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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1957)
Future Subscribers GUDE — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gude 6f O’Neill, a daughter, weighing 5 pounds 13 ounces, born Monday, January 14, at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Nor folk This is the couple’s second child and first daughter. Mrs Gud* u the former Glea Bowden, daughter of Mrs. Audre Bowden. Mr Gude is a state highway pa trolman. ANDERSON—Mr. and Mrs. Percy Andiyson of Columbus, formerly of O’Neill, a son, Ste ven Craig, weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces, born Tuesday, Jan uary 8, at Columbus. Grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Anderson of Redbird and Frank Searles of O’Neill. STESKAL—Mr. and Mrs. John E. Steskal, jr„ of Inman, a son, Kenneth LeRoy, weighing G pounds 5 ounces, born Saturday, January 12, at Antelope Memor ial hospitalin Neligh. GREY—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grey of Fairfax, S. D., a daugh ter, Jolene Anne, weighing 7 pounds, born Wednesday, Janu ary 9, in the Butte Maternity home at Butte. REISER— Mr. and Mrs. Don Reiser of Butte, a daughter, Dix ie Anne, weighing 6 pounds 6 ounces, born Wednesday, Janu ary 9, in the Butte Maternity Home at Butte. MAULE—Mr. and Mrs. Donald Maule of Center, a daughter, Diana Marie, weighing 5 pounds 11 ounces, born Thursday, Jan uary 10, in Lundberg Memorial hospital, Creighton. FOX—Mr. and Mrs. Don Fox of Newport, a son, Timothy Gene, weighing 8 pounds, born Friday, January 11, at St. Anthony’s hos pital, O'Neill. KIRKPATRICK—Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kirkpatrick of O’Neill, a son, Gary Dean, weighing 7 pounds 8 ounces, born Saturday, January 12, at St. Anthony’s hos pital, O’Neill. SPERLING—Mr. and Mrs. Lew Sperling of North Loup, a daugh ter, born Thursday, January 10. Mrs. Sperling is the former Beverly Friedrichs of Amelia. The Sperlings now have three j daughters and one son. WEBER—Mr. and Mrs. Dick | Weber of Butte, a son, Joseph Mathew, weighing 5 pounds 12 ounces, born Saturday, January i <k „ 4 iUr. M'll.irnifu HOPKINS — Mr. and Mrs. Kemp Hopkins of Twin Falls, Ida., a daughter, Connie Ellen, weighing 6 pounds 13 ounces, born Saturday, January 12. Mrs. j Iva Hopkins is the paternal grandmother. FINK—Mr and Mrs. Wayne Fink of Naper, a son weighing 7 pounds 2 ounces, born Mon day, January 14, in Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. TA.RR—Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tarr of Lynch, a daughter, weiglung 6 pounds, born Friday, January 11, at Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. V I N Z E N Z — Mr. and Mrs. George Vinzenz of Atkinson, a daughter, Kathryn Marie, weigh ing 8 pounds 12 ounces, born Wed nesday, January 9, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. KELLER—Mr. and Mrs. Cles jon Keller of Newport, a son, Richard Lee, weighing 8 pounds 7 ounces, born Thursday, January 10 at Atkinson Memorial hospital. MURPHY—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murphy, jr., of Stuart, a son, weiglung 7 pounds 8 ounces, born Friday, January 11, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. Page News Members of the commissions will meet at 7:30 o'clock Monday evening, January 21, followed by a meeting of the official board. During the month of January, Mrs. Merwyn French, sr„ has conducted a class on missions with a study of “High Hours of Methodism in Town and Country”, for members of the MYF, follow ing their regular meeting and for adults interested in the mission study. bo the January 25 hostess. Christine Schmidt and Becky Knudsen were new pupils Mon day in the district 57 school in the kindergarten. Miss Delores Mellor of Rcdbird is the teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Heiss of Burwell spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Heiss, and took their chil dren home with them after a week spent with the grandpar ents. Edw. M. Gleeson DENTIST 2d Floor Gilligan Rexall Bldg. Ph. 240 - Box 149 - Hrs. 8:30-5 FILMS TO BE SHOWN The Friends of St. Mary’s will meet for a busihess session on Monday, at 8:00 p. m. at the academy. Rev. Francis Price of Emmet will show films taken on his recent tour of Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sauser are chairmen and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dumpert co-chairmen. Sick & Injured LYNCH—Verlin Stolenberg of Naper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stolenberg, returned home from the Sacred Heart hospital, having recuperated after an appendicitis operation. This completes the Stolenberg family of five chil dren, all having the same opera tion in the same hospital with Dr. R. E. Kriz the surgeon each time. . . . Bill Teadtke, sr., has been confined to his bed the past week suffering from a kidney infection. . . . Donald Johnson consulted specialists in Omaha about his back injury last week. . . Emanuel Guthmiller, ji\, of Anoka was hospitalized at the Sacred Heart hospital recently, having lost part of the right thumb in an accident at home. . . George Calkins again consulted Omaha specialists and a new cast was put on his leg. . . . Johnny Svatos is a patient at the Crawford hospital suffering a fractured vertebrae. Roger Sva tos, a son, is staying with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed mund Rohde, while his father is in the hospital. . . While Ernest and Carlie Darnell were butcher ing a beef at the Carlie Darnell home, the support on which the beef was hanging let go and the gamble stick hit Carlie on the head. The doctor took two stitches in the cut on Carlie’s head. PAGE — Mrs. Celestine Wil liamson was taken to the St. An thony hospital in O’Neill Sunday for a nosebleed which did not re spond to home remedies. . . Mrs. Jerry Lamason suffered the past week lrom an infected throat. . . Donene, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Don Summers, entered St Anthony’s hospital Friday for treatment for pneumonia. . . Mark Wiseman, youngest child of Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Wiseman, entered the St. Anthony’s hospital Satur day for treatment. The child is suffering from pneumonia. . . Mrs. Fred Nashlund was taken to St. Anthony’s hospital Monday after noon for diagnosis and treatment. CHAMBERS — Mr. and Mrs. Guais Win ter mote accompanied by Eugene Baker drove to Lincoln Saturday bringing the former’s daughter, Miss Carolyn Winter mote, home from the Bryan Me morial hospital, where she has been a patient following an attack of polio. . . Mrs. William Wood went to Sioux City Monday, Jan uary 14, to consult a doctor. . . Mrs. Art Walter returned Wed nesday, January 9, from St. An thony’s hospital in O’Neill where she had been under treatment for several days. Mrs. Glen White taught in her place in the Amelia school. O’NEILL—Dr Rex W Wilson was admitted Sunday as a patient at Nebraska Methodist hospital in Omaha. . Paul Walker of Cas per, Wyo., formerly of O’Neill, slipped and fell as he was getting out of his car Sunday, December 23. He broke the femur bone in his right leg. . . Francis J. Gilg, who was operated on at Clarkson Memorial in Omaha Monday, January 7, is “coming along fine”. His wife, w'ho was with him, re turned Friday. . . A. D. Jilg en tered the Veteran’s hospital in Grand Island Friday for medical treatment. AMELIA—Mrs. Hugh Carr was ill and unable to attend church Sunday. . . Mrs. Ralph Rees re ceived a letter from Mrs. Julia White in which she stated, she is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Flank Braddoen, care of Camp Pool, at Spearfish, S.D. She is re covering from a broken hip and suffers no pain. . . Several of the school children were absent from school last week on account of illness. Kathy Doolittle, Debby Waldo and Leslie Forbes were among those absent. REDBIRD—Mrs. Cecil Wither wax underwent surgery at St. Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill on Tuesday, January 8, for removal of a goiter . Mrs. Paul Nelson entered St. Anthony’s hospital Tuesday, January 8, and was dis missed on Wednesay, January 8. EWING — Thomas Eacker is still in a cast at St. Joseph’s hos pital, Omaha. Attendants hope fractures will mend in the cast. CELIA — Markita Hendricks had flu and missed some school the past week. Too Late to Classify FOR RENT: Three - bedroom house, full basement.—Phone 210 . 38c DWELLINGS Priced for Quick Sale! Bernice Elkins residence in O’Neill, 720 E. Benton, priced for quick sale, near-new. Lowell Nesbitt residence in Northern Heights addition. Two dwellings — one on East Fremont; one on East Everett. Other residential properties listed, including a large dwelling. ED THORIN Auctioneer — Real Estate Broker " _ .■ j Insurance of All Kinds ■KT Clerical volunteers on duty in connection with the mobile X-ray unit's visit here: Seated—Mrs. VV. \V. Waller (left) and Mrs. Robert Kurtz; standing—Mrs. Richard E. Nelson and Mrs. Harold E. Weier.—The Frontier Photo. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY'S (O'Neill) Admitted: January 9—Mrs. Don* Fox of Newport; Nick Schwindt of O’Neill; Teresa Englehaupt of Spencer; JoAnn Englehaupt of Spencer; Charlene Havranek of O’Neill. 10—Mrs. Leo Wrehe of O’Neill; Mark Wiseman of Page. 11—Kathryn Rubeek of Cham bers; Baby boy Fox, Newport;! Donene Summers of Page. 12—I Mrs. Morris Kirkpatrick and baby boy of O’Neill. 13—Mrs. Charles E. Long of O’Neill; Vivian Do lores Ritz of O’Neill; Joyce l^an gan of O’Neill; Mrs. C. E. Wil liamson of Page. 14 — Alberta Miles of Chambers; Mrs. William Whited of O'Neill; Mrs. Leonard Shoemaker of O’Neill; Mrs. Fred Naslund of Page. 15—Mrs. Robert Krokaugger of Spencer; Da rid Alder of Emmet; Charles San ferd of O'Neill; Mrs. Don Adam son of O’Neill; Pauline Hawley of Dubois, Wyo. Dismissed: January 9 — E. M. Stewart of O’Neill; Mrs Edwin Paulsen and baby girl of Cham bers; Mrs. Art Walters of Cham bers; Mrs Dale French of O’Neill; Mrs. Richard Minton and baby girl of O’Neill. 10— Mrs Harold E. Dexter of Ewing; Debra Ann At kinson of Butte. 11 -7- Charlene Havranek of O’Neill; JoAnn En glehaupt of Spencer; Teresa Englehaupt of Spencer; Mrs. Juanita Closson of O’Neill; Mrs. Ray Lawrence of O’Neill. 12— Mrs. Mentor Davis of O’Neill; Mrs. Cecil Witherwax of Redbird; Mrs. John Roberts and baby boy of Butte; Nick Schwindt of O’ Neill; Kathryn Rubeck of Cham bers. 13 — Edward G. Ennen of Verdigre; Mrs Robert Krokaug ger of Spencer. 15 — Baby John Eggert of O’Neill: Mrs. Morris Kirkpatrick and baby boy of O' Neill; Mrs. Ben Tietgen of Her rick. S.D.; Donene Summers of Page; Vivian Dolores Ritz of O’ Neill. Hospitalized: Vernon Slaymak er of Atkinson; Oliver Hill of O’ Neill Charles Sanford of O'Neill; Mrs. Leonard Shoemaker of O’ Neill; Mrs. C Williamson of Page; Mrs. Lois Adams of Cham bers: David Adler of Emmet; Sheryl Bair of Orchard; Mrs. Catherine Malloy of Atkinson; Pauline Hawley of Dubois. Wyo.; Garrett Janzing of O’Neill; Mrs. Leo Wrehe of O’Neill; Joyce l^an gan of O’Neill; Mark Wiseman of Page; Alberta Miles of Chambers; Robert Yantzi of O’Neill; Mrs. Don Fox of Newport; Edith Castleman ot O’Neill; Mrs. Wil liam Whited of O’Neill; Mrs. Charles Long of O’Neill; Mrs. Don Adamson of O’Neill; Mrs. Fred Nashlund of Page; Mrs. Robert Krokaugger of Spencer. Expired: January 9 — Patricia Sojka of Page. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: January 7—Wesley Slay-maker of Stuart, surgical. 8—Mrs. Agnes SI ayn taker of Atkinson, medical; Tommy Dunn of Atkinson. surgical; Frank Kooppon of Long Pine, medical; Gilbert Campbell of Stuart, med ical. 9—Mrs. George Vinzcnz of Atkinson, obstetrical; Prank So ger of Atkinson. 10—Mrs. Clesson Keller of Newport, obstetrical; i Wayne Charles Jansen of Stu art, medical; Ronnie Ruggles of Clearwater, medical; Lorraine Addison of Atkinson. medical; Lorene Ziska of Atkinson, sur gical; Mrs. Frank Murphy of Stuart, obstetrical. 13—Rev. E Danitschck of Atkinson, surgical;; Mrs George Knbody of Atkinson, medical 14- Mrs. John Lucht of Ainsworth, medical. Dismissed: January 8- Wesley Slaymaker of Stuart; Vernon Siebert of Atkinson. 11—Vernon Raymcr of Atkinson; Gilbert Campbell of Stuart. 13—Tommy Dunn of Atkinson; Adolph Zahl of Stuart. Expired: Mrs. Agnes Slaymak er, of Atkinson. Hospitalized: Mrs. Ora Var gas of Stuart; Dick Straka of Stuart; Delbert Scott of Atkin son; Miss Lorene Ziska of At kinson; Mrs. Casper Harley of Stuart; Fern Spann of Atkins.>u; Mrs. Clesson Keller of Newport; Mrs. Frank Murpry of Stuart; Mrs. George Vinzenz of Atkin son; Mrs. Dwight Kenny of At kinson; Frank Koeppen of Long Pine; Mrs. George Enbod.v of Atkinson; Rev. E. Danitschek of Atkinson; Lorraine Addison of Atkinson; Wayne Charles Jansen of Stuart, Ronnie Ruggles of Clearwater; Mrs. John Lucht of Ainsworth. SACRED HEART (Lynch* Hospitalized: Sidney J. Baker of Lynch; I>r. Edwin B. Bradley of Spencer; Mrs. George Classen o.l Spencer; Mrs Frank Cranford of Lynch; Francis Doty of Spen cer; Baby Randall Leo Filsuvgvr of Spencer; Carl Gnewuch of Norfolk; Mrs. Carl Gnewuch of Norfolk; William Jordan of Butte; Mrs. Cecilia Llcsvcr of Butte; Mrs. Joseph Liewer of Butte; Mrs Jo seph Mioanek of Lynch; Baby Julio Schmitz, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Schmitz, of Bonesteel, S.D.; Mrs. Jack Tarr and baby girl of Lynch; George Tuch of Lynch; Leo Tunender of Bristow; Mrs. William Wendt of Bristow. Dismissed: January 7—Fernan do Grimm of Lynch; Emanuel Guthmiller of Anoka. 8 Mi> Mary Wesley of Butte; Miss Aud rey Kaczor of Spencer. i> J. S. Graves of Naper. 11 Mrs. Tom Thomsen of Anoka. 12 Mrs. Or ville Holz and daughter of Lynch. 13- Swan Pearson of Bristow; Mrs. Frank Svoboda of Lynch Timber Owners CONVERT YOUR WALNUT TREES TO CASH — Contact Midwest Walnut PHONE 6621 Council Bluffs, la. - -— ___ *»*‘**/ =5 BATHROOM *r,. CRACKERS 1 tsssue Ef Lb. box.... 28c \r 35c II • u • u -- m &Je T~s m WAKE UP YOUR MORNING APPETITE LARGE jjjjM US WITH A DELICIOUS HALF A GRAPEFRUIT! V REG H/f C EV H j tins JLi ROLl M M KELLOGG S DOUGH BOY H M SPECIAL K FLOUR jp El tVioz. nr. 2S“ • 50L* M ™ ^ J $1.69 $3.09 | | -]f-1 FRESH FROM CALIFORNIA | TOMATOES HEAD LETTUCE OF3 1 ~JC Lb. 19c a WAY1TY PURE VEGETABLE iSgk INSTANT GOLDEN WnAILA SHORTENING SPRY _J IPS ^fv\ WAXED PAPER LIQUID SHORTENING MW g k^v^lNSTANT POSTUM 37* »T:_j< * |g 39. 77" g I |i^99‘ #life yiv “ijiJ W -■ - - ■ - - — _ - ■ ■ • —— r WD mWWmW^.pkg. ■ w pa d MAY BELLE VANILLA HEINZ BRAND . THE NATIONS FAVORIT1 Mf OLEO ICECREAM BA lliBBB Mk tall i-ibs. Ir VT^ JJII1I ^ 14 ®g y u,mi„„rn «»«£, BV B ■ wllli ™ stis- 6 CHEESE rAMUT KIUC SUNNY COAST BRAND SOLID PACK RED RIPE V"1 IL-LilJL, , u pKG 2 iB pkg. k^SCJ TAMATACfi ? fejgfffllScUT UP, READY FOR THI OUR FAMILY FANCY WHOLE KERNEL GOLDEN I tmim CORN. Erf ■ FOR FRYIN II ^ sitemin "~io< popcorn ~27‘ •gjr. 2SLGH Bln PR SARDINES ..™*9C BEANS.,i23t»S"»e - °™ P nnl^Ki LIFEBUOY 2 -29* B DOVE ?-h-39* f? WISK «39c ...75' KB CUT FROM FRESH PORK Pit NICS ■_■ ■_■ - PORK ROASTS . FRESH. EXPERTLY SEASONED PORK SAUSAGE . GOOD QUALITY. LEAN SLICED BACON. CUT FROM GOOD QUALITY BEET SIRLOIN STEAK. SELECT, EXTRA STANDARD FRESH OYSTERS. . GUARANTEES A SWEETER WASH SURF.°“S 79c BREEZE ALL-PURPOSE DETERGENT DAINTY WASH USE LUX FLAKES - 34* HOLLYWOOD STARS' FAVORITE LUX .2 "*.™ 25c WASH CLOTHES WHITER BRIGHTER ‘ RINSO BLUE 64c