The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 25, 1957, Page 5, Image 5

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    Ernest T horin, Wife
to Manage Club
Cl LAMBERS The American
Legion post 320, and the aux
diary met Friday evening, July
19, at the Legion hall. Edwin
Walter, post commander, conduct
ed the business session for the
legion at which time it was decid
ed to hire Mr and Mrs. Ernest
Thorin to manage the hall.
The auxiliary president, Mrs.
J. W, Walter presided at their
business meeting. An initiation of
new members U mg the main
event. New officers were instal
Following the separate meet
ings the tw'o groups joined to
hear a very interesting talk by
Loren Walter on “Boys State".
Lunch was served by Mrs. T.
E. Newhouse, Mrs Ernest Thorin
and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter.
CHFRC1I OF FllltlST (O’Neill)
Rex James, evangelist
Sunday, July 28: Bible school
at 10 am.; preaching and com
munion at 11 a.m.; evening ser
vice at 8 o'clock.
Ponca Bible camp begins Sun
day night, July 28, and closes Fri
day night, August 2. All young
people between ages of 10 and 20
an* invited to attend. Cost is
$75 per camper which includes
meals, lodging, insurance, etc.
French . . . enroute to Belgian Congo as a Methodist mission
ary.—Methodist Missions Photo.
.-- - - - _
Page Man Prepares
for Mission Work
Carroll G. French to
Serve 3 Years
PAGE Carroll G. French, who
was born at Page and attended
Page high school, is one of 35
young men and women who will
i go overseas next fall as special
' term (three years I missionaries
of the Methodist church.
He will go to the Belgian Congo,
Africa, for agricultural education
Presently he is taking a six
weeks orientation course at Scar
ritt college at Nashville, Tenn.
After finishing orientation, he and
the others in the group will leave
; for 14 countries of Asia, Africa,
North and South America. The
group, representing 19 states, will
teach all levels from kindergar
ten through college and do evan
gelistic work.
Mr. French’s work will include
demonstrating modern farming
Mr. French studied four years
at the University of Nebraska and
was graduated in 1954 with a
bachelor of science degree in ag
riculture. This spring he studied
at Garret Bible Institute, Evan
ston, 111.
For two years he was an ad
ministrative officer for the air
force at webb air force base, Big
Springs, Tex.
He is a member of the Metho
dist church at Page.
Rev. C. P. Turner, pastor
Sunday, July 28: Sunday-school,
10 a.m., preaching service, 11 a.
m.; young people's meeting, 8 p.
m.; preaching service following
Y.P. meeting.
Prayer meeting and Bible study
will be in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Lorenz Wednesday
evening at 8 o’clock.
Mrs. D. A. Kersenbrock, Mrs
John Baker, Mrs. Fred Appleby,
Mrs. Fritz Yantzi. Mrs. Tom Lid
dy and Marie Kelly attended lad
ies open golf tournament in Bas
sett Sunday. Mrs. Kersenbrock
fnishtHi third in the championship
1 flight.
100 Gather To
Greet Embrees
CHAMBERS About 100 friends
gathered at the Methodist church
Sunday evening, July 21 to wel
come Rev, and Mrs. Embree of
O’Neill, Supt. of the N. E. dist
A short program was presented
consisting of a piano solo by Mar
cia Widman of Amelia, songs by
the Intermediate MYF and group
Rev. Bonath gave the welcome
and Rev. Embree responded
Lunch was served.
Other Chambers News
Jo Ellen Baekhaus, a teacher
of St. Catherine's hospital in Oma
ha spent the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Baek
haus. and visiting her grandmoth
er and cousin, Mrs. Gus Olson
and Ricky Olson of Redwood,
Cftlif.. who arc guests in the
Baekhaus home.
Mrs. Ralph Cuddaback and 3
! hoys of Lincoln are spending a
I liout 3 weeks with her parents,
; Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Hilligas.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burge and
family drove to Lincoln Sunday.
July 21. to attend a re-union of
her family.
Mrs. Charles Hart of Bismark.
S. D., has been a recent visitor1
of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Theo
dore Moss and brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles!
, Grimes. Mrs. Hart and Mr. and
! Mrs. Moss spent a few days at
the home of the Moss' son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Chris
Stark at Ceresco.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lewis and
j Mrs. Emma Rembolt of Grand
j Island were Sunday, July 21
! guests of Mr and Mrs. Louis
j Neilson and Mrs. Holloway.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Koch and
I son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
I Mrs. George Koch of Valley were
greeting friends at Chambers,
Saturday, July 20. The Koch's
J formerly lived south east of town.
Kenny Brion of Neigh, grand
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walter
of Chambers, was awarded 1st
place trophy for 11-year-olds and
under Sunday, July 11 at the Om
aha Archery Clubs invitational
tournament held in Omaha. Ron
nie Brion also competed.
i Mrs. Jim Jarman will be held at
! the Baptist church parlors in
j Chambers, Saturday evening,
! July 27, at H o’clock. Everyone
1 invited. ISpd
Dean Wilkinson and Dick Reed
are working on roads near Win
ner, S. D.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter
were Sunday, July 21 guests in the
Dean Stevens home at Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. William Crawford
and children of Chambers and
Mrs. Fred Dunn of Atkinson
were also callers in the Stevens
home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane K. Miller
and family and Mr. and Mrs. Don
Gartner and children attended a
family re-union at Riverside park
in Neligh Sunday, July 14. 61 were
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Covey
called on Mrs. Holloway Sunday,
July 21 at the Louis Neilson home.
Mrs. Holloway who is 94 has been
in floor health for several months.
Mrs. Fred Dunn of Atkinson
was an overnight guest of her!
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and
; Mrs. William Crawford and fam-j
ily July 19. She returned Satur-j
j day accompanied by the Crawford
children who spent the weekend,
with the Dunns and also visiting j
Cherilyn and Terry Stevens. Mr. j
j and Mrs. Crawford were dinner
j guests in the Dunn home Sun
j day taking the children home with
j them.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Newhouse!
and boys of Lincoln came Satur
j day evening, July 20 and spent
Sunday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. T. E. Newhouse. On Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Kieth Newhouse
left for a vacation trip into Minn
esota, the txiys remaining with
their grandparents.
Les Leiswald and son, Harlan
returned Saturday, July 20 from'
Seattle. Wash., where they had
taken the household goods of Mr.
and Mrs. Hubert Hoge. They
brought back a load of lumber
for Ed Smith.
Carolyn Wintermote and Mrs
Stanley Elkins drove to Lincoln
Thursday where the former took
examinations. They returned
Thursday evening.
Mr and Mrs. Jim Gibson en
tertained their sons-in-law and
daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Daryl
Walling ami children of Ewing
and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rudolph
and son of Bartlett also Miss Reg
ina Rudolph to dinner Sunday,
July 11 in honor of Mrs. Balling's
birthday aniversary.
Mrs. Ernest Thorin spent Mon
day night. July 15 with her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnson
at Page.
Rev. and Mrs. William Rotten
and son arrived Wednesday night
and on Sunday evening. July 21,
was installed as pastor of St.
Pauls Lutheran Church, a recep
tion and grocery shower followed
the installation service. Pastor
Rotten, who has been attending
seminary at St. UHiis, Mo., has
just come from a two weeks vaca
tion with his family.
Ronnie McKay of O'Neill is
spending a few days with grant!-1
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Har
ley, while his parents are on va
cation to the Black Hills. Ellen
McKay is sending the time with!
the other grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry McKay. Mrs. Me
Kay’s brother-in-law and sister
Mr" and Mrs. Duke Struebing of
Grand Island, accompanied the
McKays to the hills.
The young adults of the Cham
bers Methodist Church had a
dinner followed by a program
and games at the church parlors
follow ing the morning worship.
Mrs. Charles Porter and daugh
ter of Monowi spent last week
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Gartner.
Mrs. Alice Manley of Omaha
spent from Friday evening until
Sunday, July 21 with her mother
Mrs. Valo Edwards.
Californian Here—
Mr. and Mis. Clifford Pittack
and family of Tilden, Etta Mur
ray of San Diego. Calif., and Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Hovey spent
Sunday at home of their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Melena at
tended the wedding of her second
neice. Miss Thelma Vech, to Dav
Randa in Vcrdel Saturday, at
2 p. m., at the Presbyterian
. i
1 Ash Grove Ha" l
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Church Notes
(Page] timiin)
Lisle E. Mewmaw, pastor
Today (Thursday' July 21: Jun
ior choir practice, 3. p m ; youth
choir practice, 8 p. m.
Sunday, July 28: Sunday school,
10 a. m.; morning worship, 11;
MYF, 8 p m
Wednesday, July 31: Prayer
hour, 9 a. m. Scripture Philip
pians 2:1-11.
Thursday. August 1: Woman's
society of Christian service moot
ing, 2:30 p. m.
Today (Thursday' July 25:
Woman's society of Christian ser
vice meeting, 2:30 p, m.
Sunday, July 28: Sunday school.
8:45 a. m ; morning worship.
1 * 15
July 31: Invitational MYF
swimming party at O'Neill, begin
ning at 6:30 p. m , sponsored by
O'Neill MYF and concluding with
games and lunch.
Harry Dean Bonath, pastor
Morning worship service, 9:30
a. m.; Sunday school, 10:30 a. in.;
Tuesday, July 30: Official board
Wednesday, ‘ July 31: Parish
prayer time, 8:00-9:00 p. m.
Thursday, August 1: Choir and
MYF at 8:00,
Tuesday, July30: Official lioard
Sunday school, 10: a. m.;
morning worship service, 11 a. m.
MYF, 8 o’clock.
Monday, July 28: Junior choir,
7:30 p. m.; Intermediate MYF, 8
p. m.; senior choir, 8 o’clock.
niM \M H. U niKK \N
( \tkhisonl
Rev. A S. Gedwillo. pastor
Sunday, July 28: Sunday-school,
9 45 am.; S. H. Brauer, superin
tendcnt: worship service, 11 a in. ;
"The Lutheran Hour", WJAG, 4
tllltlST 1,1 I'llHiW tO’Nelll)
Seventh and (%j st>.
Rev A S. Gedwillo, pastor
Sunday, July 28: Worship ser
vice. 9 am,; Sunday-school. 10:15
a m., W. Fricke, superintendent;
"The Lutheran Hour", WJAG, 4 *
Miss Ethel Hoaglunrt of Elgin,
III , was a Sunday evening guest
of her nephew, Harry Larson, and
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Meier
were supper guests of Mrs. Gary
Enbody of Emmet.
Paul Shierk
Insurance of All
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Bight now—during Kansas-Nebraska’s Prc Heating Season Sale
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Your fuel savings plus K-N's BIG DISCOUNT will help
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BRYANT Makes A Gas-Fired Heating Unit To Fit Your Heating Needs
The Bryant Heating Company now guarantees \
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Cherie Tr Greta ir
High-heeled sandals. White • silver bridal
pink and black gown! gown, jeweled shoes,
Platinum blond hair. long nylon hosiery.
Lilly # Betty
Strapless gold-trim for- Ruffled ninon dress,
mal, high heels, painted cherry print inset. Ray
finger-nails. on slip, pantits.
Plushy “Duke” has a
leash, whistle! Moving
eyes, ears, tail.
Beer Belongs ... to the "at home” Nebraska division
occasions so typical of Nebraska Umittd Sutn
... good friends, good food and a Hrmn
wholesome beverage enjoyed in PoumUth*
sensible moderation.n.Ts.n ...» „d,
in a C-O-O-L STORE!
We Will Allow You
On Your Used Davenport and Chair
On A New
Kroehler 2-Piece Set
Offer k<mmI until August 1st!
“Home of l ine Iurniture”
Phone 38 O’Neill
Long...Low...and Lovely! |
Lurex Frieze 3-Piece Sectional
Dramatically new —the curved sectional
you've dreamed of owning —now yours £^9B HIjPf'
at Gambles low 145 deco- ^H
rator length gives room fashion-focus ^^P
point— used separately pro
vide small areas with greater versa
% ^ Wvtm down
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hunter green or walnut brown. ■ # #
B 2-Piece Sectional—Same as Above
169.96 Value—price slashed to save n ^ne
you most. Handsome styling that |
adds beauty to your living room. | f down