The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 13, 1957, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 12

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    Bible School
Concluded at Page
PAGE—A week of Bible school
was concluded Friday evening
with a program at the- Wesleyan
Methodist church.
The program began with the
children marching in, carrying
the church and national flags, the
Bible and giving the salutes.
Theme of the school was " Pion
eering for Christ”. The children
repeated the 15th Psalm and the
Lord's prayer in unison
Each teacher presented her
section which offered the scrip
ture verses which had been learn
ed The junior department pre
sented a "Trail of Life" chart
and explained the various com
parisons of frontier living with
the venturing forth on a "Pion
eer for Christ” program for ev
eryday living .
The group sang a song naming
the 12 disciples. Aletha Ruther
ford and Carolyn Sorensen learn
ed the books of the Old Testa
ment. All sang the "Traveler's
Song”- the 121st Psalm.
Rev. Berl Baty. church pas
tor, offered benediction.
Other Page News
Mr. and Mrs Edgar Stauffer,
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stauffer
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Stauffer and family, Mr. and
Mrs John Gray, Mr and Mrs.
Robert Gray and Veldon, Mr
and Mrs. Arnold Stewart and
Loren. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Miller and Charisse of O’Neill,
Mr. and Mrs Art Miller and son
of Chambers picnicked at the
Page park Sunday. Honored at
the affair were Mr. and Mrs.
Spencer Miller of Hillsboro, Ore.,
and Mr and Mrs. William Hurst
and Mr. and Mrs Don Hurst and
family of Redfleld, la.
Mr and Mrs. Edgar Stauffer
and grandson, Randy Stauffer,
took Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Mil
ler to Omaha Tuesday where
they boarded a plane for their
home at Hillsboro, Ore., after a
week’s visit with relatives.
Mrs Celia Terrill and Mrs. Al
ma Tegeler were Friday dinner
guests of Mrs. Emma Kemper.
Eddie Walker, Hugh Troshyn
ski and Harold Kelly went to
Uncoln Monday where they will
join the weed-mowing crew on
the Burlington railroad. Larry
Parks will join a crew- stationed
at Page last week that puts in
new ties. Lloyd Fusselman is
flagman outside Chicago. 111., and
Ron Park is now working at
the creamery in O'Neill since the
close of college.
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Streeton
of Casper. Wyo., were overnight
guests here Wednesday. Mrs.
Streeton is remembered here as
M iss Lois Cowan, daughter of
Reverand Gowan, former pastor
of the Wesleyan church.
Mrs. Alton Braddoek and Mrs.
Herbert Steinberg were hostess
es Wednesday evening when
members of the Royal Neighbors
lodge met at the IOOF hall for
a routine meeting and a special
practice by the degree team.
Members of the Page drill team
will a'ttend the convention in At
kinson Friday evening. June 14,
and will put on the initiatory de
gree for the adoption of candi
Russell O’Neill, cousin of Owen
Parks, was an overnight guest
last Thursday at the Parks home.
Mrs. Ben Young and son, For
rest, were Page and Orchard
callers Wednesday and Thursday,
June 5-6, looking up friends of
JO years ago and visiting famil
iar surroundings. They are for
mer residents of the Emporia
neightiorhood. Forrest has con
cluded his navy career and he
and his wife now live in Roch
ester, Ind.
Mrs. C. P Ijeach was hostess
to the members of the GGG&G
club Friday afternoon. At cards,
Mrs. Ethel Waring received the
traveling award and Mrs Bert
Finley held high score with Mrs.
Anton Nissen taking home the
consolation award. Mrs. Otto
Matschullat will lie the June 21
Mrs. Glen Stewart entertained
the Chatter-Sew members for a
social afternoon Friday. Plans
were made for a family picnic
at the Page park to be held on
Sunday, June 23, at 7 o’clock.
Mrs. Harry Thompson will be
the July 5 hostess.
Miss Marie Heiss of Hastings
was a guest Friday when the
members of the Just-a-Mere club
were 2:30 o’clock dessert lunch
eon guests of Mrs Lou Heiss.
Visiting and a few hands of rook
furnished the entertainment. Mrs.
Frank Snyder will be the June
21 hostess.
Mrs. Alton Braddoek had the
devotions and lesson, “Declare
His Glory ", last Thursday after
noon when members of the WSCS
met at thg Wesleyan room for a
session. She was assisted by
Mesdames Raymond Heiss, Her
bert Steinberg and R. F. Park,
who gave reports on missionary
work accomplished on Okinawa
and the Philippine Islands. Mrs.
Jesse Kelly presided over the
business meeting and appointed
Mrs. Raymond Heiss and Mrs.
William Ragland as a committee
to purchase a hot water heater
for the church kitchen. Mesdames
Jud Russell and Harold Heiss
served refreshments to 35
Mrs. Robert Smith of Lake
wood, Calif., Mrs. Stan Silver
of Kearney and Miss Bonnie
Bernholtz were guests Thursday
evening when Mrs. Carl Max en
tertained the Bid-or-Bye Bridge
club. Mrs. Melvin Roach held
high score and Mrs. Dan Trosh
ynski had second high. Gifts were
given to the guests. Mrs. Alton
Braddock will be the June 20
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Haux of
Billings, Mont., were overnight
guests Friday of Rev. and Mrs.
Burl Baty. They were enroute to
Custer, S.D. From there they
will return to Alaska where they
have served one term as mis
sionaries. They were classmates
of Reverend and Mrs. Baty at
Miltonvale (Kans.) college.
Mr. anil Mrs. Carl Max and
family and his sister and daugh
ter. Mrs. Robert Smith and Car
oline, of Lakewood, Calif., went
to Fremont Sunday where they
picnicked at the park with rela
tives from Omaha and Fremont.
Little David Max will accom
pany his grandparents and the
Smiths to Peoria. 111., where they
will visit his aged great-grand
mother, Mrs. Caroline Max.
Mr. and Mrs. Roliert Gray were
hosts Monday to Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Stewart and Loren and
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Miller of
Hillsboro, Ore.
Mr. and Mi's. John Lamason
returned Thursday from Sheri
dan, Mo., where they took her
mother, Mrs. R. F. Scott, and
her cousin. Mrs. Franklin Dukes.
They all attended the wedding of
Mrs. Lamason’s nephew, Scott
Maricle, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Mericle of Albion. The
wedding took place Sunday,
June 2, at Albion.
Duane Sorensen, Wayne Dorr,
Marilyn Terrill. Faye Rutherford
and Aletha Rutherford, accom
panied by Rev. Burl Baty, went
to Maxwell Monday where they
'will attend Wesleyan Bible camp
this week.
Barbara Ford and Judy Young,
both of Lincoln, are spending
two weeks visiting their cousin,
Mrs Glen Stewart._ _
Whether you wish to buy,
sell or trade, a Dw-cost want
ad in The Frontier will do the
job quickly and economically!
Fri.-Sat. June 14-15
«■* <* W«
"V —plus—
Sun.-Mon.Tin**. June 16-17-18
___ ___ I
Wed. Thurs. June 19-20 *
\ EusKnKna 1
nils coupon and one paid ad- I
I ml anion will admit two adults, *
I June 19-20. _I1
This man is wearing the smallest
Sonotone hearing aid ever . . .
He has a secret — it's worn
nothing worn anywhere else.
618 Kilpatrick Bldg., Omaha
Reverend Myers
Presented Book
CHAMBERS — Rev. and Mrs
Harold Bonarth and baby arriv
ed Monday, Juno 10, to assume
duties as pastor of the Methodist
churches at Amelia and Cham
Rev. and Mrs. Harry Myers and
children left Wednesday. June
12, for his new charge at Da
kota City. Reverend Myers al
so plans to attend Morningside
college at Sioux City.
Other Chambers News
Mrs. Elmer Wanderseo visited
her brothers and sisters and
their families at York last week,
and attended the annual family
reunion held at Bradshaw Sun
day, June 2. She also visited a
sister and family in Iowa.
Bernard. Pete and Wayne Hoff
man left Saturday night. June 8.
on a fishing trip to the lakes in
Cherry county.
Mrs. Ed Harvey. Mr. and Mrs.
Roland Harvey and Marilee
and Mr. and Mrs. Don
aid Green and children attended
an annual family gathering held
in Riverside park at Neligh Sun
day, June 9 Relatives were pre
sent from Fremont, Orchard, O'
Neill, Royal, Page, Chambers,
Neligh. Clearwater and Plain
! Mr and Mrs Clifford Jarmar
and Mrs. Donald Grimes lef'
Monday evening for their homes
at Boulder and Eaton. Colo., af
I ter several days' visit with rela
tives at Chambers
Mrs Charles Spath and daugh
ter, Mrs. Kieth McMillan. anc
mo daughters of Omaha enmt
Friday, Jtme 7. Mrs Spath re
turned to Omaha Sunday. Mrs
McMillan and children remainec
while her husband is in the ser
' vice.
Bob Starr and son of St. Pau
\ istted his mother, Mrs. Nellie
Starr. Tuesday.
Sunday dinner guests of Mrs
Anna Albers Mr. and Mrs. A. B
Hubbard. Mr and Mrs E. H.
Medcalf and Mr. and Mrs. G
H. Adams.
Chambers Towners
Lick Bassett
CHAMBERS The Chambers
Towners defeated Bassett, 9-2.
here Sunday in a North-Central
league baseball game.
Meanwhile, the Midget baseball
team went to Ewing and lost a
9-1 decision.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Caskey
spent Sunday visiting her mother,
Mrs Mabel Bennett in Winnetoon,
and his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Caskey north of Orchard.
Couple Weds at Emmet
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koci wed in rite at Church of Epiphany
in Emmet on Saturday, June 8. O’Neill Photo Co.
Wed at Inman
Mr and Mrs. Galen W. Brunner of Wisconsin, the former
Ila June Coon, were wed at Inman Saturday, June 1.
WD Ben Hanlon Jr. to Jerrold
E. Weaver * wife 4-2-57 $1 &
exchange of property lots 10
& 11 Blk 1 Neeley's 2nd Add
WD Albert R. Took or Jr. to
Juliana Kamphaus 4-5-57 $12,250
lot 25 Gdg & Ressels Sud
division O'Neill.
WD Harold T. McGraw to
Beulah M. Coakley & husband
4-27-57 $1,900 Lots 14 & 15
Blk 11 Inman.
WD Dorothy I teuton to Gi'orge
Enbody & wife 4-26-57 $5.5(H)
East 104 ft. lots IS & 1!) Blk 6 •
WD Mary Vitt, et. al., to Joe
Bartos & wife 10-5-56 $4.1(H) Lot
2 Blk. 11 O'Neill
WD Katherine K. Schiefen, et
al to Donald W. Krotter -1-1)7 $1
I/O 1 and North 5 ft lot 2 hlk. 7
Bullocks Add. Stuart.
WD I^Donna Snyder, et al to
Reginald H. Pinkerman and wife
.1-5-57 $6.500 West 40 ft lots 1
2- & .1 Blk 42 Riggs Add. —
WD Mary Beckwith to Richard
Faulhaber 4-29-57 $1,000 lots 4
& 5 Blk A Golden's Subdivision
DEED Citv of O'Neill to State
of Nebraska 4-8-57 - Valuable
consideration. All Blk 1 Mc
Cafferty's Annex except South
180 ft. O'Neill.
Guest* Here —
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bouts of At
kinson called on the C. G. Shel
I bases Wednesday, June 5.
Real Estate — Insurance
.1 ■■!■■■ I ■ ■ ■ ■" —... ■ 1
MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1957
In spite of the recent lower trend in the market, we had
a good run of hogs and all interests seemed to need hogs. Ex
treme' top on butchers was $20.40 wtih only the fancy No. 1
hogs selling over $20.00. No. 2 hogs sold to $19.95. Sows sold
from $15.00 to a top of $18.20 depending upon size and quality.
A good demand was shown for pigs of all sizes. Weanling pigs
sold from $11.00 to $14,50.
Special Dairy Sale
We are holding a Dairy Sale in TILDEN, Friday evening,
June 14 starting at 8:00 P.M. Included will be a load of gexsl
i Wisconsin dairy heifer calves; some good fresh cows and
springers; and (3) Purebred Holstein bulls large enough for
service. Plan to be in Tilden Friday night.
Remember our regular sale every MONDAY IN VERDI
GRE starting at 11:00 A. M. We appreciate every consignment
and will do everything that we can to make certain that you
are a satisfied customer.
Ziska-Weber Rites at Stuart
Miss Edith Ziska and Jerome Weber, lx>th of Stuart were mar
ried Tuesday, June 11 at St. Joseph’s Catholic church in Atkin
son. A reception followed in the Knights of Columbus hall. O'Neill
Photo Co.
Father-Son Banquet
Scheduled June 1 8
First Presbyterian church will
be the scene of a community wide
father-son banquet, Tuesday,
June 18 at 7 p.m , at fellowship
John E. Curtis of Lincoln, who
will be the speaker is a public re
lations director for Consumers
Public Power district. He is on
the national executive committee
for the American Legion and a
past member of the state rail
way commission.
Gene Lemunyan of Atkinson
visited his cousin, Leslie Forbes,
the latter part of last week. Ger
ald Forbes visited in the Lemun
yan home.
Mr. and Mrs. Earnie Johnston
went to Iloldrege Saturday to visit
Returns from Omaha —
Mr. and Mrs. John Shoemaker
returned Tuesday night from
Omaha after spending several
days there with their son, John
Shoemaker, jr., and family.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cronin and
daughters of Grand Island are
expected here Sunday for the golf j
Frequent (iolfer
Here Is Fatality —
Lester Bare, 45, of Rushville
died Monday in a Gordon hospital
from injuries suffered in a col
lision Sunday night on U. S. high
way 20 about five miles west of
Rushville. The other driver es
caped with minor injuries. Mr.
Bare was thrown from his car.
He had competed in the golf
tournaments at the Country club
here several years, and was a
friend of A. P. Jaszkowiak. The
Jaszkowiaks had expected Mr.
Bare for this year’s tournament.
Recrt iers from
I’eanut Ordeal —
ATKINSON-Sandra Kay O’
Connor, six-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O’Connor of
Atkinson, was taken to Children’s
Memorial hospital in Omaha
Thursday, June 4 where she had
a peanut removed from her left
lung. Except for a little cough,
she is “back as good as new,”
her mother reports.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Golden and
four children of San Diego, Calif.,
and his mother , Mrs. Marne
Golden also of San Diego, ar
rived Monday to spend a week
visiting relatives.
Frontier Wants are Mighty!