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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1957)
Winner* in the llolt 4-11 speech contest: Fick. flilff, Brady and Gillespie. District contest will be held in April.—The Frontier Photo. Diane Gillespie, 11, !s Speech Winner Fick, Gilg, Brady Also Chosen The annual 4-H club public <pc ikin.- c nt . ’ v.• - •>. h-• day, February 16 at the court hou.-*c. Seventeen 4-H members representing several different 4-H clubs in Holt county competed. , Winners. Girls (14 and Over) Kathy Brady of the Willing Workers club, O'Neill, find; Mar lene Beck of tre Clover club. At kinson. second. Bov* (14 Ind Over) James Gilg of Clover club, At kinson, first; James Melor of Clover club, Atkinson, second. Girli (Under 14) Diane Gillespie of Willing Workers club, O’Neill, first; Mar gie Gilg of Clover club, Atkinson, second. Boys (Under 14) Gary Fick of Victory Boys and Girls club, Inman, first; Jack Gilg of Clover club, Atkinson, second. Winner of the older group will 1 compete in the district public speaking contest to determine who will compete in state competition ul Lincoln Mias Gillespie, who just observ ed her 11th birthday anniversary'. is one of the youngest winners ev er named in the speech compe tition here. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs W. B. Gillespie. Gilg’s topic, "The Unknown Boy”; Brady’s, "4-H in the Fu ture of America”; Fick, “Lets Take a T„ ip”, and Gillespie’s, “At the Fair”. Tne district elimination contest u« tentatively scheduled to be held at da- ett in April. South Siders Plan Gilt Exchange EMMET — The South Side club met with Mrs. P. W, McGinnis on recently for a covered dish lunch eon with eight members and one guest, Mrs. Paul Newton, present. At the meeting, called to order by the vice-president, Mrs. Leon Beckwith, it was voted to pay $2 to the heart fund. Plans were made for the birth day party to be held Tuesday, March 5, with Mrs. Walter Puckett of Atkinson. Each member is to bring a gift to be distributed as an exchange. EMMET NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kloppen borg were in Grand Island last week. Mrs. Leon Beckw'ith, Mrs. Fritz Brockman and Mis. G. McGinnis met at Mrs. Ralph Fritton’s home Tuesday, to make out the year books for the South Side club. Mrs. Art Humpal and Mrs. Frank Shaaf visited their daugh ter and sister, Mrs. Bob Cole, this week. Mrs. G. McGinnis visited Mi's. McConnell at the Walter Puckett home Sunday afternoon. The Leon Beckwith's were hosts to the Methodist Bible study group on Friday evening. Bud Cole was in Lincoln this week attending a convention. Brion, Rhoe Farms Change Ownership PAGE—Changes of ownership of two farms and several resi dential properties have taken1 place recently Mr and Mrs Frank Beelaert j purchased the Maude Brion quarter section situated 2V*, f miles south of Page and two miles east. Mr. «nd Mrs. Loren j Libby have purchased the Johnj Rhoe quarter, located 41*2 miles | , Southwest of Page. Purchase, . price was $6,800. The Rhoes ’ will retire at Neligh and will hold a public sale soon. • Paul Neubauer and his moth er, Mrs, Emma Morris, will move' onto the Harold Summers pro-, perty, recently sold, and Lyman Park has purchased the Frances McClure property, which was, ] sold at sheriff's sale on Monday, j Life of St. Patrick to Be Told— The Eagle Creek 4-H club met Sunday, February 17, at the| home of Vincent Ernst. All members were present. Mr. and . Mrs. Art O'Neill and Gene were visitors. The meeting was called to or der by the president, Rita Ve 1 quist. Plans were made for the club to meet at Floyd Johnson’s Tues day evening. The year books were filled but for the rest of the 4-H year. Plans were made for the work to be done in the different pro jects before the next meeting. Next meeting will be he id j March 17 at the home of Carol | Ann and Tommy Drueke.. j Roll call will be to tell something of the life of St. Pat rick. At this meeting Norma Widtfeldt will give a -demonstra tion from her baking project—' By Vincent Ernst, reporter. Borg* to California Miller* Move in— Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Borg and family will be leaving shortly for California, where they will re side. Mr. Borg has been manag ing the American Legion club here and will be succeeded by Bill White. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Miller and family plan to move into the res idence vacated by the Borgs. The move will take place after March 2. Mr. Miller is band instructor at O’Neill public school. Note* Anniver*ary— Mrs. Esther Morgan of Okla-: homa City, Okla., who is spend ing some time with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs C. E Jones, was honor ed Sunday at a family dinner to celebrate her birthday anniver sary. Those present were the ladies’ brothers and their wives,! Mr and Mrs. Enoch Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pete.son and Gail and Jerry, all of Polk. MOVING TO PHOENIX Miss Bernice Elkins left Satur ; day morning for Phoenix, Ariz.,; where she will make her home. As soon as she finds a house, her mother Mrs. Margaret Elkins will join her. Serve Dinner— Mrs. L. A. Burgess was in charge of the dinner served to the Men’s council of the Presby terian church Monday evening, j Her co-workers were members of j I Circle I. , | MILLER THEATER” I — ATKINSON — I Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Feb. 24-25-26 “Ills CXtMASCOCf — MfTKXCXO* ^PebocahKERR JobnKERR | tVed.Thurs. Feb. 27-28 j I Twl ba (aw wMdlr*. ■ Wm' This coupon and one paid ad- I mission will admit two ad- | i | ults. Feb. 27-28. ! f mrnmrn^m mmmmmm a mmm^m MHuaa I Holstein Dairy Herd MACHINERY — EQUIPMENT PUBLIC SALE 5 nules east of Chambers, 2 miles south, 2 miles east and Va-mile north (near Bethany church), on — FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22 - 12:30 p.m. 12 Holstein milk cows, 4- to 7-yrs.-old. 11 milking now; 1 reg. Angus bull. Bandolier, 2-yrs.-old; 13 .Angus calves Holstein herd from prize Norfolk State Hospital herd; ALSO 5 harnp. gilts and 5 York, gilts; 50 White Rock laying hens. MACHINERY—Horn hyd. loader for H; IHC ’47 tractor, new tires; ’52 IHC No. 24 mtd. 2-row picker; J-D plow, 2 or 3-bottom; 7-ft. Deering binder; Black & Decker elec, drill, ti-in.; tractor welder; 3 sec. harrow; 12-ft. disc; J-D spreader; ’52 J-D 7-ft. power mower; tractor sweep, mtg. brackets for J-D; IHC 229 ult. with hyd. lift; J-D endgate seeder. AT .so 1,500 bus. ear corn; 35 tons prairie hay; 150 lbs. Grim alfalfa seed; 30 tons alfalfa hay; 130-bus. oats. SOME HOUSEHOLD GOODS. MAX & MARIE FARRIER, Owners Col Ed Thorin O'Neill, Auctioneer Chambers State Bank. Clerk I the NATION’S FINEST. § I OVERALLS I J B,U* - Stripe. _ AIi Si2e< • . I I 2.98 | Unhl further Notice I J **cCarvifles f I O’Neill | O’Neill News H. G Kruse. Roy Berner. Paul Moseman left Tuesday to attend a superintendent’s meeting oi Consumer Public Power district in Lincoln. Mrs. Sidney E .Anderson o( Elgin was a Sunday visitor ot her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manson. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Spry ol Stanton and Mr. and Mrs. Rol land Wevrich and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Emil Wevrich. Mrs. Harold McNally and chil dren of Ainsworth spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Christine Williams. Mr and Mrs. Helmut Arnold, son. Michael and her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Erdman. visited friends and relatives in Hoskins Sunday. Judge and Mrs. D. R. Mounts left Friday to spend a few days in Omaha. Jack Ridgeway left Sunday for Sheridan. Wyo., after spending two weeks with his parents. Mr, and Mrs. I R. Ridgeway. Wednesday, February 13 supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Babl were Mr and Mrs. Bernard Janzing and son. Mr. and Mrs. .Andy Ramold and Randy Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ramold and family and Mr. and Mrs. George Ramold and family of Ewing. Mr and Mrs. K L. VanVoorhis were called to Scottsbluff Friday by the death of Mrs. Harry West. Mr. West is a brother of Mrs. VanVoorhis Clarence Worth. and Jerry Snyder of Whiteman air force j base near Sedalia, Mo.. were i visitors from Saturday until ■ Monday of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. I Worth, sr. Sunday callers were | Mr and Mrs. Adolph Wetzlcr of ! Gregory. S. D. Mr. and Mrs Louis Wray and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Waynun Mrs. Mike Smith of Tesamsh „nd son, W/Sgt. Deraid Smith, were Thursday callers of Mr and Mrs. Louis Wray. Deraid was returning to his base in Massa chusetts after attending school in Cheyenne, Wyo Sunday guests fo Mr and Mrs Gordon Watson was their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley Watson of Chambers. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Burke of Ewing spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw while their parents spent the day m L ike Andes, S. D Mr. and Mrs Glen Campbell of Ellensburg. Wash., were Wed nesday and Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw Thev were neighbors of the Shaws when they were living in Ellens burg, Wash. They also visited friends and relatives in Bartlett, Chambers and Elgin. Miss Violet Ashcraft and Mrs. Vera Plank were Monday after noon callers of Mrs. Margaret Elkins. Ed Wilson and Charles M 1 forti of Stuart left Tuesday to at tend a state REA meeting in Lincoln for three (toys Mrs Ruth Borgan of Norfolk district supervisor of Order ol Eastern Star made her officia visit to Symphony chapter OEc on Thursday, February 14 Cpl Richard (IhcK) Graham, who is stationed in Germany in ■.he army, recently went to Rama, Italy, on a furlough INCOME TAX SERVICE It 'l on Wed Assistance in Piling Returns For 1956 — SEE — JOHN HARRINGTON — Phone I 9 — . > - • - i GROCER’S s f^SEli® «Jiu*Tt fmM Wm H .FTfc JF* tJSm I I Ask for RAINBOW products by name at these O’Neill stores: STANNARD’S STORE FOURTH STREET MARKET NEW OUTLAW STORE MURPHY’S STORE NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY