Lysle Johnsons Show Appreciation STAR— Mr and Mrs Lyale Johnson and family Sunday eve ning, April 28, entertained a group of friends and relatives at a weiner roast with all the trim mings and ice cream at their home. The neighbors were feted for helping with the farm work at the Johnson home before and after Mr. Johnson underwent surgery for a back ailment late last sum mer. The following were present: Mr and Mrs. Dave Johnson, Mr and Mrs, Ewalt Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Max Lc Masters and fam ily, Delmar Spangler, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson and , family, Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sor- ! enson, jr„ and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Vonasek and the Lyle I Johnson family. Other Star News Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller call ed at the Ben Vonasek and Lyle Johnson homes Monday, April 29. Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson and family were supper guests at the Ben Vonasek home, Monday, Ap ril 29. The Willowdale township meet ing was held Monday evening, April 29, at the Ben Vonasek home. Several members of the Star Get together club attended the home demonstration of the exten sion clubs of the O’NeiLl center in O’Neill Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller were supper guests at the Bob Tomlin son home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Boyd and family of Omaha were weekend visitors with the Derickson fam ilies. Mrs. Boyd is the former Mabel Derickson. The Star Get-Together club meets this week with Mrs. Leonard Juracek. Barbara Miller attended a hay ride and weiner roast at the Har vey Krugman home Sunday eve ning. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boelter and Merle, to honor Merle's 15th birthday anniversary, were Mrs. Hattie Boelter, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Boelter and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller and family. ■ ♦ - Pvt. Willis Waring and Pvt Vernon Boelter have been assign ed to overseas training in Europe. Miss Tompkins to Make Mission Tour INMAN— Miss Linelle Claire Tompkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A. Tompkins of In man, has been notified that she has been chosen one of four young people from the northeast district of the Methodist church to go on the 1957 Nebraska conference mission tour which leaves Nebras ka Wesleyan university in Lincoln June 10 and returns June 24. 300 Attended Show at Ash Grove Hall STAR—More than three hund red attended the variety show held at the Ash Grove hall, Frriday evening, May 3. Twenty-eight young people took part in the tal ent show, which was followed by a one-act play, “The Ghost of Punkin Holler.” The proceeds from the lunch will help to defray expenses on the building. Visitors the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Esty Nelson and family were her sister, Mrs. C. E. Tracy and sons of Colome, S D„ and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Rust and sons of Spencer. Mrs. P. B. Harty left Wednes day for Menasha, Wise., to visit her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harty, and new little granddaughter, little Miss Mary Kay Harty. • W.V Weds at Butte Miss Marilyn Kotrous of O’ Neill (above) became the bride of Ray Lampman of O’Neill, formerly of Anoka, Tuesday, April 30. Rites took place in St. Peter and Paul Catholic church at Butte. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kotrous of Venus.— O’Neill Photo Co. Returning Today— Miss Barbara Muff of Washing ton, D. C., is expected home to day (Thursday) for her wedding on June 22 at St. Patrick’s Catho lic church to Paul Swercheck of Lansford, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Mat tern and children were in Creigh ton visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mat tern. Mr. and Mrs. Fora Knight were in Chambers Sunday visiting her uncle, Edward Jones. i Hartman-Kortje Nuptials at Norfolk Wednesday, May 8, at St. Paul’s Lutheran church In Norfolk, Mrs. Louis Hartman, daughter of Mrs. Rose Harding, was united in mar riage to Arthur Kortje, a farmer living llfc miles from Norfolk. Mr. and Mr. Alfred Kortje of Norfolk were the couple’s attend ants. A wedding dance was held at Riverside at 9 p. m. They plan to go on a trip in the Fall to California. They will live on the farm near Norfolk. CHURCH OF CHRIST (O'Neill) Rex James, evangelist Sunday, May 12:—Bible school, 10 a. m.; preaching and commun ion, 11 a. m.; youth meeting, at 7:30; evening service 8 o’clock. Wednesday, May 15; Bible study and prayer meeting, at 8 p. m. Study will be over the ninth chap ter of Romans. Concludes Visit— Mrs. Lod Janousek took her father, Albert Rathovic, who had been with her for the past 15 months, to Jim Rathovic’s home in Fremont. The latter is Mrs. Janousek’s brother. Mrs. anousek will be home the end of the week. She is visiting her sisters and at Columbus will visit Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hile. Dinner Guesti — Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lech and Gary Lee of Atkinson were Sun day diner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Kuhfahl. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Juran and boys visited in Win netoon with Mr. and Mrs. Loren Kienow. Frontier want ads don’t cost . . . they pay! ----1 Riverside News The Mesdames Lorraine Mont gomery, Dave Anson, Lynn Fry, Roibert Montgomery, Richard Napier, Don Larson and Melvin Napier, members of the Seek and Share project club, attended the tea given for the extension project club® of Antelope coun ty at Oakdale Wednesday, May 1. Lester and Esther Odren of Neligh ate dinner and supper at the Floyd Napier home. Both families called at the Lynn Fry home in the afternoon. Mrs. Earl Pierson recently visited her mother, Mrs. Edith McClanahan, in Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mahood ate dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. George Mont gomery visited last Thursday evening at the Johnny Miller home. Miss Janelle Hoke spent the weekend with Ruth Scott at her home near Chambers. Loree Mott ate lunch Friday . with Joyce Montgomery. Frank Wondercheck, father of Mrs. Grant Mott, was taken to Tilden hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Strude of Stuart were dinner guests at the Motts on Thursday and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wondercheck of Newport were dinner guests Sunday. They all called on Mr. Wonder check at the hospital on Sunday and during the week. Mr. Won dercheck was taken to the Mott home Monday. Mrs. Daisy Miller and Mrs. Mel vin Napier visited last Thursday at the Dave Pollork home. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Napier and Carol Ann and Daisy Miller were supper guests at the Walter Mil ler home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Darrol Switzer and family of Omaha were overnight guests at Ora Switzer home Sat urday night. On Sunday they joined the family in celebrating Joanie Miller’s birthday anniver sary. Other guests at the Leo Mil ler home were Willis Taylor of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller and Danny, the Wendell Switzer family, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer and Jay Butler. Joanie had two cakes and received several nice gifts and her school friend, Linda 1-arson, spent Sunday night at her hotne. Mr. nd Mrs. Bi t Fink spent the weekend at Fremont visiting at the Russell Fink hotne. The Duane Jensen children sjxjnt the weekend at the Bill Fry home while Duane and Phyllis at tended an auctioneer convention at North Pltate over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink visit ed at Jim Pollocks Wednesday evening last week and Allan Pol lock ate dinner with his folks on Sunday. Mrs. Allan Pollock ac companied her daughter, Patsy, > ni Chicago over the weekend. While Mr and Mrs. Bill Lof quist were visiting Mrs. Mary Rotherham in n hospatal in Scottsbluff, their children stayed at the Charles Rotherham home in Ewing. Mrs. Rotherham’s con dition is still "unchanged". "nos C**