The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 28, 1957, Image 5

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    O’Neill News
The Misses Lois and Ilene Nel
son were Sunday overnight
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Rilev
Weekend guests of Mr arid
Mrs. Charles F Nutter w'ere her
brother and wife. Mr and Mrs
Gene Krause and familv of Ans
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wray and
family were Sunday supper
guests of Mr and Mrs. Duane
Miller of Emmet.
Mr and Mrs. Harold William
son and family and Mr and Mrs
C P. Leach and Mr. and Mrs. I.
O. Wood of Page visited Mr
Williamson's mother, Mrs. C. E
Williamson, also of Page, Sunday.
Miss Angela Zakrzewski was
a Sunday dinner guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Mark Gribble and son,
Bernard of Chambers.
Mrs Henry Bruhn of North
Platte arrived last week to visit
Mr. and Mrs. H. W Tomlinson
for several days.
Mr. and Mrs, C. G. Shellhase
were in Atkinson Wednesday.
March 20, to help their grand
daughter, Margery Shellhase, cel
ebrate her eighth birthday anni
versary. She is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Shellhase.
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Marcellus of
Stuart were overnight guests
Wednesday, March 20, at the
home of their son, M. B. Marcei
Mr and Mrs. Marion Woidneek
had as their guests Friday even
ing Mrs. Rosa Bowers, Mr. and
Mrs. Loyal Hull and Gaylen and
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Woidneek.
Monuments of lasting beauty
made by skilled craftsmen of
the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu
ments from the factory to the
consumer. — Emmett Crabb, O'
Neill. phone 139-J. 37tf
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Behrens
and family of Fremont visited
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Esty
Nelson Sunday, March 17. They
and the Nelsors also visited in
Spencer at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Willard Must.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Talion and
family of Omaha spent the week
end visiting Dr. and Mrs. O W.
French and Mr and Mrs. Dale
French and family.
Miss Alice Young, student at
the University of Nebraska, is
spending the spring vacation
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Young.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ressel
and family of Sutton were week
end visitors in the homes of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Res
sel at O'Neill and Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Cullen at Page.
Income Tax
For assistance in filing your
self-employment and tax
reports, call on
Geo. C. Robertson
Accounting and former em
ployee of Internal Revenue.
Pownry Bldg. Phone 534
Archer, Gile ... to make appearance here Sunday, March
31. in final concert of 1956-’57 season.
Archer and Gile Next
for Concert-Goers
22 Women, I 4 Men
Work on Church
PAGE—Members of the Wo
man’s Society of Christian Ser
vice met at the church Thursday
for an all-day session of work
and study.
Mrs. Lou Heiss had the devo
tions and led the lesson. The
topic was “Christ Mourns Over
the City”. Mrs. Heiss read a let
ter from a missionary friend ser
ving in Japan. The letter pointed
out the vast difference in the
mode of living there and here.
Final payment was made on
the drapery material. Mrs.
Copes suggested the ladies pay
50 cents each toward their share
of the expense of helping the
King’s Daughters with their pan
cake supper to be held at the
church Saturday between the
hours of 5 and 8 p.m.
A covered dish lunch was ser
ved at noon to 23 women and 14
men who were working on the
Last Thursday Mrs. Rosa Bow
ers took her mother, Mrs. Anna
Havranek to her home in Spen
cer and attended the Andrew Ci
zeK funeral.
Frontier for Printing.
Sale Price-$159.50
2-Pc. SECTIONAL.Save $40
Sale Price- $179.50
GAS RANGE—30-In.-Save $56
Sale Price-$143.50
WASHER & DRYER.Save $140
Sale Price- $389.50
Sale Price- $239.50
Midwest Furniture
and Appliance Co.
209 West Douglas — O’Neill, Nebr.
» • .
Frances Archer and Beverly
i Gile, who will bring their popu
| lar program of international
| songs and ballad to the O’Neill
i high school auditorium at 2:30
p.m., Sunday, March 31, is the
fourth in the O'Neill community
Concert 195S-’57 series.
Archer and Gile have added
a new dimension to the old and
respected art form of folk music.
Youth and glamor a’la Archer
and Gile is the new element
which, combined with stylish
musicianship and an unusual rep
ertoire of folk ballads in 1! lan
i guages, has made this talented
pair a refreshing addition to the
concert stages throughout the
“They are comely, beautifully
| gowned and groomed young la
! dies who have a way with a song.
Their style, their rhythm, the
very color of their voices change
! as they rove through assorted
' countries, centuries and lang
uages. Their way is communica
tive, too, and personal,” thus said
the New York Times after their
New York recital debut.
Archer and Gile have made
television appearances on suc'i
widely different program as the
Arthur Godfrey show, Dave
Garroway’s “Today”, the Fold
Foundation’s “Omnibus” and
Walt Disnev’s “Mickey Mouse j
The Misses Archer and Gile j
first joined musical forces in
1950 when they were members of
a quintet of girl singers who ap
peared in many famous night
clubs and major theaters through
out the United States and Canada.
Blonde Frances Archer is a na
tive of Corpus Christi, Tex., and
Redheaded Beverly Gile was
born in Los Angeles, Calif.
Members of the O’Neill Com
munity Concert association are
reminded that this is an after
noon concert.
16 Inches of Snow
in Star Locality
STAR — This locality was
"snowed under” last week on the
heels of 16 inches of snow. Most
of the snow fell Thursday, March
| 14, and Sunday and Monday,
March 17-18.
More snow and rain fell during
the March 23-24 weekend, gladly
! welcomed moisture has
■ been needed.
Brownie I roop
Is Organized
Mrs. Keith Abart and Mrs.
Herman Janzing have organized
a Brownie troop that meets on
Wednesday afternoons at the
American Legion club. There \
are about 25 members.
Any mother or adult wishing to
help Mrs. Abart and Mrs. Janz
ing are asked to contact either j
I one of them.
Redbird News
_ I
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Krough and
| family were guests at the of Mr.
I and Mrs. Merrill Anderson Sat
urday evening, March 16.
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Ander
i son made- a trip to Clearwater,
Sunday, March 17.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Fox,
Verna Jean and Jimmy visited
Carl Kroughs Thursday evening.
No school was held in district
1 all last week because of the
! snow storm. Sixteen inches
were tabulated in this area.
Austin Searles and family at
tended church services in Spen
! cer, Sunday, March 17.
Kennis Hansen purchased the
Babelman quarter, which sold at
auction recently.
Loroll and Vic Pickering have
! been staying at the John Hurd
home in Lynch since the storm.
Leroy Hull was a Tuesday,
March 19, overnight guest of
Jerry Hull.
| Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ramsel
I and two boys plan to leave Sun
day for Colorado Springs, Colo.,
| to make their home. Mr. Ram
i sel was employed at McIntosh
■ Jewelry store and Mrs. Ramsel
i was a nurse at Drs. Wilson and
| Sucha’s office.
Matrons Meet—
The Past Matrons met Thurs- j
j day at the Mrs. D. C. Schaffer's
| home.
Riverside News
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock
were in Neligh on business
Thursday anct ate dinner at the
Art Busshardt home. On Sun
day the Busshardts and Ken
neth Pollocks of Neligh ate
dinner at the Dave Pollock
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vander
snick and daughter were Sun
day dinner guests at the Way
ne Fry home. Mrs. Vander
snick and Mrs. Fry attended
the style show at Neligh that
Mr and Mrs. Bill Fry cal
led on Mr and Mrs. Howard
Miller Wednesday evening,
March 20.
Jav Butler visited with the
Loo Miller family Sunday eve
Mr. and Mrs. George Mont
gomery visited Thursday evening
at the Johnny Miller home.
Mrs. Alfred Napier enter
tained a group of ladies at a
party Wednesday afternoon.
March 20.
Mrs. Richard Napier. Mrs
Dale Napier and Mrs. Bill Fry
attended the style show a*.
Neligh Sunday. Julie and Jo
dy Fry were two of the models
in the Easter scene.
The Web Napiers received
word Wednesday, March 20, that
their sister-in-law, Mrs. Pete
Carson, had died that day. On
Saturday, the Web Napier t,
Alfred Napiers and Richard Na
piers attended her funeral at
Susan, Reta and Nancy Na
pier visited at the Dale Napier
home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Mont
gomery and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Montgomery and
Roberta ate supper Sunday at
the George Montgomery home.
Mrs. Lee Fink assisted Mrs.
Willie Shrader entertain the
United Presbyterian Missionary
society Thursday afternoon at
the Willie Shrader home.
Glenda Napier was an over
night guest at the Kennem Hill
home and Leroy and Dennis Na
pier spent Friday night with
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roi
liord. t
The Verl Gunters visited at
Willie Shrader home Monday af
ternoon, March 18, and ate din
ner the next day with the Rol
Hord family and supper at Lion
el Gunter home. On Wednesday,
March 20, Mr. and Mrs. Will
Shrader and Alice accompanied
them to Norfolk to visit rela
tives. returning to the Shrader
home on Thursday. On Friday
the Gunters visited at the De
witt Gunter, Alfred Napier and
Lyle Switzer homes. On Sat
urday. they called on May Shra
der and Emma Coover and also
talked with many friends pan
cake day in Clearwater. They re
turned to their home at Crook
ston Monday.
Mr. and Mrs Dale Napier were
Sunday dinner guests at the De
witt Hoke home.
Fourteen neighbors of Wendell
Switzers helped him with the
remodeling and building of an
addition to his house Thursday
and Friday. Several ladies do
nated food and others helped
with the meals.
Mrs Tom Gunter and Donette
and Mrs. Jim Wright and girls
left Tuesday, March 19, for Cal
ifornia after spending a few
days visiting relatives.
Judy Gunter was an overnight
guest Saturday at the Willie
Shrader home.
Mrs. Walter Miller and Danny
and Mrs. Bert Fink returned
home from visit in Kansas Wed
nesday, March 22. Harold Fink
and two sons and Dale Fink of
California arrived at Burt Finks
home on Sunday. Other visit
ors were the Lee Fink family
of Page and Ben Millers of Star.
Joanie Miller went to Omaha
Saturday with Mr and Mrs. Nor
ris George to visit relatives. She
was snow-bound and unable to
return home Sunday.
Frank Kalal of Igloo, S. D.,
spent last week visiting friends
Martin Jehorek, jr., was a St.
Charles, S. D., visitor Thursday.
Mrs. Robert Connelly of Lin
coln came Thursday evening,
called here by the death of her
grandmother, Mrs. Vincent Jeho
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stouffer
'if Elm Creek stopped at the
h'me of the former’s brother,
ill Stouffer, on Wednesday,
March 20. Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Stouffer accompanied them to
attend the funeral of a brother
in-law, Richard Bccd, held in
Mitehel, S. D„ on Thursday. The
Veldon Lees took care of Stouf
fer chores during their absence.
Mrs. Esty Nelson and Mrs. Don
Riley were coffee guests of Mrs.
Forrest Riley Friday.
Rock Falls News
Mr and Mrs. Lou Brown and
children were evening visitors at
the Henry Vequist home Wednes
day, March 20.
Miss Joanne Lansworth was a
Friday afternoon caller at the
Floyd Johnson home.
Mr and Mrs. John Schultz.
Gwenda, Trudy and Debbie and
Don Vequist were evening visit
ors at the Lois Brown home
Thursday, March 21. Being Miss
Cindy’s birthday anniversary they
all enjoyed sharing her birthday
Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Linda
spent Saturday at the Theresa
Breiner home in O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist and
children spent Friday evening at
the Henry Vequist home.
Mrs. Albert Sterns went to Om
aha Sunday, March 17, and with
her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Leslie
Strong, went on to Wisconsin to
visit her brother and family. If
she’s back in Omaha at this writ
ing, she is snowbound, because
of 12 to 14 inches of snow in
that city.
Mrs. Jim McNulty did the
laundry on Friday morning for
her sister, Mrs. Lyle Vequist, who
had spent a week in the hospital.
Henry Vequist spent Sunday
afternoon at the Floyd Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz and
girls were Sunday dinner guests
at the Floyd Johnson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and
Lynda were Sunday evening vis
itors at the John Schultz home.
The Pleasant Day club meet
ing, which was to have met at
the home of Mrs. Henry Vequist
Wednesday, March 20, was post
poned because of bad weather
til today (Thursday).
Joe Yantzi and Danny Wolf
were week-end guests of Mrs.
Kathryn Yantzi.
Mr. and Mm. Ralph Morrow
and Mary Jane were Sunday din
ner guests of the Sam Derirkscn
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benson
and children of Spencer were
Sunday visitors at the Blake j
Benson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and i
Lynda were Friday evening visi
tors at the Lou Brown home.
Mrs. Ed Martin of Spencer was
a Sunday afternoon caller at the
M. J. HazeLhorst home.
| O’Neill News
Miss Pat PeBolt, daughter of
Mr and Mrs P P PeBolt. left
Friday for Kingsley. la . to visit
her fiance, l«rrrv Krause, and
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Law
unco Krause.
Mrs Floyd Johnson and Miss
l.inda of Rock Falls visited her
mother, Mrs. Theresa Bremer
Mr and Mrs M. J Baack were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
Brewster of Stuart Sunday.
Mrs Bessie Burge and June
visited Mr. and Mrs F S. Rut
ted Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Caskey
and Suellyn were in Winnetoon
Sum.ay visiting her mother, Mrs
Mabel Bennett.
Mrs Mabel Shobe left Satur
day for Pierce to visit her sen
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Haigh for an indefinite stay.
Miss Marilyn Kotrous and Ray
Lampman went to Butte for the
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Berner and
Suzanne went to Sioux City Sat
urday to visit Mr. and Mrs Ken
neth Glandt. formerly of O’Neill.
Miss Elizabeth Schaffer was
home from the University of Ne
braska for the weekend. She is
the daughter of the D. C. Schaf
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hanlon and
family moved over the weekend
to the house formerly occupied
by Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Weaver.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Froelich.
jr., are expected to arrive Friday
fiom Chicago, 111., to visit nis
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Froelich sr.
Mrs. Esther C. Harris was in
Sioux City Friday.
Weekend guests of Mr. and
Mr- A \V Cam'll were Mr and
Mrs Palmer Skulborstad and
fannh qf Hastings and Mr and
Mr- Paul Shelhamer of Omaha,
w ho were also guests of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shel
Mr. and Mrs. Arlo A. lliait
were in Lincoln the March 16-17
weekend visiting at the home of
Mr and Mrs F. D. Anderson
Mr and Mrs. Kd Rentsehler
and Randy of Atkinson were last
Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs
M. H. Marcel lus.
Alice’s Beauty Shop
Rea. 3 doors west of Texaco
125 Fas! Douglas
Phone 263 — O’Neill
Northeast Corner
of 4th & Douglas
Phone 167
Office Hours: H-5
Eyes Examined-Glasses Fitted
Monday thru Saturday
Are You Aware_
OF T1IE FOl'R most recent credits or exclusions allow ed
on your INCOME TAX return, all or a part of which you
r may be entitled to?
[ TO HE SURE you are not overlooking any of these or
other credits and deductions allowed you, see —
In the Golden Annex — O’Neill. Nebr.
. . . for filing assistance . . .specializing in—
Good tax service doesn’t cost — it PAYS!
I 1
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FRESH TUBE .... pkff. «*. ■ " Wuh. WINES APS .Aoc.
“ U. S. “GOOD" H A
FRYERS ^'^430
Siting Botoguigsr,*: ia. TOt
Sliod BflCM ^ _ 480
FILLETS lbs. |
R08BR0SS « 159
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BEANS .. cans |
APRICOTS .(J cars |
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FANCY Mo. 2 BjyC
SHORT- off jf oak UX
|?0TlS T 19 b*u$1
| TISSUE ®"— l£ I
| CHEER w mw • 33c
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| CAMAY SOAP YS 10c m 2 ..,27c
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