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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1957)
Future Subscribers YARGES—Mr. and Mrs Vernon Yarges of Omaha, a daughter, May Lou, weighing 9 pounds 9 ounces, born Thursday, February 7 Mary Lou has four brothers. Mr. Yarges is the son of Mr. and Mrs Ora Yarges of Stuart. Mary Lou is their first granddaughter. SALEM—Mr. and Mrs. Abdou Salem of Lexington, a son. Thom as Jay, bom Thuisday, February 7, at a Lexington hospital. Mr. Salem is a nephew of Joe Da as of Chambers and known there. BEIRELE—Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beirele of Columbus, a son, weighing 8 lbs., 3 ounces, born February 11 Mrs. Beiele is the former Mary Jo Roth. FEES—Mr and Mrs. Richard Fees of Chambers, a son born Tuesday, February 12, at St. Paul, Minn. ALBRECHT—Mr and Mrs. Ed ward Albrecht of Atkinson, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 14Vi ounces, born Thursday, February 14. in Atkinson Memorial hospital. SLAYMAKER- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Siaymaker of Atkinson, a son, James William, weighing 9 pounds 14 ounces, born Monday, February 18, in Atkinson Memor ial hospital. SHAW—Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shaw of Atkinson, a son, Kyle Wayne, weighing 9 pounds 11 oun ces, born Monday February 18, in Atkinson Memorial hospital. VAN VOORHIS— Mr. and Mrs. Robert VanVoorhis of Albion, a son bom Thursday, February 14 The paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs. K. L. VanVoorhis. DOIEL—Mr. and Mrs. Richard ("Dick’’) Doiel of Seward, a daughter, Weighing 6 pounds 8 ounces, bom Wednesday, Febru ary 20, at Seward. Mrs. Doiel is the former Margaret Zakrzewski, daughter of Mr. and Mi's. Sylves ter The Doiels have a sen, Donald, who was one-year old on Tuesday, February 19. The Zakrzewskis now have 30 grand children. WALTERS- Mr. and Mrs. Al len Walters of Columbus, O., a son, weighing 7 Vi pounds, born Tuesday, February 19, at Colum bus. Mr. Walters is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters of O’Neill. Mrs. Waltors is the form er Connit Rosenkranz of Dorsey. SPITTLER—Dr. and Mrs. Leo Spittler of Norfolk, a son, weigh ing 5 pounds 14 ounces, bom Thursday, February 14, in Our I.ady of Lourdes hospital, Nor folk. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Spittler of Ewing are paternal grand parent GUENTHER—Mr. and Mrs Francis Guenther of Creighton, twin daughters , weighing 4 pounds 7 V« ounces and 4 pounds 12 ounces, bom Monday. Febru ary 18, at the Lundberg Memor ial hospital in Creighton. HOFFMAN — Mr and Mrs Donald Hoffman gt Chambers, a son. bom Wednesday, February' 13. at St. Anthony’s hospital. LEFFERT—Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Leffert of O’Neill, a son weigh ing 6 pounds 10 V« ounces bom Monday, February 18, at St. thony’s hospital. EMORY—Mr and Mrs Le Roy Emory of Creighton, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 14 ounces, bom Wednesday, Febru ary 20, at the Lundberg Memor ial hospital in Creighton. CRIPPEN — Mr and Mrs. Richard Crippen of Atkinson, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds Vi ounce born Monday, February 18, at the Atkinson Memorial j hospital. t i CLEMENS -Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Clemens of Chambers, a daugh ter weighing 8 pounds 8 ounces, born Monday. February 18, at the Atkinson Memorial hospital. FRICKEL—Mr. and Mrs. Vic tor Frickcl of Atkinson, a daugh- | ter, weighing 7 pounds I0V2 ounces, born Wednesday, Febru ary 20, at the Atkinson Memorial hospital. iru HAVL1CEK—Mr. and Mrs Ed ward Havlicek of Verdigre a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 5 Vs ounces, born Monday, February 18, at Lundberg Memorial nos- j pital, Creighton. Guards Seeking 35 New Members Saturday, February 23, has been designated as national guard recruiting day and Mayor D. C. Schaefer has proclaimed it as such. , . .. . Company D, 195th tank battal ion, Nebraska national guard, is participating. The unit will be taking part in a nationwide drive to enlist 15,000 young men who have had previous mili tary training or who agree to take basic training with thearmy. Mr. and Mrs. Robert (‘‘Bob ) Jonas and daughter, Donna, plan . to leave this weekend for Venice, Calif., where Mr. Jonas will be employed by the Edgemor dairy. He has been employed here by j Gillette’s. Free Wedding DANeE SUMMERLAND BALLROOM Ewing Saturday, Febr 23 Mullen Family Orchestra s Top Cattle Sale Predicted The regiBar sale at the O’Neill Livestock Market today (Thursday) promises to be one of the better winter sales. There will be between 500 and 700 cattle with a nice selec tion of calves and yearlings. Featured in the sale will be several consignments of excellent quality steer and heifer calves, 350 to 375 pounds, some fancy steer and heifer calves. In addition, there will be a nujnber of smaller consignments. We will have the usual run of butcher cattle. This will be strictly a top sale here at O’Neill today for this season of the year. Hog sale today will start at 12:30. There will be 150 feeder pigs. O’Neill Livestock Market Phone 2, O'Neill THE SOIL WILL TAKE WATER only about so fast and depending on the profile, will hold only about so much. So let us show you how our PORT-O-LUM SPRINKLER IRRIGA TION SYSTEM will give you a GENTLE RAIN. NOT A CLOUDBURST that causes plant bleaching and loss of fertility. Designed by qualified engineers, guaranteed to do the job as planned. BE SURE to see this coupler we use for it is the best and simplest on the market. No delays because of dam aged pipe or ends. Repairing made right in the field. No leaking. Easy to connect or disconnect. W'E WILL ARRANGE FOR YOUR DRILLING CALL ON US OR WRITE FOR FREE ESTIMATES IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO IRRIGATE Do It Right, With Light PORT - O - LUM PRODUCERS’ EXCHANGE See our NEW BULLETIN BOARD in our office. List the articles for sale, you don’t need, for others you can use. FOR SALE Alfalfa seed. Nearly new, slide stacker. WANTED Blue grass seed, truck or carload, good quality, clean seed. (WE NEED THESE LISTINGS BY TUESDAY NOON.) These Items Will Be Kept on Record in Our Files HOME TOWN MOTORS . ._ O’Neill Ask For FAY BRITTELL ^JWWPW—~ ■■ jyaaMaSWHF^QSMB \:f¥fWSBKSRRKKKP ■HHHHHnnnj Now Added to Our Complete Line of Bakery Goods PI^m7!9jiII ^ New splendid breads L ^15 VARIETIES RYE BREAD Hiff ^<0% Bread. Butter # Yf\ • Mo* «*«*•*• lUn. • FH Ms BE «l«« Heart-law Hulls. Danish Rolls. Fruit Hulls. Fruit Hulls. Crispins WtRE CHOPPING- OUR PRICES WEEKE™?.tS.SPEC,ALS FRI’IT • FILLED ROLLS - JSb IW Birthday CAKE, only_ TVXIOO BRAND SOLID PACK . IDEAL POR SALAD tuna 2* m OUR FAMILY BRAND RICH IN FLAVOR FANCY TOMATO JUICE juice. 2* m I £1LLl DOLLAR COUPON SALE BUY ONE CAN OF EACH OF THESE 10 ELLIS DEUCTOUS FOODS. MAIL ALL 10 LABELS WITH AN ELLIS DOLLAR COUPON TO ELLIS ELLIS WILL SEND YOU A CHECH FOB $1.00 PLUS $c POSTAGE. ) TALL NO. 300 TINS CHILI WITH BEANS .. .... 29* SPAGHETTI 'N MEAT BALLS _ 27* TAMALES ______ Back 23* 1 CORNt J BEEF HASH M 33* OLD FASHIONED BEEF STEW „ 35* LIMA BEANS ‘N HAM _$«k 36* NOODLES ’N BEEF _B«h 31* EGG NOODLES 'N HAM e„k 35* SHORT RIBS O’ BEEF __„«k 37* SPANISH RICE .. u.k 19* TOTAL VALUE.*3°* Our Special Lew Price ( ^ ^ Q For All Ten Cans Mm, ELLIS MAiLS YOU ...». *1°° YOUR ACTUAL COST ONLY.. Lr—i--n MISSION BRAND DELIGHTFUL SNAPPY FLAVOR M or BOTTLES ri flllD 5,AAQc U O prizeineverypackage rLUUn Enrirt,Mi Ki°; tD M « M s cracker DC AC °“,F"n“y p NO. 303 J4 00 CANDY COVERED li/TtfC | tflw < "*"» of the Garden .Q TINS | CHOCOLATES JACKS SALMON .47‘ 29* Si: 5* 2., IS* . ( „ MAZOLA OIL —n*, " 39c mt 73c * X. ® GOOCH'S BEST LUCKY LEAF CUT ELBOW I ) PIE FILLINGS MACARONI CHERRY b VA NO. 1 ^ —T CEUO I VJ TIN O / Ci^»l «•' I 7 Vr - - - ~ -- --« mm* f POTATOES 100 Lbs 1.69 r GRAPEFRUIT""” M 39c DIAL SOAP u"’* uiMk avMr CHIFFON non ONI BOB R ntftt 1 not. not. I 3»37* 2 St 37* 2P sir fancy cw CUANSCt dcuciovs A I A V APPLES AJAX *_19* I cautoania wn NAYIL MANGES 2m25* \ :i t •« f !■ t • c < CHUCK STEAK ... u. 45‘; | j RING BOLOGNA Mclw Rmr.Lk 29^ t I [PORK SPARE RIBS ESLMS2,....u.37‘:j I SLICED BACON .u. *3‘ 11 | * .*<..>1 i KILL *—* S I j [ FRYERS, Lb. only —- 39c | l inest Quality 100Q, PURE GROUND BEEF 2 Lbs.-59c VDKIMEbii.; ~fittt 'WMIUUnMHHBBHIWHHIB MOTHER’S BEST FLOUR 25-Lb. Bag SI.69 50-Lb. Bag .. $3.29 GOLDEN VALLEY PORK BEANS 3 No. 2i cans 49c I Natur Ripe FROZEN j STRAWB’RIES 12 10-Oz. Pkgs. --47c fi|B_HHaBaalHaHaHMaHaHMaw||MnramnJH|M|aMiiraBi«r,-rr HOG SUPPLEMENTS • Hog Builder . . . The all-purpose supplement for top ! performance. • 35% Hog Supplement . . • ; . . and a full feed of groin la drylot mean IFFICIENT • • • | ECONOMICAL CAINS! COMPLETE LINE OF VICTOR LIVESTOCK FEEDS . | w tv »"■ <T\« t i ii n w* vx. I I CITI7 P^Q ruuL i rv i r lll/o Complete Egg Granules - 100-lbs. $4.25 20% Egg Granules _ 1 00-lbs $4*50 26% Balancer Granules 100-lbs. $4.75 32% Poultry Concentrate .. 100-lbs. $5.15 15c Cwt. Discount on 1,000-lb. Lots Miscellaneous Feeds Tankage - Meatscraps 1 00-lbs. $4.95 Cudahy A. P. Mineral 100-lbs. $5.15 W. Block Salt _ each .80 • 40% Hoq Pasture shorts ioo-ibs. $2.95 _ ' 3 BRAN 100-lbs. $2.90 Supplement • • • K. D. BLOCKS each $2.25 Pig Starter Pellets l OO-lbs. $495 30% Sow Supplement Pellets 100-lbs. $5.25 * 40% Hog Balancer Pellets 100-lbs. $5.00 Complete Hog Feed 100-lbs. $3.95 15c Cwt. Discount on Y^-Ton Lots C* o fflp Ppprlft 14% Creep Feed 100-lbs. $3.95 12% Hi-Las Cattle Nuggets 100-lbs. $3.50 , 16% Dairy Feed 100-lbs. $3.95 j 40% Range Cubes $70.00 Ton Bulk See Us For Discount on Quantity __ _ -___ rv)Mrn ■ . . . and corn . . . «ivo y*« * ShitidT w*"" CASH FOR YOUR • Sow Supplement CREAM EGGS s:,~p H3 HIDES and POULTRY * •