The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 17, 1957, Page 5, Image 5

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    Phone Company
Asks for Increase
“In order to meet the higher
cost of furnishing telephone ser
vice. an adjustment in telephone
rates is necessary,” J. B. Moore,
vice-president and gerteral man
ager of the Northwestern Bell
Telephone company, stated as the
company filed an application
with the state railway commis
sion requesting authority to ad
just its rates and charges in
"It has been almost four years
since there was a general rate
adjustment in Nebraska,” Moore
stated "The cost of doing busi
ness has steadily increased dur
ing this period. The company is
no longer able to absorb these
rising costs although every rea
sonable effort has been made to
offset them through economical
and efficient operating proced
ures and equipment.
"In common with other busi
nesses, we have experienced
higher costs of construction and
operation, including higher wage
costs. Wage costs alone have
increased $2,400,000 during this
period. At the end of 1952 our
average investment per tele
phone was $291. For every tele
phone added since then the in
crease in investment has aver
aged $578.
Niemeyer Member of
I’erahing Rifles—
Roger Niemeyer, son of Mr and
Mrs. Joseph Niemeyer of O’Neill,
has been made an active member
of the Pershing Rifles, a military
organization founded at the Uni
versity of Nebraska when Gen.
John Pershing was professor of
military science and tactics.
Niemeyer is a freshman in the
college of engineering and archi
Attend Council Meet—
LYNCH — Mrs. Lee Barnes oi
Harmony club, Mrs. Elmo Barnef
of Rural Progressive club, Mrs
Albert McDonald of Highland
Mrs. Alford Davy of Sunshine
club and Mrs. Don Allen, Mrs
Lucille Moody and Mrs. Herberl
Price of the Excello club attendee]
the Boyd county council meetinf
at Butte on Tuesday, January 8.
Legal Notice
(First pub. Jan. 10, 1957)
John R. Gallagher, Attorney
Estate No. 4166
JANUARY 9TH, 1957.
Notice is hereby given to all
persons interested in said estate
that a petition has been filed in
said Court for the appointment
ol Dorothy O. Pribil as Adminis
tratrix of said estate, and will be
heard January 31, 1957 at 1<J
o’clock A. M„ at the County
Court Room in O’Neill, Ne
County Judge.
Very G::J Auctions
The number of cattle has
been considerably more each
week and the numbers in
butcher hogs and feeder pigs
has been larger for the new
year, although with increas
ed rum of livestock, we will
need more stock to keep our
many buyers supplied with
sufficient livestock to fill
their needs.
We will try to give you the
kind of service you could
expect anywhere. We have
a very good brand inspector
and a very good veterinarian,
both appointed by the State
of Nebraska. We think we
have two very good young
auctioneers with a good
foreman over them all.
Butte livestock Market is
Bonded and Insured for
everyone’s protection.
Try and see us every Wed
nesday. your best Market.
Butte Livestock
Butte, Nebr.
Chambers News
Donald and Ronald Jungbluth,
twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Jungbluth, have recently entered
the state home at Beatrice. Ken
neth Barthel and Mr. and Mrs.
Jungbluth took the boys to Beat
rice Friday, January 4. The boys
would enjoy receiving mail from
friends at home. Their adres«;
Beatrice State Home, Beatrice,
Nebr., Box 359.
Mrs. C. E. Tibbets and Mrs,
Genevieve Bell spent a few days
recently with relatives at Winner,
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Reninger
and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith re
turned recently from a 10-day
visit with relatives in Ohio. The
Remngers and Mrs. Norman Ren
inger. Jerry, Wanda Jean and
Kitty Ann at Columbus. The
Smiths were guests of their son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs Richard Smith, Donnie and
Rennea at Gailon, O.
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Robertson
returned Tuesday, January 8
: from a two weeks’ vacation spent
in various places in Florida. With
I litem were his brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George
j DcKay of LaFayette, Ind.
Glen White of Amelia and
[Themas Ressel of O’Neill pre
sented the purpose of the Gid
j eon organization during the
worship hour at the Chambers
Methodist church, Sunday, Jan
uary 1.
Mrs. L. H. St. Onge and daugh
ter, Geraldine, of Waco visited
the Harry Myers family Sunday,
January 13. The ladies are Mrs.
Myers’ mother and sister.
Shakik Chaufani came Sunday,
January 13 from Lansing, Mich,
where he had been employed
He is visiting his cousin, Mr and
Mrs. Joe Daas.
Christian Service
Society Meets—
CHAMBERS — The Woman’s
Society of Christian Service met
at the Methodist church at 2 p.m.,
Thursday. January 10.
Mrs. Louis Neilson, substitut
ing for Mrs. Bruce Grimes, led
the devotionals. Mrs. Raymond
Beed, substituting for Mrs. Glen
Grimes, had charge of the lesson,
"Islands in My Community”.
The idea was need of super
vised activity among young
people, the loneliness of people
living in trailer camps and the
hurt coming from segregation.
The president, Mrs. Darrel Gil
lette, was in charge of the business j
session. It was voted to pay $150
on the building fund.
The members voted to accept a
quilt top offered by Mrs. John
Wintermote and finish it for the
Hungarian relief.
A bake sale was planned for
Saturday, January 26, at Dobbs
store. Lunch was served by Mrs. j
T. E. Alderson and Mrs. A. B.
Hubbard hostesses. The next,
meeting will be January 24 at the |
home of Mrs. Darrel Gillette.
, -
NTTF Bridge
Club Meets—
Mrs. Dwight Worcester was
hostess to the NTTF Bridge club]
at her home Wednesday evening, i
January 10.
Bridge was played at two tables
with Mrs. William Mattem and
Mrs. Dwight Worcester winning.
Mrs. Wendell Nelson and Mrs.
William Whited were guests. I
• Lunch was served at the close of;
the evening.
Club Meets—
STAR—The Star Get-Together
club met with Mrs. Ben Vona
sen Wednesday afternoon, Jan
uary 9. Because of bad weather
very few members were present.
The club went to the theater in
O'Neill Sunday evening as a party
group with lunch following the
j show.
The next meeting will be with
j Mrs. Lysle Johnson as hostess.
Northeast Corner
of 4th & Douglas
IPhone 167
Office Hours: 9-5
Eyes Examined-Glasses Fitted
Monday thru Saturday
Off-Season SALE
and get 1 FREE!
While This OFFER Lasts
3 Five Piece Settinrs most
at the Popular Price of patterns
Fed. tax inc.
Get $112 Value for only $84.00
You Save — $28.00 and up
This Offer Ends on Feb. 4 — ACT NOW!
HMcIntosh Jewelry
O’Neill News
Army Pfc George Tomlinson
left Sunday, January 6, for Ft.
Riley, Kans., after spending the
weekend visiting his father, Ri
chard Tomlinson.
Mr and Mrs. Art Pacha of At
kinson were Saturday guests of
Mr and Mrs. Leonard Davis.
Mrs. A L. Eymann and chil
dren visited her mother, Mrs. H
H. Springer, of Oakdale, who is
ill. Sunday.
Ardis Parks was a Sunday din
ner guest of her Sunday school
teacher, Mrs. Hope Brockman
of Emmet.
A birthday supper was given
j for Connie Johnson at the home
; rff Dale Perry’s Thursday eve
Mrs Ed Paulson and new.
daughter Cindy, are spending a1
few days at the home of her par
ents, Mr and Mrs. Wes Magwire
at Tildcn.
Guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs
| John Simons were Mr. and Mrs
Floyd Pearson and Mr. and Mrs
Norman Engen all of Norfolk.
Dinner and supper guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sivesind Sun
day were Dr and Mrs. Kenneth
Bruce of Orchard.
Mr. and Mrss. Edward Tomlin
son and son of Wagner, S.D.,
spent the weekend visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Anson Closson and
Richard Tomlinson.
Mrs. Elizabeth Pharris return
ed to her home in Gregory, S.D.,
Friday after spending the past
week with her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. T. L.
Liddy and family.
Mrs Mabel Keeler of Anoka
spent last week with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Donald Lee Lineback.
Mr. Lineback and family.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gatz took
their daughter, Miss Mary Eliza
beth, to Omaha Monday to the
College of St. Mary, where she
is a student
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wrede
and Mike were guests of Mrs.
Henry Martin and Allen oo
Wednesday, January 2, prior
to departing for their home in
Vancouver, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hawk and
son spent Sunday visiting at the
home of her father. Richard Tom
The Misses Patty Morrison and
Patty Tomlinson and Betty Dillon
spent Friday at Ainsworth visit
ing Betty’s parents.
Monuments of lasting beanty
made by skilled craftsmen of
the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu
ments from the factory to the
consumer. — Emmett Crabb, O’
Neill, phone 139-J. S7tf
Mr and Mrs. Henry Zwing
man of Petersburg visited a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. John
Underwood the week of January
Mr and Mrs. Ed Verzal and
boys spent Sunday with Mi and
Mrs. Natchel Rzescotarski of
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Vidricksen
and son, Ben jr., were in Omana
from Thursday until Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wells, Mrs.
Mary Wetzler and Miss Lorraine
Wetzler visited Mrs Lydia
Wetzler in Herrick, S. D., Sun
Roy Shelhamer left Sunday for
Lincoln to attend a Phillip’s
petroleum management school.
Tuesday he will go from Lincoln
to Omaha for a couple of days.
Howard Quinn of Chadron, who
left O’Neill in 1925, arrived Fri
day to visit Mr. and Mrs. William
S. MacKinlay.
Roy V. Johnson and daughters,
Judy Ann and Marjorie, spent
nearly a week in Omaha with an
other* daughter and her husband,;
Mr and Mrs Fir roll Held. They
returned Sunday. January 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Muff and
Miss Carolyn and Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Cuddy were dinner
guests in Ewing Sunday of Mrs.
Muff's sister, Mrs Roy Wright,
and Mr Wright.
New year's day guests of Mr
and Mrs. Charles F. Nutter were
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon
ard Lesher, Mr. and Mrs. Hans
Ewaldt, all of Thedford, her
brother an wife, Mr. and Mrs. Eu
gene Lesher and family of Mil
burn, and another brother. Rev. J
and Mrs. D D. Lesher of Ord
and her aunt, Mrs. Lida Terpin,
and son, Delbert, Newport.
Edward MCarthy, son of Mr.
and Mrs. George McCarthy, ex
pects to enter Creighton univer
sity the second semester. He had
completed two years of college
before serving in the navy.
Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Coley and
Michael of Worland, Wyo., arriv
ed Sunday to visit her brother-in
law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. A P
Jaszkowiak for two days.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davis
and family were in Stuart Sunday
evening to visit her sister and her
husband, Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Preston Jones were Mr. and
Mrs Fred Fridley of Ainsworth.
Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Walter DeVal! and girls and Mr.
and Mrs. R. V. Crumley of Page.
Mr. and Mrs. Esty Nelson and
' Connie went to Spencer Sunday.
Star News
The severe cold weather caused
the mercury to fall to 20 below
zero in the community last week.
About four inches of snow fell in
the Star community in the past
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Derickson
and family spent Friday evening
with the Nets Linquist family.
There will be a card party at
the Ash Grove hall Saturday
evening, January 19, sponsored by
the auxiliary. Mrs. William Der
ickson and Mrs. Lysle Johnson
will be in charge. Everyone is to
bring cake or sandwiches. Coffee
will be furnished.
Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen,
jr., and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Uhlir an family were sup
per guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Lysle Johnson and family
on Thursday evening.
Ewalt Miller visited his mother,
Mrs Hulda Miller and sisters
Tuesdav afternoon, January 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson and
family had supper with Mr. and
Mrs. Ewalt Miller and son Friday j
Mr and Mrs. Ernest Eoelter
and son and Mrs. Hattie Boelter
spent Thursday evening at the
Ewalt Miller home.
McKenny Goes to
Frank McKenny, assistant
manager of Gambles store, left
Sunday morning for Minneapolis,
Minn., to attend a merchandising
conference covering new spring
lines and style trends.
He will return Thursday eve
ning. _
Rex James, evangelist
Sunday, January 20: Bible
school, 10 am.; preaching and
communion, 11 am,; youth meet
ing 7 p m,; evening worship ser
vice, 7 45 o'clock.
Bible study Wednesday night at
8 o'clock. Study will be over the
last portion of the first chapter of
“Let us consider one another to
provoke love and to do good
works: Not forsaking the assem
b 1 i n g of ourselves together".
(Hebrews 10:24,25).
Rev. C. P. Turner, pastor
Sunday, January 20: Sunday
school, 10 am: preaching service,
11 a m.; young peoples' meeting,
7:30 pm.; preaching service fol
lowing the young people’s meet
Prayer meeting and Bible study
will be in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Dick Wednesday eve
ning at 8 o’clock.
Visitors from Norfolk—
Mr. and Mrs Earl Farr and
children of Norfolk spent U*<*
weekend with Mr. and Mrs Carl
Mr and Mrs. Frank Parkin*
spent Wednesday, January 10 va
Sioux City.
Karl Hunt went to Omaha Sun
day He returned Tuesday.
Alice's Beauty Shop
Rea. 3 door* west of Texaco
125 Fast Douglas
Phone 203 — O’Neill
Dr. J. L. Sherbahn
tk Block So. of Ford Garage
Complete X-Ray Equipment
O’Neill, Nebraska
Ward Tax Service B
Auditing. Bookkeeping and Tax Returns fi
Specializing— K
Federal Income lax Estate ami B
Gilt faxes B
Good T<tx Service Doesn’t Cost, B
. . IT PAYS! B
I Mm i i «*mm mi mm ■■m m ru* •'“"Hr
Save the PINK CASH REGISTER TAPES you get when you A
•hop at COUNCIL OAK STORES. Put them in the handy en- Hf I
▼elope* available at all COUNCIL OAK STORES. When an “"'J
envelope contain, a total of $35.00 in PINK CASH REGISTER _WITH (Jj 6IIVCl0p6
TAPES, bring them in and the .tore manager will exchange I
them for the DINNERWARE UNIT you want. There i. no limit ■
to the number of FREE unit, you may get on this offer. ■
cash regi.ter tape, and procure sizable amounts of this beautiful a
dinnerware for your church or club. ■ i
JWttT3 SOUP BOWLS}'”® "" J?,EE® »“““ ■"*}»& ™"
’ MWit-TBBti oar rmstFoau iuwis
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