The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 23, 1957, Page 7, Image 7
Returns from Far East for Funeral Funeral services for Howard M c C o n n e U , 47, an O'Neill rancher who was killed Wednes day. May 15, in a tractor upset, were conducted at 2 p m., Mon day. May 20 at First Methodist church. Rev. Glenn Kennicot officiat ed Burial was in Prospect Hill cemetery under the direction of Biglin’e. One son, Larry Gene, who was stationed with the navy in the Far East, arrived Sunday. Fun eral services were delayed pend ing his reurn. Pallbearers were Richard Clark, John Conard, Ed Eisen hauer, Milford Cook, Wayne Fox and Charles Fox, sr. The late Mr. McConnell was born June 8, 1909, near Emmet, a son of Alex and Hattie Wheel er McConnell. On April 1, 1933, at Bassett he married Audrey Glister. Survivors include; Widow— Audrey; sons—Jay of Sudberry, Man., Can.; Larry Gene of the navy, and Pat, at home; daugh ter—Miss Kathleen, at ljome; parents—Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mc Connell of Atkinson; one grand child; sisters — Mrs. Walter (Leora) Puckett of Atkinson, Mrs Fred (Maxine) Saunto of O'Neill, and Mrs. Harry (Har riett) Little of Omaha; brother —Eli of Atkinson. Among those from a distance attending the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Little, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Huff, Mrs. Ida Glister, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Steinbaugh and Mrs. John Hammond, all of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. John Gils ter, jr., of Broken Bow; Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Halienback and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hali enback, all of Long Pine; Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Halienback of Winner, S. D.; Frank Crandall of Dunlap, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Char lie Hansen of Missouri Valley, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas of North Platte. Sick & Injured O’NEILL#—Mrs. D. R. Mounts, who has been visiting relatives for several weeks in Tonkawa, Oflcla., suffered a fall Tuesday, May 14, and injured her back. ... Childhood diseases have started around again. Ronald Krugman had measles and then had chickenpox. His brother, Rex, had chickenpox. . . Little Peggy Curran had chickenpox. . . Mrs. Fred Salak and little son had mumps. . . Mrs. Mildred Honke fell and hurt her hip. She was taken to St. Anthony’s hospital by ambulance. . . Little Mike Collins, son of Mr. and Mrs George Collins, broke his leg Sunday. The leg is in a cast. Mike just completed his kinder garten year at St. Mary's acad emy . . . Danny Holsclaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Holsclaw, collided with a boy Tuesday and broke his nose . . . Jerome Gilg entered St. Anthony’s his pital last Thursday to have his tonsils removed. It was found he had a fever and he remained in the hospital. They were removed Monday . . . RIVERSIDE—Mrs. Web Napier and Mrs. Richard Napier took Rita Napier to the doctor Wed nesday, May 15. She has ear in flation and entered the Ante lope Memorial hospital Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier visit ed Reta Saturday evening. . . Dennis Scheer had an appendec tomy Thursday morning in the Plainview hospital. He was to leave the hospital Monday or Tuesday. . . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller were in Norfolk Monday. Mr Miller had a growth re moved from a toe. . . Mrs. Grant DANCE Butte Legion Ballroom Thurs., May 30 Music by EDDIE STAN and the Style Band Admission: $1.00 Mott's father’s condition was re ported “critical" at the Tilden hospital. EMMET — Ed Etherton was j hospitalized four days last week ! for head injuries and a slight I brain concussion. He was crank ing a tractor and the crank flew out and struck him in the head. He was at his filling station in Emmet when the mishap occurr ed. He was taken to the Atkin son Memorial hospital for treat 1 ment. LYNCH— Emery and Marcelyn Moody have had measles this week. Legal Notices (First pub. May 23, 1957) SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order of Sale issued 1 to me by the Clerk of the Dis trict Court of Holt County, Ne braska, in an action pending in said Court wherein E. C. Weller is plaintiff and JAMES M CORKLE. Blanche R. Corkle; The Travelers Insurance Com pany: Strock-gro, Inc.; Dr. Sals bury’s Laboratories, Incorporat ed; Universal Marketing Com pany; Railway Express Agency, Tnc.; Russell-Miller Milling Company; Anderson Box Com pany; Brown & Bigelow Com pany; Ray A Bachtel; Ted Simp son; Lexington Mill & Elevator Co.; Farmers' Co-Operative Asso ciation; R. H. Jandebeur, d/b/a Sunny Slope Farms; United States of America; The O. A. 1 Cooper Company; et al„ are de fendants, I will sell to the high est bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in O’Neill, Nebraska, on the 25th day of June 1957, at 10 o’clock A. M., the following described premises in Holt County, Nebraska: The improvements located up on the premises described as that part of Lots 10, 11 and 12 in I Block 34, Original Town of O’Neill, lying north of and not within twenty-five feet of the center line of Track No. 1, ex cepting therefrom the north twenty feet of Lot 10, containing 15,250 sq. feet, more or less, said premises being leased by the grantors herein from the C. B. & Q. Railroad Company, situate in the County of Holt and State of | Nebraska, consisting of a steel clad warehouse 28’ x 100’. two j (2) unit Model 66-45 Buckeye Streamliner incubators, sixteen / (16) Hawkins baby chick bat teries, (known as battery brood ers), two (2) Buckeye No. 66H45 | Streamliner Hatchers, and two (2) Robbins Incubators, Model ; j No 32H. the stun of $34,490 67 | found due plaintiff E. C. Weller ' and interest thereon and $171.88 j costs of suit and accruing costs, j' Dated this 22nd day of May ! i 1957. I LEO'S. TOMJACK Sheriff of Holt County, Nebraska | 4-8c 1 (First pub. May 23, 1957.) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Estate No. 3423 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF IX>UISE PET ERSON, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribu tion of estate and approval of fi nal account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on June 12, 1957, at 10 o’clock, A. M. < LOUIS W. REIMER 1 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 4-6c (First pub. May 23, 1957.) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Estate No. 4143 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATT OF ANDREW N. BUTLER, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a j petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribu- | tion of estate and approval of fi nal account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on June 12, 1957, at 10 o’clock, A M' LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. | (COUNTY COURT SEAL) ^ ^ ____—-— -~ —ra Sensational HAT SALE! At the Apparel Shop . . . special low clearance sale prices on all . . . EARLY SPRING HATS! Good Selection of BLACKS - NAVY - SPRING COLORS At these fabulous low prices you can afford to pick out two or even three! Values to $15 Come early for best selection! Three Exciting Price Groups: SI - $2 $3 APPAREL SHOP WINNIE BARGER, Prop. • • ***..• • • . * •• . *"•*•*•••* « • •' . ' . .* • . O'NEILL LOCALS Mr and Mrs. George Stannard of San Diego, Calif, arrived Tuesday to visit his sisters, Mrs, Laura Burks and Evelyn Stan nard Mr and Mrs. John Lammers of Coleridge were Sunday guests of their daughter and husband. Mr and Mrs. Vernon Carpenter and daughter. Ralph Lindberg and his sister, Miss Carolyn, were in Lincoln and Omaha for the weekend. They visited their sister, Miss Marilyn, at Wesleyan university and brother, Ted, at the Univer- | sity of Nebraska and friends Mr and Mrs Kenneth Eymann and children of Columbus were weekend guests cxf Mr and Mrs A. L. Eymann. Mr and Mrs. Milton J. Baark and Rickie were weekend guests I of Mr and Mrs. Don DeCosta of Fremont. The Baacks were spon sor for the DeCosta’s baby. The DeCostas will be weekend guests at the Baacks. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Mac Kinlay and family are leaving this weekend for Chadron to at tend the wedding of their dau$i ter. Miss Margaret, to Charles Lattrel June 2. They both are students at Chadron State Teach ers’ college. Mr. and Mrs. D, A McPherson of West Point came Monday to see the song-plav, "When I Grow Up,” in whiOh their granddaugh ter, little Allison Jane Ekiwards, PROBLEMS OPEN 7 DAYS 7 NIGHTS 6 BIG DAYS-THUDS. THRU TUBS.-MAY 23-28 PILLSBURY — PURE CANE — SPORTSMAN — NO. 1 TALL Flour - 10-lb sack 39c Sugar 100-lb bag 9-59 Salmon_can 59c Gr. Beans __ 2 for 29c ^ --- Sian^s,ze 69c Puddings _ 3pkgs, . IIERSHEY’S — BRACH’S CIRCUS — _ _ l»|NK CONE — 303 CANS Peanuts pkg. 29c ^ocoa — 35c Tomatoes __ 2 for ^5C DELSEY- HYDROX- V/j-OZ. l’KG. Tissue -—4 rolls 59c I Cookies _ 2 pkgs. 47c I ^urex-pk 491‘ FRO JOY — * cREnm i 49c PILLSBURY — FLOUR si* 359 SWANS DOWN — [RKE I11IH1## A COOLING HOT WEATHER DRINK— LOOIB1D6Z3C ALL SWEET OLEO 4 lbs SI • *• • V * . • # * . . ; •• , SOLID CRISP FRESH — LETTUCE per lb 10c FRESH GREEN — ONIONS bunches 19c GOLDEN RIPE — BANANAS.2-lk 33c SOLID CRISP — CABBAGE per lb 8c FOR THAT HOT WEATHER DRINK — LEMONS--peidoz. 39c H_ KRAFT — MARSHMALLOWS.-2 10-oz. phs 35c KRAFT GOLDEN VALLEY MIRACLE WHIP PICKLES Dill F'lavor Qt. jar. - 57c | Qt jar - 29c HAASES PLAIN OR STCFFED — OLIVES 3 No. 71 jars S1 VAN CAMP’S STOCKTON PORK and BEANS CATSUP .1 uni bo 2 Vi can 4 cans _ ... 98c I 6 bottles _ $1 KRAFT — MUSTARD_2 (hk- jars 19c PRINCE — ““ DOG FOOD_61-lb. cans 49c Dm ^B m Vk ^^k ^^k m m ^^k • ' * , ••* i , t • • *.*♦•* •,*•*• . * •.*.•• ‘ ** • • • t • • * • * *•. ,», * • | • • .*• * • , -.*.•** •* . • *