The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 23, 1957, Page 3, Image 3
‘ When / Grow Up’ . . . A song-play written by Elinor Smith Ger ber of Lexington, wife of a former Presbyterian church pastor here, was presented Tuesday even ing by the O’Neill public school kindergarten. Entitled "When I Grow Up”, -the musical story cen tered around little Tim (Richard McIntosh) and Beeca (Sally Stewart), who went off to sleep and dreamed of what they might be when they grew up. Mrs. Harry Petersen, kindergarten teacher, was director. The auditorium was filled to capa city for the showing, which featured black light ing on elaborate fluorescent costumes, and enter taining little actors and actresses (everybody in the class had a part). O’Neill News Mrs. Eton Petersen, whose hus band is stationed at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., returned Saturday af ter having attended the gradua tions of her sister. Miss Sylvia Harder, from O’Neill high school, and her brother, John Harder, from eighth grade She is a music supervisor at the post and is the daughter of Mr. and Mm. Dwight Harder. Her husband is the son erf Mr and Mrs. Harry Petersen. Supper guests of Mrs. Laura Wright last Thursday were Mrs. Anna Hansen of Bassett, Mrs. Dave Widtfeldt and Mr. and Mrs. John Storjohann. Mr and Mrs. Don Wecker and family visited Saturday and Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kudera and family and Mr. and Mrs. Kudera of Newman Grove. Guests visiting the past week with Mr. and Mrs. John Watson and family were her mother, Mrs. L. A. Preston, and neice Brenna Doyle, both of Wells, Minn. Mrs. Lee Taylor of Dubois. Wyo„ Esther Raply of Watson ville, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs Al bert Sipes of Seward were week end callers of Mr and Mrs. H. W Tomlinson. Dr. and Mrs, M. L. Sucha and family spent Saturday and Sun day in Omaha and in Howells They visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Doleial. Mr and Mrs. Hugh Bryan and family of Evansville, lnd., will arrive Saturday to spend a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wray and family spent Sunday visiting her ► imm w V V BP BP BP BP BP i brother, Mike Smith, at Spencer, M-Sgt Deraid Smith of the air ! force and family visited Tuesday, May 14 with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wray. They also spent several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Smith, of Spencer en route to Ft Worth, Tex, From there he will go to England for six months. .Mrs. McCann (Vickie Sue Strong, with purse) brings her daughter. Sally (Shirley Kilcoin, on crutches) to visit Doctor Dunn (Jack Everitt). Nurses (Vickie Sue Seger, Vonetta Kirsehman and Kozan Worth) stand by ready to assist. Merchants and housewives were featured in this scene: Baker Bascom (Jim Johnson), Milk- | man (Jerry Wray), Butcher Brown (Steven Strube), Mister Grocer (Jerry Parks, tallest boy), Sam the Barber (Webb Cook), Mr. Mayor (Dewey Schaffer, in barber chair). Shoppers (fore- | ground, left-to-right)—Linda Parkinson, Janice Salak. Debra Lineback and Carol Marie Engler. The Policeman (Lyman James) figured on stage most of the evening and masterfully pro vided continuity. Fire Chief (Nick Jeffers) streaked across stage with siren screaming; Doctor Dunn (Jack F.veritt); Band Director (Stanley Clyde), who introduced and directed selections by the Khythm Band (made up of pupils from the town’s school); Mr. Farmer (David Bartos). his tractor broke down and he had to come to town for repairs; Carpenters (standing) Frroll Johnson and Phillip Fngdahl; (seated) Steven Strube and David Sprague. ______-.-... —... Pupils in the town’s school, a focal point in the song-play, included: Front row—Nancy Ann Walton, Debra Tibbetts, Danny Menish, Train Fngineer Bruce Kramer (idolized by the children), Sue Shepard (teacher), Linda Sue Vanderbeck. Ricky (.'ass, Patty Banks, Marion Grenier, Gloria Gedwillo. George Garhart: back row—Billy Perry, B >nnv Perry, Diane Philbrick. Nancy Watson, | Stanley Clyde (band director), Jacquelyn Morrow. Joan Farrier, Diane Jenkins, Bonnie Krugman, Allison Jane Edwards. Claudia Neal. Miss Carolyn Watson was accompanist. i W III 11. —- MM——! I The Wake Fairies entered near the end to awaken Tiin and Becca in their little beds. The | Fairies (whose wands and ballerina costumes glistened in the dark) were Carla Noecker, Connie Velder, Jacqueline Tomlinson, Candice Worchester, LeEllen Haynes and Diane Force. —Photos by O’Neill Photo Co. BIG SUMMER SALE! ! DOZENS OF WONDERFUL SUMER SPECIALS AT GAMBLES! ! SMART APPAREL FOR THE FAMILY ] GOOD QUALITY HOME FURNISHINGS • Shop Northern Nebraska's Fastest Growing Store —GAMBLES in ONeill! a YOU’LL SAVE PLENTY! ! ’ _______4 BOYS’ SPORT SHIRTS What a wonderful selection of brand new colorful shirts! Per fect washing no-iron sanforized “teloweave” cottons or smart “Ivy League" stripes and plaids. Comfortable short sleeves, stock up for summer! Reg. $1.79 values. NOW!--$1.33 SALE! SUMMER FLATS Summer's most popular shoes, and for a low, low price at your Gamble Store! Hundreds of pairs just unpacked. Gleaming whites and light tans in smart as can be straps. Pretty buckle adjust ments over the toes for good fit and extra com fort. Stylish smooth finish or good looking nylon mesh weave. Flexible and durable soles. They’re n»er long! Don't miss these wonderful bargains, at Gambles—ready for your cool wear all sum Sizes 4-9 NOW!_$1.99 COTTON HALF SLIPS Sanforized fine cotton batiste slips with pretty eyelet trim. Shadow panel. 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Fine acetate gabardines in smart selection of solid colors or top styled novelty weaves and patterns. Here’s real value! Reg. $4.98 Sizes 4-16 NOW!_$3,66 MEN’S “T” SHIRTS Fine soft combed cotton “T” shirts that wear and fit. Nylon reinforced necks. White only. Stock up now for all summer! Reg. 69c NOW!__ 44c SALE! SUMMER BLOUSES You’ll want several at such a special price! Imagine pretty blouses of fine sanforized broadcloth for just 77c! White and pastels. Short and sleeveless styles. Sizes 32-38. Don’t miss these buys! Reg. $1.29 NOW!_77c BABY “Snoozer Sets” Cute as can be and so practical too. Easy to wash terry that's so soft and comfortable for baby. Here’s a real sale special! Reg. SI.79 values. NOW!.... 93c Set RAYON PANELS What a buy! 41 x 81 panel curtains. Ivory only. Stock up now and save! Reg. 1.29 value NOW!_88c ea. GIRLS’ COTTON ANKLETS i Popular triple roll tops. Soft white cotton. Good wear- d ing quality. Reg. 29c value. NOW!_3Pr.77c J MEN’S NYLON STRETCH SOCKS J Here's real value! Brand new colors and patterns in ^ these popular long wear nylon dress socks. Perfect g fitting-comfortable. Reg. 69c values. NOW!__38c! _ < “TAMBOUR” STYLE PANELS J The prettiest panel curtain you’ve ever seen! Delicately I flocked dacron with dainty scalloped borders. 41 x 81. . Now sale priced at Gambles. Reg. $2.49 value. 9 NOW! .— $1.77 ea.1 DACRON FILLED PILLOWS j Big 20 x 26 size size. Filled with 100% dacron. Forded edges. Fine sturdy crepe covers. They're wonderful Q bargains! Reg. $4.98 value. g NOW!_$3.99 ea. J C\\ ri CTIMMCD C^IDTC Pretty as can be! Better quality perfect * unLC! ljU I'liTIllIt kjIVlIl 1 ^ washing crisp cottons in popular full skirts 4 styles. Polished and drip-dry fabrics for the KT/klirt gm g0 mm mm whole season. Smart colorful prints. Sizes Q railWl ___ M M 22-30. You'll want several at Gambles . i ■ ■ special price! Reg. $2.98. " i M I SALE! MUSLIN SHEETS ! 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