Legal Notice (First pub. May 9, 1957.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4182 John R. Gallagher, attomev IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA. MAY 2. 1957 IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF BED A JOHNSON, DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims a gainst said estate is August 29, 1957, and for the payment of debts is May 2, 1958, and that on May 29. 1957, and on August 30, 1957, at 10 o’clock A M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to re ceive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 2-4c (Fidst pub. April 25, 1957) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4180 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, APRIL 18, 1957. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF ANNA DAVIDSON, DECEASED. Creditors of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is August 16, 1957, and for the payment of debts is April 18, 1958 and that on May 16, 1957, and on August 17, 1957, at 10 o'clock A. M!, each day, I will be at the County Court room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 52-2c (First pub. April 25, 1957) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Estate No. 4603 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF CLARA MAY TUCKER, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a ] petition has been filed for final fees and commissions, distribu i settlement herein, determination ( _ — , T of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribution of estate and approval of final account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on May 15, 1957, at 10 o'clock, A.M. LOUIS W. REIMER. County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 52-2c Mrs. Frank Vomacka No Longer Needing Crutches, Wheel Chair LYNCH—Mrs. Frank Vomacka, sr., of Gregory, S. D.; can now walk without the use of her crutches and has completely dis carded her wheel chair. Mrs. Vomacka suffered a frac tured pelvic bone when she fell at her home and was hospitalized for many weeks, later using a wheel chair. She has been dis abled for three years. Mrs. Voma cka and her family lived on a farm miles west of Lynch for almost 50 years. Several years ago she moved to Gregory, S. D,, to be near her children there. Other Lynch News Nancy and Linda Connick of Colome, S. D., are visiting with Margene Weeder over the week end. They had been staying with their grandmother in Niobrara while their parents were getting settled in their new home. Mrs. Danny Liska, Mrs. Adolph Liska and Mrs. Junior Liska. all of Niobrara, spent Wednesday, May 1 at the Bill Halva home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalkowski accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Her man Schochenmaier and family of Bonesteel, S. D., to Verdel to spend Sunday at the Dale Barta home. Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Moody and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Streit and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lorie Micanek also Mr. and Mrs. Dale Audiss and Diane spent i Thursday evening at the C. L. Haselhorst home. Mrs. Floyd Frances and Mrs George Courtney were O’Neill visitors on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Crooks spent Friday evening at the Peter Mul lair home. They all played Can ista. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Mulhair vere business visitors in Winne oon and Pierce on Thursday, day 2. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bryan and heir daughter. Mrs. R. P. Berry pf Lucedale, Miss., and Mr. and drs. Bill Stouffer were Friday, day 3, 6 o’clock dinner guests at he Gladys Spencer home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Svatos spent hiday evening at the Harold Jennett home. Mrs. Gladys Spencer, who had pent several weeks visiting rel itives in the South, returned home Vednesday, May 1. She accomp nied the Harry Bryan family of jucedale, Miss., who are visiting 1 elatives here the past 10 days. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bennett nd Mrs. Harold Hansen and hildren spent last Sunday at the vo Bodine home in St. Charles, >. D. Bill Rosicky of the Nebraska Jniversity spent the weekend at | Emmet Remembers This Crew The Emmet baseball team of 1904 had a fat season—'but most of the games were played up until the Fourth of July. Frank Foreman, who submitted the pictures, recalls only two games were lost: Seated—Thomas Malloy, manager and utility player, and Fred Hitchcock, catcher; second row—Jack Foreman, pitcher and second base; Bert Gaffney, centerfield; Mike O’Donnell, pitcher and catcher; standing—Maurice Malloy, first base and outfield; Frank Foreman, shortstop; Ralph Lawrence, second base; Milton (“Spike”) Lawrence, left field; Mickey Lynch, catcher and fielder; Bill Malloy, umpire. -1 Vote $5 to Siders Memorial Fund INMAN—The Community club met Monday evening, April 29, at the high school. The club voted $5 to the Ray Siders memorial fund. Mr. Siders was the first com munity club president. Mrs. Albert Anthony reported on the second polio shots. TTie club decided to work on a good beautification project the remaid der of the summer. The program committee presented Mrs. Frank Puffing of Winner and Mrs. Anna Clrvk of Gregory, S. D. These lad ies showed slides of the Black Hills, Florida and Grand Canyon. Attend Foxley Rites in Omaha— Among those attending the fun eral Saturday of Wiliam J. Foxley, of Omaha, nationally-known cat tleman, were Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam J. Froelich, sr., and Charles, Mr. and Mrs. William Froelich jr., of Chicago, 111., Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Birmingham and Miss Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Berigan and James ("Jim”) Berigan of Atkinson. Mr. Foxley was killed in an au to crash in Texas where he was on business trip. Mrs. Herley Hostess— Mrs. Reed R. Herley entertained at coffee Saturday in honor of the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Ar thur Aim. $350,000 Loaned to— Holt-Boyd Farmers— More than $350,000 has been loaned to fanners in Boyd and Holt counties during the past 10 months by the Farmers Home Ad ministration, the agency’s super visor. J. C. Walker, announced this week. Repayments on loans outstand ing during the same period total $195,000. The heaviest demand has been for credit to finance family-type farms and operating loans. There has also been a large demand for loans to finance irrigation wells and purchase equipment. The repayments are on loans extended during previous years, and are being made primarily from the sale of livestock. Bark from Iceland— Lt. Allen Porter, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Porter, was met in Omaha Saturday by his parents. He had flown from Iceland, where he had been stationed for nine months with the air force. He will spend the rest of the week here and report to a base near Denison, Tex., where he will be an instructor. Notes Birthday— Miss Jolene Stutz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stutz, celebrated her 11th birthday anniversary Saturday at a party at her home for the girls in her class at St. Mary’s academy. O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. John Stahlecker and Gregg of Naper were ghests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Juran and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shierk Wednesday, May 1. Henry Hoff of Denver, Colo., was a guest Saturday and again i Monday for dinner at the Claire j Engdahl home. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Holz and j family and Mrs. Francis Holz and family Sunday were in Chambers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Fahrenholz. Mrs. Duane McKay and children spent Saturday in Chambers with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Harley. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Austin, who moved to Sidney from Norfolk several months ago, arrived Sat urday to spend a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kelly. Howard Quinn of Chadron, formerly of O’Neill, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Mac Kinlay Sunday through Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Froe lich, jr., left for their home in Chicago, 111., Monday after having visited his parents, the William J. Froelichs. Mr. Froelieh had been here a fortnight and his wife was I here about a week. Mrs. D. D. DeBolt was in Nor folk Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stemple of Council Bluffs, la., arrived Sat urday to stay with their daughter, Mrs. Ted Kyster, and family for a week. His mother, Mrs. Ted Kyster, also of Council Bluffs, left Saturday. She has taken care of the two children while Mrs. Kys ter was in the hospital with little Kirk Mathew, tneir new little son. Redbird News Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kinsie and sons, of Butte were dinner guests at the Dick Fernam home Sunday, May 5. Mrs G. A. Connard, Nate and Warren, were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Bursell of Spencer, Sunday. May 5. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Witherwax were visitors at the Car! Krogh home Sunday afternoon. May 5. NOTICE: Starting June 1. 1957, our office will be closed on Sat urday pin. Office hours: 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 5 p.m. and 10 to 12 a. m. on Saturday.—Drs. David and Kirz, Lynch. 2-4 Mr. and Mrs. Austin Searles and family attended homecoming an niversary services at the Center Union church Sunday. May 5. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull calk'd at the Merrill Anderson home Thursday evening, May 2. They also called at Delbert Nelsons to help unload a deep freeze which Mr. Nelson had purchased in O' Neill that day. Eighth grade pupils from rural schools in this vicinity taking ex ams in O’Neill, Friday included Joyce Krogh, Gaylene Cassu, Leo Witherwax and Bruce Sehollmey er. Rev. E. Kirsnman ana memocrs from the Assembly of God church i;i O’Neill, held services at the H. V. Rosenerans homt Wednesday, May 1. Leroy Hull and a party of young folk from Lynch attended the track meet in Norfolk Thurs day, May 2. Keith Anderson has been help ing Cecil Witherwax and sons, cut trees this week. They plan to saw them into lumber. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Anderson visited at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Anderson, and fam ily, at Coulmbus May 5. Enroute home they spent the evening vis iting relatives in Albion. Visit Norfolk— Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bartos call ed on Mr. and Mrs. Allen Knight in Norfolk. O’NEILL LOCALS Miss Barbara McCarthy, a stud ent nurse of St. Catherine's school of nursing in Omaha, was home for the weekend. yb\ and Mrs. Vincent Streeter and family attended the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Sid Honey well in Chambers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ragland of Page visited the Charles F. Nutter family Saturday evening. Mrs. Dallas Behrens and family of Fremont arrived Saturday for a several days' visit with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Esty Nelson The Nelsons and the Behrens’ family attended the golden jubilee of the Methodist church in Bris tow Sunday. Miss Genevieve Biglin and Miss Nora MeAuliffe of Sioux City ar rived Friday evening to visit Mr and Mrs. F. N. Cronin until Sun day. Sunday evening the Claire Eng dahl family visited the Harvey Tompkins family in Inman. I-1 " ] Money to Loan — on — 1 AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS ; TRACTORS EQUIPMENT , FURNITURE i Central Finance ; O’Neill Nebraska 1 C. E. Jones, Manager ECONOMY WHEN YOU WANT IT I Her*'* the secret of its greater gas mileage, h the J-2 Rocket a single two-barrel car buretor serves the engine, at peak efficiency, for all your ordinary power needs. You choose your own kind of performance— you're in economy range up to % throttle. Yet you enjoy famous Rocket action all the way. POWER WHEN YOU NEED IT I All three carburetors (six barrels) go into action, automatically, whenever the occasion demands. Push your foot to the floor, and you have extra safety power on tap to uAisk you up the steepest grade, or out of tfM path of danger. Here's alert action for added safety In any driving situationl OLDSMOBILE NOW OFFERS YOU THE MOST EXCITING NEW ENGINE DEVELOPMENT SINCE THE FIRST HIGH-COMPRESSION POWER PLANT I Greater economy for all normal driving! A greater reserve of extra safety power for the exceptional situation! That’s why Oldsmobile’s new J-2 Rocket Engine* is like two engines in one. And you, the driver, are in complete control of how you want to travel. For practically all driving needs you enjoy the fuel saving economy of a single carbu retor. Or, a touch of the accelerator past the three-quarters mark will • Optional at oxtra cost on all Oldtmobilm m admit. bring two additional carburetor* into use. This gives you gas-saving performance over a 50 percent broader operating range plus a reassuring reserve of power that means added safety. If you have not already tried the J-2 Rocket, your nearby Oldsmobile Dealer in vites you to come in for a drive soon. Be his guest for a J-2 test. You’ll find it is a totally new and wonderful driving experience. Ill YOUR AUTHORIZED QUAL.TY O.AL.A • •} Alices Beauty Shop He*. 3 doors west of Texaco 125 Hast Douglas I’hone 263 — O’Neill EVERYONE BENEFITS FROM RACING DOLLARS IN NEBRASKA Nebraska is the only place where racing is different. Everybody shares in the proceeds. All profits are distributed to charitable, educational and civic activ ities. Even the board members of Ah Sar Ben serve without pay as a civic duty . .. just as your state and county fair boards do ... to give you this thrilling, exciting entertainment. AK-SAR- N RACES MAY 21 - JULY 6 8 - RACES DAILY - 8 EXCEPT SUNDAYS AND MONDAYS POST TIME • 2 P.M. . RAIN OR SHIN! TWILIGHT RACES EVERY THURSDAY, 3 BO P M. EXCEPT MAY 30 AND JULY 4 LADIES' DAYS TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS NO CHILDREN ADMITTED MILLER THEATER — ATKINSON — Fri.-Sat. May 10-11 Sun.-Mon.-Tues. May 12-13-14 I Wed.-Tiiurs. May 15-16 ^ i i This coupon and one paid ad- I | mission will admit two ad- • ults. May 15-16. j Yours/ ■ ... at the bewitching hour! Ah-h—the hour is enchanted! And you add a touch of romance from a wondrous land—the land of sky blue waters. Hamm’s, the beer refreshing—the beer with the crisp, clean-cut taste—the beer that has won the heart of all America. Theo. Hamm Brewing Co., St. Paul, Minn, and San the BEER refreshing From the land of shy blue waters•