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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1957)
Lee Family Story in Ladies Home Journal •The Rancid is Where My Heart I*", an article in the cur rent Ladies' Home Journal, fea tures the Lee family of Brown lee— Forrest and Grace, the par sits and four daughters, the Misses Jackie, Carolyn, Florerce ind Dorothy, all St. Mary Acad •my grad i#ites Ranch life and all the little in umieies woven around a young wife, whose background for ranch work 26 years ago was an army life with her parents, >s told in humorous experiences. Mrs. awe says: “Long hours lon't seem like drudgery or even work. It’s the difference be tween losing what you’re doing inti hating it" Each daughter has contributed about $350 a year toward her education, money earned work ing on the ranch in summers md from fall sales of cattle which the girls own on shares with their father Each of the girl’s personali ties ls described and compared to “Little Women” by Louisa Market Report Monday. Feb. 18 Sale Although our sale was not as large as last week, we had a good run of hogs on a very active market. Extreme top was $17 45 with the majority of So. 1 hogs selling from $17 00 to $17 35 Heavier hogs tn the 240 to 260 pound class sold from $1660 to $16.90. Sows sold from $14.a0 to $15 60 One consignment of baby pigs sold at $11.50 each Remember it means more dollars in your pocket to sell vour hogs here in VERDIGRE. We had a nice run of cattle consisting of all classes and plenty of buyers were on hand for each kind. We need more cattle to keep these buyers coming each week. Try us with your next consign ment We are planning a COM MUNITY SALE for Saturday. March 9th. We would like to have your listings of ma chinery, tools, hay, lumber, brood sows, milk cows, bulls, horses and anything else you want to sell. Convert those unused items to CASH. We want to make this a big sale so make your listings this week Just phone 86 — 84-W or leave your listing at the Sale Bam. Wo appre ciate your patronage. Sale every MONDAY starting at 11:00 A M. Verdigre Livestock Market Ph. 86 - Don Jensen. Mgr May Alcoa. The girls, not members at the Ca’holic church, are remember i at O’Neill where they at tended St. Mary's academy where they were boarding stu dents One is now married and three are in college County Court Don F Hutchinson of Long Pine. February 8, speeding night, fined $2;> and $4 costs, officer — E. M. Hastreiter. William Lemon of Basse’t, February 8. speeding night, fin *** dnd $4 costs, officer—E M Hastreiter Darla D. Wendler of Ains worth, February 3. speeding dav I fintxi S10 and $4 officer—R L Gude ’1 James L. Klemsasser of Hu- ■ ron. S D. February 14. failure to -stop <it State scale fined 510 and $4 costs, officer—Donald F Richardson. Duane E. Bonenberger of At kinson, February 14. no driver’s! license, fined $5 and $4 costs. Wesley A Brown driver for Sezuer Co., of Brookings, S. D. I February 15, overload on axle,! ^ned $80 and $4 costs, officer Clifford L. Kizzire. James Kubik of O’Neill, Feb ruary 15. disturbing the peace, I seven days in county jail, officer —Charles R. Johnson. ! Arnold A. Singbeil of S Bur naby, B C., February 18. over gross, fined $50 and $4 costs, officer— Donald F Richardson, j D. R. Aman of Ansley. Febu ary 18, count I, ficticious lum ber plates. count 2, speeding night, fined $10 and $25 and $4 costs, officer—R. L. Gude. Glen E. Manzer of Sioux C*ty, February 19, speeding day, An t'd $20 and $4 costs, officer--E M. Hastreiter. JUSTICE COURT 1 Ray Donason of Mills. Febru ary 9, blocking an alley, fined $5 and 4 costs, officer—John N. Sehmit. Jim Kilcoin of O’Neill, Febru ary 12, driving without a license, fined $5 and $4 costs, no money so putting in time in county jail, officer—John N. Schrmt. Sharon Miner of O’Neill, Feb ruary 10, tunning a stop sign, fined S5 and $4 costs, officer— Charles R. Johnson. Pat E. Hickey. February 15, improper U turn and speeding, fined $5 and $4 costs and $10 and $4 costs respectively, officer —Charles R. Johnson. Max Kipple of O’Neill, Feb ruary 17. running a stop sign, fined $5 and $4 costs. Joe A. Bubaeek. February 19. running a red light, fined $5 and $4 costs, officer—Charles R. Johnson. dry COURT A Neil Dawes of O’Neill, blocking an alley, February 18, fined $1 and $1 costs, officer— John N. Echmit. WEATHER REPORT hi lo pr February 14 46 20 February 15 43 25 February 16 40 16 February 17 51 20 February 18 43 18 ‘ 29 14 tr February 20 36 16 ROYAL THEATRE Sunday-Monday-Tuesday February 24-25-26 From the best-selling novel of young love in war ...comes the story of the foul-ups who became THE HELL FIGHTERS OF THE PACIFIC! Robert WAGNER Terry MOORE Broderick CRAWFORD „-BUDDY EBSON { rarmari n wv omcno ■* DAVID WEISBART • RICHARD FLEISCHER n HARRY BROWN / —— _ CLOSE - OUT SALE I On the premises. lVi miles south of Page. 2 miles east and I Vi mile south, starting at 1 p.m.. on — ■ FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22 I 27 HEAD OF CATTLE I 1—Holstein-Angus cow; 2—Holstein-Angus cows: 2— i j Shorthorn cows; 1—Holstein heifer; 1—Shorthorn cow. milk- 1 ing now; 1—Brown Swiss cow. milking now; 3—Hereford I | stock cows, young; 2—Black Whiteface heifer calves; 4— 1 Hereford steers; —Hereford heifers, all coming yearlings; i| I i 1—Purebred Hereford bull. .ALSO 2 bred gilts: 2 butchers. I I I MACHINERY I including J-D B tractor, 1941. with powerlift. F-12 Far- j I mall on rubber: Reg. Farmall; VAC Case tractor and mtd. 1 mower- CC Case tractor; 1942 Chev. 1V4 ton truck; cable I rack; J-D cult; '3-rake hitch; M-H 7-ft- power mower, etc. I SCHMIDT. Owner J 1 Wallace O'Connell and Vern Wrrdt. Autioneers | Farmers State Bank. Ewing. Clerk | - . . . ’ a - -_S?___ problem m ■Ip ■s WEINERS"1 M“T 3ibs. $1 BACON .. 2 lb*. 79c LEAN. MEATY. WELL TRIMMED PORK ^J ~”“i * “ — — — — U. S. GOOD PRIME RIB BOILING BEEF lb. 19c STEAK_lb. 53c I GOOD QUALITY SWISS STEAK».■ * | FRESH FROZEN PORK CUTLETS_lb. 49c OCEN PERCH_lb. 29c •aan aaaa _■ MRS. TUCKER _ ___ G I/~ CONVIIIIIMT . . . .1 QUICK \ I I FROZEN FOODS f STRAW- ) I BERRIES I f Volumes 1 through 18 of the Encyclopedia of the World NOW ON SA1 Ff COCOA_half lb. 35C AMERICAN BEAUTY SPAGHETTI_2 cans 25c HILLSDALE SLICED PINEAPPLE... _. 2 8~oz cans 27c ROCKWOOD CHOCOLATE CHIPS _ 2 P^gs. 39c KRAFT TID BIT ! MARSHMALLOWS .. ... pkg. 25c CAL TOP JUMBO MIXED FRUIT_No 21 can 29c DEL MONTE H TOMATOES ...... 2 303 cans 45C I KRAFT I8 DINNERS_2 Pkgs- 31c 'EALTEST CHEFSF ... 2 lb. box 69c ROYAL JELLO__3 pkgs. 25c TOMATOES, Red Ripetote 19c ICEBERG in, LETTUCE Sb.... IU* GRAPEFRUIT, R«lor White.te. 39c JUICE ORANGES m. C .