The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 08, 1957, Page 13, Image 13
FOR SALE T hide’s Dairy Cattle TOP PRODUCING dairy cattle on hand at all times. Wiscon-1 sin bred, fresh and heavy! springers, first and second I calf heifers. Arnod Thiele 2h miles southwest of Clear water, Phone 17 on 12 tf I FOR SALE: 28-ft. Cottage Home trailer house with an attach able 8' x 10’ bedroom Partly modem. Ideal for farm or school. Must sell at once. Call I or write: Floyd E. Butterfield, j Ewing, phone 18. 15p50 1 f or Auto Liability & Property Damage INSURANCE Town 5-10-5 1 7 20; Farm, 13.60 Town 10-20-5 19 00; Farm 15.00 Town 25-50-5 20.20; Farm, 16.00 See, Write or Phone . L. G. Gillespie Insurance Agency O'Neill Phone 218 and 114 FOR SAFE: Cow barn 18’ x 40’ with stanchions. To be mov ed from premises. See at ranch C. E. McVay, O’Neill ltf I AM AT my office in O'Neill, Nebr., and I have Eastern | money and private money to loan on residences and on | farms and ranches.—R. H ! Paricer, O'Neill, Nebr. 15tf Knit SAI.K: Terriflex vinyl tile. Now carried in stock. Select your color - Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co , O’Neill. 47ctf PERMA-STONE CAN BE applied over wood, brick, block, tile or stucco walls. Write or Phone US FOR free estimates on this beautiful wall finish. Norfolk Perma-Stone 507 Lincoln Ave. Phone 1483-W Norfolk, Nebr. 12- 15c FOR SALE: Oats.--Tony Mudloff, Page. 15-18pd \ SEE FS for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile houses, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 j months to pay. Write or phone. --Contois Motor Co. Neligh. 30tf j FOR SALE: 1956 model auto matic washer and dryer, also refrigerator and apt. size stove. Phone 436-W, O'Neill. 15-16c65 ( July Mobile Home Sale BIG DISCOUNT 1957 45-ft. 10 wide, two _ 53,695.00 1957 46-ft, two bedroom 53,250.00 1957 41-ft., two bedroom 52,995 00 1957 27-ft., one bedroom 51,995.00 Mark’s Trailer Sales Grand Island and Hastings, Nebr. 13- 15c FOR SALE: Elgin aluminum boat and trailer.—John Wallen, ph. I 627, O’Neill. lltfc Low Cost Insurance! FOR A THREE-YEAR paid up insurance policy on your home; costing $8.30 per $1,000, or a policy for five years costing $12.40 per $1,000; or a five year policy, premium payable in five installments of $2.60 per $1,000; or a policy on your farm buddings that never has to be renewed but can be cancelled anytime by you, cost ing $8.00 per $1,000, first year, and $3.50 the first of each year thereafter. All written in re liable companies. See, write or phone: L. G. GILLESPIE Insurance Agency Phones 218 or 114 O’NEILL NEBR. 14tf * Used Car Bargains! 1955 Studebaker Commander 1952 Champ, hardtop. 1951 Studebaker Commander. 1948 Chevrolet 2-ton truck Smith Motor Co. STUDEBAKER Phone 562 __O’Neillj FOR SALE: Aeromotor wind mills and towers, galvanized stock tanks, 8- and 10-ft sizes. John Sobotka, Inman, Nebr. FOR SALE: Well equipped Cafe in town of 800. Good location. Same owner 7 years. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGrew, Stuart, Nebr. 13-15c FOR SALE: Remington pump 12-gauge shotgun; also 20 gauge single shot gun. Will; trade for deer rifle. — Wally Shelhamer, O’Neill, phone; 713. 15c35 FOR SALE: 1951 trailer house, 31-ft. Columbia, excellent con dition. Completely modern. Will sell at a sacrifice. In quire at Bouska Motel, Atkinson, phone 86. 15c40 Frontier for printing! USED MACHINERY COMBINES — J-D No 55 self-propelled combine Massey-Harris 7-ft. Clipper, near new TRACTORS— 16 B JD t5 A J D. J2 R JD 12 A -JD GRINDERS— f-D 10” hammermill MOWERS— No 5 j.r* V-25 I.H.C. Massey Harris mower Disc tillers, all sizes IH C. 12-ft Rake J-D 12-ft. rake Case Tractor Spreader J D. Model E Spreader Plymouth binder twine I-D-D twine and oils SEE the new No. 9 John Deere | mower, 9-ft. bar Harry R. Smith Impls. Phone 562 — O’Neill FOR SALE: Minnesota Holstein heifers and cows, TB and hangs tested.—Rudy Juracek, Ewing 8tfc New-Used MACHINERY 1947 A John-Deere 1945 A-C WC, overhauled 1952 A-C Roto Baler, good 1948 A-C Combine, overhauled 1951 IHC 62 motor, pickup 1950 IHC 62, motor 1950 12-A J-D J-D No. 3 Mower IHC A-B-C Mower, like new IHC Seeder Box for one-way Pollard, Morriel and New Holland IHC Hay Sweep Side Rakes r l pvpl^nr) I* arm Supply ORCHARD, NEBR, Phone 113-R - 13-16c ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES WE REPAIR all makes. We un dersell anybody in price and outsell anybody in quality. O'NEILL, NEBR. PH. 269 52tf SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SEE US or white us if interested in Sprinkler Irrigation. We will be glad to figure your system for you, with the help of qual-j ified irrigation engineers, at no obligation. Wm. Krotter Co. O’NEILL, NEBR. “Dealers in A - M Sprinkler Irrigation” 37 tf FARMERS BEFORE YOU buy that expensive irrigation pipe, check with your soil conservation technician about the possibilities of level ing your land. Smith and Son Const. Butte, Nebr. 13-24 pd SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolis $16.50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c—Located 3 blks. east, 4 blks. north of traffic light. Everett Gorgen, Ph 524-M, O'Neill. 51tf MACHINERY IHC No. 16 mower IHC No. 24 mower IHC No. 27 mower 14-ft. Farmhand rake 24-ft Automatic rake IHC 12-ft rake Good used cornpickers APPLIANCES WE WILL TRADE for farm equipment on all appliances. See our complete line of RCA Whirlpool washers, dryers, re frigerators, freezers, ranges, air-conditioners and television. ASK FOR details on how to get an automatic washer or | TV absoluetely FREE! Shelhamer Equip. O’NEILL MOBILE HOMES Reduced Prices on Large Stock on Hand USED TRAILERS 48 Rudger 18 ft. 48 Sportsman 25 ft. 48 Schult 25M< ft 53 Sureway 34 ft 1 BR 52 Schult 35 ft. 2BR 54 Magnolia 28 ft 1BR 54 Nashua 27 ft 1BR 55 Pathfinder 35 ft. 2BR 54 Trailette 41 ft. 2BR 55 Elcar 35 ft. 2BR Comet 15 ft. NEW TRAILERS Great Lakes 18 ft. Safeway 40 ft 2BR Great Lakes 35 ft. 2BR Great Lakes 41 ft 2BR Safeway 45 ft. 2BR Great Lakes 45 ft. 2BR Travelite 43 ft. 2BR Great Lakes 45 ft 2BR We Trade for Furniture, Cars, Trucks, Trailers—or what have you to trade. WE FINANCE up to 5 Years. Lowest Prices & Best Terms. SEE US AND SAVE MANEY Miller Trailer Sales Phone 460 Albion, Nebr. I CURTIS BREEDING service car bring your herd the blood of the best in all !>eef, dairy and dual purpose breeds. Your techni cian is IXtane Gray, phone 169-J O'Neill 15tf HALVA S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator and Motor Winding NEW & USED MOTORS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT: Three bedroom modem home with garage, available September 1 Don Lineback, 135 Benton, O'Neill. 15c5C HAVE qualified buyer for 2,00C cow ranch. Please call us col lect immediately if you have such a ranch to sell or know of some one who does. Rogers Agency Realtors - Auctioneers Reliable Leaders in the Real Estate Field Throughout the Midwest Phone 3880-3881 505 No. Jeffers St. P. O Box 364 North Platte, Nebraska 14c House Under Construction FOR SALE! WATCH IT GROW! New two bedroom model home being erected in the Spelts-Ray sub division. Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. — O’NEILL — FOR SALE: Nearly-new mod _ 1 1 U, A„ U w l oiflutu vvu iiwukiv vv t/v moved from premises. See at ranch.—C. E. McVay, 5 miles south of O’Neill on 281. 5tfc FOR SALE: Nearly New 3 bed room, full basement Nationa home, located in Northen Heights addition only 3 blocks from schools. Virgil Laursen O'Neill. Phono 434 tf< FOR SALE 480 Acres, well improved in Page vicinity. 2-Bedroom home in Northern heights addition. Abart Company Phone 209 O’Neill FOR SALE: 8 room, all modem house. Garage. Located in Page. Art Frahm, Page. 15-17p85 FOR RENT FOR RENT in Inman: 3-bedroom modern house, 3 lots, garage, chicken and brooder house; fruit, garden space. Partly furn ished if desired.—Inquire of F. E. Keyes, Inman. 15tf. FOR RENT: Furnished and un furnished apts.—A. E. Bowen, phone 515, O’Neill. 49tf FOR RENT: Store building. All modem. Good location. Rent right.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 4tf FOR RENT: Furnished apart ment Close-in. — Edna Coyne, O’Neill, phone 535. 15tf FOR RENT: Furnished apart ment, 4 rooms and bath. Close in.—Elmer Hagensick, phone 556-R, O’Neill. 7tfc FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — Phone 537, O’Neill. 16tf FOR RENT: Modem 5 room home with basement. Re-decor ated. Available now—Harry E. Ressell. 14tf LOST & FOUND ONE YEARLING hereford steer strayed from the Denny ranch SW of Inman. Branded L over 3 on left ribs.—Notify Lawrence Goscha, Clearwater. 15-16 Facts and Fun Club Meets— EWING—The Facts and Fun home extension club met at the home of Mrs. H. R. Harris Thurs day afternoon, August 1. Mrs. Ben Larsen gave a dem onstration on the lesson, "Deco rative Stitches." Swedish weaving, new to many, was discussed. Mrs. Larsen had articles of this type on display, some completed, others in the progress of making. Mrs. J. L. Pruden presided at the business session. Program of the year was read and discussed. It was voted to continue the les son on stitches at the next meet ing September 5. It was also vot ed to hold the club meeting in the evening, beginning at 7:30 o'clock on the first Thursday of each month. Mrs. Ben Larson will be hostess for the September meeting. Songs were sung under the leadership of Mrs. Ralph Eacker, music chairman. Dues were paid by members present. Mrs. Jessie Angus and Mrs. Ella Zeims are new members. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Harris as sisted by her daughter, Bertha. Most Small Grain Combined— LYNCH — Most of the small grain in this locality is being combined, but several threshing machines are in operation In various localities. Oats are averaging 40 bushels to the acre and moat farmers report the quality is "excellent.,, WANTED WANTED: Dirt moving, dam building, hauling clay or gravel any distance, also all kinds of road work.—Smith Construction Verdigre. 14-16p HELP WANTED Salesminded young (21-40) man with car for special route work in this area. Guarantee plus expense allowance for right man. Write, stating qualifications, to FUIEER BRUSH CO., 1114 South 94th st., Omaha. 15-18c EL J. “Skip” Shane Dragline Work Road Building — Drainage Work Sewer Ditches — Basements Clam Work Phone 6221 Atkinson, Nebr. 8-22pd WANTED: Hay or alfalfa to bale. Cash or share—See K. C. Hunt, O’Neill. 6tfc AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED THORIN Farm Sales a Speciality Phone 207 — O’Neill RESPONSIBLE PERSON MALE or female from this area to refill and collect money from bulk machines. Start in spare time—if satisfied, then work full time. To qualify you must have car, references, $1,00 to $2,000 in cash which is secured by territory and inventory. De voting 7 to 12 hours weekly to business your earnings should net approximately $250 per month. For full time work eahnings increase accordingly. Please do not apply if you do not have the necessary time and in uoelmnnt atrailnhlo Fflf loCHl interview give full particualrs and phone number. WRITE I SURETY DISRIBUING CO. i 701 So. Duluth Ave. ; Sioux Falls, S. D. 14-15c WANTED: Large, clean, fresh eggs on grade. Average price paid to producers last week was 31c per doz. For details, stop at Corkle’s, Inc., in O’ Neill. 15-16p HELP WANTED MEN: Exper ienced Feed salesmen, to con tact dealers and farmers, in the immediate area. Write: Noah’s Dannen Feed Warehouse, 1503 So. 1st.. Norfolk. Nebr. State experience and eive references. 13-14c MAN OR WOMAN FOR ADDED INCOME OWN A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN PART TIME WORK RELIABLE man or woman want ed from this area to service a route of cigarette machines. ; This is a non seasonal business that offers you a lifetime of guaranteed income and will not interfere with your present employment. N o experience necessary and no selling or so liciting. Route is established for you. To quality you must have $900 to $1,800 cash avail able immediately which is se cured and a serviceable car. This business will take from 5 to 7 hours per week and can net up to $250 per month. FULL TIME available to qualifi ed person after you have prov en your ability with our com pany. Full time can net as high as $2,000 annually. If you qualify you may write us in strict confidence giving brief outline of background and phone number. FOR LOCAL interview, write Eagle Sales and Supply Co., Box 3511, Minneapolis, Minne-! sota. 14-16c MALE HELP WANTED OR SALESMAN WANTED COST OF THINGS GOING UP faster than your income? You can make more full or part time as a Rawleigh Deaier in O'Neill. Write for full partic ulars. Rawleigh’s, Dept. NBG 102-RR, Freeport, 111. ll-13-15-17p WANTED DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! IDEAL CLEANERS “Approved Sani-Tone Service” Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctf AT YOUR SERVICE! in REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE KIETH APART Phone 209 O’Neil] WANTED: Good bright oats weighing 36 lbs. or better. Alsc wanted, second or third cutting alfalfa in the bale. C. E. Me Vey, O’Neill, phone 585-J-13.15tl Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O'Neil] MISCELLANEOUS 3 6 Months to Repay on Real Estate LOANS a. I A « ^ i ,uuu or less $25.00 to $1,000 ON FURNITURE OR AUTO MADE on our regular monthly repayment plan and on a Spec ial Plan for Farmers. CONFIDENTIAL, PERSONAL SERVICE! Central Finance Corp. C. E. JONES Phone 14 O’Neill 2tf Kelly’s Plumbing YOUR HEADUARTERS for plumbing and well supplies, plumbing fixtures, Geneva steel kitchens, water systems, water softeners, septic tanks, root proof sewer pipe, wind mill heads and towers, pump jacks, well points, cylinders and leathers. If it pertains to plumbing or wa ter supply, we have it! Located 5 blocks south of the New Deal Oil Station, O’Neill. 43tf HAM IK Refrigeration ★ Air Conditioning ★ Sales and Service We REPAIR all makes of ap pliances; REA and Com mercial wiring. PHONE 714 O’NEILL Wick’s Body Shop Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W — O’NEILL — for Any Job 25tf I CAN LOAN money In O’Neill or Ewing, or Chambers, or At kinson, Long Pine, or Butte, or Spencer on Farms and RAKE BETTER, FASTER, CHEAPER Tha aaiantificallf daaignad Pol- toar Raking”—forma fnll fluff* lard Trailer RowRakar ta tha windrowa. Completely equip pad baat hay and grain inauranca in with rollar and ball bearing* •ha world. Gentle rolling aetion Ad)uatable width awath Far rake parmita — Al-g af graina, and ing any kind of hay over any hay with 10% laaa aaad and leaf kind ad terrain. Rakaa anywhere loan. New independent FLOAT- year treater will go. OM wheal aetion gleet ”Con NO QOtTiY REPAIRS OR MAINTENANCE NO OMRS I NO SPROCKETS I NO CHAINS VO WEAR OWTI jBSk BURGE IMFL. CO. CHAMBERS, NEBRASKA Ranches and City Property.— Write to R. H. Parker, O'Neill, Nebr. 52tf DANKERTS PROPANE O'NEILL AND CHAMBERS Bulk Gas Deliveries Norge Appliances Gas I leating Systems Dearborn, Scigler, Coleman, Universal, Hunt SPECIAL ON WASHER and DRYER COMBINATIONS Dankert’s Propane 22a IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly In sured — See Ed Thorin, agt., O'Neill, Nebr. 34tf Northwest Electric Motor Service Phone 243-W — O’Neill DISTRIBUTOR for Fairbanks - Morse motors, Wagner motors, Allen Bradley controls, Gates belts and pulleys. REWINDING and rebuilding electric motors (up to 100 hp^ and transformers. Portable tools and appliances. 24 - Hour Service COMMERCIAL & REA WIRING 48c tl L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. | --- Ewing Twins Are Feted— EWING—A surprise pink-and blue shower was held Wednesday evening, July 31, at St. Dominic’s hall, honoring Mrs. Martin Van Conet and twin babies, Mary Claire and James Thomas, now two-months-old. A huge stork centered the gift table which was decorated in the color theme of the shower. At one end of the table, a large tx)x was placed. The box was filled to the brim with contributions from the 45 guests present. Many gifts were received by Mary Claire and James Thomas includ ing baby food. Card games were played for amusement. Refreshments were served. Hostesses were Mes dames James Tinsley, Lyle Mit ties, Joe Thoendel, Louis Vander snick and Joe Kaczor. Try FRONTIER want ads for quick, economical results! Inman News Mr and Min L R Tompkins I'cturncd Monday after spending 10 days vacationing in Estes Park Colo., and at Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Mc Mahan wore Tuesday evening, July .10. guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B H. Stevens at Page. Calvin Geary has returned to Lyons after spending several weeks here helping his brothers. Reginald and Haddin. put up their hay. Mrs. Melvin Lorenz and daugh ter. Lorcne, accompanied Mrs Vernon Ix>renz and daughter, Patty, to Omaha Wednesday, July 11, where they spent the day. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clark returned Wednesday evening, Ju ly 11, from Glenrock, Wyo., and were overnight guests in the home of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Keyes. They left Thursday for their home in In dianapolis, Ind. Linelle C. Tompkins gave a talk on her trip with the Methodist mission tour group to New York City during the Methodist church service Sunday morning, August 4 Thursday night Mrs, Harvey A Tompkins and Allen drove to Utica to v isit Mrs Tompkins' moth or, Mrs. Cora R Caldwell, and on Saturday Mrs. Caldwell came home with them fo a short visit. Among those who attended the rodeo at Rurvvell the past week in cluded Mr. and Mrs E. E. Clark, l M I HI I V 1(11 , iVll HI1U IVIIN. IVlt I" » \ in Ixirenz, Lorin and I/ireno and Fred I/irenz, Mr. and Mrs. Charles MeGrane of North Platte and Mrs. Lydia MeGrane of Norfolk were supper guests in th(' home of Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Smith Thursday eve ning. Mrs. Charles Gilligan and grand son, Danny Gilligan, of Sioux City came Friday afternoon to spend several days visiting in the home of Joseph and Beatrice Gallagher. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Gorgon and son, Dean, of Omaha spent the weekend here in the homo of Mrs. Gorgon’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dana Lines. Mr and Mrs. H. S. Smith and daughters, Betty and Alice, of Riverside, Calif., Helen M. Bruner ! of San Francisco, Calif., and Lily B. Munroe of West Point were Saturday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James M. McMah an. Mrs. Frances May and children, Jimmy and Jean Ann, drove to Hooper Sunday where they attend ed a family reunion of the May clan. Marvin Young came Saturday af ternoon from Independence, Mo , and spent until Sunday morning in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Youngs. He was ac companied home by his wife and children, who have spent the past ten days here. Mrs. Young helped with the sale of personal property of Mrs. Lina Butler Wednesday evening, July 31. Kenneth Coventry and Mr. and Mrs Advert Reynolds and family spent Sunday in Sioux City where they \ isited in the home of Mr. and Mrs Ted Sehiesslor. Mr. Qov • ntry also visited Mrs Coventry at the Methodist hospital. O’Neil! News \ surprise party was given for 1' n Mareellus on his birthday in Stuart on Sunday, Those attending were Mr. and Mrs Billie Marcel los Mr. and Mrs M B Mareellus of O'Neill, Mr. and Mi's Don Mar eellus of Atkinson: Mr and Mrs Ed Rentscheler of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Sehweitart of Wi kis, S. D . and Mr. and Mrs Carol Mareellus of Stuart, A group of Indies surprised Mrs, Jack Dailey on her birthday anniversary Tuesday afternoon at her home. Tee cream and cake were served. Die Daileys moved recently Into the basement of a new home they are building. Mrs Minna ITuhenka and Vickie arrived Friday and are spending the week at the home of Elrov Llob. Mrs. IT. VV I^vfflin and Jo T*eo spent front Tuesday until Sunday in Burwell visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. W I, IV!Tart and also attended the rodeo. Mr and Mrs. Ray Hartigan of Omaha arrived Friday to spend a week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Mike London, Over the week end they visited Mr. and Mrs. Richard London in Spaulding. Thursday morning Mr and Mrs. Ray Hartigan will leave to visit Mr. nnd Mrs. Vem Tnrr in Co lome, S. P Mr. and Mrs. A. I.. Nystron of Minneapolis, Minn., arrived Mon day to spend the week with her brother and family, Mr and Mrs. Stanley Longeneeker. Mrs Edwin Kntgmnn and Ron nie attended the 75th anniversary of the Christ. Lutheran church in Ra/ile Milts on Sunday. About 500 .attended the event. Try FRONTIER want nds for quirk, economical results! Ne er An After-Thirst! SWITCH TO SQUIRT For Lowest Prices for tree trimming and tree removal. See: FRED BABUTZKe or don McDermott. Dr. Donald E. David OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Phono 2101 Spencer How This Newspaper Helps Advertisers... i ■ i With a Strong Right Hand We're newspaper people, with our ear* to the ground and strength in our right hand. For a long time it has been our job to meet the people of our area—in their homes, work, schools, churches, and in their civic and social activities. It has been our job to understand their needs and desires; to report their joy» and sorrows. Few know this area and its people better than we. Many merchants look to this background of experience and understanding for assistance in reaching their audience most effectively. It is an unusually strong right hand to their merchandising efforts—an effective source for in* formation and advice. Let us show you how the combination of this experience and audited circulation facts* can help you to get maximum results from your sales messages. Call us this week. % y FrontTfe •This newspaper is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations, a nonprofit, cooperative association of publishers, advertisers, and adver tising agencies. Our circulation is audited at regular Intervals by experW enced A.B.C. circulation auditors and their reports are made available w ** to o«r advertisers without obligation. M1AIUR1 OF IIWV1CE...MARK OF INTEORITY —■ ■ i. ... ■ ...... _ - - - — —■--“