The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 04, 1957, Image 8

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    Amelia News
Mr and Mrs. Lew Backhaus,
Mrs Frank Backhaus apd Caro
line attended the wedding of their
nephew, Roy Donald Boshart, at
O'Neill Sunday.
Little Miss Diane Adair stay
ed with Mrs Stella Sparks Sat
urday afternoon while her par
ents Mr. and Mrs Bob Adair,
were shopping in O'Neill Jerry
Adair stayed with Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar Peterson.
Sgt. and Mrs. Clyde Primus
and daughter, Lt and Mrs. Mau
rice Sykes of Junction City. Kans.,
visited over the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Delbert Edwards and
family. They returned home
Mr and Mrs Ralph Adair
were Friday evening visitors of
Mr. and Mrs Bus Gilman.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Travers
and son Harold, and Mrs Viola
Travers of Riverside, Calif., ar
rived in the Amelia community
Monday night and are visiting at
the Arthur Hiatt home and with
her parents, Mr and Mrs. Levi
Clemens and brothers, Milton
ami Clifford Clemens and fami
Gaylen and Larry Fix of Scotts
bluff are visiting their grand
mother, Mrs. Alice Prewitt, and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prussa
and family visited at the Ed
Jungman home Sunday Mrs.
Charlie Prussa, who had tioen vis
iting her daughter, Mis. Ed Jung
man, returned home with them.
Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Bar
nett of Greeley, Colo., brought
her sister, Mrs. Margie Sam
mons, to her home, Wednesday,
June 26, after she had visited at
their home. They visited at the
parental S. C. Barnett ami Ned
Aldersen homes, returning to
Greeley Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott, Mrs.
Gloria Landrum and Sally, Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Adams and Don
went to Gavins Point dam Sun
day for a picnic ana nsnmg.
Ronnie and Kay Thompson
spent Friday afternoon with the
Frailm children Patty, Dougie
and Donnie and their cousin, Da
vid Krutz. They enjoyed a wein
er roast in the evening.
Irven Forbes and John Mohr
returned home Wednesday even
ing, June 26, from South I>akota
where they had been “bluegras
Mr .and Mrs. Ralph Rees went
to Denver, Colo., Friday where
they will visit 10 days with ther
son, Bob Rees and family.
Mr. anti Mrs. Jerry Green and
son of Enid, Okla., have been vis
iting at the Hamp Smith home.
Jerry is the stepson of the Mrs.
Smith. The Greens' son stayed
here to work with his half-brother,
Troxell Green, at the Mrs. Ray
mond Garwood ranch.
Darla Wado returned home Fri
day after spending the week wth
her grandmother, Mrs. Frank
Searles, near O'Neill. Mrs. Sear
les and son, Douglas Friedrich,
brought Darla to her home.
Mr. anti Mrs. M. H. Madsen
FH. Sat. July 5 8
Sun. Mon.-Tucs. July 7-8 9
July 10-11 '
' |
• This coupon and one paid ad- |
■ mission will admit two adults,
| July 10-11. I
and son. Neil, are visiting rela
tives in Montana. Hugh Carr and
son Jimmy are doing chores foi
them while they are away.
David Krutz of Stanton spent
the past week visiting at the
home of his uncle, Hienie Frahm,
and family. On Sunday they met
David's parents, Mr. and Mrs
Jerome Krutz at the home of their
sister, Mrs. Keith Shellhase and
family when David returned home
with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Waldo and
family went to Burwell Thursday
evening to the ball game. Uoyd
plays on the Chambers team
Mrs Elmer Oetter helped clean
the Lutheran church at Chambers
Tuesday, June 25.
Mrs. Bernard Blackmore cal
led on Mrs. William Fryrear Mon
day. June 24.
Mrs. Viola Travers spent Wed
nesday afternoon, June 26, visit
ing Mrs. Bertha Sammons.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Oetter,
Lana Kay and Janeth went to
O'Neill Sunday where they met
Mrs Oetter's sister and family of
Norfolk and picnicked at the
park. The Misses Lana Kay and
Janeth returned to Norfolk with
their relatives for a weeks' visit.
Dennie Doolittle has been vis
iting his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Doolittle.
Lewie Nissen of Lincoln and
Herman Nissen of Atkinson have
been visting their sister, Mrs.
Frank Pierce, and Mr. Pierce
since Wednesday, June 28. Her
I man has been visiting his brother,
I Lewie, in Lincoln.
Mrs. Lynn Prewitt, Miss Connie
Werner and Miss Phillis Fullerton
were Atkinson callers, Wednes
day, June 26,
Sam Gilman accompanied
Utnce W'ithers of Atkinson to
I Omaha Thursday where they vis
ited Charlie Withers a few days.
Lee Gilman and Dick Doolit
tle were in town Wednesday af
ternoon, June 26, to get some bass
11311 iiimii wiv imiwivi j ui
Pine. They stocked some lakes
on their farms.
The YV.S.C.S met at the home
of Mrs. Alvin Forbes Wednesday
afternoon, June 26. Twenty-two
members answered roll call by
naming a character in the Bible
who was a father. Mrs. Emma
Lindsey led the lesson. Mrs.
Gene Thompson and Mrs. George
Fullerton served lunch.
Miss Marilyn Thompson enter
tained friends at a slumber party
Friday, June 21: Venita YVhite,
Beverly YVhitcomb and Jeanette
Jack Gilman, who is employed
at Valentine, visited Sunday,
June 23, with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. I^ee Gilman.
Don Adams went to Norfolk
Monday, June 24, to visit his
friend, Allen Froelick. He return
ed Tuesday, June 25.
Keith Greenstreet of Lincoln
visited Friday night, June 21, at
the Dick Doolittle home.
Lonnie Sparks, Roger YValdo
and Kathy Doolittle attended the
Methodist youth camp at Ponca
last week. Mrs. Lloyd Waldo
and Mrs. Sparks took them to
Ponca. The children returned
home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Forbes and
hoys entertained the Forbes fam
ilies at dinner Sunday, June 23.
Those attending were the perents,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Black and fam
ily of Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Ir
vin Forbes and Donna of Ame
lia, and Mr. and Mrs. Marion
Skinner and family of North
Stanley and Vernon Thompson
went to South Dakota to do “blue
grassing". Mrs. Stanley Thomp
son and Barbara are visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Letter to Editor
Lincoln, Nebr.
Somebody has very kindly sent
me a copy of the recent issue of
The Frontier. I discover that I
have made the front page of your
fine paper. I assure you it is
quite unusual for me to make the
front page. It is a good picture
and I appreciate it.
I also appreciate the nice story
which you wrote concerning the
father-son banquet. You certainly
caught the drift of what I was
trving to say in very fine fashion.
Mr .and Mrs. Charles Nutter
;uid family visited her aunt, Mrs.
Lita Turpin in Newport Sunday.
- I. ■ 1
U.S.—Bulwark r f Freedom
BIRTHDAY OF A FREE NATION as the Declaration of Independ
ence was presented to Congress in 1776 Contrary to popular belief,
this historic document was not signed by Congress on July 4th. In
stead. the Act by which the original 13 states broke colonial alle
giance to Great Britain was approved by Congress July 2. proclaimed
on July 4th. and signed at various times up to Nov. 4.
Independence Hall, Philadelphia,
where Continental Congress met,
Declaration of Independence adopted
and proclaimed, Washington ap
pointed Commander-in-Chief, and
U. S. Constitution framed.
RIGHTS and freedom, the
Liberty Bell in Independ
ence Hall rang out at every
festival and anniversary
of Independence until it
cracked in 1835. _
O’Neill News
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Larson and
sons, Eddie and Dick, of North -
hrook. 111., arrived Friday to vis
it her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward M Gallagher, for a couple
of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. James Merriman
and daughter, Tracy, of Omaha
were weekend guests of his par
ents, Mr .and Mi-s. L. M. Merri
On June 22 Mr and Mrs. Louis
Wray and family attended the
funeral of Albert Pike in Valen
tine, They also visited relatives
there and in Kilgore.
Monuments of lasting beauty
made by skilled craftsmen of
the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu
ments from the factory to the
consumer. — Emmet Crabb, O’
Neill, phone 139-J. S7tf.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clyde
drove her sister, Mrs. Arthur En
nen, and infant son to their home
in Verdigre Sunday, after Mrs.
Ennen and baby were dismissed
from St. Anthony’s hospital and
stayed with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Mott for six days.
Mrs. Victor Halva, who has
!>een visiting her son-n-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mr. Paul S.
Elam and family in Denver,
Colo., since the birth of the E
lam s son, Lloyd Stanley, accom
panied Mr. Elam by plane to Ar
lington, Va., to visit another
daughter of Mrs. Halva’s, Mrs.
Lloyd Haug, Major Haug and son.
Mrs. H. W. Steinmcyer of Col
umbus was an overnight house
guest of Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Van
Voorhis Wednesday, June 19, and
Thursday. She attended the
ladies golf tournament at the
Country club.
Mrs. Ethel Frisch and sons
went to Verdigre Sunday, June 23,
to visit Mr and Mrs. James Mott
and frends. Jerry Pavlik came
back with them and returned with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Pavlik and Mary Jean after vis
iting the Frisch family until Tues
Ardis Parks, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Harold H. Parks, is ex
pected home Sunday from Wayne
whore she has been visiting Carol
Guren the past two weeks.
Mrs. George Morlang and boys
and Mrs Owen L. Parkinson and
children returned from Edgemont,
S. D., Friday w’here Mrs. Mor
lang visited her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John McElhaney and Mrs.
Parkinson was a guest of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Duns
more for five days
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Young
had as their recent guests his
nephew, Virgil Robinson of Kel
logg, Ida.
Mr. and Mrs Dick Doiel came
from their home in Denver, Colo.,
Saturday, June 22 where Mr.
Doiel has found employment, to
get their children, who had been
staying with their grandparents,
Mr and Mrs. Sylvester Zakrzew
Mr. and Mrs. George Wettlauf
er and daughter, Andret and
nephews, Norman and Danny
VVettlaufer of Page called on
their grandmother, Mrs. Della
Bowden, Sunday, June 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Don McKamy
and children and Mrs. McKamy’s
sister, Miss Dorothy Bennett,
have returned from a fishing trip
to Park Rapids, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. Gowan Miller and
children arrived Saturday to vis
it her father, Dr. W. F. Finley.
Mrs. Gowan and children will re
main for two weeks Mr. Miller
returned home Sunday and will
be back for them
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Zak
rzewski were in Butte Sunday
where they were dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Halbur and supper
guests of their daughter and hus
band, Mr. and Mrs. William Po
dany They also visited Fort Ran
Mrs. Clyde McKenzie, sr., and
Connie Iioblby of Lynch spent
last week visting Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde McKenzie, jr., and Mrs.
Raymond Revell.
Mrs. Harold Strong of Norfolk
and Mrs. Joe Madina of Lynch
were Sunday, June 23, visitors of
their Grandmother Bowden.
Alice’s Beauty Shop
Res. 3 doors west of Texaco
125 East Douglas
Phone 263 — O’Neill
g|l .W,T. ..
Church Notes
Rev. J. Olen Kennell, minister
Sunday. July 7: Sunday-school.
9.45 a m.; worship service, 11 a.
m. The Lord’s Supper will be
observed at this time. Every
! member and friend is urged to
Tuesday, July 9: Merry Weis
meetng, 7 p. m ; quarterly teach
ersme eting. 2 p.m.
Thursday, July 11; Women’s as
i sociation picnic at Ford park.
The pastor will be on vacation
from July 10 to August 10.
The vacation schedule will be
as follows:
Sunday, July 14: Rev. Harold
Sunday, July 21: The young
people will be in charge of the
Sunday, July 28: The Bethany
young people will conduct the ser
Sunday, August 4: Rev. Char
les Young of Omaha wall conduct
the services.
Seventh and Clay sts,
! "The Church of the Lutheran
Rev. A. S. Gedwillo, pastor
Wednesday, July 3. Walther
league meeting, 8 p.m.
Friday, July 5: Men’s club, 8
Sunday, July 7, worship and
holy communion, 9 a.m. An
nouncements are by registration.
Sunday-school, 10:15 a.m., W.
Fricke, supt.
Tuesday, July 9: Sunday-school
teachers’ and staff meeting.
Thursday, July 11: Ladies’ aid
meeting, 8 p.m.
C. P. Turner, pastor
Sunday, July 7: Sui\day-school
10 a.m.; preaching service, 11
a.m.; young peolples meeting 7:30
p.m.; preaching service follow
ing young people’s meeting.
Prayer meeting and mission
study will be in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Ernst on Wed
nesday evening at 8 o’clock.
Rev. J. Olen Kennell, minister
Sunday, July 7: Worship ser
vice, 9:30 a.m. The Lord’s Sup
per will be observed at this time.
Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m.
METHODIST (Page Inman)
Lisle E. Mew-maw, pastor
Friday. July 5— Youth choir, j
8 pm.; vacation Bible school staff
meeting, 8 p.m , to plan for the
Sunday. July 7 Sunday-school, |
10 a m ; worship service, 11 a m., |
with sacrament of Holy Com
munion; MYF, 8 p m.
Wednesday, July 10—Prayer I
hour, 9 am, scripture—Psalm i
Thursday, July 11—Women’s |
Society of Christian Service meet
ing, 2:30 p.m., postponed from :
last Thursday because of July 4th j
Sunday, July 7—Sunday-school,
8:45 a m. (Please note again the
earlier hour for Sunday-school
during the summert; worship,
9:45 with sacrament of Holy
Wednesday, July 10: Choir
practice, 8 p.m. and MYF.
Thursday, July 11: Official
board meeting, 8 p.m.
Friday, July 12: Women's So
ciety of Christian Service officers'
training day at Inman, 1:30 to 4
p.m. A nursery will be provided
for children.
••The Church of the Lutheran
Rev. A. S. Gedwillo, pastor
Sunday, July 7: Sunday-school,
9:45 a m., S. H. Brauer, supt.;
worship and holy communion, 11
a m. Announcements are by reg
Page News
Mrs. Ben Asher was Thurs
day's hostess for the NOK efub
members for a social afternoon of
visiting and needlework. Mrs.
Freida Asher was a guest
Mrs. Cordes Walker had high
score Wednesday afternoon, June
26, when the members of the Bid
or Bye bridge club were guests of
Mrs. La Vern Finley. Mrs. Finley
had all-cut. Mrs. Melvin Roach
wll entertain Wednesday, July 10.
Mr, and Mrs. William Neu
hauer and his mother, Mrs. Em
ma Morris, went to Osmond Sat
urday, June 22 and attended fu
neral services for his aunt, Mrs.
Ella Neubauer.
Louis Zahradnicek vs Mildred
Zahradnicek, Charles Zahradni
cek, Theodore Zahradnicek and
Alice Zahradnicek June 26, equi
ty relief
Louis Zahradnicek vs Mildred
Zahradnicek, Charles Zahradni
cek and Alice Zahradnicek, June
26, equity relief.
SPENCER- Richard O. Dye,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyne S Dye
of route 2, Spencer, and husband
of the former Miss Ruth E. Hock
ette of Branson, Colo., has been
promoted to corporal while serv
ing at marine barracks, Lake
Mead Base, Las Vegas, New
Never An After-Tklnt
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