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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1957)
Mrs. Harold Jerome Rotherham . . . bride at St. Patrick's Catholic church Saturday.—O'Neill Photo Co. Engagement Told Richard Tomlinson oJ O’Neill and Mrs. Doris Tomlinson of Rocky Ford, Colo., announce the engagement of their daugh ter, Miss Patricia (above) to Larry Lee Brookhouscr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhou ser of Venus. Larry is a grad uate of Verdigre high school in 1950 —O’Neill Photo Co. a<mBife s vL-. .'vi#" Knroute to Germany Mrs. Lester Walton and daughter, Charlotte Kay, 2, will leave O’Neill Sunday tor New York City. Next Wed nesday they will board a ship for Bremerhaven, Germany, docking there January 29. Mrs. Walton will be joining her husband, who will be stationed there for a year or more. Mrs. Walton and Charlotte Kay have been at the home of Mrs. Wal ton's grandparents, Mr and Mrs Roy Parker. Try low-cost Frontier want ads for quick, sure results. Karen M. Donohoe, Harold Rotherham Exchange Vows Before an altar of poinset- ) tias and Christmas trees, Miss ■ Karen Mildred Donohoe was united in marriage to Harold Jerome Rotherham of Ewing, at a 9 a m nuptial mass Saturday, January 12, at St. Patrick’s Catholic church. Very Rev. Timothy O’Sulliv church pastor officiated at the double-ring ceremony. Miss Donohoe is the daughter J of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Dono hoe of O'Neill and Mr. Rother ham is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rotherham of Ewing. Given in marriage by her father, the bride appeared in a walz-length beige gown trim med with matching lace. It featured a portrait neckline and short sleeves. The fitted bodice was along princess styling. Her hat was beige and she carried a bouquet of yellow poms with lace and brown ribbon. A sister of the bride, Mrs. Bud Cloyd of Sidney, la., her matron of-honor, appeared in a walz length cocoa brown gown styled w'ith portrait neckline and short sleeves. Her bouquet was of yellow poms and green ribbon and lace. Mr. Rotherham wore a brown flecked suit and white bouton niere. His best man, Vincent Rotherham of Ewing, a brother, appeared in a navy suit and white boutonniere. Ushers were Edward Dono hoe and Vernon W. Donohoe, brothers of the bride. Ray Donohoe, the bride’s brother, was soloist, accompanied by Mrs Gene Wolfe at the or gan He sang “Ave Maria”, “On This Day” and "O Lord, I Am Not Worthy.” A breakfast at the Town House for the wedding party fol lowed. A reception for one hundred guests at the home of the bride’s parents was held in the afternoon. Mrs. Arnold Graggert of El gin. a sister of the bridegroom, cut the three-tier wedding cake, which was decorated with pale yellow roses and topped by a miniature bride and groom. Mrs. Thomas Clark, assisted by Mrs. John Jansen. Mrs. Francis Clark and Miss Catherine Don ohoe, served. Miss Mary Katherine Turner poured Mrs. Edward Cuddy had charge of the guest book and the Misses Bernadine and Jerald ine Rotherham of Ewing, sisters Germany Is l ine’ _ a I • . I . I/M.ntAMn#] /rtr . Utue tvatny Ann rwiumuiau (above), who on February 3 will be one-year-old. thinks life is okay in Western Ger many where she resides with her father and mother, Sfc. Wayne C. Kruntorad and wife. The child’s mother is the form er Marilyn Ries, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ries- of . ,‘t • " • .* • * • *1 LI\ lllOVll. *>11 . »». merly of Ewing, is with com pany A, 86th infantry regi ment APO 36. New York City and in six montl^ will be en route back to the United States. Kathy is the first great . grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. John Pruss of O’Neill. of the bridegroom, and Miss Margaret Donah oe, a sister of the bride, had charge of the gifts l For going away, Mrs. Rother ham chose a peach two-piece knit suit. After a week's wed- i | ding trip to Colorado Springs and Denver. Colo., the couple l will be at home in Ewing where Mr Rotherham is a service sta tion operator. Mr- Rotherham, a graduate of St. Mary’s academy, and who attended Wayne State college, is a teacher in Holt rural school district 9 Her mother taught there 30 years ago. Mr Rotherham is a graduate of Ewing high school MARRIAGE LICENSES Harold Jerome Rotherham. ; 23, of Ewing, and Karen Mildred Donohoe, 20, of O’Neill on Thurs day, January 10. Elmer Schaffer jr., 18. of At- ; kinson and Florence Marie Neal, 1 17, of O'Neill on Saturday, Jan uary 12 JUSTICE COURT Buster E Charf of Bruns wick, January 9, speeding, fined $10 and $4 costs, officer—Charles R. Johnson. Stanley H Miller driver for Gijl Transport. January ll, speeding, fined $10 and $4 costs, officer—Charles R Johnson Edward J. Donohoe of O'Neill, January 11, running a stop sigr, fined $5 and costs. officer— Charles R Johnson. Duane E. Pongratz, January 13, speeding, fined $10 and $4 cos s, officer—Charles R. John son ' Ftf George F Tomlinson, January 13. running a stop sign, fined 15 and $4 costs, officer—Cliarles R. j Johnson. COUNTY COURT Fred N. Rackliff jr., driver for Robert R Enghusen of Bellevue, January 4, over gross, fined $6o and $4 costs. officer—R. L. Gude Richard F. McConnell of Atkin son, January 7, procuring liquor for minor, fined $50 and $10 costs, officer — R L. Gude. Burdette Taylor of Rushville, December 21. overload on axle, fined $80 and $4 costs, officer— Donald F Richardson. Glennis D. Bagwell of Orcharc, January 15, speeding day, fink'd $10 and $4 costs, officer—R. L. Gude. LETTER TO EDITOR BentonvUle, Ark. January 14, 1957 Editor: Have noticed some of your editorials art full-of horse' sense, notably tho$e deJHtng wfth Che small school situation. Am glad Frank Nelson is get ting a little of his justly due credit. 1 don’t know where ysm could find a man you could Uust more. <' i He may be offset bv Terry Carpenter. Cold day today—30 degrees Weather has boon excel teat No snow. RALPH LEIDY ■■ < W U. S- GOV’T. GRADED “GOOD” BEEF m _ mm u. s. gov t graded "good” i nncv Ibeeffront lb { UH9 U lb I Quartets 35c W 9 CUT AND WRAPPED FREE! ! m ALL MEAT I RING BOLOGNA_!b. 39C BACON 23c BOILING BEEF_lb. 19c K CUDAHY'S RIVAL SLICED LEAN AND MEATY SPARE RIBS_lb. 33c PORK HOCKS ..-2 lbs. 39c LONGHORN CHEESE_lb. 49c I CUDAHY'S ALL MEAT | U. S. GOV’T GRADED "GOOD" f JUICE SMALL MS ■ CELLO V n 0^ \ ORANGES 3 Boz..2Se|^»J?W« 9c { APPLES half bl—2.791GRAPEFRU/T 35^ | ]98 I NASH _____ COFFEE * c CALTOP KRAFT FRUIT MIX.. giant No. 21 can 29c MARSHMALLOWS 2 pkgs 39c REMARKABLE DUNCAN HINES | PEARSgiant No. 21 can 37c CAKE MIX-pkg. 29c C MANCHESTER WALDORF _ _ CROCKERS 139‘ STEELE COUNTY CUDAHY'S CANNED MEAT v ■ CORN_2631,8 25c TANG . _ 2 631,8 69c I MAGIC FREEZB■ ill ' TABLE HEADY OLEO-3 lbs 69c TABLE GIANT 200 COUNT NAPKINS — pkg. 29c HERSHEYS COCOA. l-lb. 35c HARVEST GEM 300 CAN PORK&BEANS 10c SEALTEST CHEESE - 2-lb. box 69c HARVEST MOON SALAD DRESSING it. 45c CAKE MIX — pkg 43c 1 HUNT’S W PEACHES 2 2! cans 65c 1 SWIFTNING 3-«k 79c f CATSUP — Jf«r49c I KRAFT' STRAWBERRY ■ PRESERVES iar 33c t