The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 25, 1957, Page 6, Image 6

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    O’Neill News
Mr and Mrs. William J. Froe
lyich. jr., of Chicago, 111., who
were weekend guests here, Mrs.
Froeiich’s brother, Bartholmew
(“Bfit 'i Seymour of Gross Pointe,
Mich , Mary Jim and Chuck
Frociich and Miss Marde Birm
ingham left early Monday for a
two weeks’ vacation in Monoequa,
Wise. Mr. Seymour had been a
guest of the senior Froelich's for
about two weeks.
Mrs. Ida Shellhamer returned
home Saturday from Iowa where
she had been for almost a month.
Rodney Sullivan of Haywood,
Calif., who is spending the sum
mer with his grandparents, Mr.;
and Mrs Harry Bessel, went south
west of Chambers Friday to help
in the hay fields. He plans to.
leave the patter part of August
for home.
Mrs. Edwin Engler and Mrs.
Peter Engler both of Stuart visit
ed their daughter and grand
daughter resectively, Mrs. John N.
Sehmit Monday.
Tuesday, July 16 Mr. and Mrs.
Lowell Nesbitt and family drove
down to Fullerton to see his eous-i
in. Mr. Jean Wise, and family of
Pine Bluffs, Wyo., who were visit
ing the M. E. Nesbitts.
Mr. and Mrs. Esty Nelson and
family went to Plainview to visit
at the Delbert Otto home. Miss
Bene Nelson, who had been visit
ing in Fremont with her sister,
Mrs. Dallas Behrens for a week
and a half, returned with them.
Their other daughter is Lois Kay,
who had been in Chadron, has re
turned home.
Jane and Bill Moses, who have
been visiting their grandparents,
Mr and Mrs H S Moses for a
week, left Sunday with their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mos
es, for their home in Lincoln. The
parents had spent the weekend
Roy Shelhamer was in Omaha
on business from Wednesday,
July 17. until Friday.
Mrs. John G. Stuifbergen and
children returned Tuesday morn
ing from North Platte, where she
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl T. Rlinn, for a week. They
returned with her.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shelhamer
and Linda and Richard and Miss
Carolyn Muff went to Sioux City
Sunday to get Richard’s Gorman
Mr and Mrs. John N. Sehmit
and family were in Atkinson Sun
day \ isiting Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
George Neely and family of
Vancouver, Wash., called on their
cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Esty Nel
son Saturday afternoon.
Mr and Mrs. Dwight Philbrick
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Dw ight Philbrick and family visit
ed in the Cleveland vicinity, north
of Stuart Sunday.
Frl. Sat. July 26-27
Sun.-Mon.,Tues. July 28-29 30
The Teahouse or ^
™ August Moon* vj*
I Wcd.-Ttmrs. July SI-Aug. 1 I
I !
Thin coupon and one paid ad- I
| mlNMion will admit two adults, '
^ July 31, Aug. 1.
M iss F isher to Wed
Aug. 3 1 at Amelia
AMELIA -Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Fisher of Amelia announce the
engagement and approaching
marriage of their oldest daughter,
Margaret Elaine, to Lynn Myers
of Jefferson, Okla. The wedding
will take place August 31 at the
Free Methodist church at Ame
Regional Deaths
ORCHARD — Funeral services
for John Beutler, 81, will be con
ducted at 2 p m., today (Thurs
day) at St. Peter’s Lutheran
church. He died Tuesday after
noon, July 23, at his home. Sur
vivors include: Widow; daugh
ter—Mrs Iavcm (Lillian) Held
of Orchard; sons—Raymond of
Puyallup. Wash., and Walter of
Royal; two brothers; half-brother
and half-sister.
79, a bachelor who lived alone,
was found dead Tuesday at his
home. Funeral services will be
conducted Friday afternoon.
State Canip Opens
Next Thursday—
The state rural youth camp
will he held Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, August 1-3, at Camp
Comeca, near Cozad, with regis
stration at 9 am., Thursday;
concludes at noon Saturday.
Highlights of the program will
be handicraft, sports, swimming
and parties each evening. Fea
ture speakers will be Rev. Adrian
Edgar of McCook, founder of the
Tlie session is open to all l-ural
youth members and others inter
ested. Registration is $10. Pre
registration fee of $1 is to be sent
to the state rural youth transfer
Ken Hall, route 2, Scottsbluff.
ATKINSON The Memorial hos
pital here has received the gift of
; two one-ton air conditioning units
1 provided by H. J. Birmingham,
president of the First National
bank and a combination radio
"intercom” set given by B. H.
Wilson of Wilson’s Drug store.
Returns to School—
Miss Rose Ann Schaffer, daugh
ter of Mrs. Clara Schaffer, re
turned Tuesday to Yankton, S. D.,
where she is a student nurse. Miss
Oda Woolard, a classmate at
j Yankton and Miss Carlene Prics
1 ter of Humphrey spent a week at
Akron, Colo., recently.
Star News
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Miller attend
ed a family reunion at Bonesteel,
S. D.. Sunday, July 14.
Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson
were visitors at the Lysle John
son home Sunday, July 14.
Barbora Miller came home
Tuesday after spending a few
days with Marge Marcellus. She
accompanied the Marcellus' to
Omaha on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller spent
last Monday evening ot the Ewalt
Miller home.
'Mr. and Mrs. Earl Slattery and
family were guests at the home
of Mrs. Slattery's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Roland Miller, from
July 2-19.
Mr. and Mrs. Nek* Linguist and
family spent Wednesday evening.
July 17, with the Albert Derick
son family.
Mr .and Mrs. Wilbert Widhalm
and family were Sunday visitors
at the home of Mrs. Hulda Miller
and daughters. Mr. and Mrs.
Freeman Arbo were Sunday din
ner guosts at the Fred Timmer
rrym home.
The rainfall here early Sunday
morning amounted to 1.60 inches.
Visits Molers—
Dave and John Langan spent
Sunday at the home of theis sis
ter, Mrs. Dave Moler, and hus
Try FRONTIER want ads!
No Policy Fee!
Most insurance companies require an en
trance (policy ) fee, but not with the Na
tional Fidelity Life Insurance Co.
Our health nntl accident COVERAGE
Is the best. We are one of the larg
er companies in the nation and we’d
like to have an opportunity to ex
plain to you WHY our coverage la
the BEST!
Offering Very
Latest Types of
• Endowment Policies
• Twenty-Pay-life Policies
• Juvenile Policies
• Polio and Other Dread Disease Policies
• Complete I.ine of Casualty and Life Coverage
Old-Line Legal Reserve, Nafe-Assesslhle Company
Frank A. Murray, O’Neill !
Box 401 — Phone 279 J
• . •. . ■ •
■TMMt ! 1 m
Wins Scholarship
Gene O’Neill (above), son of
Mr. and Mrs Arthur O’Neill of ,
O'Neill, has been awarded an
academic assistantship scliolar- j
ship from Yankton college in |
lieu of his grade point in high
school. Gene. who is well
known in the O’Neill area for i
his athletic ability as well as |
his scholarship record, will i
pursue a major in engineering, j
In high school Gene was on the ,
annual staff, played center in !
both football recognition in that |
he was elected all-state center
for eight-man teams by the Lin
coln Journal and was also elect
ed all-conference center.
Nev. I>* >1 * Works
Patrick Carr (loft' and Joey
Cunningham, smallfry O'Neill
fishermen, did okay Tuesday
when they went to O'Donnell’s
lake with a brand new fishing
outfit. They landed a five-pound
carp. Pat is a son of Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Carr; Joey, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cunnnigham.
Redbird News
Miss Clyonne Crawford depart
ed Wednesday, July 17, for New
jx»rt, Wash., after spending a
month visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Theo Crawford, and
other relatives.
Gale Witherwax has enlisted in
the army and plans to leave Sat
urday, July 27.
Mrs. Ivy McRoberts of Port
land, Ore., is visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. Bub Carsten.
Lorell Pickering returned to
his work in Omaha Monday, July
15, after spending the weekend
with homefolks. lie will join Miss
Elja McCullough of Blair, form
erly of O’Neill, and a group of
teachers and depart Sunday, July
28, by chartered bus for an ex
tended tour. The trip will take
the group into Canada and to
other points of interest.
Ewin? News
Recent visitors in the Ewing
community were Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Mlnarik and family of
Foreman, N. D.
Little Peggy Schroeder spent
the past week visiting her aunt
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Coover, at Meadow Grove.
Mr. and Mi's. Dwight Schroder,
Miss Jeanne Welke of Ewing and
Harold Rogers of O’Neill attend
ed the wedding of Miss Patrice
Mosel and Lowell Jensen at Or
chard Sunday evening.
Miss Donna Mlnarik, who is
enjoying a two weeks’ vacation,
left for Gregory, S. D., on Satur
day where she will be the guest
of relatives.
Miss Karen Mlnarik returned
home Monday evening from Jam
ison where she had spent the
past week visiting relatives.
Goes to St. Lillis—
Miss Marilu Wilson left last
Thursday for St. Louis, Mo., to at
tend this Graney-Shaughnessy wed
ding Saturday. Miss Jeanne Koch
of Norfolk accompanied her. All
three girls were classmates at
Duchesne college in Omaha. Miss
Koch and Miss Wilson returned
Sunday to Norfolk where Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Wilson met their daugh
Reunion in Neligh—
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Switzer
went to Neligh Sunday where they
attended a picnic in honor of his
nephews and their wives, Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Switzer and son of Cal
ifornia and Mr. and Mrs. Reed
Switzer and family of Arizona.
Fred J. Fangman, 54, of Cham
bers and Mi's. Mildred Wander
see, 50, of Chambers on July 18.
James A. Hindmarsh, 21, of
, Wood River, and Marcia M. Bige
I low. 21, of Stuart on July 19
• ♦ • ♦ • 1
iVomuii, 93, Has
initting Hobby—
Mrs. Theo L. (Martina) Nelson
vho was 93 on July 1, has a hob-1
ay of knitting. She has made 90
iresses, eight bedspreads and a I
treat number of other articles, j
Even at her age now she still
inds enjoyment in knitting.
She lives with her daughter and
aer husband. Dean and Mrs. M
\ Thomas of Solano Drive. State
! Yd lege, N. M, She lived for a
lumber of years at Bristow.
Her children are Mrs. Paul Ta
ieh of Baker, Ore., Roy Nelson
>f Dallas. Ore.. Clifford Nelson of
Bristow and Esty Nelson of O’
Neill, 14 grandchildren and 12
if rent-grandchildren.
She visited in Nebraska last
year and stood the trip well.
MM Club in
Dessert Luncheon—
M M. club was entertained,
tuesday evening at the home of
Mrs. H. G. Kruse with a 7:30 o’
clock dessert luncheon.
Mrs. C. W Porter was a guest.
High score was won by Mrs. Por-!
ter and Mrs. H. L. Lindberg
Inman News
Miss Lucy Cunningham and^
Mrs. Eva Ellsworth have moved
to O’Neill where they are both
employed. They are living in the |
Bowen apartments. Horace Keil is
moving to the E. E. Clark rental
property recently vacated by the
Cunningham family.
Mrs. Vernon Green and son,
Michael, returned to Sioux City,
Wednesday, July 17, after spend
ing several days visiting in the
home of Mrs. Green’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton.
Dr. and Mrs. Guy Brillhart of
Hastings and Leslie Tompkins of
Kelso, Wash., came Tuesday
morning. Doctor and Mrs. Brill
hart were guests in the James
McMahan home and Leslie vis
ited in the home of his brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
L. R. Tompkins, until Thursday
morning when they returned to
their homes.
Mrs. Nora Ilarte of O’Neill was
a Friday visitor in the home of
Mrs. Mary Laney.
Charles Young and Joseph Bit
tner who are employed with a
construction crew at Red Cloud,
spent the weekend here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Couch, Con
da and Gene of Hay Springs
spent tiie weekend here.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Miner of
O'Neill were Sunday guests in the
home of Mrs. Ethel Siders and
daughter, Marilyn.
Mr. and Mrs. Vere Butler and
family of Newport were Sunday
guests in the home of Vere’s
mother, Mrs. Lena Butler.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clark of
Indianapolis, Ind., came Sunday
and stayed until Monday in the
home of their cousins, Mr. and
Mrs. F. G. Keyes. They were en
route to Glen Rock, Wyo.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stevens and
family of Atkinson were Sunday
afternoon guests in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Snyder.
Miss Frances Rotherham of
Ewing was a Thursday evening
dinner guest in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. ames McMahan.
Mr. and Mrs. George En-j
body and family were supper
guests at the Tommie Doolittle
1. _ O_
Il' iiiv.. kjuiiuuj V. » ■
Those attending the ball game
at Chambers Sunday wer e Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Pierce, Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Peterson, Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Waldo and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees, Mrs.
Stella Sparks and Lonnie, Sam
Gilman and Pete Frahm.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gruenberg
and danghter visited her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William Fryrear, j
Rev. and Mrs. Harold Lillie of
Indiana and their son, Ray, and
family of Hastings visited at the
B. W. Waldo home Saturday and
Sunday. Mrs. Harold Lillie is a
sister of Mr. Waldo.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fullerton,
Mrs. George Fullerton and Char
les Spath visited Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Doolittle Sunday.
The Misses Phillis and Joan
Fullerton attended a surprise
birthday party for Virginia Smith
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Hamp Smith Friday evening,
July 19.
The Misses Phillis Fullerton,
Edith Grimes, Connie Werner,Car
oline Wintermote and Mary El
len Gillette enjoyed a swimming
party at O'Neill Sunday and all
attended the show that evening.
Carl Kamphaus spent Saturday,
night and Sunday with his sister.
Mrs. Leonard Svatos.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman
and Marcia, Mrs. Elmer Coolidge.i
Mrs. Edith Andersen, Mrs. Julia
White, Mr. and Mrs. Eamie
Johnston, and Mr. and Mrs. Ber
nard Blackmore attended a re
ceetion for Rev. R. C. Embree,
the new district superintendent of
this district Sunday evening at
the Chambers Methodist church.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Moss of O’
Neill called at the Glenn White
home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Berry
visited relatives at Albion Sunday.
Charles Spath came from Oma
ha to send his vacation at the
home of his daughter, Mrs.
George Fullerton and family.
Fnroute to Korea
Rev. Basil Price SJ <atx>ve) son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Price
of O'Neill, left Tuesday for missionary work In Korea. He was or
dained June 16, 1954. He said mass at St. Patrick’s Catholic church
here Sunday morning and was honored Sunday by his parents.
Present were Rev. Francis Price of Emmet, Mr. and Mrs. Steven
Price of Louisville, Mr. and Mi's. Joe Price and boys of Omaha and
Blaine Price.
The William Claussens received
word Sunday of the death of Mr.!
Claussen’s cousin near Lincoln!
and planned to leave on Wednes
day to attend funeral services
there. Mrs. Kathryn Yantzi will
accompany them to Lincoln to
visit relatives of her late husband.
Mrs. Sam Derickon was hostess
at a ‘Tupper’ party at her house
Thursday evening, July 18. There
were fourteen ladies present.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz,
Gwenda, Trudy, and Debra were
evening visitors Sunday, July 14
at the Alden Breiner home
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Derickson
and Craig were evening visitors
at die John Schultz home Tues
day, July 16.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz and
girls were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr and Mr. John Kersenbrock.
Nels Schultz of Omaha and Miss.
Shirly of Grand Island nursing
school were also home for the
Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz
and daughters were Saturday sup
per guests at the Mike Bonen
berger, home in Atkinson. They
visited Mrs. Jonie Palmer at
Memorial hospital while there.
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer of Lewis
ton, Ida., had come for a visit
with relatives and she was taken
ill on the way down and had to
spend a night and part of a day
in a hosptal in South Dakota and
was admitted to the hospital in
Atkinson on Friday. She is im
proved at this time.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson
and Linda visited Mrs. Jonie
Palmer at the AtKinson nospitai
on Monday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walker and
daughter, Mrs. Henry Schlueter
and her son Ricky, and Mrs.
Mamie O'Neill, all of Casper,
Wyo., were afternoon visitors ot
the Blake Benson home on July
17. Carrol O’Neill called in the
evening. „ „ , , 1
Mrs. Zeffa Stein of Burbank,
Calif., spent from Wednesday,
night till Thursday noon of last'
week at the Rome of Mr. ahd
Mrs. Blake Benson.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Shoemaker
and family of Denver, Colo, ar
rived Tuesday to visit his fath
er, Bert Shoemaker.
Mrs. Zeffa Stein left Monday for
her home in California after a 10
day visit with Mr. and Mrs. John
Shoemaker and other friends.
Mrs. Tom Goeken and children
returned Sunray to Omaha after
spening a week with her mother,
Mrs. Ben Venteicher. She was ac-|
companied to Sioux City by her;
mother where they joined other
members of the family for a pic
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Benson,!
Mrs. Lou Paulter and sons of!
Patterson, N. J., and the Hugh
Alice’s Beauty Shop
Res. 3 doors west of Texaco
125 East Douglas j
phone 263 — O’Neill
Ponton Insurance
Insurance of All Kinds
and Bonds
Phone 106 Golden Bldg
Benson family enjoyed a picnic
at the Ft. Randall park on Sun
day. Mrs. Paulter is the former J
Inez Benson and with her two
sons has been visiting here the
past month.
Mr. and Mrs Dave Molcr were
Monday visitors of Mr and Mrs.
John Grutsch Sr. at the farm of j
their son, sdwin.
Sunday supper guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Mlinar were Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Ohde of Atkin
son. On Monday Mary Lewis of
Butte was a dinner guest.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young
and Mr and Mrs. A. L. Patton
spent from Sunday, July 14. until j
passion play at Spearfish, S. D.
Wednesday, July 17, touring the
Black Hill's and they attended the !
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
For Sale
No. 6500 Automatic
Baling Wire $11.75 per box
No. 3150 Automatic
Wire $11.00 per box
This price is subject to change.
It is a COD price on ten
!)oxes or more, cash or certifi
ed check upon delivery.
O'Neill, Nebr.
Young from Sunday until Tues
day were Dr. and Mrs. Ralph
Casford of Kansas City, Mo.. Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Casford of U's
Angeles, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs.
R. J. Drake of Nashville, Tenn.
Miss Anna Stein of Middle
branch was a guest of Mrs. Min
nie Bay's Monday.
Visit Mrs. Murray
in Omaha Hospital—
Mrs Francis Hershiser. Mrs.
Richard Minton jr, Mike Troshy
uski and Mr. and Mrs. Arlen
Miles visited on Sunday with Mrs.
Irwin Murray at St. Joseph's hos
pital in Omaha.
Mrs. Troshynski, who had been
with her daughter, returned with
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hoffmann
and family. Victor Frickel and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rock,
j Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Vere Kaplan.
Vernon Whitehead and Inez Hayes
were guests at the Beryl Beck
home for a picnic honoring Den
ny Beck on his 12th birthday an
| niversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck and
daughter, Dorothy Scott and Mr
and Mrs. William Maloun and
Billy went to Pickstown, S. D.
boating Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck and
daughter visited the Frank Kil
murry home Sunday evening.
Mary Katherine, Patricia ami
Theresa Kilmurry sjx'nt Sunday
and Monday at the P. VV home
in Atkinson.
Norfolk Ball Park
August 5 & 6
4 Shows
Matinee 2:30 p.m.
Evening 8:30 p.m.
Admission SI; Reserve seats flOe
Ask Your Merchant for
FREE Children’s Matinee Tickets
Verdigre Livestock Market
MARKET REPORT—Monday, July 22
Extreme top butchers was $22 80 with nearly all of the
good butchers selling from $22,40 to $22.65.. Sows sold from i
$16 50 to $21.20 depending upon size and quality. Pigs sold as
high as $17.50 each.
Special Cattle Sale Next Monday
We have over 100 head of cattle listed for next week s
sale. We wall have plenty of buyers for all classes of cattle f
and will need cattle to fill the buyer’s demands. Call us if ?
you have cattle to sell. Be sure to be on hand for the sale
next MONDAY. Cattle sale immediately following hog sale j
at 11:00 a.m. We appreciate your patronage.
Don Jennen, Mgr.