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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1957)
Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S (O’Neill) Admissions: July 17 — Mrs, James Sobotka of Inman; 18 — Mrs M. G Hamman of O'Neill 19—Mrs. John J Dougherty of Inman. Tommy Schmitz of O’ Neill, Mrs Robert Matthews of O'Neill, Mrs. Marvin Atkinson of Butte; 20- Mary Morsbach of In man. 21 Mrs Henry' Grunke of O'Neill. Mrs. Rov Deljnng of O’ Neill Fred Carey of O'Neill. 22 Mrs, James Maly of O’Neill, Mrs. Francis Holz of O'Neill, Mrs. John Haake of Chambers, Miss Claire Tom jack of O'Neill, Larry Tellier of O’Neill, I>eonard Mil ler of O’Neill 23 Mrs. Byron C Davis of O'Neill. Mrs. James Boy le of O'Neill, Mrs. Harold Potter of Lynch. Arthur W, Tihbets of O'Neill. Mrs. Rollie Snell of Page. 24 Leslie Green of Chambers, Mrs. Duane E. Summerer of Ewing. Dismissals: July 17—Mrs Hu bert Kohle of Stuart, Mrs. Ar chie Bright and baby girl of O’ Neill. Mrs. Howard Manson of O’Neill. 19 Mrs. Russell Barel man of O’Neill Ronald Rlaek of Ewing, Mrs. lister Raff of Or chard, Mrs. Robert Matthews of O'Neill 20 David Hannink of O’ Neill, I>ouis W. Taggart of Cham bers, Mrs. Clarence Hansen ol Inman, Mrs. M. G Hamman ol O'Neill. 21 Mrs. Walter Fick and baby girl of Inman, Virtor True of Ewing, Mrs. James Sobotka of Inman 22 Delbert Robertson of O'Neill, Elroy Lieb of O'Neil] Tommy Schmitz of O’Neill. 23 Ronald MeCellan of O'Neill, Mrs I^>ona Serck of Emmet. Still hospitalized: Mrs. Herman Dorr of Orchard, Miss Meta Mar tin of O’Neill, Mrs. Marvin Atkin son of Butte, Mrs. Lois Adams of Chambers. Mrs. Henry Grunke of O'Neill, Mrs James Boyle of O’Neili, Mrs. John Dougherty of Inman, Leonard Miller of O’ Neill. Mrs. Byron Davis of O’ Neill, Mrs Arnold Crawford of O'Neill, Mrs. Harold Potter of Lynch, Mrs. Ralph George of O’ Neill, Mrs. Roy DeLong of O’ Neill. Garrett Janzing of O’Neill, Mrs Arthur Tibbetts of O’Neill, Fred Carey of O’Neill, Miss Lo retta Enright of O’Neill, Mrs. James F Regal of O'Neill, Leslie Green of Chambers, Mrs. Bea Powell of O’Neill, Mrs. Rollie Snell of Page, Mrs. James Maly of O'Neill, Mrs. Francis Holz ol O’Neill. Mrs. Duane E. Summerer of Ewing, Miss Claire Thomjack of O’Neill, Larry Tellier of O’ Neill, Mary Morsbach of Inman, Mrs. John Haake of Chambers, Emmet Wertz of Star. SACRED HEART (Lynch) July 22, 1957 Admitted: Mrs. Gennie Behren: of Spencer; W. H. Block of Ano kn; Dr. Edwin B. Bradley o Spencer; Mrs. Carl Gnewuch o Spencer; Mrs. Carl Gnewuih o: Norfolk; William Jordan of Butte baby Roberta Kersch of Lynch Miss Marie Mahlendorf of Lynch Mrs. Lorena Prouty of Spencer Mrs. Roy Vesely and bale Wayne Jay. Dismissed; July 16—Miss Lil • _ — DANCE American Legion Ballroom Saturday, July 27 Music By— Aces of Rhythm Adm. $1; Students 50c lian Hendrickson of Bristow; Walter Coble of Gross: Mrs Lloyd Whetham of Spencer, 19— Mrs. William Elsasser of Lynch; baby Gayleen Hansen of O'Neill. 20 baby Michael Parker of Butte; Mrs. George Birchard of Butte; Mrs. Ben Creamer erf Spencer; John Light foot of Bristow. 21— Charles Foil of O'Neill; Mrs, Al vin Hanzlik .and baby Kay Alvina of Niobrara. 22—Miss Norma Becker of Lynch. LCNDBERG MEMORIAL (Creighton) July 13-20 Admitted: Carl Balleweg of Creighton, Susan Wagner of Creighton. Mrs, Earl McElhose of Creighton; Mrs. Anna Darcy of Creighton, Mrs. Joe Kukral of Verdigre, Mrs. Mervin Johnson of Pluinview Mrs. Don McGill of Center, Mrs. Maria Suhr of Creighton. Dismissed: Mrs, Gerald Luck ert and daughter of Creighton, Mrs. Anna Kurka of Niobrara, | Mrs, Ruth Sigler of Bloomfield, Mrs. Maria Suhr of Creighton, ! Mrs. Rose Dittrick of Verdigre, Susan Wagner of Creighton, Mrs. Earl McElhose of Creighton. County Court James D. Fisher, driver for Nash Finch Co., of Norfolk, July 15, over capacity plates, fined $40 and $4 costs, officer—Donald F. Richardson. Larry Donold Graber of Sara toga, Wyo., July 22, speeding day, fined $20 and $4 costs, officer— E. M. llastreiter. Markie Snyder q| Ewing, July 22, ermitting minor to operate motor vehicle, fined $10 and $4 costs, officer—R. L. Gude. Motana L. Praeuner of Norfolk, July 11, speeding night, fined $57 .50 and $4 costs, officer—R. L. Gude. .James E. Hoffman of Clear water, July 17, speeding night, fined $17.50 and $4 costs, officer— E. M. llastreiter. John S. Fagan of Omaha, July 24, driving during suspension of operator's license, fined $50 and $4 costs and committed to the 1 county jail for 10 days. Pay ment had not been made by 5 p. m-, Wednesday; officer—E. M. ' llastreiter. Junior E. Cleveland of O’Neill, July 11, speeding night, fined $33 and $4 costs, officer— R. L. Gude. M. J. Ilcnrickson of Kellog, Ida., July 18, speeding day, fined $20 and $4 costs, officer—R. L. Gude. Edward Pavel, jr., of Ewing, July 19. driving during suspension of operator’s license, fined $50 and $4 costs, officer—R. L. Gude. Raymond E. Hurd, driver for Nash Finch of Norfolk, July 11, overweight on capacity plate, fitted $10 and $4 costs, officer— i Clifford L, Kizzire. district court Low A. Carter and Iola W. Car ter vs. George F. Kyser et al, July 22, mortgage foreclosure. Plaintiffs are asking for an ac counting and have the mortgage ! declared a first lien. Margaret M. Miller, plaintiff, vs. Ariadne Marie Miller, a min . or, asking for a partition of pro perty. ! Pennsylvanian Is Honored— Mrs. Louis C. Zastrow was hostess Monday evening at dinner at the M & M cafe in honor of Mrs. W. C. Stephenson of Ambler, Pa. Mrs. Stevenson and Ellen are visiting her father, Dr. \V. F. Finley, having arrived Monday, July 15. They plan to leave Fri Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shelton and family of near St. Louis, Mo., stopped in to see the Stephenson family Thursday. Mrs. Shelton is the former Mona Melvin, daugh ter of Mrs. John Melvin. Mr and Mrs. Preston Jones Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Crumley ot Page and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walter of Chambers were Sundaj guests of Mr. and Mrs. Waltei ' Devall. ~ __ 150 Cattle Expected Today There will be around 150 head of cattle today (Thursday) at our regular weekly sale. About half will be stock cattle. There will la' a few light yearlings in the offering and other light cattle. Probably 150 feeder pigs In the hog sale starting at 1 o'clock. Please get livestock in early before heat of the day. O’Neill Livestock Market Phone 2, O’Neill --— ..... i... —— ■ 1 —— ■ ■ _ Paint Sale SATIN FINISH AG Semi-Gloss — W tnM INTERIOR FINISH XPERUAL High-Gloss ___ For Either Walls or Woodwork MONTGOMERY HARDWARE — O’NEILL — .* • • • Riverside News The following attended the Pat rice Mosel-Lowell Jensen wed ding at Orchard Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. George Mont gomery, Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Clay ton. Mr. and Mrs. j 7.. H. Fry. Nancy Napier, Cheryl Emsick. Mr. and Mrs. George Ru roede and Gerald; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Martin Helmrick and Lyn ette, Mrs. Raymond Schmidt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Scheer and family, Mr. and Mrs Leo Cleveland and family, Mr and Mrs Willie Shrader and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shrader ami family and Mr. and Mrs. Li onel Gunter and Paul. The Mes daines George Ruroede, Martin Helmrieks, Iouis Shrader, Willie Shrader, Leo Cleveland, Melvin Scheer, Raymond Schmidt and Ijonel Gunter helped with the ser ving of the wedding supper. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgom ery and Roberta attended the program given by the Antelope Saddle club at the Bob Reed farm, north of Orchard, Sunday after noom Norma Ruroede of Omaha spent the weekend visiting home folks and also attended the Mosel Jenson wedding. ^ Roberta Montgomery stayed Friday afternoon with grandmoth er, Mrs. George Montgomery. Belva Shrader took a load of youngsters to O'Neill Friday for swimming lessons. Waldo Davis is substitute mail earlier for Charles Rotherham who is vacationing with his family in Colorado, Utah and Yellow Stone park. They also visited his mother, Mary Rotherham, Sunday in n Scottsbluff hospital. Mi's, Wilbur Bennett assisted Mrs. Louis Shrader entertain the United Presbyterian Women's Missionary society at the church annex Thursday aftersoon. Rita Napier visited at the Dale Napier home last week. She also played with Jackie and Sheila Fry on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom ery \ isited at the Henry Wehenke home Sunday evening. Clay ton Hoke; is helping Dale Napier with the irrigating. Jerry Jensen \ isited at the Dak Napier home Sunday evening. Overnight (iumls— On Wednesday, July 10, Dr, and Mrs. L. A. Johnson of Nor folk were overnight guests ol *; and Mrs Harold Young. CARP OF THANKS TO THE MANY friends and neigh bors who remembered me so kindly with flowers, gifts, let lei's and greetings while I was hospitalized and since my re turn home, I wish to express my most sincere thanks — EPITH J, DAVIDSON. 13p50 Mr. and Mrs. John Grutsoh, sr., spent a few days on the farm , with their son, Ehvin. t FREE' FREE! * ROBERTS’ CHOCOLATE MILK |ALL DAY SATURDAY COME ■AND ENJOY A TREAT ON US S NO PARKING PROBLEMS . j -- Air Conditioned — *-jc m Friendly, Courteous Service jOPEN 7 DAYS - OPEN 7 NITES 1 Insco _ j-Ib. can 3t|c % < 1IAKMIN— | Tissue _ 12 rolls 95c V LUSH US — QT. JAR I Salad Dressing.. 37c m REAL LEMON — 3 46-OZ. CANS 1 Orange Drink ... 65c m PILLSRI'KY — 1 Flour_5 lbs 47c m HERSHEY — 16-OZ. CAN 1 Choc. Syrup_t?c V GERBER’S STRAINED — 9 CANS 1 Baby Food_77c « HUNT’S — 14-OZ. BTLS. 1 Catsup — 4 for 07c ■ VAN CAMP’S 8 3«3 CANS I Pork & Beans.. 98c ■ LIBBY’S — 3 46-OZ. CANS I Tomato Juice85c M GOLD NUGGET — 303 CANS I Corn_7 for 09c , M LIBBY’S — 4 303 CANS I Fruit Cocktail... 95c M MOTT’S — 303 CANS | Apple Sauce 2 for 29c : « LIBBY'S — 303 CANS I Peaches.. 4 for 95c I m ADAMS JUICE — 46-OZ. CANS I Grapefruit - 3 for « ADAMS BLEND — 46-OZ. CANS 1 Juice_3 or 87c V ADAMS — 46-OZ. CANS I Orange Juice 3 for 87c « ADAMS JUICE— 46-OZ. CANS I Tangerine_ 3 for 87c ■ MA BROWN — 3 10 OZ. JARS I Straw. Preserves 69c ■ YACHT CLUB — I Coffee_lb. 73c m PILLSBI RY CHOC. — I Angel Food - box 37c I Sardines_ 3 cans 27c V NEW SUNSHINE — 1-LB. BOX I Graham Crax.... 39c m PENICK WAFFLE — 24 OZ. JAR I Syrup_39c ■ BLACK — 1-OZ. CAN I Pepper.. 5c ■ ROSEDALE — 303 CANS I Peas_4 for 59c ■ PINE CONE — 303 CANS I Tomatoes _ 2 for 29c ■ EATWELL — I Tuna_can 18c i l’K<;s. JERSEY CREAM — I BEEF — BOIL_per lb 19c END CUT — _ PEB **■ —CHOPS 39c FORK — FORK — HOCKS_per lb. 23c KOAST_per lb. 23c BOOTH FROZEN — Orange Juice.5cans 69c III WEST FROZEN — PEAS_8 10-oz. pkgs 1 DUTCH OVEN FROZEN — Fruit Pies_3 for 69c JIFFY WAFFLE AND — Pie Crust Mix.. per pkg. 10c CUDAHY'S — TANG ... 2 12-oz. cans 79C MY T FINE — PUDDINGS .... 3 pkgs. 27c LINIT — ARCH-qt. jar AMERICAN BEAUTY — NOODLES..... Mb. pkg. HI BALL JUMBO - PEANUTS — 11-oz. pkg. 39c PORK — LIVER, lb 23c SQUARES OF — BACON, LB...33c ; SUMMER _ SAUSAGE. LB 47c | SPICED — ' LUNCHEON MEAT,_ |