Engler, sal 37 00 Clarence Ernst, mileage 24 60 Alice L French salary 300 00 Alex Friekel. salary 118 75 Enden Calculator Machine Co., office equipment 675 00 Grahams ,,66‘' Service. supplies for courthouse 13) John Grutsch. mileage 2.40 J Ed Hancock, Co TTeas , postage & post cards 30 00 Holsclaw Electric, materials for rewiring the annex 650.00 Holt County Extension service „. 416.52 Helen Ann Johnson, sal ary 165.00 Journal Star Printing Cb., office supplies 115 02 Joy Kennedy, salary- 200 00 M. V Ijindreth, salary 118.75 Joanne Lansworth. salary 150.00 Howard D. Manson, Clerk of Dist. court, court caste 29.40 Virginia Morrow, salary 180 00 James Mullen, salary 191.00 Ted McElhaney, court re porting services __ 10.00 Norfolk Office Equipment Co., office equipment 183.50 O'Neill Transfer, express charges 11.92 Redfield & Co . office sup plies 175.32 Louis W. Reimer, Co. Judge, postage 3.00 Schneider Electric & Equip. Co., periodical check on short-wave radio _ 50.22 Ophelia Sessions, salary 200 00 Ijeo S Tomjack, salary 230.00 Leo S Tomjack, mileage 135.10 Leo S. Tomjack, telephone 4.29 Loo S, Tomjack, jailor fee 46.50 Twin States Typewriter Co., office supplies & fixing equip 49 74 j John J Underwood, salary 116 54* Kenneth Waring, salary 300.00 Ethel Wefso, salary 77.00 W F Wefso, Co. Assessor, postage and mileage 6 60 Holt County Independent, office supplies & publish ing fees 930 50 12:00 noon. On motion the board adjourned until 1:00 p. m. Buffalo Church Is J Described bv Priest LYNCH The Assumption Bles sixl Virgin Mary Catholic church Mtar - H iety met at the rectory Thursday afternoon. August l" w ith 17 members present. Mrs. Lorie Micanek, Mrs Ray Alford and Mrs. Leroy Purvi ance were hostesses. Mrs. Don Allen presided. The president reported $16.43 in the mass fund and the treas urer reported $263.17 in the bank Committees were appoint ed for the women's activities for the bazaar to lie held August 31. Plans w’ere made to replace carpeting in the sacristy of the church on Tuesday, August 6, and arrangements were made to make a magazine rack for the church. Rove. Charles Kamber, pastor, presented highlights of his re cent trip and described the Franciscan Holy Land in Wash ington, DC., an exact replica of Bethlehem where Jesus was born. Father Kamber also de- j scribed the “beautiful Catholic' < hurch in Buffalo, N'.Y . knowi as Father Becker's church.' The Lynch priest said there i: continuous adoration at the Bui fato church. The September meeting will b held with Elizabeth Peklo, Mrs Thomas CourtiH'v. sr and Mrs Vac Jedlcka, Other l.vnch News Sunday, July 28. visitors at thi Martin Jehorek home were Mis: Loretta Bodine of St Charles S.D,, Mr and Mrs Joe Slechta jr., and family and Mr. and Mrs Ernest Vomacka atxi baby o Gregory, S.D Mrs. Gladys Davis of River ton. Wyo., is staying with Mrs Bertha Bare. Mr and Mrs Lee Barnes at tendixi the circus recently it Norfolk and \ isitod at the Jor gen Jorgensen home while there Vince Jehorek anil son, Martin were business visitors in Johns town Friday, August 2 Sunday visitors at the Haroh Bennett home were Harold's sis ter, Mrs. Ival Bodine, and fam ily of St. Charles, S.D. Mrs. Ed Johns called on Mrs Theodore Norwood and Lila Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hoberj and Karen of Omaha spent Sun day and Monday with their nop hew. Clarence Kolund, and fam ily. They were enroute to Nortl Dakota and Yellowstone nationa park for a vacation. Lavon Eggerling of Creightoi visited friends here Sunday. Jul; 28. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Vomacki and baby of Gregory, S.D., spen i ' . Sunday. July 28. at the Martir Jehorek home , Mr and Mrs. Frank Fishet and Francis spent Thursday eve ning at the Rill Veseloy home smith of Verdel, helping Jimmy celebrate his sixth birthday an I niversary. , On Tuesday afternoon, Aug ; ust 6. the Harmony extension club met at the Lynch park for the regular August meeting. A fair Ux'th was discussed and ser r \ mg of Miss Joeline Micanek’s , wedding reception on Saturday, August 17. was planned Mr and Mrs Ixxinard Havran > ek and family and Mr and Mrs Kenneth Fish and family enjoy ! ed a picnic supper together at 1 he Ft Randall park Thursday, August 1 Mr and Mrs Ed Johns were ’ Sunday, July 28. dinner guests at the Phillip Hammon home I near Spencer. Dr and Mrs. Joseph David and . family are vacationing in the Black Hills this week. The Methodist ladies sponsored . a picnic dinner for the puhlic at the city park Wednesday. July 31 r Irene Stenger returned home ’ from San louis 01>is|x\ Calif , Friday after a two-weeks visit there. , Loo Tighe and Irven Nissen of I Humphrey visited at the M P Stenger home Sunday. July 28. • , Willard Eggerling of Creigh ton spent Sunday, July 28, at the l-oroy Purviance home. , Martin Jehotrk, jr., and Miss i Iiorotta Bodine of St. Charles, 5 P wore- in Rurwrll Friday. Mr, and Mrs Clarence Kolund and family entertained Mr and Mrs Adolph Hohorg and Karen of Omaha at a picnic dinner at Ft Randall, SD on Monday. Mrs Robert Boettcher. Bobby and Carol were Wednesday July 31. callers at the Bill Mahlen dorf home Mis. Guy Norwood assisted Mrs Fd ,1 i>nns fix threshing din ner last Thursday. Mr. and Mis. Harry Mahlen dorf of Bristow called at the Bill Mahlendorf home FViday evening. Veronica McDonald returned home Saturday from O'Neill where she had spout a week at the Munincpal swimming pool as Red Cross swimming and senior life-saving instructor Mr and Mrs. Elmo Barnes and family took in the rodeo at Hurwell Saturday. Mrs. FVank Weeder was a tms inoss visitor in Norfolk last week, Wind Tester U ere— Harry Vaughan of New Bed ford. Mass., arrived Friday to v isit Mr. and Mrs Ray Eby and family Mr Vaughan is with Air Force-Cam bridge research c e n t e r at Cambridge, Mass., and spent last summer on the w ind test here On Tuesday, Bill and Boh Eby and Mr Vaughan left for Rocky mountain national park. Salt Lake City, Utah, and points west on an extended va cation trip. f '•». -•* ; ?>;;V »,v fe • Plan ahead »■ »■ < c • Shop ahead ' • Cook ahead < • Be money ahead For the foods you'll later enjoy, plan a ■gi with an electric freezer. Then, shop ahead and take advantage of “specials” and foods "in ^ season”. Get the foods at their peak of good 3 ness. Cook ahead for parties, family treats, “ easier food preparation all year round. You’ll be money ahead by purchasing foods in quan- I tity and when prices are lowest. K • Upright or chest type models 1 • Models to fit any size family • Holds up to 700 pounds of food =- , s • All the newest freezing advantages |. J T* > ^ . EXECUTOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE 480-acres Improved Livestock and 480 -acres HAY UNIT IN ORDER to liquidate the Estate of the Late Walter Trussed, I will sell at Public Auction, on the premises, located three miles south of the Chambers Junction (U. S. Highway 281 and State Highway 95, east of Chambers or south of O’Neill, thence three and one-half miles east, on — W dnesday, August 14,1957 STARTING AT 1 P.M. THE LAND "" * n i General Comment This is a well-balanced unit consisting of 160 acres of pasture; approximately 300 acres of good bot tom hay land, which has always been a good and ef ficent producer of quality hay; balance of the land is in improvements and shelterbelts. There are lots of trees and there is plenty of shel ter. One good well and windmill in pasture. Two and one-half miles from rural school; REA line is available near by. lerms ot sale Twenty-five percent down to be paid by highest bidder on day of sale; balance to be paid upon delivery of merchantable title. Deed and abstract will be furn ished. 1957 taxes will be paid. Legal Description EV2 and E^2 of WV2 of Section Three, Township Twenty five , Range 11, Holt County, Nebr. THE IMPROVEMENTS Two-Story, Six-Room Dwelling Chicken House -- Garage -- Other Buildings Large Barn approximately 34’ x 50’ with Wcrd Shed — Good Fruit Cellar hayloft Good Water Wells, including one at house, one in Cattle Shed, approximately 16’ x 34’ feed yard, and one in pasture ALL BUILDINGS ARE IN A STATE OF GOOD REPAIR r inspection < I Inspection of the premises may be arranged anytime before the I | sale by contacting ED C. SMITH at the SMITH EBR. CO. In CHAM- 4 w BERg NEBR or by contacting the Executor or the Auctioneer. L —— ► POSSESSION < ^ Purchaser may have possession on March 1st, 7 > 1958. i . JOHN R. GALAGHER, Executor ESTATE OF THE LATE WALTER TRUSSELL COL. WALLACE O’CONNELL, O’Neill, JOHN R. GALLAGHER, O’Neill, Auctioneer Attorney for the Estate