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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1957)
Norma Jean Burgess, Louis Cobum W ed ATtl.YSON—Miss Norma Jean Burg A of Lincoln, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Loren Burgess of Emmet, and Louis Gerald Coburn of Lincoln, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Coburn of O’Neill, were united in marriage Saturday, Ap ril 13,' in a double-ring ceremony at First Presbyterian church in At kinson. Rev. Curtis Barnett per formed the 3 o’clock ceremony. Candelabra and baskets of pink and white gladioli decorated the ehurclS, Mi 4 Audrey Coxbill, solist, sang “Because” and "The Lord’s Prayer. ' She was accompanied at the organ by Mrs. William Shorn. The bride, given in marriage by her father, appeared in a gown of ehantilly lace and tulle. The slim lace bodice featured a sweet heart neckline, accented by se quins and pearls. The brief scal loped sleeves were complimented by lace mitts. A peacock styled overskirt of hand clipped Chan tilly lace fell over the cascading tiers of tulle, which created the extremely bouffant skirt and ended in a chapel train. A scalloped pill box hat of rose-point lace, encrusted with sequins and pearls held her doub le tier veil of imported bridal il lusion. She carried a cascade bouquet of pink sweetheart ros es and white poms. Miss Elda Lorenson of Lincoln, was matron-of-honor, and Miss Jeanette Kirkland of Atcheson, rw.llis., v\ it> Ul lUtMUcllU. Don Walton of Lincoln was groomsman and Geoffrey Fried of Lincoln was bestman. Ushers were Gerald Upton of Atkinson and Harold Coburn of O’Neill. The bride’s mother wore navy with white accessories; the bride groom's mother appeared in rose lace with white accessories. Both wore white carnation corsages. A reception was held in the church [>arlors following the cere mony. A four-tier cake decorated in aqua and white centered the table, accented on the sides with white candles banked with white pompoms. Mrs. Gerald Upton was in charge of the guest book sign ed by 150 guests. Mrs. Dale Wil son of Denver, Colo., cut the cake and Mrs. A. E. Boro of Fremont and Mrs. Don Doll of Omaha poured. Servers were the Misses Nancy Watson and Janice Prewitt and Mrs. Edward Schmuecker, all of Atkinson. The bride is a graduate of the Atkinson high school and the Na tional Business Institute of Lin coln. The bridegroom was grad uated from the Butte high school and is senior at the University of Nebraska. He is a member of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. After A9pril 19, the couple will be at home at 3805 C st., Lincoln. Chambers alumni banquet, May 30 (memorial day). Ttek ets on s. le at Park Ave. Market, Bill's Cafe, Platt Oil Co., Hoerlo Station. Elkins Produce, in Cham bers. and at O’Neill, IJelbcrt Robertson. Deadline for buying tickets May 20. Remember date. 51c Too Late to Classify FOR SALE: Bred sows and gilts, test of breeding, double vac cinated. Priced $1.00 per hun dred under Omaha top.—New Deal Oil Co., Tony Asimus. 51c F< >R RENT: Sleeping rooms for men. Call O’Neill 330J after 5 p. m. Loretta Hynes. 51-p35 USED MACHINERY TRACTORS— 42 B J. D. 44 A J. D. 1949 John Deere A Tractor F-20 IHC *49 J-D B 1 40 J-D B PLOWS— J-D Plow 2—14's J-D Plow 2—16’s IHC No. 8 /HINDERS— J-D 10” hammermill. LOWERS— Massey-Harris tractor V-25 I. H. C. Farmhand heavy duty loader J. D. 730 Lister, near new New 11 -ft. J-D disc, special $170 12-ft. Ezze Flow Fertilizer Spreader, new — $200. J. D. 15-ft. Tractor Disc, nearly new. J. D. tractor cultivator 240 I. H. C. Tractor Cultivator J. D. 290 Tractor Planter J. D. 999 Horse Planter Harry R. Smith Impls. Phone 562 — O’Neill WE TAKE this opportunity to thank the friends and neighbors who were so kind and helpful in many ways at the time of the illness and death of our husband and father.—Mrs. Al fred S. Sanders and family. 51c ST. PATRICK’S CATHOLIC Holy Thursday: Anniversary feast of our Lord’s last supper; confessions heard from 2 until 4:30 p. m.; evening high mass and holy communion, 8 p. m. Proces sion. Good Friday: Private devotions, 12 o’clock noon until 1:30 p. m.; mass of the pre-sanctified at 1:30 p. m., and holy communion. Con fessions will be heard after mass service; stations of the cross 7:30 p. m. Holy Saturday: Confessions j from 2 to 8 p. m. Blessings of new fire, Paschal candle, baptis mal and Easter water at 10:30 p. ] m. Easter vigil high mass begins ' at midnight. Easter Sunday: Masses at 7:30 and 9 a. m.; high mass at 10:30 a. m. CHRIST LUTHERAN Friday, April 19: Holy com munion service, 8 p. m., an nouncements by registration. Sunday, April 21: Easter day worship, 9 a. m., sermon: “The ( Outer and Inner Door.” Sunday school at 10:15 a. m. KAINER—Mr. and Mrs. Mich ael Kainer, of Knoxville, Term., are the parents of twin daughters, j Jo Marie and Jan Melanie, weigh ing 6 pounds 1444 ounces and 6 pounds 8% ounces respectively, j born Sunday, April 7. Mrs. Kain- , er is the former Neva Iekes, ! daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Iekes, sr., of Page. MILLER THEATER — ATKINSON — Fri.-Sat. April 19-20 Sun.-Mon.-Tues. April 21-22-23 colorS^i ROCK HUDSON • LAUREN BACALL ROBERT STACK-DOROTHY MALONE Wednesday April 24 MARKET REPORT Verdigre Livestock Market We had a large run of hogs today on a market that could best be described as “hot”. Competition was keen with several buyers present. Ex treme top was $18.90 with the majority of No. 1 and No. 2 hogs bringing from $18.?5 to $18.75. The No. 3 hogs brought from $17.75 to $18 25. Brood sows were bringing from $70 to $80. Feeder pigs brought from $19.50 to S24.50 depending upon size and qual ity. 75 pound pigs brought j $22.50 each. We irvite you to compare our market with other mar kets foi this date When your hogs are ready to se'l ,try the sa e in VERDIGRE. Join tar list of satisfied customers. Sale every MONDAY starting at 11:00 A. M. Verdigre Livestock Market Ph. 86 or 84W Don Jensen mgr. Mrs. Louis Gerald Coburn . . . April bride. EASTER CANDY This Easter why not give the best It’s sure to be appre ciated. Give a box of Panghurn’s Western Style Chocolates. Come in and see our nice selection of beautiful Easter £ x>xes—you’ll find the one you like at the cahdy counter in Milligans Kexall Drug._ EASTER CARDS For really nice Easter Cards, see our display of cards by , American Greetings Company. We have Religious Cards as , well as the Conventional Type. Greet your friends and your loved ones with a nice Blaster Card by American Greetings, avlalable at Gilligan Drug. EASTERBUNNIES The kiddies will be thrilled with one of these Easter Bunny Dolls—brightly dressed, and a full 3 feet tall. The regular price on these dolls is $2.98—they won’t last long at | the very special price of only $2.25. You will also find soft cuddly Easter Rabbits at Gilligans for only $2.50. One of these stuffed toys on Easter morning will delight any youngster. .1. ' 'i VETERINARY NEEDS CALF SCOURS—The sooner treatment can be j started for scours the better the results will be. Sulfa strep is the product which seems to be bringing the best results in checking this infection. Don’t wait until the trouble starts—buy a bottle now to have on hand—it’s a good insurance. In addition to Sulfastrep, at Gllligans you can find Terramycin, Aureomydn, Kaostrep, and several other good scours remedies made by the most reliable of manufacturers. PENICILLIN - DIHYDROSTREPTOMYCIN — Be j cause of the smaller dosage required of this combina tion. the price of this preparation runs very close to that of Penicillin alone—and the combination product covers a much wider range of infections. Dose for dose, Pen tcillin-Diyhdrostreptomycin in combination is much more economical to use than Penicillin alone. VACCINES—Remember, our prices on the double | and the triple vaccines are prices you’ll like. These s vaccines are Sharp & Dohme voccines on which we were \ able to make a good purchase and pass the savings on to f you. This spring get your vaccines at Giliigan Rexall \ Drug. A WORD ABOUT VITAMINS: Beore you buy Vitamins from a mail-order house or a door-to-door salesman, ask yourself: How effective is his product? How reliable is the manufacturer? The answers to these questions are answers you would want to know about any product you buy. When you buy your vitamins at Gil \ ; ligans Rexoll Drug you can bank on it that the product comes from the world’s finest laboratories. . . that it is as effective —and safe—as modern science can make it. ? Gilligan Rexoll Drug! v Phone 87 — O’Neill I | la in in ■ ■ ■ . ■ n . n Ji| • * • • * o • » ' • • • with this rnri’HM I I OUR FAMILY i SALT ' TUBE_ COl’PON EXPIRES APRIL 20TII = !_I WITH THIS COUPON I ARM AND HAMMER « I BAKING | : SOM ! PKG_ ! ■ m ■ I . COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 20TII !mk mmm mb mb mb m mmm bm bm bm mb m bm m mm bm mb m mk! GRADE “A” ICE PACKED Fryers Lb. 39c FINEST QUALITY GROUND BEEF 2 k 69c ROASTING OK STEWING — CHICKENS lb 33c ALL MEAT — MINCED HAM Lb 39c UTTl QAATIQ CHOPPED BEEF can 35c FREE POPCORN FOR THE KIDDIES (LARGE AND SMALL) ALL DAY SATURDAY Popcorn Loves ALL SWEET So Will You — SPECIAL TODAY — ALLSWEET .U 29c WE HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF STARTED CHICKS ON HAND AT THIS TIME INCLUDING Leg Hamps, White Leghorns, White Rocks Call or See us if you are interested in Started Chicks. ON HAND AT BOTH O’NEILL and CREIGHTON OUR FAMILY - CALIFORNIA FRESH STRAWBERRY PRESERVES TAIL 10 OZ .GLASS OUR FAMILY FANCY HAWAIIAN SLICED PINEAPPLE - DEL'CIOUS WITH HAM PINEAPPLE 2 PLEASMOR BRAND PILLOW SOFT WHITE ■ ■ - w— — —~ Swansdown CAKE MIXES White - Yellow ■ Devil's rood 3rBKG\89* Nabisco PREMIUM SALTINES CRACKERS ~ 29* °ur Family y FREESTONE HALVES PEACHES.r^33‘ Family fancy sticed PEACHES.^47* OUR FAMILY PURE CONCORD GRAPE JUICE_££29* BED LABEL CRYSTAL KARO SYRUP_££21* EMERALD BRAND IAR9B WALNUTS..“49* WACONIA SORGHUM OUR FAMILY SALAD DRESSING SF_ 49' RED — POTATOES ORANGES ja^h TREND POB DISHES IP 2~59* TREND p6h rwE rAsncs 2~3r CO Btods-O'-lfeacfc MS -39* &67* COMPLETEUNEOF VICTOR P0UL CHICK STARTER, 100-lb. bag .... $4 75 V COMPLETE EGG GRAN., 100-lb. bag . S4‘25 Y. 26% GRAIN BALANCER, 100-lb. bag 54 75 * 32% POULTRY CONCENTRATE, 100-lb. bag $5’is i 15c CWT. DISCOUNT ON '/* TON LOTS VICTOR CREEP FEED, lOO-lbt.. $3,95 TOP MARKET FOR CREAM