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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1957)
Marcia Bigelow, Don Hindmarsh Exchange Vows (Photo below.) STUART Miss Marcia Bigelow of Omaha, daughter of Mr and Mrs F. Dana Bigelow of Stuart, and James Hindmarsh of Offutt air force base in Omaha, son of Mr and Mrs Don Hindmarsh. sr., of Wood River, were united in marriage at a 10 a m , nuptial mass at St. Boniface Catholic church in Stuart, Saturday, July 20, Rev. A. J. Paschang per formed the double-ring ceremony. Acolytes were George Bigelow brother of the bride and Rickey Kunz, a cousin of the bride. Given in marriage by her fa ther. the bride appeared in a ra diant nylon sheer gown over slip per satin. Venice lace outlined the scoop neckline and shirred sleeves of the molded boice The full houffant skirt was styled with loose panels floating from a band of lace that swept around the hip line and down the back, ending in a chapel-length train. She car ried a cascade bouquet of white roses. Miss Barbara Bigelow, a sis ter of the bride, as maid-of-hon or appeared in a seafoam green iridescent taffeta gown and green picture hat. She carried a bou quet of imby chrysanthemums. Don Hindmarsh, a brother of the bridegroom, served as best man. He .and the bridegroom wore gray business suits. Tom arid Dana Bigelow, brothers of the bride, were ushers. A breakfast for 30 guests was held at the Town House. A re ception took place later at the home of the bride s parents. After a week's wedding trip, the couple will make their home at 121 South 33rd st, Omaha. Mrs Hindmarsh is a graduate of Stuart high school and St. Jo seph's nurses school in Omaha She is employed at St. Joseph's hospital in Omaha. Mr Hmdnyarsh was graduated from Wood River high school. Robert* Family in lllark Hill* Reunion — Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roberts returned to Albuquerque, N.M., af ter a several days visit with Mrs Roberts brother, L A. Ott, and Mrs Ott. The Roberts were enroute home from the Black Hills where the children of the late Mr. and Mrs. fcl. F. Roberts held a family re union. The sons and daughters were reared northeast of O’Neill. Present for the affair held at Wheeler Inn near Hill City were: Mr anti Mrs. Herbert J. Rob- 1 ! erts of Bismark, N D.; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. iMartha) Benson of Norfolk; Mrs W. T. (Bessie) Wol | vington of Denver, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs Walter F. Roberts of Wahoo. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roberts. Daughter I* Named — INMAN Mr and Mrs. Walter Fick have named their daugh ter, Debra Jean. Mrs. IK>n lliiitlmarsh . . . before her marriage she was Miss Marela Itigelow.—O’Neill I'hoto Co. The Ixiwell C. Jensens . . . t« reside at Wayne. —O’Neill Photo C’o. Mosel-J ensen Rites in Orchard Church EWING Patrice J. Mosel of Ew ing and I/)well C. Jensen of New man Grove, were married Sun day evening July 21, at St. Peter’s Lutheran church in Orchard. Rev. Walter Seefeldt officiated at the seven o'clock double-ring cere mony, liefore an altar decorated with candelbra and bouquets of gladioli and carnations. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Mosel of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Jensen of Newman Grove. Traditional wedding music was played by Mrs. Robert Schwager, organist, who also accompanied the soloist, lorretta Stalling of Tilden, as she sang "The Wedding Prayer" and "The Lord's Pray er”. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of lace and net over satin. The fitted trimmed with sequins and pearls, was buttoned in the back with tiny lace buttons. The long sleeves came to a point at the wrists. The very liouffant skirt was floor length, with a lace inset panel of ruffles down the back. The finger-tip lace edged veil of illusion was held in place by a crown trimmed with sequins and pearls. Her bouquet was made up of red roses and stephanotis cen tered with a red rose corsage. Miss Mona Mosel, sister of the bride, was maid-of-honor. She wore a gown of pink iace over taf feta with matching hat and mitts. She carried a colonial bouquet of blue carnations. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Keith Bartak, sister of the bride and Lana Cleveland. They wore identical gowns of blue lace over taffeta with matching hats and mitts. They carried co lonial bouquets of pink carnations. Flower girls were: Bonnie Beth Dunaway of Hastings, niece of the bride, and Ann Marie Jensen, of Newmon Grove, niece of the bridegroom. They wore identical floor length gowns of blue net over taffeta with matching hats and mitts. They carried baskets of shasta daisies. Jackie Jensen was ringliearer, and wore a white jacket and dark trousers. The candlelighters, wearing pink lace dresses, matching hats and mitts, were Judy Allmon of Neligh, cousin of the bride, and Loretta Shrader, a pupil of the bride. Bestman was Neil Jensen. Oth er attendants were Don and Du ane Jensen, brothers of the bride groom. who also acted as ushers. The men wore white dinner jack ets. dark trousers and carnation boutonnieres. The mother of the bride chose a beige colored linen dress with matching accessories. The bride groom’s mother wore a crystal lette mauve dress. Both had corsages of pink carnations. The grandmothers of the bride, Mrs. Roy Dunaway of Hastings and Mrs. Martha Mosel, and the bride groom's grandmother, Mrs. H. Hansen of Verdel, had corsages of white carnations. A reception was held in the church parlors following the cere mony for 150 guests. The bride’s table, centered with a five tier j wedding cake baked by the j bride, was topped with a minia j ture bride and groom, flanked by candles and bouquets of flowers. The decorations were in the bride’s chosen colors of blue and pink. The guest book was in charge of Miss Norma Ruroede of Omaha. Miss Jeanne Welke, Miss Marilyn Weyhrich, Mrs. Dwight Sehocder, all of Ewing, had charge of the gift book and gifts. Mrs. Leo Cleveland served the cake. Punch was served by Mrs. VVllie Shrader. Waitresses were Doris Ann Spahn, Sharon Schmidt, Lynette Helmricks, Sandra Shra der. Others assisting were Mrs. Martin Helmricks, Mrs. Melvin Scheer, Mrs. Lionel Gunter, Mrs. Lewis Shader, Mrs. Raymond Schmidt. The bride chose for traveling to Colorado, a white two-piece dress with matching accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Jensen will be at home at Wayne, where both will attend Wayne State Teachers col lege this fall. The bride is a graduate of the Ewing high school and has at tended Wayne State Teachers col lege She has taught in the rur al school n the Ewing community the past three years. The bridegroom is also a grad uate of the Ewing high school and has served three years in the armed forces. At present he is engaged in assisting his father 1^ W W w w W w w w and brothers in management of their sale pavilion. Guests attended from Verdel. Center. Newman Grove, Hast ings, Neligh. Omaha, Clearwater, Orchard, Ewing, O'Neill and Til den. Visit* Here— Mrs Mildred McCartney of Minneapolis, Minn., who has been visiting relatives and friends in i < w w v w v sv> Stuart for the past three weeks, stopped tn to see Mrs Sadie Kai ser at the Herbert Kaiser hom* Tuesday She left Wednesday. *,J ■ I ^B i J I I ^B aJ m^B a 4 T a 1 ■ l?W B l'ln*i !B ? IT 11 11 Vl^M 1 i 1 "B ^B ^B ^^^B ^^^A ^^^B B ^^B ^|r ^B ^^B ^B ^^B B ^B ^B B ^^B ^B ^B a^ W^ a ^B ^^B B ^B ^r B ^^B ^^^B ^B ^^B B ^B ^B ^^^B B ^B ^B ^r A ^r B ^^B ^B V J^v ^^B B B ■ A B ^^^B ^B B ^^B ^r ^B B B A ^B _^B ^^^B B A ^B A B ^^B B B ^^^B ^^B B ^B F^ W A ^B B ^B ^^^B ^^B ^B H ^B ^^B ^B ^B B ^^^B ^B B B ^^^B L_ V B ^B B ft ^^ft ^^^B ^a V B ^^^B Bl A " B B ft ^^B ^^B A ^B B V B B B B ^B B V k m r f _ lift f A ^^B B AAA B m A I B B ft B ^B II KUtERTA — I Peach«--$209 I I Potatoes_ I f L bananas 1 I Impounds 3^r / I - 112 2** I Lemonade. 6-oz can f Ar I I py <«aB^ ju. tx<VOIw _ vc i I Clicquot Club . 2 for 3Qr I mm^*m222Z2 ~ Vo retur" I I I 22'VAR'>""< Tf / If grapes f If^ 29f f I Cuncbeon Napkins. 29r I I Paper Plates —-"JsJT 44 ox. bottte « mission - Catsup- m I BE <>7r 1 Marshmallows ^ | l WIENERS l! 11\ pound phg— 3> * 1 I 12-0*. PkK MANCHESTER — A I Potato Snax -----ji ■ c a The New H»PPlnK E 4 Vi pounds £ SWIFT’S — . | Canned Picnics — 1 CI DAHY PVR1TAN - | Minced Ham- 1 l BACON 11 I Cello phg-49C \ | pound jJ fresh — #1 Aa Pork liver-J pound tt Rib Swk — pon®169C 1 4th Street Market Phone 93 FREE DELIVERY O'Neill III fattfuinm..******** ■ • • Want A Snack To Take Home? j Stop at Hornby’s JALOPY — FOR — Take Home Service • BEEF RAR B GIE • HOT DOGS • MALTS • PINTS • Ql ARTS • SI’NDAES • FLOATS • COKE - ROOT BEER OR ANGE LEMON • GRAPE (By the Drink or by the Quart • POTATO CHIPS • POPCORN These and many! other items fixed to go. to GAMBLES for the Big j j July Discount SALE) i > Big Exciting Special Discounts during Gambles BIG Weeklong Discount Sale! Shop < ! Northern Nebraska’s Fastest Growing Store—GAMBLES IN O’NEILL! | k M J MEN’S WORK SHIRTS w Sturdy woven blue chainbray. Full cut (or good fit. Sanforized. P Keg. 1.39 value'. I NOW!_99c ; BOYS’ SPORT SHIRTS What a wonderful selection of brand new colorful shirts! Perfect P washing no-iron sanforized cotton short sleeve shirts. Stock up ^ now! Keg. 1.79 values. ; NOW!99c ; BOYS’ GABARDINE SLACKS tiood looking as can be! Fine acetate gabardines in smart selec P lion of solid colors or top styles novelty weaves and patterns. Here’s s real value! Keg. 4.98. Sizes 4-48. I NOW!_3.66 » MEN’S NYLON STRETCH SOCKS ¥ Here’s real value! Krund new colors and patterns in these popular long wearing nylon dress socks. Perfect fitting-comfortable. Reg. P 89c values. | NOW!_38c j MEN’S WORK SOCKS . Fine soft cotton anklets or full length socks. White or assorted P colors. Slight mill imperfections that won’t affect the long wear. If I perfect 35c. ! NOW!_5pr,$l ! MEN’S SPORT SHIRTS P They’re really good looking! Smart new prints on sanforized “no s iron teloweave” cottons and popular stripi-s and checks. Wash " like a breeze. S.-M-L. Reg. 2.49 values. \ NOW!99c SALE! MUSLIN SHEETS J Snowywhlte fine 132 thread count sturdy muslin sheets—now g sale priced for your savings! Famous for wear and smooth " finish. Choice of regular or fitted styles. Fill your linen closet 4 with O’Neill’s best sheets at O’Neill’s low«*st price. 72 x 108 or twin fitted reg. 1.99 | ^ SALE ea- J 81 x 108 or full fitted—reg 2.09 i qq ^ SALE 1 ^ ea- J Pillow Cases reg. 45c 40 0 g SALEea> J BED PILLOW SPECIAL J Hig 21 x 27 size. 1’hunply filled with sterilized feathers. Cord- . ed edges. Fine sturdy llnenlzed ticking covers. They’re won- f derful bargains! Keg. 2.49 values. 4 NOW!_ea. 1.67 J p > i Lowest Price in Town! | w ) Here’s everything you want in a | blanket at a price you can afford to pay! Strong warm nylon—eombin P ed with color—rich rayon in a fluffy k deep- napped, yet lightweight blan k ket! Choice of five marvelous colors! j NOW!_3.66 > i __ I MEN’S TEE SHIRTS 9 Finn soft combed cotton tee shirts that wears and fits. Strong P nylon reinforced necks. Stock up at this special price! Beg. 69c I NOW!44c W > ! MEN’S WORK SHOES | Another big special at Gambles shoe department. Tough k sturdy work shoes styled for long wear and good fit. Good P leather uppers and longwearlng cork-rubber soles. Shop now fc and save! Size 6‘/a-lI. I NOW!4.98 BABY “SNOOZER SETS” 4 Cute us can be and ho practical too. Easy to wash terry that’s ho 4 soft and comfortable for baby. Here’s a real sale special! Reg. 1.79 a value. NOW!_Set 99c J FLANNEL DIAPERS ! Soft fine fleecy flannel. Bleached snowy white. Slight imperfections | make such a value possible! If perfect 2.49. 4 NOW!_dozen 1.77 < SALE! BATH TOWELS J Big thick thirsty Cannon towels at a real sale price! Soft absorbent ™ terry—America’s best known brand. White and Pastels. Stork up ( now! Reg. 79c values. 4 NOW!_44c < BOY’S 13 44 -OZ. 1 WESTERN JEANS i Heaviest denim made—and can they I take it! Sanforized. What a buy! Reg. 4 2.49. j now-1.88 ! _ 4 phone vvvnfTTVTTTm^TTTTVTVrVT^FTVW rranK 8 ■JJU4dLftflJtJJUUASdLA&SJM£LJ^ULU£H McKenny |