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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1957)
Holt County Board of Supervisors OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS O'Neill, Nebr. une 17 1957 1:00 P. M Holt County board of supervis ors met as per adjournment with the following members present, Cronk. Barthel, Flood. Ernst. Landreth and Frickel Motion by Frickle, seconded by Ernst that the Holt Soil Conser vation District be granted 5L 000 00 for clerk hire for the fis cal year, 1957. Motion carried. Motion by Frickel, seconded by Barthel. the following claims tie all. wed and warrants ordered drawn on the road fund in pay ment of ihe same. Motion earned. Gene Adams, labor Delbert Anson, labor 227 00 Atkinson Township, ma- i chine hire 00 Ed Brandt, labor 240.75 Consumers Public Power, electric services — 4 00 Dankcrt Service, supplies 513.94 D. A. Lubricant Co., sup plies 102.30 Earley Oil Co , supplies 119.90 Richard Fees, repairs & re pairing 74 50 Fehrs Tractor & Equip. Co., machinery rental 318.00 Fehrs Tractor & Equip. Co., machinery rental 230.00 Finkbine Bros. Co., sup plies 4 48 Floyd Gettert, loading gra vel 52.00 Grahams "66" Service, supplies 2.86 Bruce Grimes, latxn 254.10 Eugene Hoerle, gus & brake fluid 3.70 N. D. Ickes, clay 50 00 Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co., gas service 4.80 Lohaus Motor Co., repairs & repairing equipment 93.52 Missouri Valley Machinery Co , parts & repairing equipment _ 325.65 Nehr. Tractor & Equip. Co., machinery rental 57 48 Nebr. Tractor & Equip. Co., parts & repairing equipment 24.00 Nebr. Tractor & Equip. Co , parts 36.32 Nebr. Tractor & Equip. Co., repairs & repairing equipment .. 34.59 Clyde Nelson, labor 60.00 Northwestern Beil Tele phone Co., telephone ser vices 27.55 Asa Norton, hauling gravel 250.00 Blake Ott, supplies 18.05 Bob Pease, labor 15 00 Pollack Sand & Gravel, gravel & hauling gravel 887.40 . Fred Roberts, labor 72.50 Safety Light Metal Indus tries, signs . 32.29 Calvin Seger, labor 126.25 Shelhamer Equip., repairs 10.10 Shelhamer Oil Co., sup plies 131.92 R, 1). Stevens, labor 290.20 Larry Tenborg, hauling gravel 365.75 Frank Tracey, labor 311.43 West Lumber & Coal, sup. 4 75 Whites Service, supplies 76 68 John Angus, hauling gravel 78.00 Ralph Armold, gravel 140.80 John Bonenberger, hauling gravel 78.00 Harold Burge, labor 263.00 Continental Oil Co., sup plies 249.80 Continental Oil Co., sup plies 307.89 Davis Oil Co., supplies 36.17 Early Oil Co., supplies 118.73 Earley Oil Co., supplies 46.33 Fehrs Tractor & Equip. Co., parts 12.06 Fehrs Tractor & Equip. Co., repairs & repairing equip ment 210.25 Fehrs Tractor & Equip. Co., machinery rental . 357 50 Force Tire and Supply Co., repairs & tires 473.07 Warren Gribble, labor 59.00 Harley Hardware, parts & supplies 13.43 Edw. Humpal, gravel & hauling gravel 532.35 Alfred James, dirt 75.00 Wm. E. Kelley, labor 136.00 Ix-o Kramer, repairs & welding services 14.00 Marcellus Implement Co., parts _ 10.55 A 1). Miller, supplies 25.00 Eh McConnel, labor 75 00 Lyle McKim, labor 212.50 Nebr. Tractor & Equip. Co., parts _ 1.08 Nebr. Tractor & Equip. Co , machinery rental 57.48 Nebr. Tractor & Equip. Co., parts 4.84 Nebr. Tractor & Equip. Co., repairs and repairing equipment 74.75 urvuie MCKim, moor ajo./o Niobrara Valley Electric Membership Corp., elec tric service . _____ 4.56 Asa Norton, hauling gravel 7800 Vincent L. Osborne, mach ine hire 1100.00 Page Oil Co., supplies 148.14 Platt Oil Co., supplies 150.65 A J. Pospichal, dirt 75.00 Fred Roberts, labor 236.25 Rotherham Service, sup plier 18.65 Art B. Sanders, labor 335.10 Servall Towell & Linen Co., towel service . 6.80 Tom Slattery, parts _ 5 85 Taylor Motor Co., supplies & parts 36.80 Larry Tenborg, hauling gravel .. _... 78.00 Ronald Watson, machine hire 152 00 Western Auto Store, supplies 8.83 Sam Young, labor 8.00 Motion by Barthel, seconded by Landreth that the following claims bo allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the bridge fund in payment of same. Motion carried. Joe Burda, labor__ 235.40 Continental Oil Co., sup plies 120 45 Mdler Paint Co., paint _ 14 25 Lester Porter, labor _211.40 William Siebert, labor _ 235.40 Anton Weichman, labor _ 327 60 Continental Oil Co., sup plies _ 124.83 Daniel Hurley, labor_ 244.20 Earl Porter, labor _ 180 40 Service Center, supplies 13.85 Tom Slattery, parts _ 1.75 Henry Winkler, bridge bands & pipes_ 97.17 Motion by Flood, seconded by Ernst that the following Claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the road bridge fund in payment of same. Motion car ried. Clark Bros. Transfer, ex press charges_ 2.09 Earle> Oil Cb., supplies .31 Floyd Gettert, labor 12.25 Island Supply Co., grader Ix'lt 581.40 Ixo Kramer, repairs & re pairing 36.80 A Marcelius Chcv. Co., parts ___ 5 50 Flay Noble, machine hire 10.00 Shi lhamer Oil Cb., sup plies 8.15 Western Auto Store, sup plies 3.33 Fid Brandt, labor 82.75 Comhusker Tractor & Equip. Co , parts 23 92 Fehrs Tractor & Equip. Co., parts 19.58 Kdvv. llumpal, cement and labor 153.00 Island Supply Co , bolts 74 19 Lincoln General Tire, Inc., recapping services 700.00 Rcisser Corporation, repairs 18.19 Standard Oil Co., supplies 88.74 White’s Service, supplies 21.93 Motion by Kriekel, seconded by Ernst, that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the mail route fund in payment of same Motion carried John Angus, hauling gravel 321.28 John Bonenborger, hauling gravel 403.78 Frank Determan, labor 20.00 Geary Ertbody, hauling gravel 275.95 Arthur llumpal, gravel 207.35 Eli McConnell, labor 201.25 Asa Norton, hauling gravel 36 40 Road Dist. No. 5, machine hire 1435.10 Bennett Smith, machine hire 322.00 E. Stoltinberg & Son, ma chine hire 2235 00 Delbert Anson, labor 108.13 Pat Corrigan, clay 200.00 Dustin Township, machine hire 101 50 Floyd Gettert, labor 29.00 Wm. E. Kelley, labor 153.75 Lyle McKim, labor 12.00 Vincent Obermire, gravel 396 00 Calvin Seger, labor 201.25 Bennett Smith, machine hire 202 00 C. W. Trobaugh, labor 227.15 Motion by Barthel, seconded by Landreth that the claim filed by Clinton PI. Daly, be rejected as work was not done on County road and was not authorized. Mo I l' 'l I * € I I i 1I U. Motion by Frickel, seconded by Ernst that District No. 5 Ik? giv en permission to purchase the Ik>I 9. Block F, Perkins Annex to the Village of Chambers, part of the NW14 of NW'4 of Section 29, Township 26, Range 12, for use as a County Shed. Motion carried. Motion by Landreth, seconded by Flood that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Unemployment re lief fund in payment of same. Mo tion carried. Jennie Crosser 15.00 Millers Grocery Store 28.00 Thad E. Saunders 41.00 Mrs. Roy Thurlow 25.00 Finkbine Bros. 7,00 Psychological Clinic 30^00 Shelhamers Jack & Jill 183.50 Marie VVehrly 60.00 Motion by Barthel, seconded by Ernst that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the medical fund in payment of same. Motion car ried. Antelope Memorial Hospital 41.85 Brown Drug 6.50 Coleman Nursing Home 15.00 Dr. W F Finley 14.54 Clara Fuller 28 48 Gilligan Drug '4 30 H H. Haeberle Drugs 17.50 < lenoa Haven 29 95 Christine Hoffmeister 51,15 Christine Hoffmeister 33 6° Maude Kerseh 4 50 O'Neill Drug 7 gp Plantation Manor 24 95 Nina K. Stearns 26.40 Si Mary's Hospital 40.00 ihompson Convalescent 0n3f ™ 54.80 Mrs. Roy Thurlow 27 20 University of Nebr.. Col of Medicine 4 go Wilson Drug 19.35 _ 153.00 ut- J * Brown 11 00 J'iV'w ie!oo l H . \\ Ci. Hetcher ? 00 Fannie Fuller 44 5P Mrs. Carey Grant 24 95 John Hasch Funeral Chapel 30'(X) Frank Heuton 15 82 Christine lli>ffmeister 17 50 F rancis Keens Nursing I lome g gg Mrs. Charles Moses 32.(X) Dr. Dwaine J. Peetz 14 pp Schultz Drug 5;2Kg St. Anthony's hospital 268 .So Muart Rest Haven 17 m i , Sii U,'v'rencc Thurlow 50.00 jAiclla Titterington 14 95 ‘tysidi’ Nursing Home 9 9^ [*r £' D Williams lg,45 Hr. Rex Wilson q'jq Motion by Landreth, seconded h> Lrnst that District No. 7, be given permission to purchase a ried nl0t°r Rrader' Motion car 5:00 P. M. On motion the Hoard adjourned until June 28 1957, at 10:00 A. M. b rank Cionk Kenneth Waring Chairman County Clerk O'Neill, Nebr. June 28, 1957 it ~ 10:00 A- M. Holt County board of supervis ors met as per adjournment, with the following members present.* Crank, Flood, Ernst, Landreth and Frickel. Meeting called to order by the chairman. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Motion by Flood, seconded by Ernst that the janitor of the £°brt house be given a raise to SzbO.OO per month. Motion car ried. The Finance Committee report oci that the fees of the various county offices have been remitted to the county treasurer, as re quired by law. u ky Landreth, seconded by Flood that the following bonds be approved. Motion carried. Elmer Olberding, treasurer— Township of Cleveland. Lloyd Whaley, treasurer—Town ship of Shields. Motion by Frickel, seconded by Flood to adopt the following res olution. Motion carried RESOLUTION WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the Board of Super visors that existing appropriations in the County Budget for the year ending June 30. 1967, are insuf ficient to continue the operation of the Medical fund and that ad ditional appropriations are re quired, and that an emergency exists in regard to such unantic ipated requirements, and that ad ditional appropriations are re quired to be made for the balance 1 of the fiscal year 1957 to such 11 fund, and that the same is essen tial to the preservation and main tenance within the county of the administration of justice, the pub lic safety, the public welfare, and the public health. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF HOLT COU NTY, that an emergency does exist as set forth above, and that there is hereby appropriated to the Medical Fund, the sum of $500.00 from the Unemployment Fund of said County, for the bal ance of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1957 i Motion by Landreth, seconded by Ernst that the warrant of Ma i rie Wherly for the month of i June 1957, lie cancelled. Motion carried. 12:00 noon: On motion the l>oani adjourned until 1:00 P. M. O'Neill, Nebr June 28, 1957 1:00 P. M. Holt County Board of Supervis ors met as per adjournment, with ; the following members present: Cronk. Flood, Ernst, Landreth and Frickel. A group of citizens from Dis trict No. 6, appeared before the Liard. presenting Lawrence , Pacha, as a candidate for ap ixiintment, as Supervisor of Dis ! trict No. 6. , Motion by Landreth. seconded by Frickel that the following In i surance policies l>o renewed: Atlas Insurance Company, i county shed, O'Neill, Nebr. St. Paul Fire & Marine Insur ( ance Company, Workmen's Com pensation & Employer’s Liabil ity Policy. | Motion carried. Motion by Landreth, seconded , by Ernst that the following res olution be adopted. Motion car ried. RESOLUTION OF EXTEN I SION OF COUNTY LEASE AGREEMENT RESOLVED, that the County ; Lease Agreement entered into hi- I _: 11 ,i .. . ^ *— 1,1 * 'j uic* i^euras ka Praetor & Equipment Com pany of Omaha, Nebraska, dated the 30th day of June 1956, cov ering the rental of One Gabon Model 118 Motor Grader s/n MD ' rr’0?'„ Powered by IHC Model H;;'-,-)lesel Enkrtne, Motor No. ll)-;>25-2779, adopted by the County Board on the 30th day of June, 1956. and which was filed wbh the County Clerk on the ■Jtth day of June, 1957, as provid ed by law, be extended in full force and effect, as originally executed and adopted by Holt County lor a per iod commencing on the last day of June, 1957, and : continuing to the 30th dav of June, 1958. y Motion by Frickel, that the tioaid of Supervisors reconsider and revise the settlement of the account of Alphonse M. Baten A?'uh the bounty of Holt: that Alphonse M. Batenhorse be ,c£edi* on said account ior tne following items: Check of A. M. Batenhorst to Myron Papke, 12-8-51, $132.00; t heck of A. M. Batenhorst to W620CP1 Cadwallader, 12-3-51. Check °f A. M. Batenhorst to $ n'^oo ,CadwaHader, 12-3-51, Check of A. M. Batenhorst to John Bonenberger, 12-4-51 $8100 Pr a total of $507.00; that the de mand ol the County of Holt j ^amst A. M Batenhorst be a' ' ?')nll7.r-.,leduc0(l froni $3,663.72 to $3,15b. (2. Motion seconded by Landreth, a toll call vote taken on said mo tion resulted as follows: Aye: ► r i lckol, Landreth, Plood, Ernst Croak Nay: None. Whereupon the Chairman declared such mo i bon passed and adopted. Super Msors Batenhorst and Barthel, l absent and not voting, i Motion by Ernst, seconded by l Landreth to adopt the following resolution. Motion carried , , , RESOLUTION WHEREAS, it has come to the , attention of the Board of Super , \ isors that existing appropria Rons on Ihe county budget for the , -vt,ar ending June 30, 1957, are in . ! sufficient to continue the opera , i bon of the office of the Holt Coun i! ,,Vj , ^xt°nsi°n Service, and that : additional appropriations are re , *”ki mat an emergency exists in regard to such unantici ! I Pa,°d requirements, and that ad j ditional appropriations are re . 'I'ured to be made for the balance ; f 'he flseal year 1957 to such i lln('s and that the same are es sential to the preservation and maintenance within the county of the administration of justice,' the public safety, the public welfare and the public health. NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THF COARD OF SUPERVISORS OF . HOLT COUNTY, that an emer genccy does exist as set forth above, and that there is hereby appropriated to the office of the , County Extension Service the sum of $79.14. from the Gen eral Fund of said County, for the balance of the fiscal year ending i June 30, 1957. The following receipts were fil , ¥ W|to the County Clerk’s office from January 1, 1957 to June 30, [ Lal<; Be trow, used plank _ 6 00 KyrI Beck, used plank 6.00 Orville Eppenbach, used , Plank 10.00 » n V’_We.ibe1, bridge Plank 34 00 B.val Beck, bridge plank 9.00 Dvorak Bros., bridge plank 12.00 ■ r u.M ,,Torn'iack’ bridge plank 12.00 John Hansen, used plank .. 2.00 i Dvorak Bros., used plank 3.00 . Fred Tesch, used plank and labor 49.70 l Edw. Stems, lumber 179.20 1 Conie Gokie, 590 lbs. old iron- 5.02 A1 Kloppenborg, used plank 10.00 Albert Ziska, bridge Plank___12.71 , Clarence Ernst, old iron _ 40.00 . W. W. Marr, used plank 28 50 Dustin Township, machine hire _1_ 130.25 » Don Moss, used lumber _ 12.00 - A1 Kloppenborg, used lum I ber 78,68 Clarence & Nettie Tasler, used plank 2500 Leo Monahan, used plank 16 50 Art Remter. used plank 6.00 Harold Dobrovoiny. used plank 19.50 Joe Schmuecker. used plank 16.00 Sylvester Kramer, used plank 13.50 J. L Berigan, used plank 3.00 Harold Ohde, used plank 15 00 E J. Desieve, used plank 9.00 Bernard Pongratz, bridge plank 22.50 Leo Kramer, used plank 1.00 Theo. H. Braun, bridge lumber 9.00 Francis Steinhauser, bridge lumber 9 00 Earl Estes, bridge lumber 19.89 I. E Forbes, bridge lum ber 30 06 Conley Township, 16-ft. culvert 84 80 Dan Snyder, belting 18.00 Shamrock Township, ma chine hire 500.00 Dustin Township, machine hire it;:, ih Henry Miksch, gravel 1200 Fred Moon, machine hire 32.00 Green Valley Township, machine hire 248 00 Felix Laible, machine hire 40.00 Coleman Township, machine hire 1227.00 D. E. Seger, machine hire 125.00 Roekfalls Township, ma chine hire 100.00 Dustin Township, machine hire 250 CK) Sheridan Township, ma chine hire 165.00 1 Grattan Township, machine hire 700.00 Atkinson Township, machine hire 192.50 5 p.m. On motion the board ad journed until July 16. 1957 at 10:00 A. M. Frank Cronk Kenneth Waring Chairman County Clerk O'Neill, Nebr. July 3. 1957 3:30 P. M. Holt County board of supervis ors met in special session with the following members present: Cronk, Barthel, Flood, Ernst, Landreth and Frickel. Meeting called to order by the chairman. Motion by Ernst, seconded by Barthel that the resignation of Supervisor A. M. Batenhorst from the 6th district be accep ted. Motion carried. A delegation from Stuart pro senung waiter srmtn, as a can didate for the Supervisor of 6th district. Motion by Barthel, seconded by Frickel, that the appointment of Supervisor for District No. '6, be tabled until July 9, 1957. Meeting adjourned until July 9, 1957. Frank Cronk Kenneth Waring Chairman County Clerk O'Neill, Nebr. July 9. 1957 10:00 A. M. Ilolt County board of supervi sors met on this day according to statute, with the following mem bers present: Cronk, Barthel. Flood, Ernst, Landreth and Fri ckel. Meeting was called to order by the chairman. Minutes of the pre vious meetings were read and approved as read. At this time a goup of citizens appeared before the board rela tive to the appointment of a su pervisor to fill the vacancy due to •he resignation of A. M. Baten horst. One group favoring Law rence Pacha and one group fa voring Walter Smith. A discussion was held and everyone given an opportunity to express their opinions of their respective candidate, after which •he chairman called for a vote with Lawrence Pacha receiving votes—Walter A. Smith, receiv ing 4 votes. The chairman there fore declared Walter A. Smith ap pointed to fill the vacancy. 12:00 Noon. On motion the tx>ard adjourned until 1:00 P. M. O'Neill. Nebr. July 9, 1957 ,r ^ 1:00 P- M. Hot! County board of supervis ors met as per adjourned. Meet ing was called to order by the chairman The afternoon was spent work ing on the budget for the fiscal year 1957-1958. 5 00 P M. On motion the board adjourned until July 16. 1957 at 10 .00 A. M. Frank Cronk Kenneth Waring Chairman County Clerk O’NEILL MK ALS Miss Marian Moseman left MonHuv fne (\»,u.. i. _ i .. w(M‘k with her sister, Miss Caro yn, who is employed there. Caro lyn had spent the week previous ly at home, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moseman. Mrs. Henry Frank of Norfolk was a guest Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Don McKamy. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole depart ed Wednesday to spend several days in the northern part of South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Juran and children attended the Shrine fol'k'US Tllesday eveninS in Nor Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davis attended hay days in Atkinson Monday. IT'S SILVER JUBILEE YEAR AT THE SANDHILLS’ FOREMOST CATTLE AUCTION 25 Years of Progress Regular Stocker - Feeder Auction Every Tuesday! SPECIAL CALF AUCTIONS Every Monday thru October, November and December SPECIAL! Silver Jubilee Carlot Auction Tuesday, September 10 Seventh Annual AU Aberdeen Angus “Black Friday” Sale October 14 th Your consignments are wel come for these Special Sales as well as our regular weekly auctions! It pays to list them early. "The Old Reliable” ATKINSON Livestock Market ERNIE WEIJ.ER, Owner Atkinson, Nebr. Tankers of O'Neill's company D lalk things over at Camp Ripley, Minn., after a fast run in their -15-ton M-47 tank through the driver obstacle course. Dwarfed by the muzzle of their tank's 90-tnm cannon arc: Left-toright— M/Sgt. Lowell Neshitt, M/Sgt. Edward Schmuecker of Atkinson, Pfc. James Oiavala of Monowi and Lt. Richard Johnson of Spencer. (See story on page 5).—Oma ha- World Herald Photo. I CITY COl’NCIL PROCEEDINGS July 2, 1957 Council met at regular session. Present. Mayor Schaffer; Coun cilmen. Golden, Gleeson, Rey noldson, Heermann, Moore, and Berigan. Meeting was called to order by the Mayor. Motion by Moore seconded by Gleeson, that the minutes of pre vious meeting he approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Berigan, seconded I by Moore, that the following bills I be paid, On the General Fund: 1 Marcellos Schaaf _ . . 268.82 ! Ennl J. Weyrich .. . . . 189.10 ! C. J. McGinn. 229.22 O. D. French .. 40.00 Ixiyd K. Brittell .159.76 Coast-to-Coast Store . 5.27 Moore-Noble Lbr. Co. 2.45 1 Bazelman Oil Co. . . 5.12 Special Order Mfg. Co. . . 27.25 Kersenbrock Texaco . 8.00 George C. Robertson Agent 53.75 Peter Weber . 32(H) L. W. Reimer, Co. Judge . 57.75 Corkle's Inc. .... . . 140.00 Virgil Laurson, Agent . . 134.45 Ralph Walker . 17.65 Halva Electric . 1.15 O'Neill Fire Dep’t. 68.00 Hammond Abstract Co. . . 107 00 Floyd Clark . 43.00 Island Supply Co.351.69 Consumers Public Power Dist. . 442.23 N. W. Bell Tele. Co. ... .. 14.15 State of Nebr. Soc. See. Division . 256.90 Fred Hannink _...... 240.18 Milford H. Coats . 146.62 Gerald Wettlaufer . 228.98 J. R. Gallagher - . . 100.00 ith Street Market. 1.03 School Dist. No. 7 .1025.00 Schneider Electric ....... 6.45 O'Neill Cleaners. 5.15 Kansas-Nebr. Nat. Gas ... 37.52» Marcellus Imp. Co. 84.03 Holt Co. Independent . . 46.02 New Deal Oil Co. 2.58 Lohaus Motor Co. 32 56, Clarence Whaley ... 71.00 Leo S. Tomjack . 147.00 Donohoe Construction Co... 9.001 Hamik & Engler . 5.35 Schelhamer Equip. Co. ... 450.571 The Texas Company . 24.60 Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. 55.11 The Frontier . 16.07 O'Neill Auto Supply . 16.44 Grahams “66” Service ... 201.83 Director of Int. Rev.110.70 On the Water Fund: John Beilin . 239.22 C. N. Wyant . 57.42 Island Supply Co. 10.61 { The Frontier . 50.43 Capitol Supply Co. 30.651 Gillespie Electric . 3.00 Panther Company . 30.50 Harry Hollenback Garage 10.40 Kelly's Plumbing . 6.80 ( Graham's “66” Service ... 15.40 Director of Internal Revenue . 57.20 Cora Wyant . 44.55 Mary Lou Wettlaufer . 23.72 T. S. McShane Co., Inc. .. 178.06 Clark Bros. Transfer . 5.06 Howards Blacksmith Shop 18.50 Consumers Pub. Power 1 Hstrict . ■ . 217 la O’Neill Auto Supply . 36.35 N. W. Bell Tele. Co. 19.95 P. C. Donohoe, Agent. 2.50 State of Ncbr. Soc. Sec. .. 70.58 Oil the special Sewer Fluid: Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. 725.54 The vote on the above motion was as follows. All Aye. Nay None. Motion by Berigan, seconded by Reynoldson, that the Council give io the O’Neill Municipal Band, $1,500.00, to be used in maintaining and equipping the Municipal Band. A roll call vote was taken on the above motion with the results as follows. Aye, Golden, Reynoldson, Heermann, Moore, Gleeson and Berigan. Nay none. The following ordinance was introduced and road by Council man Reynoldson: Ordinance No. 300-A An . ordinance providing for a levy to raise funds by taxation on property situated within the corporate limits of the City of O'Neill, Nebraska, for the fiscal year beginning the first Tuesday in May, 1957, and ending the first Tuesday in May, 1958. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COl'NCIL OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL. NEBRASKA: Section 1. That the City of O'Neill. Nebraska, make the fol lowing levy for taxation for the fiscal year beginning the first Tuesday in May 1957. and ending the first Tuesday in Max 1958, on the taxable property vv ithin the corporate limits ot the City of O'Neill. Nebraska. For General Purposes 5.0 nulls on the dollar. For Maintenance of Streets 3.0 mills on the dollar. For Maintenance and Improve ments of Parks 0.5 nulls on the dollar. For Municipal Advertising 0.2 nulls on the dollar. For Maintenance of Fire lVpnrtnient 0.5 nulls on the dollar. For Maintenance and Improvement of Airport 0.2 mills on the dollar. For Maintenance of Sewers 03 mills on the dollar. For Street Lighting 11 nulls on the dollar. For Sewer Bond sinking fund and Interest 1.0 mills on the dollar. For Water Bond Sinking fund and Interest 1.3 mills on the dollar-, For Park improvement bond sulk ing fund and interest 1.5 mills on the dollar. For Swimming Pool !mnd sinking fund and interest - 0.5 mills on the dollar. For in tersection pav ing bond sinking fund and interest 3.2 mills on the dollar. For Armory fund 1.0 mills on the dollar. Section 2. ’This Ordinance shall take effect and he in force from and after passage and publication as prov ided by law. Passed mid approved this 2nd day of July 1957. D. C. SCHAFFER. Mayor. ATTEST: (). D. FRENCH, City Clerk. Said Ordinance was fully and distinctly read, and on motion duly made and seconded and adopted, it was designated as Or dinance No. 300-A ol the City of O'Neill. Nebraska, and the title thereof was approved. Councilman Reynoldson, moved that the statutory rule requiring Ordinances 10 oe limy ann <us tinetly read on three different days l>e dispensed with, which motion was seconded hy Council man Herigan, and the Yeas and Nays being railed on the passage of said motion. The following Couneilmen voted Yea: Heer mann, Moore, Herigan, Golden and Gleeson. Nay none. The mo tion having been concurred in by three-fourths <>f the Council, was declared passed and adopted, and | said statutory rule suspended. Thereupon said Ordinance No. 300-A was read hy its title a sec ond time and was then read at large and put upon final passage. The Minor stated that the ques tion is': SHALL ORDINANCE NO .300- A HE PASSED AND ADOPTED. The Yens and Nays were called and the following Couneilmen voted Yea. Heerman, Reynoldson, Moore, Herigan, Golden and Gleeson. Nay none. The pasage and adoption of said Ordinance having been Con curred in by a majority of all members elected to the Council was by the Mayor in the presence of the Council signed and ap proved of same and affixed his signature thereto. Upon motion hy Moore, second ed by Herigan. t h c council adjourned. O. D. FRENCH, City Clerk D. C. SCHAFFER, Mayor. Moving to Gothenburg — Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Graves are moving to Gothenburg where Mr. Graves will work for the telephone company in the main tenance department as he has been doing here. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole spent Sunday and Monday in Omaha. AD LE R • SEWING BACK-TO-SCHOOL CLOTHES • PATTERN DECORATING HOME FURNISHINGS • DESIGNING & SEWING PROM AND PARTY DRESSES • MENDING WORK AND OUTDOOR CLOTHES I(\ back-tA-AckodKm... and Km fm tfa fun of Amnq...andmwj! And fun it is ... with ADLER’S completely automatic sewing machine ... the ADLERmatic! With just a flick of the finger ... you have a straight, zig-zag and automatic stitcher ... because the ADLERmatic is 3 machines in 1. From basic everyday sewing ... to delicate applique, it does everything — without attachments! You save money too, by having all stitching patterns on one machine. Above all, the ADLERmatic is a quality machine ... trouble-free and built to last. Be sure to come in for your free copy of the booklet that reveals the secrets cf wnmin sewing. Or write us, we’ll be happy to mail it to you! EAu 1 TERMS Acknowledged to be the finest automatic sewing machine in the world! . . _ . _ ||| Liberal Trade-Ins ADLER SEWING CENTER Phone 269 O’Neill