Justice Court Franci* Strong, .amur- 17, ■irivuag without a anverj icenee. 110 ana $4 as is. icerne ;taa w® afcen away oy the -tale, ar i-sung officer—John M. Serumt. ■wi'i CL Taylor. >anuarr 17, -peeding, fined $10 ana i* net*. Jtftefw —liilfons Coata. iaunce M. uluUdi, January TO. beetling, fined $10 ana 54 -***• officer—Charles ft John ML Staler EL Sdifclftt. jr., January Tl, wrtaa trmng, also irtvmg a 'dr with no iraices aid the U * -minder not matching regts ratton; fined *25 and *4 coat*; i wrumtted to ounty jail, officer —John N. Schimt. Count? Court -lamia Farrier of Chanmera •was -ammittcd to the -ounty jail upiis >f Ljreile Picker ng vent to O’Neill Monday to visit ’he mobile X-ray imt. Sunday dinner quests at .be Lee Brady, sk„ home vere Mr .ma Mrs. J. E. Wiley Little Debra J aresKi uas start ed to cnooi at District IOO. VLr ana Mrs. ’.Villiam Canard were .TNeiil moopers Friday. The Jersey nciety met with Mrs. Willard .Aim Wednesday. January 18. A troup of ladles rom Verticil na 'ieverona Wnistad met with several at the Oorsev church members Monday for a 'onfer ace. Mr end Mrs. Gordon 3arta .na Gvehm vere O'Neill hop - pers Wednesday. January 18. frontier far trtnuna. Emmet News Church of the Epiphany Altar societc met m Wednesday ti •t-rnoon. ianuary IB. m the rectory. Names vero drawn for three Lrc.es. -acn circle to serve is hostess at the monthly cant parties C ard partv Sunday *vmuw. Ianuary at the hurrft ,.| the Kpipduj, it o lock. >0 enta. Plan to Utfna. :9paa .Mrs. John Q'Onneii ma Mrs. Joe Pongrantr ‘visited apth he * a iter’s mother. Mrs. Agnes Heed in O'Neill. Tuesday Mrs. Leon Beckwith uccom xinied uer laughter. Mrs Kenny Buggies and an. Bonnie, to heir home near Swing when 'he alter vas eieaswt Tom At kinson Memorial aospital after suffering with pneumonia. Bob Cole. lohn Conard. Her man Grothe and Elmer Schaal vent ice ismng at Pelican *ake. Mrs. Esther Hams visited over he weekend with aer aster. Mrs. P W McGinnis A card party mil ha held at Si, Michael's hall next Sunday •vrnin*. rht> -hurrn rutcheu ,.nd hall are undergoing .*xten nv emodeling. O'NEILL Utl'VLS Mr, and Mrs, Calvin Allen rnm ;. some of Mr and Mrs. 3wayne Phalbrtcfc. Mrs. Kent Kennedy of Aim vorth FVtdav vith Mr and Mm. D. N. Ujt. Mr< John Siuifbrrgen aid -hildren vent the veekena n Mbriolk isiting Mr ind Mr*- 0*b 3 linn. Mr. ind Mrr. Kenneth 'Vanns visited Sunday vith Mr ind Mrs. Kenneth ileus at Page Mr ana Mrs. La* Weber visited at the luttu Tenbnrg wane tear Emmet Sunday. The New Outlaw Always ] GIVES YOU TOP QUALITY AND LOW PRICES PLUS.. Top Value stamps REMEMBER: ^ot:Jy But Nobodv Undersells THE OUTLAW !! 1 (*e 7~bT.t"r‘PP" We have for S Years CONSTANTLY offered O’Neill Every Day Low Prices. Remember it’s the TOTAL J Top f'aiue S tempi Savings that count not just 2 or 3 specials. \ 1KKT* _ _ _ _ io POUND I.iMIT m 1 LEAN \ND MEATY BOSTON BUTT REG PRICE 8te SAEE PRIC E _ 79e SWIfTNUte REGULAR PRICE — 3 FOR :2c SALE PRICE 2 for Lwm DOG FOOD “™ REGULAR PRICE 45« SALE PRICE 39c .J SWIFTS PKCM SL ALL UEAT CUDAHY’S CUDAHY’S GOLD COIN SLICED 1 WEINERS_3 Lbs. $ 1.00 BACON_Lb. 49c I BACON ENDS_Lb. 23c COTTAGE COSE „... Pkg. 19c1 PORK REEF NECK BONES_2 Lbs. 25c I HEARTS_Lb. 19c - PORK I ROILING 1 CUTLETS_LB 49c | BEEF_Lb. 19c I FRESH FROZEN FILLETS OCEAN _ ^ ffHEBIGNEWSISSWIFTSCOUPONsjl m in the Ladies Home Journal. Look and Life magazines. That’s right folks, there s a ■ a big $1.45 coupon in the above magazines. Clip it out and bring it to the Outlaw. a a Redemption will be made on all Swift’s Products The Outlaw handles. a m Dl I |£ pay a nickel for each coupon received on a a r LU3 advertised items. a 1 REMEMBERJTS ALL FREE \ .’ ** • •• Kfcini iau riui/E w i -ue rui:E — tm m m AUS WEST Su 14C TISSUE Northern 3 Rolls_ 25c j TOMATO SOUP Gunpbeds. 3 Cans -33® f COM Del Monte, 3 303 Cans_ 49c { CHERRIES Monarch, 2 Cans - . -99c { CARE MIX Dromedarv, 2 Pkgs... 49c { KETCHUP Heinz, 2 For_45«J| ORANGE JUICE TEL “ 29*\ mis COUPON GOOD FOE 1 *| | TOP VALUE STAMPS ^^F M M ( M 1 66a <>n* <;ou**®n Pr* Family —M SAME____ \ M SAME _