Legal Notice (Ftrxt pub Apr. 4, 19571 Julius D Cronin, Attorney IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA IN THE MATTER OF THE AP PLICATION OF HAMPSON M •SMITH. OlARDIAN OF VIR GINA SMITH AND RUTH SMITH. MINORS. FOR LICENSE TO SELL REAL ESTATE. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE Now, on this 2d day of April, A D , 1957. this cause coming on to be heard before the undersign ed. D. R. Mounts, Judge of the Fifteenth Judicial District in and for the County of Holt and State of Nebraska, upon the pe tition of Hampson M Smith, Guardian of the persons, estate and property of Virginia Smitn and Ruth Smith, also known as Ruthie Smith, minors, praying for a license to sell the undivided one-twenty-sixth (l/26th) right, title and interest of Virginia Smith, a minor, and the undivid ed one-twenty-sixth (1 /26th) right, title and interest of Ruth Smith, a minor, in and to:— The North Half of Section 27; the North Half of the South Half and the South Half of the North Half, and the North Half of the North east Quarter and the North east Quarter of the North west Quarter of Section 2P, all in Township 26, North, Range 14, West of the 6th p. M., in Holt County Ne braska. for the reason that it would be for the benefit of said minors that their interest in said real estate be sold, and the proceeds thereof put out at interest or in vested. Upon consideration whereof, and it appearing from said peti tion that it is necessary and would be l>eneficial to said minors and each of them that their interest in and to the real property above described be sold, and the pro ceeds thereof put out at interest, or invested. IT IS ORDERED that the next of kin of said minors, and all persons interested in their said estates, appear before the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, on or before the 6th day of May, 1957, in the Court Room in the Court House in the City of O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, at the hour of two o’clock P. M., of said day, then and there to show cause why a license should not be granted for the sale of said minors’ right, title and inter est in and to all of said real es tate, in accord with the prayer of said petition. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy hereof be published three (3) successive weeks be fore said day of hearing, in Tha Frontier, a weekly newspaper, printed, published and of gener al circulation in Holt County, Ne braska, aforesaid. (Signed) D. R. MOUNTS District Judge 49-51c (First pub. March 28, 1957) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Estate No. 4180 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA ESTATE OF ANNA DAVID Money to Loan — on — AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE Central Finance O'Neill Nebraska C. E. Jones, Manager SON. DECEASED THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the I probate of the will of said de ceased, and for the appointment of John Davidson as Executor thereof, which will be for hear ing in this court on April 18, 1957, at 10 ’clock A. M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge (COUNTY COURT si^L) 48-50c (First pcb. April 11, 1957) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4178 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, APRIL 4, 1957. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HERSCHEL H, MILES, DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time for presenting claims against said es tate is August 2, 1957, and for the payment of debts is April 4, 1958 and that on May 2, 1957, and on August 3, 1957, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 50-52 (First pub. March 21, 1957) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Estate No. 4179 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF FRANK J. DISH NER, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the probate of the will of said de ceased, and for the appointment of Martina G. Dishner as Exe cutrix thereof, which will be for hearing in this court on April 11, 1957, at 10 o’clock A. M. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) Star News Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hibbs and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Miller were supper guests Mon day, April 1, at the home qf Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. DaVlid Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kreycik and family and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Johnson were supper guests at the Lysle Johnson home, Tuesday evening, April 2. The Ash Grove auxiliary met on Tuesday, April 2, at the hall and plans were made to sponsor a talent show and one-act play at the hall, on Friday, May 3. There will be no admission, but refreshments will be sold. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller spent j Friday evening, April 5, at the Nels Linquist hime. The community was saddened by the death of Ray Siders, Fri day. He was the father of Mrs. Bill Hibbs and Mrs. Gerald Sny ! der and a former resident of this I community. Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson land family spent Friday evening April 5, at the Ewalt Miller home. , . Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miler and Arnold spent Tuesday evening, April 2, at the Gerald Waring home. The Gibson school was dismiss ed Monday afternoon for the Ray Siders funeral rites. The Star Get Together club was postponed to April 17 and will meet with Mrs. Elmer Juracek. Return to Lincoln — Mr. and Mrs. Gene Streeter re turned home in Lincoln Satur day. They had been here a week having been called by the illness of her mother, Mrs. Mary Roth erham of Ewing. ^ EASTER Visit our Shoe Dept and see our large selection of styles tor every member of the family. Before You Buy . . . First Try McCARVILLES CLOTHING SHOE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY • % * * •** * • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • - Oysters Served at Mission Meeting RIVERSIDE— Mrs Blanche Hemenway, and Mrs. Daisy Mil ler served oyster soup, Wednes day evening, April 3, at the Hemenway Home for the Free Methodist Missionary Society. The invited guests furnished the desert. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Miller and Danny, Mrs. Howard Miller, Mrs. Bert Fink, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mott and lainiiy, Mrs. Carl Miller and two boys, the Reverend Turner lamily and Mr. ana Mrs. Melvin Napier and Carol Ann. Other Riverside News Bert Fink helped at the W'en dell Switzer home a few days last week while remodeling the house. D. E. Conner and Bobby Lee visited at the Vet Schlotman home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom ery shopped in O’Neill Wednes day, April 3, and were visitors on Sunday at the Otto Retke home in Inman. Alice Shrader is visiting at Verl Gunter home in Crookston for a few days. James Gunter, Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter, Mr. and Mrs. Rol Hord and Duane, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier and family and the Lionel Gunter family ate dinner Sunday at the Lyle Switzer home. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Pribnow and Maryanna of Cedar Rapids visited Sunday at Earl Pierson home. Keith and Milton Biddlecome spent the weekend with home » I Lf « The Forum group of the Uni ted Presbyterian church met Fri day evening at the Lorraine Montgomery home. Dewitt Hoke and Janelle ac companied tne Alvin Nelson fam ily from Plainview to Cleghom, la., to attend a cousin’s wedding. They ate dinner at the Bill Hoke home. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Napier were honored guests at Lynn Fry home Monday evening. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier and the Loraine Mont gomrey family. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier vis ited at the Richard Napier home Sunday evening. Mrs. George Montgomery help ed at the Johnny Miller home Tuesday, April 2, and Thursday. Tlie Darrol Switzer family of Omaha spent the weekend at the Ora Switzer home. A family dinner was served Sunday. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wen dell Switzer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Miller, and family, and Jay Butler. The Wayne Fry family were supper guests Wednesday, April 3, at the Lou Vandersnick home. On Friday afternoon, Mrs. Wayne Fry entertained the following guests, Mrs. Lou Vandersnick, Mrs. Ralph Mum, Mrs. Richard Napier, Mrs. Elvin Hamilton, Mrs. Richard Edwards and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack. Mrs. Kitty Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and sons ate dinner Sunday at the Willie Shrader home. Ava and Timothy were honored guests. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink were afternoon callers. On Thursday evening, slides were shown at the Bill Fry home, j The slides were sent from Cali fornia and featured the Stanley Rickert family. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Nanier and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry and girls were present. The Free Methodist congrega tion surprised Mrs. Turner on her birthday anniversary Sunday by bringing their dinner to help cel ebrate the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pollock and family visited at the Dave Pollock home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pollock caled at the Jimmy Pollock home Sunday evening. Church Notes METHODIST (ONeiU-Emmet) O’NEILL— Thursday, April 11: Prayer cir cle at Claude Bates’ home, 10 a. m.; WSCS, 2 p.m. at the church; 1 Mrs. Jay will show slides of her trip to Hawaii; nursery for chil | dren. Friday, April 12: Dorcas, 2 p.m. at the church. Saturday, April 13: Wesleyan | service guild breakfast and study, i 7 a.m.; men’s breakfast, 7 15 a.m. at M&M cafe; youth membership I class. 10 a.m. Sunday, April 14: Junior i hoir, 0:15 a.m.; Sunday-school, 9'45 a. m.; worship, 11:00 a.m. Baptismal I service and reception of mem bers in morning service. Sunday evening fellowship supper, 6:15 i o'clock; classes, 7:15 o’clock. Monday, April 15: Wesleyan service guild, 8 p.m. at Richard Smithson home. Tuesday, April 16: Choir prac tice, 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 17: George Matthews has cancelled his ap pearance at the church Wednes day evening due to ill health. Thursday, April 18: Commun ion service, 8 p.m. at the church. Friday, April 19: Community Good Friday service, 12:30-3 p. m. at the Methodist church. All are invited. EMMET— Friday, April 12: Evening fel lowship and Bible study, 8 p. m., at the parsonage in O’Neill. Sunday, April 14: Worship and children’s Sunday-school, 9 30 a. m.; adult Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m. Thursday, April 18: WSCS, 2 n m ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN (Chambers) Rev. Carl Pullman, pastor Sunday, April 14: Sunday school, 1:30 p. m.; worship hour, 2:30 p. m. Voters’ assembly meets at 8 o’clock in the evening. Thursday, April 11: Ladies Aid meets at 1:30 p. m. Friday, April 12: The last in the series of lenten services. Saturday, April 13: Confirma tion instruction at 2 p. m. Good Friday services will be held at 10:30 a. m. Easter Sunday, April 21: Ser vices, 7 a. m.; Sunday-school, 8 a. m. WESLEYAN METHODIST (O’Neill) Duane Lauber, pastor Sunday, April 14: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; worship service, 11 a.m.; Weleyan youth, 7:30 p. m.; evangelistic service, 8 p.m Rev. C. A. Phipps, president of the Nebraska conference of the Wesleyan Methodist church will be speaking nightly at 8 o’clock at special revival services. Reverend Phipps will also be speaking at the Sunday morning and evening worship services. CENTER UNION (O’Neill) Rev. C. P. Turner, pastor Sunday, April 14: Sunday school at 10 a.m.; preaching ser vice at 11 a.m.; young people’s meeting at 7:30 o’clock in even ing; preaching service following YP meeting. Prayer meeting and Bible study will be in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dick Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock. All are welcome. O'NEILL LOCALS Ray Donohoe was home from Norfolk Junior college for the weekend. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Donohoe. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Hitchcock have moved from Omaha to O’ Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Matthews of Lincoln were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Streeter and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Godel were in Omaha and Fremont Sunday. Report of Condition of FARMERS STATE BANK of Ewing, Nebraska, Charter No. 1600, at the close of business on 14 MARCH 1957 ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve bal ances, and cash Items in process of collection_( 139,001.46 United States Government obligations, direct and guaran teed _512,121 60 Other bonds, notes, and debentures_ 4,000.00 Loans and discounts (including $444.81 overdrafts)_ 287,937.42 Bank premises owned $1,150.00, furniture and fixtures $3,920.00 _ 5,070.00 Total Assets_$ 948,130.48 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corpor ations _ 676,912.63 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corpora tions _ 408.12 Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings)_ 7,530.52 Deposits of States and political subdivisions_ 147,354.21 Other deposits (certified and officers’ checks, etc.) _ 8,300.00 TOTAL DEPOSITS_$840,505.48 TOTAL LIABILITIES _$ 840.505.48 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital*_ 25,000.00 Surplus _ 50,000.00 Undivided profits_ 29,626.00 Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital) 3,000.00 Total Capital Accounts_ 107,625.00 Total Liabilities and Capital Accounts _$ 948,130.48 •This bank’s capital consists of: Common stock with total par value of_$25,000.00_ MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes (including notes and bills rediscounted and securities sold with agreement to repurchase).. $282,000.0C I, Richard D. Edwards, Cashier, of the above named bank, dc hereby certify that the above statement is true to the best of m3 knowledge and belief. RICHARD D. EDWARDS CORRECT—Attest: M. B. Huffman, Mary B. Huffman, L. J Splttler, Directors. # , * , * . • * • *••** 1 • * . METHODIST * Cham hers-.Amelia) Rev. Harry S. Myers, pastor AMELIA— Thursday, April 11: Chair practice and MYF meeting, 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 12: Young adult meeting, 7:30 p.m. Sunday, April 14: Worship ser vice, 9:30 a.m., Sunday-seho >1, 10:30 a.m. CHAMBERS— Friday, April 12: WSCS study hour, 2 p.m. Sunday, April 14: Sunday school, 10 a.m ; worship service, 11 a.m.; family night, 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 15: Junior choir practice, 7 p.m.; senior choir practice, 7:30 p.m.; inter mediate MYF meeting, 7:30 p m. CHURCH OF CHRIST (O'Neill) Rex James, evangelist Sunday, April 14: Bible school, 10 a m.; preaching and commu nion, 11 a.m.; Youth meeting, n p.m.; evening service, 7:45 o’clock. Wednesday, April 17: Bible study at 8 p.m. Sunday, April 28: Area youth rally, 2:30 for afternoon and 7:45 for evening service. Monday, April 29: Service presented by Minnesota Bible college team, 8 pan. We invite all to attend these Bible-centered services. Dorsey News The Dorsey Aid society is mak ing plans for to serve lunch at the Miles sale Friday, April 12. Mrs. Albert Carson, Mrs. Claude Pickering, Mrs. Howard Graham, Mrs. Clay Mashino and Mrs. Harold Osborn helped with the preparation and serving at the athletic banquet held in Lynch Saturday evening. -S ma zeeyde28 yoo-.Oo prildaA Misses Barbara and Dianne Snyder were unable to attend the athletic banquet Saturday eve ning due to the death of their grandfather. Miss Sadie Derickson spent a few days at the Albert Derick son home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hiscocks visited at the Harold Osborn home Wednesday evening, April 3. The little girl of Beryl Bes sarts has been named Debbie Jean and “grandma” and “grand pa” Mashino are proud grand parents. Mr. Leo Jareske, who has been working for Mrs. H. H. Miles, has found employment; on a dairy farm near Omaha. Vic Pickering stayed with his grandparents in Lynch this week and attended school. Roger Rosenkrans helped Bill Aim at the Miles farm Monday, to arrange for the sale which, is scheduled for Friday, April 12. Visit Atkinson — Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gettert 1 and family visited his uncle and aunt, Mr. .and Mrs. Carl GeLert, of Atkinson Sunday. i REPORT OF CONDITION OF Chambers State Bank of Chambers, Nebraska Charter No. 637, at the close of business on March 14, 1957: ASSETS Cash balances with other banks, includ ing reserve balances, and cash items in processor collection $172,134.34 United States Govern ment obligations, di rect and guaran teed __— 249,585.00 Obligations of States and political subdi visions _ 320.80 Loans and discounts ( including $515.04 overdrafts) __ 283,455.04 Bank premises owned $1.00, furniture and fixtures $1.00_ 2.00 Total Assets_$705,497.18 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of Individuals, partner ships, and corpora tions _ $592,658.34 Deposits o f United States Government (including postal savings _ 16,268.75 Deposits of States and political sub-divis ions _ 26,738.62 TOTAL DEPOSITS.. $635,665.71 Other Liabilities _ 5.89 Total Liabilities _. $635,671.60 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital*_$ 25,000.00 Surplus __» 26,000.00 Undivided profits_ 18,825.58 Total Capital Accounts_. 69,825.58 Total Liabilities and Capital Accounts _. $705,497.18 •This bank’s capital consists of: Common stock with to tal par value of $ 25,000.00 Assets pledged or as signed to secure li abilities and for other purposes (in cluding notes and bills rediscounted bills redis and securities sold - with agreement to repurchase _ $75,000.00 I, Ralph Adams, Cashier o1 the above named bank, do here 1 by certify that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. RALPH ADAMS . CORRECT—Attest: G. H. Adams S. Z. Adams, Lloyd Gleed, Direct , ors. To Sew Comfort Covers for Hospital CHAMBERS— The American ! Legion auxiliary met at the home I of Mrs. Steve Shavlik on Thurs day evening, April 4. Mrs. Edwin | Hubbard was co-hostess. The president, Mrs. Weldon Woods. ; was in charge. Eighteen members I and two visitors and one junior [ were present. Mrs. Ernest Thorin was ap ; pointed junior sponsor until the regular sponsor, Mrs. Merlin Grossnieklaus, can again resume charge. It was voted to hold a bake sale at a later date. Members plan to sew on com fort covers for the Veterans hos pial at th home of Mrs. Charles Fauquier one day this week. Mrs. L. O. Lenz presented the "Pan Amenan" program giving a report on Honduras. Miss Janet Euwer showed slides of her Euro pean trip last summer. The new cupboards at the Legion hall were given their last coat of varnish Friday. Next meeting will be the "Gold Star” tea at home of Mrs. Clar ence Tibbets. Go to Orchard — Mr. and Mrs. Elden Butterfield and daughters were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey in Or chard Sunday. ROYAL THEATER — O’NEILL — Thurs. Apr. 11 NIGHTFALL Aldo Ray, Brian Keith, Anne ! Bancroft with Jocelyn Brando, James Gregory, Frank Albertson, 1 Rudy Bond. Fri.-Sat. Apr. 12-13 Big Double Bill THE WOMEN OF PITCAIRN ISLAND A Regalscope Picture Starring James Craig, Limn Bari, John Smith, Arleen Wheel an. Love paradise of the South Seas! —also— THE STORM RIDER A Regalscope picture Starring Scott Brady, Mala Powers, Bill Williams. Cross fires of Vengenance at Cross roads of Empire! Gun-streaked fury sweeps the screen! Sun.-Mon.-Tues.-Wed. April 14-15-16-17 All children unless in arms must have tickets The great entertainment event that will live in your heart for ever! Rodgers & Hammerstein present OKLAHOMA Color by Technicolor. Cime scope. Starring Gordon Mac Rae, Gloria Grahame, Shirley Jones, Gene Nelson, Charlotte Greenwood, Eddie Albert, James Whitmore, Rod Steiger. The mo tion picture that ran a year on Broadway at $3.50. Complete— intact—with every scene every song! Matinee Saturday & Sunday 2:30 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Friday and Saturday admission— Adults 50c; Children under 12, 12c, Free if accompanied by par ent. Wedn. and Thurs. Family night, family admitted for two Adult tickets. .. ..— Lee Gilman, Wife Feted on Anniversary A MELA—Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gilman were honored at a party in celebration of their 25th wed ding anniversary Friday even ing. April 5. The hours were | spent playing cards. Those present were Mr. and Mrs Alvin Forbes. Mr. and Mrs Harold Fullerton. Mr. and Mrs ! George Fullerton. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Dierking, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peterson, Mr. and Mrs 1 Marvin Doolittle. Mr. and Mis i Dick Doolittle, Mr. and Mrs. | Alberts. Jim Carr and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adair. Mrs. Alberts and Ralph Adair won high score. Mrs. Harold Fullerton and! Mi. Alberts were low scorers. The Gilmans were presented gifts. Cake and ice cream wer* served for lunch. Weekend guests of Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Burgess were Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Crandell of Fremont Miss Mary Froeiich was home from Duchesne college, Omaha, for the weekend. Her houseguesta were the Misses Judy Rowan of Des Monies, la., "Sandy" Chaney of Falls City and Nancy Nettau of Sioux Falls, S. D., all class mates of Miss Froelich’s. Mr and Mrs. Willard Scherer of Orchard were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don McKamy. Never An After-Thlrs* SWITCH TO SQUIRT Ponton Insurance FLORENCE PONTON. Prop Insurance of All Kinds & Bonds Pnone 106 — Golden Bllg. ENDS APRIL 15 KANSAS-NEBRASKA NATURAL GAS CO. NEW FREEDOM LAUNDRY SALE Featuring: GAS WATER HEATERS Extra-liheral trade-ins . . . bring in a teakettle or wash tub if that’s all you have to trade! . GAS CLOTHES DRYERS Free installation . . . easy payments with your gas bill . . . ^0-Jays free /rial! BENDIX DUOMATIC Washer and gas clothes dryer combination . . . special low installed price . . . free 30-day trial . . . easy payments as much as $100 in trade for your present laundry equip ment. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Stop in at Your Nearest Kansas-Nehraska Store Tomorrow ^^ 1 ^ y # * T t | “■ *1 t w —. r J k^ ^ For Dependable GAS Service How This Newspaper Helps Advertisers... Through this man's work Actually, he’s not on our payroll, but this auditor helps us to help you do a better job. He has been specially trained in the examination of circula tion records by the Audit Bureau of Circulations.* His objective findings tell us how well we are doing in the dis tribution of your sales messages. They keep us alert to more effective coverage opportunities. He helps us to help you in another way, too. His findings are an inventory of our circulation audience—facts that help you invest your advertising money on a sound business basis. Ask to see a copy of our latest A.B.C. Audit Report this week and let us show you how these facts can help you do a better advertising job. The FRONTIER •This newspaper is • member of the Audit Bureau of Ctreulatiooa, a nonprofit, cooperative association of publishers, advertisers, and adv«w tising agencies. Our circulation is audited at regular intervals by expert enced A.B.C. circulation auditors and their reports are made available to our advertisers without obligation. | MlAiUW OF SB WVICI...M ARK OF I N T ■ O It I T Y "