Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1957)
Amelia News Representative* of the Gideon Bible society had charge of the services at the Methodist church Sunday morning and then were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Glenn White. Little Ruby Reis is visiting her grandparents, Mr and Mrs Ralph Rees Mr and Mr?. Raymond Kenny were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs Lindsey and Florence. Mr and Mrs. Anton Svatos vis ited at the Leonard Svatos and Hugh Carrs Friday. Mr. and Mrs Delbert Edwards and Axliss were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Charles McMillen and Mrs. Rosa Snelson in Atkinson. Mr and Mrs B W. Waldo re turned home Thursday from a visit with Mr Waldo's sister in Missouri; their daughter and family. Rev and Mrs. Bob (Zel ma) Kalb at Teague, Tex., and their son, Harold Waldo, and family at Denver, Colo. Mrs. Kalb was a former grade teacher in the O’Neill public school. ’Hie Women’s Society of Chris tian Service met Monday for their study lesson at the home of Mrs. Edith Ander-en. (u* aiiu mi 8 iuiu iwuuuiv, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Adair and Jerry were guests at an oyster supper Mr. and Mrs. Bus Gilman came to spend the evening. The Helping Hand club met Thursday, January 10, at the home of Mrs. Mae Sageser. There were 10 members and one visitor present. The lesson on “Brown and Serve Rolls’’ was presented and demonstrated by Mrs Wil liam Fryrear. Mr and Mrs. Vern Sageser at tended the funeral of Joe Rocke at Atkinson Tuesday, January 8. Mrs Margie Sammons and Bill visited Mr. and Mrs. Bus Gilman Thursday evening. Linda and Sandra Gilbert are new scholars at the' Amelia grade schooi Their parents are employ ed at the Peterson ranch. Glen Johnson will attend school at Inez. Mrs. Bob Adair and Jerry and Mrs. Delia Ernst were Friday din ner guests of Mrs. Edgar Peterson while Edgar was in Lincoln. Mr and Mrs Frank Pierce at tended the funeral of Mrs. Jane Tangeman at Chambers Saturday. Mrs. W'ade Davis of Chambers and Mrs Homer Davis of O’Neill called on the Lindseys Friday. Mr. and Mrs Carl Sehade were dinner guests of Mrs. Delia Ernst and Mrs. Stella Sparks Monday, January 7, at the home of Mrs Sparks. Carl was doing some work for Mrs. Ernst A nice - sized crowd attended the square dance at the Amelia hall Friday evening. Mr and Mrs George Fullerton and Mr and Mrs. Lee Gilman sponsored the dance. Mrs. Glenn White taught in the Never An After-Thlret SWITCH TO SQUIRT Amelia grade room last week while the teacher, Mrs Arthur Walters, was a patient in the O' Neill hospital suffering with pneumonia. Mr and Mrs Bob Rees went to Los Angeles, Calif., last week. Bob drove a car for another party. The children stayed with their grandparents. Mrs. Rees has a sister in Los Angeles. The Circle Nine club met last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Don DeGroff. Mr and Mrs. Will Dierks of Scottsbluff visited their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Thompson, last week. Mrs. Maudie Hansen viaited one day last week with Mrs. Frans Pierce. Mrs William Thompson and Mrs. Vern Sageser attended the demonstration of the new club lesson on Friday at Atkinson. They will present the lesson to the members of the Amelia Pro gressive club at the home of Mrs. Clyde Widman on Wednesday, January 16. Mrs. Milton Clemens attended the council meeting at O'Neill Tuesday, January 8. Edgar and Oscar Peterson were in Lincoln on business Friday. Mrs. Frank Pierce and Mrs. Ralph Rees were Chambers vis itors Friday. MrElvaln Separated at Ft. Sheridan— William (“BUT) McElvam, son of Mr and Mrs. Ralph McEl vain, was discharged recently from the army. He was with an antiaircraft group as a radar operator. He had been stationed at May wood. 111., until about three months ago when he was trans ferred to Orland Park, 111. He was discharged at nearby Ft. Sheridan two years after he en tered. Before entering the service, he completed a year at the Uni versity of Nebraska. Fdwards Infant Baptized— Little Christopher Edwards, four-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Edwards, was christened Sunday at First Pres byterian church by Rev. J. Olen Kcnnell, church pastor. The in fant wore a dress made by his great-grandmother for his grand mother’s christening. Both sets of grandparents at tended: Mr and Mrs. D. S. Mc Pherson of West Point and Mrs. and Mrs. D T Edwards of Nor folk. Father Falls from Moving Train— Mr and Mrs. Richard Seymour were in Grand Island for the weekend visiting his mother, Mrs. Joe Seymour. They also visited his father, who is a pa tient in a Kearney hospital. Mr Seymour fell from a caboose while working. He suffered a broken elbow and had 20 stitches taken in his head. The train from which he fell was traveling only 15 miles per hour. C. E. Worth has been confin ed to his home with a bronchial cold._ tjj Valentine’s Day ... will be here soon! PICK OUT the Valentines for the youngsters now—packed in cellophane bags at— 10c — 29c — 39c — 49c Diabetic Needs We carry a complete line of insulin, syringes, needles, alcohol, testing equipment. For those who must restrict their sugar intake, we have a nice selection of sugarless boxed candies, candy bars, chewing gum and ice cream Sickroom Supplies At Gilligan's, you will find everything needed for tak ing care of the sick at home — hot water bottles, heating pads, thermometers, ice packs, invalid cushions, enamel ware, rubber good*. —— ■■■■! ■ ' ' ■■■ —— k. VAPORIZERS I i Help relieve those deep chest colds with steam. B We have vaporizers of several different capacities H at a variety of prices. Get one now . I ! Use one tn the house as a room humidifier dur- ■ . infc this season of dry heat. S Super Plenamins Help build your resistance to winter colds. Supplement j your diet with a good vitamin. SUPPER PLENAMINS. Amer ica’s largest selling Multiple Vitamin Product supplies you with 11 vitamins and 12 minerals In one single daily tablet Get SUPER PLENAMINS today for the older children and adults, and Super Plenamins Junior for the younger children SUPER PLENAMINS are available In O’Neill ONLY at GILLTGAN REXALL DRUG. NOW! Worm your hogs and chbhens safely, easily, eoonom- ! bally! Get TRYZOL, the one-day wonner for hogs and poultry. You don’t change feed—Just add it to the ; drinking water. Get TRYZOL today at GILLIGANS! Choose your Pharmacist as carefully as you choose your Doctor. Have your next prescription filled at GILLIGAN prv ATT. DRUG by one of our PRESCRIPTION SPECIAL ISTS. Gilligan Rexoll Drug Phone 87 — O'Neill Robert Devoy Ben Gilligan * 5 , * It’s a Snake . . . but What Kind? M. G. McKathnie, who lives 16 miles north of Atkinson, has consulted the encyclopedias and the county agent’s library but cannot determine the type of this 2-ft. snake uncovered recently | on his farm. McKathnie was moving dirt to level some ground and Mr Snake tumbled off the dozer s scoop. Markings on the snake are perfect and colorful—white with regular black-and orange stripes. Head of the snake is peanut size. The snake had hibernated but nearly thawed out during Saturday's visit at j The Frontier office.—The Fron ler Photo. ____ * Gather Clothing tor Hungarians PAJE— In the absence of. the president, Mrs. Melvin Held, the meeting of the American Legion auxiliary was led by Mrs. Wil liam Scheinost at the Legion hall, Monday evening. Committee re ports were heard on the last two month’s activities. Five dollars was sent to the i “Little Red Schoolhouse” and five dollars ordered paid to the march , of dimes drive. Six cartons of used clothing were gathered and sent for the j Hungarian refugees. The fan was reported paid for J but the fund will be continued to ward the purchase of a steel filing cabinet. The auxiliary will again spon sor a junior girl to be sent to the girls' state in June. A blind auction will be held February 8 at the Legion hall. Each member is requested to bring a guest and an article for sale- The past presidents will fur nish the lunch for the event. Mesdames Harry Thompson, Anton Nissen, Roy Hansen and Dick Copes served lunch to 24 members. as Mrs. Roy Snell received the door prize. Baptismal Rites at Page Church PAGE — Baptismal services were conducted preceeding the sermon on Sunday morning at the Methodist church with the pastor, Rev. Lisle Mewmaw, in charge. The sacrament of baptism was conferred on the following: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Melcher and sons, James, Thomas and Donald, Donald Park and Roy Zellers. Mrs. Merwyn French, jr., ! transferred her membership from the West Side Methodist church, i Oakland, to the Page Methodist { church. Following the sermon, the fol i lowing became members by con fession of faith: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Melcher, James and Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Stew art and son, Michael, Mrs. Icie Rost Snyder, Mrs. Ben Asher and Ben Asher, jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zellers. These have consti tuted the membership class con ducted by the pastor prior to Sunday’s service. . -- Page News Mrs. Anna Sorensen remained at Creighton Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Trene Nelson, following funeral services for ' their sister, Mrs. Tillie Zerb. George Clinton of Los Angeles, Calif., arrived Sunday and will spend two weeks with his mother, Mrs. Bertha Reed. Mrs. Reed is convalescing at her home since a December hospitalization and her niece, Mrs. John Sorensen is car ing for her. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Steinberg were Saturday evening hosts to members of the pinochle club for an evening at cards. Mrs. Alfred Conner and Leland Finley were the high score winners. Mr. and Mrs. William Wattermann will be the hosts for the January 26 par ty. Mrs. Melvin Roach was hostess to the members of the Thursday evening contract bridge club. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Summers and children arrived January 3 ; for a visit in the homes of their respective parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Summers and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Triwbridge. Jerry left Sat urday for Camp Campbell, Ky., j where he wall be on manuevers. His family will remain at Page until March. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trow bridge and Mrs. Jerry Summers and children were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. . and Mrs. Leslie Summers, the occasion being Les I lie’s birthday anniversary landscaping Lesson Presented— Seven members and one visitor were present Tuesday evening at the Ben Wayman home for the meeting of the Beacon Neighbors club. Mrs. Delbert Robertson pre- j sented the lesson on “Landscap- | ing.” The year books were filled out Guests Monday of Mr and Mrs. Charles F. Nutter were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ragland of Page. Woman Stricken Sweeping Snow PAGE— Mrs. Tillie Zerb, 64, sister of Mrs. Anna Sorensen of Page, died suddenly Friday af ternoon at her home at Creighton while sweeping snow from her j step. Earlier in the day she had com plained to a neighbor of pain in her chest and had not gone to work at the hospital that day. Survivors include: Daughters— Mrs. Leonard Ruzicka of Verdi gre; Miss Elaine, stationed with the WAC’s in Alabama, and Shir ley, at home; sons—Donald of Louisiana, Raymond of Verdigre and Billy, at home; brothers— John and Pete Sonders of Verdi gre; sisters—Mrs. Irene Nelson of, Creighton and Mrs. Anna Soren sen of Page. There are seven grandchildren. Messrs. John and James SoTen sen and their wives and their mother, Mrs. Anna Sorensen, at tended the funeral services Sun day at Creighton at the Metho dist church with the Rev. Ethel McAninch in charge. Six j nephews served as pall bearers. Burial was made at Riverside cemetery at Verdigre under the direction of Hengstler’s. Dorsey News Frank Ruzicka, who has been serving with the armed forces, arrived in the States on Wednes day, January 9. He arrived in Yerdigre on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Marston visited at the Ray Sibbel home home near Butte Tuesday, Janu ary 8. The Steel Creek board held a meeting at the Dorsey school Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborn visited at the Tom Alder home on Friday evening so they could watch television. The Howard and T. J. Graham families have been having a .-iege of very bad colds and flu. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Millard are making their home in Lynch at the present time. They have been staying at the Osborn home for several months. Page News Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French, jr„ and daughter, Stephanie, and .seven I ekes and Denny were Monday evening guests at the Os wald Gold fuss home. Tommy and Gary Stauffer en rolled in the kindergarten de part men. at district 55, where Miss Pauline Goidfuss is the teacher. Members of the Get-Together club were Friday guests of Mrs. Robert Harvey for an afternoon of lancy work and visiting. Mes dames Emma Kemper, Celia Ter rill and Calvin Harvey were guests. When officers were elect ed for the new year Mrs. Earl Parks became president, Mrs Mrs. Kenneth VanEvery, secre tary and treasurer and Mrs Charles Cronk., news reporter. Mrs. Benard Kornock will be the January 25 hostess. A^rs. Milo Landreth entertained the members of the NOK club Thursday for a social afternoon spent with fancy work and visit ing. Five dollars was voted for the polio fund Mrs. Hester Ed mistea will be the January 24 hostess. Mrs. cjswaia ooiaiuss was Hon ored on her birthday anniversary. Wednesday evening, January 9. by a group of friends The eve ning was spent at cards. Mrs. Bill Hauf and Gus Sehwager had high scores and Gus also won the traveling prize while Mrs. Bill Hauf had low and the ladies’ tra veling award and Otto Sehwager had low for the men; Mrs. Paul Sehwager had high score for the ladies and Gus Sehwager receiv ed both the high score prize and the men's traveling award. Mrs. Icie Snyder was hostess to the members of the Just-a Mere club Friday for a 2:30 p.m., des sert luncheon and an afternoon at Rook. Mrs. Allen Haynes will be the January 25 hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes and Mrs. Bertha Reed were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Neubauer. Eleven members of the Wo man’s missionary society of the Wesleyan Methodist church met at the parsonage Thursday after-' noon for a study meeting led by Mrs. J. E Smith. A handkerchief shower was given Mrs. Fred Wood, who is moving to Lincoln. ! Mr and Mrs. Fred Wood load ed their household goods Friday and left for their new home at Lincoln. Their soh, Robert, will, move to the farm home vacated by them when the weather rend ers moving convenient. Couple Gets SOS While in Grand Island— PAGE—Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Heiss were paged at Grand Island Sunday, January 6, for a tele gram from their son, Darrell Heiss, at Burwell to come and care for the children as his wife had submitted to an emergency ap pendectomy. They brought the children to Page for the week. The Heiss family was enroute home from a two-week stay with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Johnston, and family of Mountain Home, | Ida. O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Evans j of Casper, Wyo., arrived Mon j day to spend the week with Mr and Mrs. John Storjohann. Mr. Evans is Mrs. Storjohann’s broth er. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Woidneck i and daughters were dinner guests Saturday Qf Mrs. Rosa | Bauers. Spending the weekend in Nor folk were Mr. and Mrs. James Mahon at the Bart Mahon home. They also visited Mr. , Mahon’s grandmother. Mrs. Wally Mc Cloud, who is a patient there. WSCS rummage sale in the I OOF building on Thursday. Fri day and Saturday, January 17, 18 and 19. 38c Winners at Martez Tuesday evening were Mrs. F. N. Cronin and Mrs. Ira Moss. Mrs. H. J. Lohaus was hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Brock Reynoldson and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Green at Albion. Mr. and Mrs. William McIntosh and son spent Monday in Omaha on business. Saturday and Sunday guests in the Vernon Carpenter home were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kohls and Debra of Hartingtcm. Mrs. Rosa Bauer returned Tuesday, January 8, from Den ver, Colo., where she had been visiting for three weeks. Upon her return, her mother, Mrs. Anna Havranek of Spencer, stayed with her four days. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Swutzer spent Sunday with Mrs. Freda Asher of Page. 268-A. Holt • Knox Co. FARM AUCTION Located 3^ miles north of Page and 6 miles east: OR 17 miles east of O'Neill Livestock Market, on— Wednesday, January 23 — 12:30 P. M. IMPROVEMENTS: 5-room dwelling. 24 x 32 barn. 10 x 20 granary, 20 x 22 hog house, 20 x 30 cattle shed, 12 x 24 poultry house, large com crib with roof. 900-gal. test well on premises, permit applied for. 20% down At tractive terms available. FINE HOLSTEIN DAIRY HERD including 15 cows, good ages, from Minnesota and Wisconsin herds; heifers. I small calves; also reg. Hereford bull, Shetland pony, feed, com fodder, hay. ALSO machinery and some household goods. Ervin & Shirley Wc: Jworth, Owners COL ED THORIN. O’Neill, Auct.-Brnker BANK OF VERDIGRE, Clerk Auxiliary to Boost March ot Dimes EWING—The American Legion auxiliary. Sanders post 214, met Thursday evening at the Legion cluo. The auxiliary will sponsor the mothers' march of dimes again this year. Twelve members plan to canvass the residential district in one afternoon — the time to be announced later. Committee to attend a work shop for the heart fund drive in O'Neill includes Mrs. C. C. Hahl beck, Mrs. Richard Edwards, Mrs. Don Ruroede and Mrs. Loyd West. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Alfred Napier. COLLECT $65.18 PAGE—An incomplete check ol the result of the Mothers’ March Monda evening shows a total of $65.18. with promise of more by some who forgot the event was being staged. BENEFIT PLANNED SPENCER—The Spencer town basketball team and the Lynch town basketball team will play a polio benefit game at the Lynch school gym Wednesday, January 23. Lynch News Billy Rosickv returned home from Lincoln Wednesday, Jan uary 9. Mr. and Mrs Virgo Christen sen, jr., and family visited at the parental home recently. Marvin Havranek and som called at Albert Kalkowski's Sat urday. Mr and Mrs. Bob Boettcher ol Butte were business visitors a1 Lynch and Bristow last week Marvin Havranek and sons oi Gross called at the Albert Kal kowski home on Saturday. Stork Shower— Neighbors and former class mates gathered Saturday after noon at the Don Lyons home for a stork shower for Mrs Don Ford, the former Alta Mac Lyons. To Install Officers— The Eden Rebekah lodge will meet Friday evening at the lodge hall. A covered dish supper will be served. Installation of offi cers will be held. Frontier for printing. Hospital Auxiliary in Monthly Meet— St. Anthony's hospital auxil iary met Monday evening in the hospital with Mrs. Ira Moss, president, m charge Membe.'s voted to purchase the desk lor the new record room Mother M. Coronate gave a short talk on tuberculosis and the chest X-ray, The group then went to the operating room where Sr. M. Fiances, anesthes lst. explained anesthesias — their history and methods of adminis tration. Games were played for rec reation and refreshments were served. sale Planned— The Friendly Neighbors ex tension club will meet Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Duane McKay A whiti elephant auction will be held Proceeds will go to the polio drive. Redbird News Vick Pickering and Irene Boel ter were dinner guests at Boyd j Boelters Sunday, January 13. Loreile Pickering stayed in Lynch with Mrs. John Hurd Wed nesday and Thursday, January 9 10, arid drove from there to his school in Holt county. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Reese of Warwood, Minn, visited at John Hurds in Lynch Friday, January 11. Mrs William Pickering and Loreile called on the Carson sisters Sunday, January 13. Loreile Pickering showed pic tures at the Merrill Anderson home Sunday, January 13 He h..d taken the pictures on a tour of Mexico. These pictures were in color. Mr and Mrs. Carl Krogh and family were dinner guests at the Rev. and Mrs. E. Kirehman home in O’Neill Sunday, January 6 George Burner of Belden and Lyle Larsen of Niobrara were overnight guests of Keith Ander son Tuesday, January 8. Keith took them back to Lynch Wed nesday evening, January 8. They departed for their homes Thurs j day morning. Mr and Mrs Dick Fernau, who i have been visiting relatives in California for the past two weeks, returned home Saturday evening January 5. Don Fernau’s attended to chores while they were away. Ewing News Mi and Mrs. Willia Hockey and family of Omaha moved to Kw mg during the weekend and are now at home in East Ewing m what is known as the Si evert pro perty Willis will take over the operation of the Continental OH company trucks in Ewing, which has been operated by his father, H, G. Rockey, for a number of years. Marie Davis was an honored guest at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs. Homer Bar ton, in Orchard, for a birthday anniversary dinner on Sunday. Others also joining her in cele brating anniversaries were Linda Barton and Mrs, Douglas Barton. Mr. and Mrs Waldo Davis of Ew mg and Mr. and Mrs Walter Austin of Plainview were guests for the day Quietly Note bid Wedding Date Mr. and Mrs Anton Tomjack quietly celebrated their 63d wedding anniversary on Sunday at their home in Ewing Their children and a tew friends and neighbors called to extend well wishes. A Sunday dinner and evening I guest of Mr. and Mrs Lewis F. j Coker and family was his moth er, Mrs. Abble Coker. WSCS rummage sale in the IOOF building on Thorwda', Fri day and Saturday, January 17, It and 19. it* I I_l Dollars DURING THEIR WAREHOUSE FURNITURE SALE GLASS TV LAMP SKOAL 2.98 Inn.hi Aoimm. M * lOTtry "V**n ■ •>cm block r.ftoct rod or yoon IgKt. Bra. Mgroo bo*, for Melon blidf. 7-PIECE DINETTE SET 109.95 Vdu. • 16 Ga. Tubing In Table, 6 Chairs e Chairs Have Hardwood Core Backs Super size 7 pc sets at never-before price! Limited quantities—shop early! Beautiful decorator colors and newest block n' brass or copper n' chrome I 1.40 pm —till muit*. -.. •••.. * ID 3sr PIN-UP LAMPS SPECIAL 2.95 Nr iwdw* or ko.ii. Trond- • .moo, wrought Iron boiu, wathablo oval AoN ' n «rr' MAPLE BUNK BED I • Use at "Twins" QA A A • Brass Rod Fillers BwlOO e Sturdy Guard Rails $8.88 DOWN TV Swivel Rocker hot Foam Rubber • Green, Red or Brown AP • Metallic Tweed • Matching Plastic Trim $3.95 DOWN Features soft foam rubber in seat, padded arms ond head rest, modern blond frame. •G- I KM.5.4 jt vum. ,u.n AS* Six*. 44.95 V*l»*. 37.9$ S4' Six*. 59.9S Vaiv*. .47.93 69.50 Value --- HOLLYWOOD BED ROLLAWAY BID Innerspring mattress and box am 4BAA 34.95 Value! Comfortable spring with modem headboard #1 UOO innerspring mattress, Ink spring, in eggshell plastic Twin size. 4.M Aluminum finish from# folds 0*wa easily. Single size. •**•