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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1957)
I FOR SALE MACHINERY D1C 52 R combine with motor and pickup 15M7 WC Allis tractor 14-ft Farmhand rake 24-it automatic rake ffannall 12 Valley elevator Oir 24 mower UK' 27 V mower 12-ft. dump rakes Wagon* and boxes Sweep head Sweep teeth —all kinds appliances Don’t miss your chance to get a Whirpool washer, dryer or refrig erator free see us for details. Shelhamer Equip. O’NEILL FOR SAI.E Close out on 8V4 foot bale ties. Half price-West Lumber and Coal Co., Page. 12-13c FOR SAIJ3!: Terriflex vinyl tile. Now carried in stock, Select your color.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Cb., O’Neill. 47ctf FOR SALE: ’55 H1C 501 tractor, tandem axle, completely over hauled; '51 Frehauf grain trail er. 34 ft.; Admiral radio-phono graph-television console combi nation; Webcor tape recorder, j top condition.- Don Lineback, [ 135 E. Benton, O'Neill. ll-13p PERMA-STONE CAN BE applied over wood, brick, block, tile or stucco walls. Write or Phone US FOR free estimates on this beautiful wall finish. Norfolk Perma-Stone 507 Lincoln Ave. Phone 1483-W Norfolk, Nebr. 12-15c EXCELLENT, efficient and eco nomical, that’s Blue Lustre | carpet and upholstery cleaner, j Coyne’s Hardware, O’Neill. 13c SEI US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile houses, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone. Contois Motor Co. Neligh. 30tf ■ — - --- ■ .. . For Auto Liability & Property Damage INSURANCE Tbwn 5-10-5 17 20; Farm, 13.60 Tbwn 10-20-5 1900; Farm, 15.00 Town 25-50-5 20.20; Farm, 16.00 See, Write or Phone L. G. Gillespie Insurance Agency O'Neill Phone 218 and 114 FT)I? SALE One 3 rake hitch and 3 rakes, one near new.- Mrs. Martha Fleener, 2% mi. E Midway store. 13c FOR SALE: Cow barn 18’ x 40’ with stanchions. To be mov ed from premises. See at ranch.—C. E. McVay, O’NeiU. _ ltf USED MACHINERY COMBINES — J-D No. 55 self-propelled combine Massev-Ilarris 7-ft. Clipper, near new J-D 22' threshing machine TRACTORS— 46 B- JD 45 A J.D 43 A—J-D, wide fron* end 42 B—JD 42 A JD GRINDERS— J-D 10” hammermill MOWERS No 5 J.D V-25 I.H.C. Massey Harris mower J-D tractor cultivator Disc tillers, all sizes 250 IHC tractor cultivator, new I. H.C. 12-ft. Rake J-D 12-ft. rake Case Tractor Spreader J. D. Model E Spreader 9-ft. and 12-ft Wind rowers Plymouth binder twine J-DD twine and oils Harry R. Smith Impls. Phone 562 — O’Neill I CAN loan money on City Homes, or Store Buildings.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 52tf FOR SALE: Butler sr. grain bin, 1/200 bushel capacity. Will sell reasonable.—Kubik Bros., Op portunity Rte., O’Neill 12-13pd Dairyman YOU USE good machinery, fuel, fertilizer, irrigation, electricity and all other modern conven iences to meet the expanding economy. WHY leave the dairy herd, your most depend able source of income, in the horse and buggy days? Mod ernize and profit with CURTISS artificial breeding.— Call 469-J Duane Gray, O’Neill. 7tfc FOR SALE: Elgin aluminum boat and trailer.—John Wallen, ph. 627, O’Neill. lltfc FOR SALE: 2 rake hitch and 4 John Deere sickles; 2 hay rakes and stacker back stop.—Homer Davis, O'Neill, phone 285-W. lOtf FOR SALE: Hardware, county aeat. 40 miles from Grand Island, excellent crops, fine merchandising connectio n. — Write to: 2307 W. Charles, Grand Island. Nebr. or phone Dupont 26175 in Grand Island. 15-14c MOBILE HOMES NEW SAFEWAY GREAT LAKES - COMETS TRAVEUTES anil MALLARDS in sizes 15 to 48 foot. Also Several Good USED TRAILERS WE TRADE FOR Furniture or Automobiles or WHAT HAVE YOU? OPEN WEEK DAYS - SUNDAYS LOWEST PRICES-BEST TERMS We Finance up to 5 years. SEE US BEFORE YOU DEAL Miller Trailer Sales Phone 460 Albion, Nebr. PIANO: Responsible party to take over small piano on low month- | ly payments. May be seen in ] this vicinity. ALso Blond Piano for $295.00 For information i write Phipps Piano & Organ j Co., Box 584 Sioux Falls, S. D. 13-14c FARMERS BEFORE YOU by that expensive irrigation pipe, check with your soil conservation technician a tout the possibilities of level ing your land. Smith and Son Const. Butte, Nebr. 13-24 pd. SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolis $16.50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c—Located 3 blks. east, 4 blks. north of traffic light. Everett Gorgen, I Ph. 524-M, O’Neill. 51tf FOR SALE: Minnesota Holstein heifers and cows, TB and bangs tested.—Rudy Juracek, Ewing 8tfc July Mobile Home Sale BIG DISCOUNT 1957 45-ft, 10 wide, two bedroom $3,695.00 1957 46-ft , two bedroom $3,250.00 1957 41-ft., two bedroom $2,995.00 ; 1957 27-ft., one bedroom $1,995.00 j Mark s 1 railer Sales Grand Island and Hastings, Nebr. 13-15c SACRIFICE: Grocery store, liv ing Quarters, and fixtures— $5,000, half down, balance mort gage back and cash for small stock of groceries at cost. Im mediate possession due to poor health See Mr. and Mrs. F. France. Lynch. Nebr. 13-14pl 05 FOR SALE OR TRADE For Trailer House: Complete house hold of furniture. Only 2 years old and in excellent condition. For details or inspection, call 485-J any evening between 6 and 9. 12tf FOR SALE: Registered Hereford bulls, 12 to 24 mos. old.—2% mi. west of Drive In.—John Niewohner, O’Neill. 3-13 pd. j ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES WE REPAIR all makes. We un dersell anybody in price and outsell anybody in quality. O NEILL, NEBR. PH. 269 52tf SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SEE US or white us if interested in Sprinkler Irrigation. We will be glad to figure your system for you, with the help of qual ified irrigation engineers, at no obligation. Wm, Krotter Co. O’NEILL, NEBR. “Dealers in A - M Sprinkler Irrigation” 37 tf I SAVED $30 WHEN I HAD MY PUMP MOTOR REPAIRED AT Hal va Electric Shop 13-14 FOR SALE: Aeromotor wind mills and towers, galvanized stock tanks, 8- and 10-ft sizes. John Sobotka, Inman, Nebr. Used Car Bargains! 1955 Studebaker Commander 1952 Champ, hardtop. 1951 Studebaker Commander. 1948 Chevrolet 2-ton truck Smith Motor Co. STUDEBAKER Phone 562 O’Neill New-Used MACHINERY 1947 A John-Deere 1945 A-C WC, overhauled 1952 A-C Roto Baler, good 1948 A-C Combine, overhauled 1951 IHC 62 motor, pickup 1950 IHC 62, motor 1950 12-A J-D J-D No. 3 Mower IHC A-B-C Mower, like new IHC Seeder Box for one-way Pollard. Morriel and New Holland IHC Hay Sweep Side Rakes Cleveland Farm Supply ORCHARD, NEBR. Phone 113-R 13-16c FOR SALE: J-D binder convert ed windrower, good. — Bud Ickes, Page. 13c Try Frontier want adsl MISCELLANEOUS HAMIK I Refrigeration ★ Air Conditioning ★ Sales and Service We REPAIR all makes of ap pliances; REA and Com mercial wiring. PHONE 714 O’NEILL 3 6 Months to Repay on Real Estate LOANS $ 1,000 or less $25.00 to $1,000 ON FURNITURE OR AUTO MADE on our regular monthly repayment plan and on a Spec ial Plan for Farmers. CONFIDENTIAL, PERSONAL SERVICE! Central Finance Corp. C. E. JONES Phone 14 O’Neill 2tf HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator and Motor Winding I NEW & USED MOTORS - Wick’s Body Shop Complete Body and Fender i Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service \ Phone 211W — O’NEILL — for Any Job 25tf J IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O'Neill, Nebr. 34tf I I CAN LOAN money in O’Neill or Ewing, or Chambers, or At kinson, Long Pine, or Butte, or Spencer on Farms and Ranches and City Property.— Write to R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 52tf. Kelly’s Plumbing YOUR HEADUARTERS for plumbing and well supplies, plumbing fixtures, Geneva steel kitchens, water systems, water softeners, septic tanks, root proof sewer pipe, wind mill heads and towers, pump jacks, well points, cylinders and leathers. If it pertains to plumbing or wa ter supply, we have it! Located 5 blocks south of the New Deal Oil Station, O'Neill. 43tf Northwest Electric Motor Service Phone 243-W — O’Neill DISTRIBUTOR for Fairbanks - Morse motors, Wagner motors, Allen Bradley controls. Gates belts and pulleys. REWINDING and rebuilding electric motors (up to 100 hp) | and transformers. Portable tools and appliances. 24 - Hour Service COMMERCIAL & REA WIRING 48c tf — L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in sill kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. DANKERT’S PROPANE O'NEILL AND CHAMBERS Bulk Gas Deliveries Norge Appliances Gas Heating Systems Dearborn, Sefgler, Coleman, Universal, Hunt SPECIAL ON WASHER and DRYER COMBINATIONS Dankert’s Propane 22tf FOR RENT FOR RENT: Furnished and un furnished apts.—A. E. Bowen, phone 515, O’Neill. 49tf FOR RENT: Store building. All modem. Good location. Rent right.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 4tf FOR RENT: August 1 a furnish ed apartment, heat and hot water. Also automatic washer and dryer available. — Marie Salisbury, 129 E. Clay St., ph. 324-W, O'Neill 12-14c FOR RENT: Re-decorated mod em 3-bedroom home available August 1, 1957.—Francis Gilg or Harry E. Ressel. 13tf. FOR RENT: Furnished apart ment, 4 rooms and bath. Close in.—Elmer Hagensick, phone 556-R, O’Neill. 7tfc FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — Phone 537, O’Neill. 16tf FARM LOANS.-R. H. Parker. Am at my office now in O’Neill, Nebr. 52tf WANTED 1 Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill HELP WANTED MEN: Exper ienced Feed salesmen, to con tact dealers and farmers, in the immediate area. Write: Noah’s Dannen Feed Warehouse. 1503 So. 1st.. Norfolk. Nebr. State experience and give references. 13-14c MALE HELP WANTED OR SALESMAN WANTED COST OF THINGS GOING UP faster than your income? You can make more full or part time as a Rawleigh Dealer in O’Neill. Write for full partic ulars. Rawleigh's, Dept. NBG- | 102-RR, Freeport, 111. ll-14p WANTED DRY CIJSANING OF ALL KINDS! IDEAL CLEANERS "Approved Sani-Tone Service" Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctf AT YOUR SERVICE! in REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE KIETI1 ABART Phone 209 O’Neill E. J. “Skip” Shane Dragline Work Road Building — Drainage Work Sewer Ditches — Basements Clam Work Phone 6221 Atkinson, Nebr. 8-22pd WANTED: Hay or alfalfa to bale. ' Cash or share -See K. C. Hunt, O’Neill. 6tfc AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED THORIN Farm Sales a Speciality Phone 207 — O’Neill SALESMEN $15 PER DAY to start while in training. The outstanding or- ' ganization in its field will se- , lect 4 men for career work. Persons selected will receive a basio starting wage greater j than some men ever earn. Your j future with the Company de-1 ponds on ability. Applicants to be considered should be be tween 21 and 45 years of age, j have a car, and be willing to travel 4 nights each week in your area. Personal interview contact: MR BURKE Golden Hotel Thursday, August 1, 1957 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. 13-14c REAL ESTATE House Under Construction FOR SALE! WATCH IT GROW! New two bedroom model home being erected in the Spelts-Ray sub division. Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. — O’NEILL — FOR SALE: Nearly-new mod ern, insulated house to be moved from premises. See at ranch.—C. E. McVay, 5 miles south of O’Neill on 281. 5tfc FOR SALE 480 Acres, well improved in Page vicinity. 2-Bedroom home in Northern heights addition. Abart Company Phone 209 O’Neill I HAVE MONEY to Loan on farms and Ranches. From j $5,000 to $40,000 or $60,0001 sizes. If you need money on your Farm or Ranch, see R. H. Parker, O'Neill, Nebr. 52tf CARDS of THANKS I WISH to thank all of my friends, neighbors and relatives for the cards, letters and flowers re ceived during my stay at the hospital and since returning home. A special "Thank You” to all who did my work for me. Your kindness will never be forgotten. — HERBERT H STEINBERG. 13p I WISH to thank all my friends who sent cards, gifts and flow ers or who visited me while I was hospitalized. A special thanks to Dr. Brown, Father Duffey and Father Kucera, the Sisters and entire hospital staff for their kindness, prayers and wonderful care.—MRS. ELSIE SLATTERY. WE THANK all who helped to make the white elephant auc tion and sale such a success.— The Methodist Church. 13c LOST & FOUND LOST: Ladies’ gold Bulova wrist watch. Reward.— Mrs. John Graves, Ph. 140-R, O’Neill. 13c Rock Falls News Mr. and Mrs. John Kersen brock were evening visitors of the John Schultz family on Tues day. July 16. .Mrs. Floyd Jenson and Linda I railed on Theresa Breiner and IjOis on Saturday evening. Mrs.! Rosetta Purdy of Chelsea, Okla..| had called there t>etween buses in the afternoon. She was on the way from Omaha to Bassett to visit family members there. Evening callers at the Floyd Johnson home. Wednesday. July 17. were Mr. and Mrs. Lou Brown, Terry and Cindy, Mrs. Alice Johnson and Russy, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rakes and Danita and Bill Batzloff of California, Mrs. Rakes brother who is visit ing here. Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Linda visited at the Lloyd Gallagher home Tuesday evening, July 16. Sunday supper guests of Mr and Mrs. Albert Sterns were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stems and children ond Mr. and Mrs. Don Sterns and Debbie. Jphn Richard son was an evening caller. Mr. and Mrs Tommy Hynes and boys of Portland, Ore., were Friday evening visitors at the Ixxj Brown home. They are spending a two weeks vacation visiting relatives in and around O'Neill. Mrs. Francis Schrunk asd boys were ovemite guests with his father, John Schrunk, in Atkinson. They were returning from a two weeks vacation on the west coast, to their home in Lincoln. Judy Morrow is spending the week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vequist. Other Rock Falls News Cris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Benson of Omaha, is spending the week with the Blake Bensons. Timmy Benson of Spen cer is also a visitor there. Randy spent from Thursday to Friday with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Curran. On Monday Mr. John Grutsch sr., Elwin and Joe were combin ing at the James and Ardell Cur ran farm. Mr. and Mrs. James Curran and Ardell were Sunday dinner guests at the home of their son, Francis and family in O'Neill. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ott and children, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ott and Mr. Ott’s sis ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roberts of Aubuqucrque, N. M., and Randy and Peggy Curran. Mr. and Mr. William Claussen spent a few days last week visit ing the A. Peterson family, a cousin of Mr. Claussen's near Cedar Falls, la. Elsie Lierman Bride of Airman AMELIA Miss Elsie Lierman of Lincoln, and Al/c Larry C. Mosley of Kettle Island, Ky., were united in marriage at 2 p. m. Saturday. July 20. in the Methodist parsonage in Burwell. The double-ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. A. J. Hind man in the presence of the imme diate family of the bride. The bride, a graduate of Bur well high scool, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lierman of Amelia. She has been employed in Lin coln for the past three years. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Mosley of Kettle Is land. The brides floor-length gown was white net and lace over taf feta. The fitted lace bodice with a yoke of illusion net buttoned in the back. The gown was fashion ed with long tapered sleeves which came to a point at the wrist and had a mandarin collar. The skirt was illusion net with two inserts of lace. Her finger tip length veil was held in place by a Juliet cap of lace. She wore a strand of pearls and matching earrings, a gift from the bride groom. She carried a white Bible and cascade bouquet of demure pink roses, white carnations and step hanotis. Miss Elaine Lierman was her sister’s bridesmaid She wort a ballerina length gown of blue net over taffeta. Her accessories were yellow and she carried a bouquet of yellow lace mums and a white Bible. The bridegroom and his at tendant. William Lierman of Amelin, brother of the bride, were attired in light grey suits. The bride’s mother wore a navy blue dress with white ac cessories. Her corsage was of white carnations. A reception for 150 guests was held at the ranch home of the bride’s parents. The four-tier wed ding cake was baked and decora ted for the occassion by the bride's cousin. Mrs. Wayne I>akin of Burwell. The table was decor ated with white flowers and tap ers. Miss Mary Ann Mayberry of Burwell, a friend of the bride, had charge of the guest book. Miss Shirley Svoboda of Burwell and Elaine Lierman assisted with the wedding gifts. Mrs. Wayne Lakin cut and ser ved the wedding cake. Mrs. Gene Lierman, Mrs. Keith Barthel, cousins of the bride, and Mrs. Robert Adair and Mrs. Charles Perrott all of Amelia poured at the reception. A blue dress and white ac cessories were worn by the bride when the couple left for their wedding trip. They will return to Linloln where the bridegroom is stationed at the Lincoln air force base. Oook-Out Party Moves Inside— ROCK FALLS Sunday evening July 21, was to have been the time for a cook-out at the Floyd Johnson home. But after the rain of the previous night, the ground and grass were wet and there seemed |*> have been an increase in the mosquito population along with the breeze from the north. The dining room inside was more attractive so the group en joyed a fried chicken supper there. The group included Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gallagher and Pat. Herb Underwood. Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz. Gwenda, Randy and Debra, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Johnson, Lynette and Roland came later and spent the evening. Tlie Eagle Creek 1-11 club met at the lX>n Hynes home on Sun Jay with all members present but two. Mary Jo Curran and Peggy Rakes of O'Neill were unable to make the trip. CARA NOME Cosmetic SPECIALS!; * LiqI ID SHAMPOO—Save more than half: Rig $-•<*' ***«'. now on sale for j Only 98c CONSTELLATION COLOGNES—Your choice of frag ranees, I Indus, Orion, Ara, or Lyra—The large $2.00 bottle is now Only $1 plus tax Ut)t'U) CLEANSING CREAM—Now you can get two $1.50 j bottles, a $8.00 value, for Just $2 plus tax --—.— ASTRINGENT—Huy two bottle* and save 85c. Two Go*, bottles, regularly $2.50, are now specially priced at Only $1.65 plus tax Remember, nationally famous ('AKA NOME Cosmetics } art* available in O’Neill, only at GIUJGAN REXAIJ. DHl’G. HAVE FUN IN THE SUN BUT DON’T GET BURNED! Before that outing in the sun get a good suntan prepara tion which will permit tanning without burning from G1LIJ GANS. We feature such leading brands ns Tartan, Sun ’n Surf, Cara Nome, Revlon, Sea & Ski, and others. ANIMAL HEALTH NEEDS MAKE GIUJGAN REXAIJ. DRUG your headquarters for all your ANIMAL HEALTH NEEDS. Kiglit now Is the time to treat your stock to keep them free of flh>s. We carry DDT, Toxaphene, and Methoxychlor, all highly recommended for keeping flies off cattle. Get a good spray today at GIUJGAN REXALL DRUG. ------—-—----— VITAMINS ARE ESSENTIAL IN SUMMER, TOO! One Super Plonamins Tablet daily gives you more Ilian the minimum daily requirement of all vitamins for which such minimums have been established. Get SUPER PLENAMINS today at GILI.IGAN REXAI, DRUG. ~—-—~——----— Have your next prescription filled at GIUJGAN REXALL DRUG by one of our PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS. We are open EVERY evening for your convenience. I - ~ j Gilligan’sRexall Drug j Ben Gilligan Robert T. Devoy j Phone 87 — O’Neill 1st tk Redu fion^^ I Summer I I 10-DAYS ONLY-10 I I S AVE NOW on ATLAS Cushionaire Tires I UP TO 45% DISCOUNT! I I LOOK AT THESE BARGAINS! ^kI I SIZ£ RETAIL* SALE PRICE** SAVE I I 6.70x15Tube Type, black 28.00 15-40 12-60 iLlWffwl I i _,. ... 31 55 18.95 12.60 mm* I I 7.10x15 Tube Type, black.:.. 31.05 17-95 13.10 WfT|V(ll I I 7:10 X 15Tubele»i, black ..34.65 20.65 14.00 I I 8.20 x 15 W-B Tubeless 1- 53.65 28.95 24.70 I I Similar Savings on Other Popular Sizes I I ALL TIRES ARE STRICTLY FIRST - LINE TIRES I I 18 Months Written Warranty! I I • Plus tax ** plus tax and recaPPab,e tire I | HAMIK & ENGLER | I STANDARD SERVICE | 1 . O’Neill, Nebr. 1 I Fifth & Douglas