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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1957)
Becomes Airline Stewardess Miss Patricia A Rotherham (above), daughter of Mrs. Mary Rotherham of Ewing, has won the silver wings of a United Aid Lines stewardess. After 4 weeks at the company’s stewardess training school in Cheyenne, Wyo., she now serves aboard Main liners flying in and out of New York. Miss Rotherham was educat ed at Ewing high school, St. Mary’s and the University of Nebraska. Rrior to becoming a stewardess she was a secretary for the Norfolk Chamber of Commerce. Her hobbies are swimming, tennis, golf and skiing. Riverside News Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fry attended (he Frenchtown school picnic Sun day and visited Reta in the Ne Kgh hospital in the evening. They also called at the Bill Rickert home. Mrs. John Wunner spent the Weekend visiting Daisy Miller. Mr. and Mrs. John Napier and fcaby were Sunday dinner guests of her brother. Edward Cuddy hi O’Neill. Free Methodist Missionary so ciety met at Mrs. Jim Pollock’s home Friday afternoon. The Willie Shrader family were overnight guests Saturday at the Verl Gunter home in Crookston. Mr *nd Mrs Will Shrader re turned home with them after spending the past week visiting In the Gunter home. Mrs. Frank Emsick and son, Hilly, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank West of Omaha were Saturday j dinner guests at the Wayne Fry j home. Mr. West is commander of j tbe naval base in Omaha. Anna Miller visited at Johnny Miller’s Sunday. In the afternoon (bey called on the Otto Kallhoff family near Clearwater. Rev. and Mrs. Ivan Turner vis ited the Wesleyan Methodist min FRFF WEDDING DANCE ! Wed., May 29 American Legion Auditorium MUSIC BY Star Teens orchestra Miss Barbara Cunningham Jim Walnofer ister, Rev. Berl Baty, Sunday and also called at the Otto Terrill and Mrs. Belle Mott homes in Page. Mrs. Jim Pollock attended the commencement exercises at O’ Neill Friday at St. Mary’s. Her granddaughter, Patsy, graduated with the class. Alice Miller’s mother, Elza Wolfe, left for her home from O’Neill Friday, going by bus, af ter visiting at the Miller home for 10 days. Leo Miller family and Mrs. Ora Switzer visited the Butler girls, Donald Butler and Darrol Switz er family in Omaha over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Good visited Sunday afternoon and evening at the George Montgomery home. Visitors at the Dave Pollock home Sunday were Wanda Lar son, Mrs. Jim Pollock, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pollock, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pollock and family and Mr. and Mrs. Art Busshardt and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fry called Wednesday evening, May 15, at the Otto Retke home in Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and sons were Sunday din ner guests at the Kitty Fry home. Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier, Rus sel and Mrs. Beulah Napier ate Sunday dinner at the Glen Harp ster home. The Wilmer Mosel school, with Catherine Bauer as teacher, had a picnic Thursday. District 86 had a picnic Friday. The teacher, Mrs. Rexine will teach the fifth and sixth grade in Ewing school this fall. Sharon Schmidt, teacher in John Hawk school, had her school picnic Saturday. The Happy Holow 4-H club met Monday night at the Dewitt Hoke home. The Robert Montgomery family ate Sunday dinner at the Milford Wehenkel home in Neligh. In the evening the Milford Wehenkel family and the Russell Striker family were supper guests at the Robert Montgomery home. j0wm IF YOU? Are having trouble with disconnection or connection of your irrigation pipe, then let us show you how our couplers will I go right on your pipe. Simple to operate. Will not leak. Will fit any other standard size regardless of trade name. NO OBLIGATION for a demonstra tion. See us for your irrigation needs to day, so you can keep your land in moist ure through the hot growing season. Do it right, with light PORT-O-LUM What do you need? Or what don't you need? Watch the bulletin board in our office. Several items wanted and for sale at PRODUCERS EXCHANGE. ELKHORN SUPPLY CO. 3 Blocks South of Stoplight • s . . • Lambs, Kin Set Record for Long Wedded Lives (Photo at right). On Wednesday, May 22. Rev. and Mrs. WT. B. Lamb of O’Neill will be observing their 57th wed ding anniversary. They reside near the Wesleyan Methodist church. In March the Lambs went to Kansas to attend the 60th wed ding celebration of Reverend Lamb’s brother and wife, Rev. and Mrs. J. D. Lamb of Esbon, Kans. Reverend J. D. has a twin sister, Mrs. J. C. Foster of Bun Oak, Kans. Mrs. Foster and her husband had celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary prior to Mr. Foster’s death. The O’Neill couple are hope ful they will attain the 60-year mark, just three years away. The Lambs have been active gardeners. Guests-of-Honor — Mrs. John Hickey and Miss Kathleen Warnke were guests of-honor at a dinner in honor of their birthday anniversaries Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Hickey’s daughter and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dufek. Miss Effie Stevens also attended. Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sevesind were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sevesind of Sidney and Mrs. Frank Beonda of Santa Monica, Calif. Three related couples married for more than a half-century. . . Mrs. J. 1>. Lamb, Rev. J. I>. Lamb, Rev. W. B. Lamb. Mrs. W. B. Lamb. J. C. Foster and Mrs. Foster. Two couples married 60 years; one couple, 57 years. Mr. Foster is now deceased. Son Is Graduate— Mrs. John Beilin attended bac calaureate services at Chadron State Teachers’ college where her son, Don Larsen, is a senior. She spent the weekend there. She will leave Friday to attend the graduation exercises. Mrs. Doris Adams of Minden came Thursday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Verne Reynoldson and to at tend James Reynoldson’s gradua tion. She returned to Minden Sunday. Chambers News ,_ Mrs John Mitchell of Bclden came Wednesday, May 15, to spend a few days with her son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young, and boys before they leave for their new location at Boise, Ida. Marilyn Walter is expected home from Sioux City Friday, May 24. Her parents Mr. and Mrs. 1 Henry Walter will take her to Onawa, la., Saturday where she meets a friend. On Sunday they will go to Sheldon, la., where the two girls will join others going on to Fergus Falls. Minn., for 12 weeks work at the Minnesota state hospital. This is part of the girls training in nursing. The Walters will return Sunday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gilbert spent a few days with their son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gilbert and family at Stuart the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adams and i Larry, Mr, and Mrs. Biuee | Grimes and Patsy. Mr and Mrs. Glen Grimes and Eugene Adams i were in Omaha one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cook ’ represented the Valley Center J Extension club at a cookie dem- ' onstration in Atkinson Friday, ' May 17. Carolyn Wintermote and Mary Ellen Gillette who attends Wes leyan university in Lincoln visit ed Marilyn Waiter, a nurse at the Lutheran hospital in Sioux City, la., recently. Mrs. Earl Gurnsey ami daugh ter, Valory, of Bend Ore., came Wednesday, May 15, and visited until Saturday with her grand mother, Mrs. Charlotte Honey well, and her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell. I DANCE — AT — Ash Grove Hall Saturday, May 25 MUSIC BY BILL STOURAL and Orchestra Admission: 50c -i ANNOUNCEMENT Tl IE CREDIT BUREAU has been mov ed to 3 1 3 East Douglas Street and is now being operated in conjunction with the O’NEILL COMPANY. Virgil Laursen, Manager — - I Pfi / +%ML I / Wcjrif5 / *^n£ £?,/•* e^r *- 33f Lake-to-Lake NATURAL SHARP CHEDDAR CHEESE I_39j l Shop at any one of our 85 COUNCIL OAK STORES ia Siouxland - where you will find the most complete selec tion of Canned Foods, Paper Goods, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Meats, everything to complete your holiday shopping needs. Save your Register-Tapes for FREE Giffc Pik-NikO || AJ SHOESTRING 4JL<| P0T^0l£™^^Jl i ROYAL OAK i CHARCOAL Sunkist FRESH GREEN TOP LEMONS RADISHES.2 w. 9c KITTY CLOVER POTATO CHIPS giant sizs 5‘v A TENDER GREEN QOc ONIONS.2 bobs. 15c CRISP SOLID V V LETTUCE .. 2 heads 29c “ ' PREMIUM FRESH ICE PACK FRYERS ^. tJ. S. “GOOD” BEEF A At POT ROASTS ^ «“ $3 GROUND BEEF » 39c SWIFT’S PREMIUM BRAUNSCHWEIGER Lb 39c SWIFT'S PREMIUM BACON Sliced ... 59c _^ FLAV-R-PAK Jt Ar FROZEN | ■I'' LEMONADE I U POTATO CHIPS ~ Johnson's SANDWICH COOKIES Lemon — Vanilla — Cocoa Fudge — Strawberry M* El* 07* 2 LBS. VI « LBS. if f TUNA FISH .19# LUNCH MEAT S'1.31.00 I D I | I OXYDOL.Giant Pkg. 79* TIDE. Giant Pkg. 77a CHEER.Reg. Pkg. 32a JOY Liquid Detergent__12-oz. 69a DREFT.Reg. Pkg. 32a □. SPIC & SPAN 5c Off Deal.Net 22a CAMAY (Ic Deal) Reg. Size Bar .. .4 bare 30a SHORTENING C fotF *e*L J Q U O TIM MKT..