The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 11, 1957, Page 4, Image 4

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    O’Neill News
Dr and Mrs. C. M. Eason
entertained at dinner Sunday
evening, Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
Hubbard of Chambers and Mr.
an.) Mrs. C. W. Porter. The oc
casion was Dr. Eason and Edwin
Porter's birthday.
Monument* of lasting beauty
made by skilled craftsmen of
the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu
ments from the factory to the
consumer. — Emmett Crabb, O’
Neill. phone 139-J. 37tf
Mr. and Mrs. C. W Porter were
Monday night supper guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Ace Hubbard of
Mrs. D. F. Templemeyer re
ports she has had word from El
don Ramsels that they are settled
in Colorado Springs, Colo. They
were snow-bound for a few days
on the way there. He is continu
ing in the same work he did here
and she is working for a doctor.
That right! $12.95 buys a 36
month guaranteed Tractor bat
tery at Scovies Western Auto.
Gary Waller, a student of
Wayne State Teachers college,
spent the weekend with his par
nts, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Waller.
Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Snell of Page.
Mr. and Mrs. E T. Blinn of
North Platte are visiting this
week with their daughter, Mrs.
Marge Steifbergen. Sunday visit
ors were Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Blinn of Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Vidricksen
and family visited friends in Lin
coln over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Farr of Nor
folk were Saturday and Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Sehenzel. Sunday they visited at
Edw. M. Gleeson
2d Floor Gilligan
IU-xall Bldg.
Ph. 240 - Box 149 - Hrs. 8:30-5
Dr. Edw. J. Norwood. O.D.
from Crawford, Nebr.. will
be in O’Neill on—
Thursday, April 11
At Golden Hotel
EYES most scientifically ex
GLASSES most properly fit
ted and the most modern
and all types of eye wear
the home of Mrs. Grothe at Em
The Christ Lutheran Ladies
Aid will hold a Food Sale at
Shelhamer’s Saturday, April 13,
starting at 10:00. 50c
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd E. Harvey
are living in Oakland, Calif. Mrs.
Harvey is the daughter of Mr.
! and Mrs. Oliver Ross.
Mr and Mrs. Myron Bloomer
and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Weber
and family of Randolph were
: Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
William Fetsehe.
Don’t be sorry this year. See
our stork of wallpaper and paint
before you buy. Scovies Western
Auto. 48-51c
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hermance of
Lincoln were callers Monday
night of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Her
mance of Stuart. On Tuesday
they called on Mr. and Mrs. H. G.
Kruse and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Paul
i son and family of O’Neill.
Mrs. Sophia Lashmet of New
I port visited her daughter. Mrs. D.
! D. DeBolt. and family Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. DeBackcr
| returned from Kansas City, Mo.,
Tuesday, April 2. They bad at
! tended the funeral of Mr. De
I Backer’s brother. Vital, who had
1 suffered a stroke and had been
ill a week.
Mrs. C. E. Lundgren was host
ess to the Wednesday afternoon
bridge club. Luncheon was at the
bakery and bridge followed at the
Lundgren home.
Mrs Henry Bruhn will leave
Sunday for her home in North
Platte” after having spent, a
month with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Greenstreet
of Mt. Vernon, Wash., and Mr
and Mrs. Reuben Peltzer of
Chamers were Friday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Watson.
The Christ Lutheran Ladies
Aid will hold a Food Sale at
Shelhamer’s Saturday, April 13,
starting at 10:00. 50c
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Vorce
were aturday night dinner guests
of Mr and Mrs. Gene Porter.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Tomlinson
of Spencer visaed Sunday with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
Deloit Blessed
with Moisture —
DELOIT—This locality boasts
a total of 2.06 inches of moisture
for the month of Com
pare that, if you will, to onl> .16
in March, 1956.
Prior to the last snowfall the
farmers here were busy plowing,
irrigating and sewing oats
Rain, snow and sleet fell dur
ing the weekend, amounting to
nearly an inch of moisture.
Country roads have been diffi
cult to negotiate and no com
plaints are heard.
Folks love mud!
CREIGHTON—Andrew T. An- ,
derson, 75, died Saturday, A-Pr
6, in Lundberg Memorial hospital,
here. __
Try Frontier want ads. ^ |
Alice’s Beauty Shop
Res. 3 doors west of Texaco
125 East Douglas
Phone 263 — O'Neill
Outlaw Motor Co.
0 __
1956 Buick Roadmaster Fordor Sedan
This car Is equipped with variable pitch dynaflow, ra
dio. heater, power steering, six-way power seat, and it
has air conditioning. This car was traded in by the or
iginal owner for a 1857 Roadmaster. Stop and see it
today. It Is nice and has low mileage and can be bought
at a great saving.
1956 Olds Super 88 Fordor Sedan
With 13,000 guaranteed miles. Has radio, heater, tinted
glass, power brakes, hydramatic, back-up lights, tutone
blue. This Is a local oar and Is nice and clean. See it
right away as It shouldn’t last long.
! 1953 Buick Roadmaster Tudor Hardtop
Tutone green. This car can hardly be told from new and
Is equipped with twin turbine dynaflow, selectronic ra
dio, power steering and brakes, white sidewall tires, tint
ed glass, electric windows and power seat. 31,000 miles
and was traded In by its original owner.
1952 Buick Super Hardtop
It hM the very popular original red and black paint
equipped with dynaflow, radio, heater, EZ eye glass It
Is real nice. Why not stop in and have a look.
1951 Buick Fordor Super Sedan
Tutone green and white. It has dynaflow, heater, radio.
One owner trade-in on a new Buick Super.
We have most models of new Mercurys available.
; 1 Our BUICK serv ce department j|
will be ready to serve you, starting
next week. B
Max Derry A Oscar Spitzenberger, Owners 1
• • • . • °
Baseball Greats of Yesteryear ^
Time was a half century or more ago when
the Mineola baseball team cleaned house on all
comers, regularly administering punishment to
O’Neill’s best. The photo was found in the George
Tomlinson family effect-;. Front row—George
Tomlinson, third base; Ernie Henry .catcner;
Henry Tomlinson, fielder; Arch Henry, pitcher:
back row—Lee Henry, fielder; Walter Hudson,
fielder; Walter Pickering, shortstop; Bill Carson,
first; Johnnie Carson, second.—Corbet’s Studio
Amelia News
Mrs. Eva Backhaus and Caro
line helped Mrs. Delia Ernst do
wall papering Thursday and Fri
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Milton
startl'd on the way to their home
at Denver, Colo., Tuesday, April
2, after a visit here with her
brother, Glenn White. They got
as far as Jules berg, Colo, and
were stranded there because of
the blizzaiu. They were able to
go on to their home the next day.
Dorsey Farmers
Welcome Moisture
DORSEY— This locality re
coi\1ed several inches of snow
Wednesday, April 3, and more
fell during the night and on
Everyone is rejoicing over the
moisture, and some of the farm
ers plan on seeding as soon as
possible as the moisture has given
them a moral boost.
8-1 0 Inches of
Snow at Amelia
AMELIA—Between eight and
10 inches of snow fell last week
at Amelia, pushing to several
inches the amount of precipita
tion received since March X.
The snow and resultant miid
has caused some inconvenience
in traveling, but the moisture is
The B. W. Waldos said they
needed an hour to drive to Bur
well Saturday.
Here for Weekend —
Joe Sobotka, jr., of the Uni
versity of South Dakota, at Ver
million spent the weekend with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Sobotka, sr.
Miss Marilu Wilson, a student
of University of Nebraska, Lin
coln will be home Friday to
spend Easter vacation with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wil
Arrives Overseas
Pvt. Marlin G. Frahm, 18,
(above), son of Mr. and Mrs. 1
Floyd Frahm of Page, has been
assigned as a supply specialist
to company A at the army en
gineer supply center in Ja
pan. He arrived overseas
from an assignment at Ft.
Belvoir, Va., following his ba
sic training at Ft. Chaffee, Ark.
Marlin was graduated from
Page high school, class of 1955
and entered the army last Sep
Sheryl Young Is •
Elected President
The O’Neill chapter of the Fu
ture Homemakers of America
elected officers for the new year
—1957-’58. They are: Sheryl
Young, president, of O’Neill;
Joyce Summers, vice-president, of
Page; Janet Gifford, secretary, of
Lynch; Sharon Hartronft, treasur
er, of O’Neill; Mary Etta Perry,
historian and publicity chairman,
of O’Neill; Karen Hartronft,
song leader and recreation chair
The officers will be installed
on May 7 and will attend work
shop in Kearney, on May 27-28
Fire Destroys
Rural School
CHAMBERS— Pupils in Holt
county rural school district 121,
southeast of Chambers, are at
tending classes being conducted
in the Elwyn Rubeck home.
The school building was des
troyed by fire early Saturday.
Cause of the fire has not been
determined, but it was believed
the blaze may have started from
the oil burner.
Miss Sharon Harkins is the
teacher. There are three pupils.
Plans are to continue classes the
remainder of the term at the
Rubeck home.
About 2:30 p. m., Sunday a fire
completely destroyed the resi
dence of Bill Majors, who lives
alone in the south part of town.
Mr. Majors was attending ser
vices at the Lutheran church at
the time.
He believes the orgin of the
blaze may have been in connec
tion with a wood stove.
Other Chambers News
Rev. Virginia Myers of Greeley
visited her son and daughter-in
law, Rev. and Mrs. Harry S.
Myers and family, one day last
J. Olen Kennell, minister
Sunday, April 14: Palm Sunday
worship service, 9:30 a.m.; Sun
day-school, 10:30 a.m.; Young
people’s meeting, 8 p.m.
Tuesday, April 16: Bible study
from the Gospel of John, 3 p.m.
Friday, April 19: Session meet
ing to receive new members, 7:30
p.m.; communion service, 8 p.m.
Go to Omaha —
Dr. and Mrs. M. L. Sucha were
in Omaha from Wenesday, April
3, until Friday. Doctor Sucha
attended a Unviersity of Nebras
ka post graduate assembly. From
. i iday until Sunday they visited
relatives and friend in Howells
and Schuyler. Mrs. J. J. Dole
zal of Howells, Mrs. Sucha’s
mother, returned to O’Neill with
them for a visit.
Hospital Notes
Admissions: April 3 — Miss
Faye Murray of O’Neill; Lorraine
Vanderbeek of O’Neill. 4— Miss
A1 vara Ramm, of Stuart. 5—Ray
Siders of Inman. 6—Clifford
H a h 1 b e c k of Ewing; Mrs.
Charles Boyle of O’Neill; Steven
Brewster of Stuart; Charline
Boyle of O’Neill; Mrs. Gerald
Van Gundy of O'Neill. 7—Albert
Loock of Spencer; Mrs. Bernard
Kornoek of Page; Mrs. Florence
Ebson of Lvnch; Mrs. Don P. Ril
ey of O'Neill; Miss Sharon Void
er of O’Neill; Robert Scott of
Chambers. 8—Miss Marlene Har
rington of O’Neill; Mrs. John
Harrington, jr., of O’Neill; Frank
Nemec of Spencer; Mrs. Edgar
Boyle of Page; Jess Wills of Em
met; C. E. Wintermote of Cham
bers; Miss Sharon Miller of O'
Neill. 9—Mrs. T. Murray of O'
Neill; John Pruss of O'Neill;
Mrs. Ernest M. Harris of Emmet;
Mrs. Louis Storjohann of O’Neill;
Willard Frericks of Page. 10—
Lorraine Vanderbeek of O’Neill.
Dismissals: April 3 — Randy
Gibbs of Clearwater; Miss Marg
ie Finch of Page. 4—E. V. Sages
er of Chambers; Mrs. Richard
McLain of O’Neill; Walter
Sehoenbaum of Bonesteel, S. D.;
Mrs. Calvin Coolidge and baby
of O'Neill. 5—Lorraine Vander
beek of O’Neill; Mrs. Walter
Houseman of Pickstown, S. D.;
Edwin Dusatko of Emmet; Ray
Siders (expired) Inman; Mrs. A.
Frail m (expired) Page. 6—Mrs.
George Hero Id of Inman; James
Gokie of O’Neill; Steven Brew
ster of Stuart; Rodney Beckwith
of Page; Charlotte Grimes, of
Chambers. 7—Miss Faye Murray
of O’Neill. 8—Miss Alvara Ramm
of Stuart; 9—Mrs. Arnold Craw
ford of O’Neill; Robert Scott of
Chambers; Clifford Hahlbeck of
Ewing; Mrs. T. Murray of O’
Neill; C. E. Wintermote of Cham
bers; Marcellus Schaaf of O’Neill.
10—Miss Sharon Velder of O’
Neill Marlene Harrington of O’
Neill: Mrs. John Harrington jr„
of O’Neill.
Still Hospitalized: Miss Char
line Boyle of O’Neill; Mrs.
Charles Boyle of O’Neill; Mrs.
Jane Judge of O'Neill; Mrs. Ern
est Harris of Emmet; Mrs. Lois
Adams of Chambers; Mrs. Don
Riley of O’Neill; Albert Loock of
Spencer; John Pruss of O’Neill;
Willard Frericks of Page; Mrs.
Louis Storjohann of O’Neill;
Dwaine Lockman of Stuart; Mrs.
Gerald Van Gundy; Mrs. Bernard
Kornock of Page; Miss Loretta
Enright of O’Neill; Mrs. Edgar
Boyle of O’Neill; Miss Sharon
Miller of O’Neill; Lorraine Van
derbeek of O’Neill; Glenn Ridge
way of O’Neill; Jess Wills of Em
met; Frank Nemec of Spencer;
Garrett Janzing of O’Neill; Mrs.
Florence Ebson of Lynch.
Admissions: Mrs. Gennie Ber
ens of Spencer; Miss Janice Big
ler of Butte; Wally Blair of
Spencer; Dr. Edwin B. Bradley of
Spencer; Mrs. Mary Classen of
Spencer; William Connot of
Spencer; Mrs. Josephine Dvorak
of Verdal; Baby Maury Elasasser
of Spencer; Mrs. Raymond Elsas
ser of Spencer; Mrs. Carl Gnew
uch of Norfolk; John Gavranek
of Spencer; Miss Twila Hicks of
Spencer; William Jordan of
Butte; Mrs. H. H. Miles of Dor
sey; John Miller of Spencer; Mrs.
Herman Neumiller of Naper;
Harry Prouty of Spencer; Mrs.
Charles Scott of Verdel; William
Teadtke of Bristow; Mrs. Richard
Uhlir of Verdigre.
Dismissals: April 2— Robert
Boettcher of Butte; Baby Daniel
Ring of Spencer; &—Pamela Rae
Crawford of Spencer; Master
Jerry Hamilton of Fairfax. 4—
Mrs. Lucy Hrbek of Lynch; Rob
ert Bowman of Bristow; 5—Mrs.
No Need For...
Continuous Advertising!
Should preach only one sermon or so a year. People axe against sin, anyway, so
why harp on it?
Should be turned off at dangerous intersections to save electricity. Everybody
knows it’s a dangerous spot and that is sufficient.
No need to review lessons. Tell the children just once and they’ll never forget. 1
Stop driving up and down the highways. No need to caution drivers by patrol
ling highways. Drivers know the law and should obey.
That advertise in the local paper and mail order firms that send out catalogs
are wasting their money. Everyone knows what is sold at stores in town and
they’ll shop at home.
If you are one of the foolish kind—Uks the Notre Dame cathedral that has stood
six centuries but still rings the bell every day to let people know it Is there—
and believe in continuous, profitable advertising, then you will advertise In
The Frontier
Antoni* Wecker of Verdel; Mrs.
Peter Opbroek of Fairfax; 6—
Mrs. Lettie Sedlaeek of Lynch;
7—Mrs. Beryle Bessert and baby
Debra Jean of Lynch; Mrs. Rol
land Hornback and baby, Roberta
Rose, Spencer; Mrs. Bennie Joh
rmg of O'Notll; Mo Abraham
[ Guthnnller of Anoka; 8—Mrs.
Sylvester Hahn and baby, Deb
: bara Lynn of Butte.
Admissions: April 1 — Mrs.
Gene Batonhorst of Stuart, obstet
rical. 3- Mrs. Francis Steinhauser
of Stuart, medical; Mrs. Fred
Swanson of Atkinson, medical;
Jay Dobrovolny of Atkinson, ac
cident. -4—Mrs. Ralph E. Chace
of Atkinson, medical. 5— Mrs.
Charles Shane of Atkinson, ob
stetrical. ti Henry Bausch of O’
Neill, medical; Mrs. Joseph Sch
maderer of Stuart, medical.
Dismissals: April 1 — Mrs.
Heinrich Frahm and son of A
melia. 2—Mrs. Allon Hoffman
and daughter of Stuart. 3—Mrs.
Robert Tooker and daughter of
O’Neill; Hugh O’Connor of At
kinson. 6—Mrs. Francis Stein
hauser of Stuart. 7—Mrs. Gene
naiennorsi ana sun oj smart;
Mrs. Dale Bring and daughter of
Atkinson; Mrs. Linden Mulford
and son of Stuart.
Hospitalized: Adolph Zahl of
Stuart; Harold Gill of Stuart;
Vernon Raymer of Atkinson; Jay
Dobrovolny of Atkinson; Mrs.
Fred Swanson of Atkinson; Mrs.
R. K. Chare of Atkinson; Mrs.
Charles Shane and son of Atkin
son; Hem's- Bausch of O'Neill;
Mrs. Schmaderer of Stuart.
March 30 - April 6
Admitted: Mrs. Dale Ross
meier of Verdel; Mrs. Duane
Mauer of Plainview; Mrs. Anna
Somer of Niobrara; Loftus Eber
ly of Niobrara; Mrs. Vincent
Frank of Creighton; Julius
Schlapkohl of Creighton.
Dismissed; Mrs. Norman Reese
and daughter of Wausa; Mrs.
Gordon Smolek and daughter of
Verdigre; Mrs. Adolph Hanefeldt
and daughter of Center; Mrs.
Harold Cihlar and daughter of
Verdigre; Mrs. Duane Mauer of
Plainview; Mrs. Dale Rossmeier
of Verdel; Mrs. Emmon Marshall
of Verdel; James Saloum of
Page-Lynch Road
Bill Advances
Sen. Frank Nelson’s hill LB
140 providing for reinstatement
of the Page-Lynch road as a part
of the state highway system, was
advanced last Thursday by the
public works committee of the
state legislature.
Mrs. Gillette to
Lincoln for Parley
CHAMBERS— The Womans’
Society of Christian Service met
Thursday, April 4 at the home
of Mrs, John Wintermote. Twen
ty-one members were present.
Mrs. Arthur Tangeman con
ducted the worship and Mrs. Al
vin Tangeman the lesson dealing
with mental health and the part
1 the church should play in helping
those afflicted. At the business
session, Mrs. LaVern Hoerle gave
a report on Christian social rela
tions. Mrs. Guais Wintermote as
sisted by Mrs. T. E. Alder son
and Mrs. Hoerle, reported on the
world federation of Methodist
Family night was set up for
Sunday, April 14, at the church.
The family gathering in May
will Ik* May 12 in observance of
national family life week.
It was decided to hold classes
on "Paul’s Letters” one afternoon
each week, starting Friday, Ap
ril 12. The meetings will be held
at the church.
The president, Mrs. Darrell Gil
lette, plans to attend the state
conference on April 9-11 at Lin
coln. Lunch was served.
Other Chambers News
Mr. and Mrs. William Steskal
and son, Terry of Atkinson were
dinner guests of her brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Jungbluth and son and brother,
Chet Jungbluth, Wednesday, Ap
ril S.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kaup and
| daughter of Stuart visited her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Beed and Judy Sunday, April 7.
Meadow Gold
I 2-oz. pkg.
I Council Oak Store
(See our big Ad on page 5.)
By Stopping at
Scovie’s Western Auto
S7 ORE before you leave >n I
★ Shakespeare if South Bend
it Ocean City if Revelation
★ Langley if Johnson Century
★ Zebco if Viking
and many other brands
if Plugs if Weights if Balts )
if Hooks if Line if Tackle Boxes
if Floats if Nets if Rods
Everything You Need for
Your Fishing Trip
; Have more good things to eat, help hold prices down
by raising your own fresh vegetables.
* Rakes * Hoes * Shovels
★ Weed Cutters * Lawn Mowers
* Sprinklers * Hedge Trimmers
* Garden and Lawn Hose