The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 16, 1957, Image 10

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    Members of the O'Neill high senior class were huddled around a campfire in an Indian setting ,
during rLi» night festivities last Thursday evening. They are pictured listening to their individual
prophecies.—The Frontier 1’hoto.
O'Neill News
Mr and Mrs. Frank Froelich
left Sunday for Minneapolis,
Minn., to visit their daughter and
her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Montgomery. Enroute, they
stopped in Hartington to visit
another daughter and her hus
band, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Wanser,
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marston
and Sherri of Lincoln arrived
Tuesday, May 7. to visit her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harden Ans
pach, and to get their little
daughter, Debbie, who had been
visiting her grandparents for
about three weeks. They returned
Mrs. Rosa Bowers returned
Monday from a three-day stay
with her daughter and husband,
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Woidneck.
Mother’s day guests at Woid
necks’, besides Mrs. Bowers, were
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Woidneck,
Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Hull and Levi
Mrs. Augusta Lindberg and
Mist Rouse called on Mrs. Carrie
Borg Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. David Eby ar
nved Saturday evening to spend
ins leave with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Eby. Sunday they
will leave for Brainerd, Minn,
to see her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Vernie Johnson. He is stationed
at Fitzsimmons hospital at Den
ver, Colo.
Sunday afternoon guests of Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Eymann were Mr.
and Mrs. Dick Shain and chlidren
of Ewing. Evening guests were
her brother, Raymond Springer,
Mrs. Springer and family of El
gin, another brother, Morton
Springer, and their aunt, Mrs.
Vella Galloway, both of Oakdale.
Weekend guests of Dr. and Mrs.
J. P. Brown were Mr. and Mrs.
John Hawk and family of Omaha.
Weekend guests at the Donald
O. Bunkers home were his broth
er and wife. Dr. and Mrs. R. B.
Bunkers, and family of Canton,
S. D.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. McDonald
and Mrs. Elizabeth Stear of Nor
folk stopped in to see Mrs. Rosa
Bowers last week. The McDonalds
were cn their way to Florida to
make their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Blattert
of Stanton visited their son and
his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Duane
Miller, and family for mother’s
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Haynes
and family, Miss Viola Haynes
and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Nissen ofj
Page were other’s day guests or
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes in
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson and
five children of Leigh and Mrs.
J o h n s o n’s grandmother, Mrs.
Mamie Cordes, arrived Friday to
visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clay Johnson, sr., the Clay John
son, jr. family, and Mr. and Mrs.
D. N. Loy family. They left Sun
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Brock Reynoldson were Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Reynoldson of Albion
and Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Reynold
son and family of O’Neill.
Miss Barbara Birmingham went
to Omaha Sunday to visit Mrs.
Richard Spittler, the former Pat
ti Keiser, Mr. Spittler and daugh
Landen Family
Moving from Star j
STAR—The Star Get-Together (
dub met this week with Mrs.
Leonard Juraeek. Ten members
and one guest were present. Roll
j call was an exchange of cookie
' recipes. The afternoon was spent
Mrs. John Landen was honored
with a hanky shower. She was
presented a miniature suit case.
Mrs. Landen also, won the door
Next meeting will be with Mrs.
Ewalt Miller on Wednesday, June
12, with an outdoor cookery dem
onstration. Roll call will be an
outdoor cookery item. Lunch was
Mr. and Mrs. John Landen and
family are leaving this commun
ity to make their home in the
western part of the state, prob
ably at Scottsblufff, where they
have relatives. They have been
employed at the Dale Revell farm
for several years.
Other Star New*
Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller and
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Boelter and
Jim spent Tuesday evening, May
7, the Gerald Waring home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson
and family spent Wednesday eve
ning, May 8, at the Ewalt Miller
The Gibson school term was
closed Saturday with a picnic.
Miss Brenda Beelaert was the
Ronnie Zakrzewski spent Satur
day night with Donnie Linquist.
Bill Hifobs called at the Wertz
home Sunday.
Patty Zakrzewski spent Satur
day night with Irma Juraeek.
Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller had
Sunday dinner and supper with
the Lysle Johnson family.
A large crowd attended the
dance at the Ash Grove hall,
Saturday evening. The Mullen
family furnished the music.
Mrs. Fannie Stewart spent last
week with her daughter, Mrs. El
mer Juraeek, and family.
Doctor Wallace
Commences Practice
Dr. Robert Wallace left Friday
for Omaha where on Monday he
started to work with Dr. J. A.
Gardiner and Dr. Maurice Stover
in the Medical Arts building.
Ewing Livestock
With the recent rains the
cattle market last Monday
was a lot higher. Webb Na
pier sold a load of 627-lb.
heifers at $20.40. A1 Thoendel
sold whiteface bull calves at
$24.85. Heifers at $20.50 Ted
Meyers sold red steer calves
at $21.20. The Bob Strong
calves brought $25.00 for the
steers and $20.80 for the heif
All classes sold from $1.50
to $2.50 per hundred higher.
Several loads of yearling
heifers from $18.50 to $20.00.
Plenty of local demand for
the light cattle and eastern
demand for the yearlings.
Can use a lot more stock of
all classes for the sale next
Top on butcher hogs at
$18.60. Feeder pigs and sows
in strong demand.
Let us try your next con
signment. We appreciate your
The following TIP-TOP Used Cars are equipped with
radio and heater:
llydramatic. power steering
Riviera coupe, dynaflow
’55 FORD V-8 4-DR.
Customline sedan, Ford-O-Matic
Riviera, dynaflow. power steering, power
seat, power windows
Mainline tudor. overdrive
'51 CHEV. 2-DR.
Fleetline, powerglide
'48 CHEV. 2-DR.
'54 CHEV. 2-DR.
(Formerly TONY ASIMUS)
“See Max or Oscar Before You Buy”
Phone 373 West O’Neill
Nuptials at Burwell
AMELIA—Miss Willamae Mad
sen and George Collier of Arcad
a were married Sunday after
ioon. May 12 at the Methodist
hurch in Burwell.
Willamae is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Madsen of
\melia, and has been teaching
school the past year.
The couple will go to North
3akota where Mr. Collier is em
ployed as a surveyor on a gov
ernment reclamation project.
Other Amelia New*
Mrs. Glenn White took H. S.
White to O’Neill Tuesday, May 7,
:o attend the graveside services
or Mrs. G. J. Hess, the wife of a
ormer Chambers doctor.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vescio and
amily of Omaha came Friday to
visit at the Lloyd Waldo home.
)n Sunday the two families
Manned to spend mother’s day
vith the ladies’ mother, Mrs.
^rank Searles and family near
Mr. and Mrs. Dell Kramer and
ons, David and Dannie, and Miss
nez Kramer of Lincoln came
Saturday evening to spend moth
■r’s day with Mrs. Edith Ander
;en. Mrs. Kramer and the boys
tayed for a week’s visit with her
nother, while Mr. Kramer and
us sister returned home Sunday
Mrs. B. W. Waldo accompanied
ier daughter, Mrs. Ken Werner,
o Omaha Wednesday, May 8,
vhere they visited relatives. They
•eturned home Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Oetter and
daughters visited at the Arthur
Hiatt home Tuesday evening, Mav
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman
were Norfolk callers Tuesday,
May 7.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ninham. of
Chambers visited at Lee Gilmans
Sunday. May 5.
Mrs. Blake Ott, Mrs. Edith An
dersen, Mrs Eva Backhaus and
Caroline helped the Lindseys
paper their kitchen on Tuesday,
May 7.
Mrs Lew Backhaus helped Mrs.
B. YV. 'Waldo do some painting
Tuesday, May 7.
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott went to
O'Neill Wednesday, May 8. While
there Blake traded cars for his
daughter, Mrs. Gloria Landrum.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Dierks of
Scottsblufff visited their daugh
ter, Mrs. Gene Thompson, and
family over the weekend. They
planned to go on to Missouri to
visit their son, Billie and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Hatch of
Lexington, came to spend moth
er's day with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar Peterson.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston
and son, Mark, returned to Lin
coln Sunday afternoon. Paul was
here to attend the close-out farm
sale of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Silas Johnston, who plan to move
this week to a small town near
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Beckwith
of Page had their infant son bap
tized at the Sunday morning ser
vice at the Methodist church.
Mrs. Beckwith is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Blackmore.
There was a special mother’s day
service. Mrs. Emma Lindsey was
the oldest mother present. Mrs
Dell Kramer of Lincoln, and Mrs.
Roy Fullerton were the youngest
mothers present. Mrs. Blake Ott
and Mrs Stella Sparks were
members of the Amelia church
tthe most number of years. Each
was presented with a carnation.
A good-sized crowd attended
the card party sponsored by the
Catholic church at the Amelia
hall Sunday evening. Bad roads
hindered attendance There were
12 table's playing pitch or pinoch
le. Alvin Forbes won high score
in pinochle; Steve Sladek, low
Miss Jeri Cody won high m pitch;
Mils. Delia Ernst won the door
Mrs. Stella Sparks and Mrs.
Tommie Doolittle helped with
papering at Mrs. Jim Bilstien’s
home on Friday.
Rev. Hallowav, elder of the
Free Methodist church, held
quarterly conference at the Beth
any church Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Forest Austin of
Tacoma. Wash,, called at B. W.
Waldo’s Thursday.
Friends here received word of
the death of Olin Baker of Rarns
ton. Mrs. Baker, the former Olive
Feezer, and the late Mr. Baker
were residents in the Amelia
community many years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Berry
went to Grand Island Sunday to
visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
August Boltz.
Mrs. Paul Johnston and son *
Mark, of Lincoln, who spent the
past week with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Peterson, visited
Mrs. Vern Sageser Friday after
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Terwilliger
left Sunday for their home at
Pilliger, Minn., after a two-weeks
visit with their daughter and
family, the Jack Winipgs; and
friends in the Atkinson vicinity.
Mr. Rees went to Burwell Fri
day. where he met Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbur Kizer, who were planning
to go to Denver. Colo., Saturday
to visit the Bob Roes family. Mr.
Rees had some things to send to
their son. Bob. and family. Bob
had recently taken a civil service
exam in forestry and had receiv
ed word he had passed the exam.
He had also passed a test as meat
Plan Final Meeting
in June—
AMELIA Mrs. Elmer Coolidge
was hostess to the Helping Hand
club Thursday, May 9. After a
creamed chicken dinner, the pres- I
ident, Mrs. lank Sageser, called i
the meeting to order. “My Old
Kentucky Home", which was j
chosen bv the hostess, was sung, j
Eleven members answered roll j
Readings were given as there 1
was no lesson. Mr. Ri>es presented
“What to Do in Time of Disaster".
Mrs. Vern Sageser gave a report
on “Diet”, and several comical
readings were given.
Club adjourned to meet with
Mrs. Bernard Blackmore on June
13 for a picnic and last meeting
for this spring.
Dudley John Hovey, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Harrison Hovey of
Stuart, was recently promoted to
Yeoman second-class. He is sta
tioned at the personnel office at
Saufley field, Pensacola, Fla. He
is a brother of Mrs. Archie Bright
and Richard Hovey.
Arrives from Illinois—
Miss Ethel Lehn arrived Wed
nesday, May 8, from Waukegan.
III., to visit her mother. Mrs
Mary Lehn, and her sister. Miss
LaVeta Lehn. Sunday they drove
to Norfolk where they met Mrs.
Lehn's son and his wife, Mr and
Mrs. Clarence M lehn. and fam
ily of Wahoo. They had a picnic
at Norfolk
Couple* Entertain—
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stuti and
Mr. and Mrs. William Artus were
hosts to a group of friends Mon
day evening at the Artus home.
Shower llonoree—
Mrs. Kenneth C. Juran was
hostess at a pink-and-blue show
er last Thursday afternoon at her
home for Mrs. Joe Sivesind.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Walker and
family of McCook are visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C,
Double dresser and bookcase headboard. Fully dust proofed and
center drawer guided. Tilting bevel plate mirror. Hardwood
Regular $169.95
TO CLEAR AT ..... $138.00
$9.95 Values
Large double dresser and bookcase headboard. Vt-ln plate glass
mirror. Oak interiors. Fully dust proofed and center drawer
Regular $169.95
27 x 54 Hampden
Values up to $16.00 Regular $6.35
6 only, slightly marred
Sale Price T0 Sell at
$4 & $7 $3.98
Wrought Iron
They were scratched in
While They Last
Unfinished Unfinished
What-Not Shelves DRESSER BASE
Ready to assemble 4 drawer
Regularly $1.44 Reg- Price $26.95
Clearance Price This Sale
79c $19.95
Washable Window Shades
Without rollers. White, tan and ivory
Regular Price 69c
Sale Price
Double Door
White Enamel
Regular $29.95
Clearance Price
Haddon Hall
Innerspring Mattress
Regular $59. 50
Sale Price
Reg. $39.50 $28.00
4 Only
Regular Price $2.95
,.. 2nPc- p. SHADOW BOXES
Living Room Suite
** In wrought iron. Gold or
In red frieze black finish
Regular $189.95 Reg g2.89 - $1.98
Sale Pnce $3.89 — $2.98
$149.00 $6.95 — $4.98
STUDIO BEDS Occasional Chairs
3 Only Armless style. Tweeds and
Gold, green or biege tapestries
Regularly $69.95 Values up to $29.95
Sale Price Your Choice
$48.00 $14.95
Strato Lounger
Keelining chairs. Red and
lime only
Reg. Price $99.95
This Sale
A quality suite cushioned with Blocksom Paratex
Regular Price $169.95
TO CLEAR AT_$129.95
Black Metal
Smartly styled
Sale Price
Studio bed and swivel rockers in turquoise, lime and biege frie
»es. Rubberized hair cushioning.
Regularly Sell for $189.95
TO SELL AT_$149.00
Just Received Large Shipment of LA MP SHADES in Latest Styles