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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1957)
Future Subscribers HOLZ—Mr. and Mrs Orville Holz of Lynch, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds, born Tues day, January 8, in Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. FLACKUS—Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford F 1 a c k u s of Spalding, a daughter, Cathy Jo, born Thurs day, January 3. Tins is the couple’s third child. Mrs. Flackus is the former Catherine London, daugh ter of Martin London of Colorae, S.L). HARTIGAN—Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hartigan of Norfolk, a son, born Sunday, January 6, in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Nor folk. Mrs. Hartigan is the former Joan Coventry. Maternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry of Inman, paternal grandparents are Mrs. Marye Hartigan of Inman and the late P. D. Hartigan. HARLEY—Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Harley of Clearwater, a daughter, Janet Renee, weighing 5 pounds 14 ounces, born at 3:45 a.m., new year's day, January 1, in Antelope Memorial hospital, Neligh. Janet Renee was the first baby born in Antelope county in 1957. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tomjack of Ewing are maternal grandparents. CRONK—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cronk of Page, a daughter, Julie Ellen, weighing 7 pounds 3 oun ces, born Sunday, January 6, in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. The Cronks now have three children. BEAivE — Mr. ana mis. rom Blake of O’Neill, a daughter, Kathleen Marie, weighing 5 pounds 9** ounces, born Thurs day, January 3 at St. Anthony’s Hospital, O’Neill. BECKWITH — Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Beckwith of Page, a son, Gregg Lee, weighing 8 pounds 1V* ounces, born Thursday, January 3 at St. Anthony’s hospital. PAULSEN—Mr. and Mrs. Ed win Paulsen of O’Neill, a daugh ter, Cindy Sue, weighing 7 pounds 2 Vis ounces, born Saturday, Jan uary 5, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. MINTON—Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Minton of O’Neill, a daughter. Rose Marie, weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces, born Sunday, January 6, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’ Neill. ROBERTS—Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts of Butte, a son, weighing 7 pounds 4Va ounces, born Mon day, January 7, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O'Neill. RUDLOFF—Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Rudlof f of Verdigre, a daughter, Mary Jean, weighing 7 pounds 12*4 ounces, born Fri day, January 4, in Lundberg Me morial hospital, Creighton — the first-born baby in 1957. NE1LSON—Mr. and Mrs. Dale N e i 1 s o n of Brunswick, twin daughters, weighing 4 pounds 10*4 ounces and 5 pounds 3 ounces, born Friday, January 4, in Lundberg Memorial hospital, Creighton. Hpenrer Man Is Injured by Fall— SPENCER—Leo Tunender of Spencer suffered a skull frac ture and rib fractures in a fall from a truck Tuesday morning. Mr. Tunender was helping fill feed bunks at the Harold Haun farm at the time. He lost his balance and fell from the truck. He was taken to Sacred Heart hospital at Lynch. Sick & Injured CHAMBERS — Mr. and Mrs. Dave Burke and children and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Watson • ot Chambers, also Mrs. Gordon Wat son of O'Neill, drove to Grand Island Sunday to visit Mr. Wat son, who is a patient in a Grand island hospital. Mrs. Watson re mained with her husband, who was scheduled to undergo surgery on Monday. . . W. D. Reninger | went to Norfolk Sunday to be 1 near his brother-in-law and sis | ter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bowers, when Mrs. Bowers submitted to surgery Monday, January 7. . . Kay Eisenhower has been a re cent victim of mumps. Mias Ei senhauer, who is teacher in the Atkinson public school, spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Eisenhauer. . . Bev erly Platt, who planned to leave January 1, for Greenville, S.C., to resume her school duties, be came ill enroute to Omaha to board a plane. She and her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Plat^ returned home, where she re mained until January 6, when she was able to return to school. . . Mrs. John Kellar, who is visiting relatives in Oregon, has "not been feeling w'ell” of late. . Mrs. j Harold Dexter underwent an ap pendectomy at St. Anthony’s hos pital in O'Neill Saturday, January 5. . . Mrs. Lyle Watson was in the Lynch hospital several days last week. . . Herman Cook re turned home from St. Anthony’s hospital Tuesday, January i. . -1 Lyman Covey returned January 1 from St. Anthony’s hospital. . .1 Deana Porter submitted to an appendectomy at St. Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill Monday, Jan uary 7. . . Mr. and Mrs. Guais Wintermote drove to Lincoln Sat urday to visit their daughter, Carolyn, at Bryan Memorial hos pital. They report that she is making “satisfactory recovery” from polio. O’NEILL--Mrs. Kathryn Hol land of Denver, Colo., who came to spend Christmas with her nep hew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Contois, suffered a stroke two days later. Her son, Ray, is here, too ... Muss Bernice L. Elkins was in St. Anthony’s hospital s five days with pneumonia. She was dismissed Saturday, Decem ber 19 ... So many people have j reported having flu that it would require about a column to report the names. . . Mrs. Donald Lee Lineback was dismissed recently \ from the Tilden hospital. . Mrs. [ Ray W. Lawrence submitted to surgery at St. Anthony’s hospital.1 . . . Nick Schwindt, who lives in the southwest section of the city, was taken to St. Anthony’s hos pital by ambulance late Wednes day, suffering from pneumonia. ... Mr. and Mrs. George Kilcoin received word from their son, John, that he is in a hospital in Virginia and was unable to sail | with his ship. His address: John M. Kilcoin SN, Ward C-2, US Naval hospital, Portsmouth, Va. . . Ben Gillespie was confined to his home Monday and Tuesday I because of illness. PAGE— Mrs. Merwyn French received word that it was neces sary for her father, Orville Ol- j son of Oakland, to return to Oma ha Saturday where a pressure was relieved under local ane sthetic. He was permitted to re turn home . . . Mrs. Hester Ed misten had her walking cast re moved this week and is able once more to do her own work and drive her car . . . Mrs. Calvin; Harvey spent the week as a vic tim of a severe case of flu . . . Mrs. Anna Sorensen spent the past week with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Sorensen. She has been mis erable with a hip ailment . . .; Mrs. Hester Edmisten developed an infection last week that has her confined to her home ... Donald Nashlund is at his parents home with a throat infection since Saturday. AMELIA—Mr. and Mrs. Claude j Lierman took their daughter, Merchon, to Omaha Friday for a medical checkup. . . Glen L. | Johnson, a school boy, was' dis missed Sunday from St. Anthony’s hospital, where he had submitted to an appendectomy. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Johnston were in Omaha Thursday where Mrs. Johnston consulted a doctor con cerning her back. She will not undergo surgery, but is wearing a brace. AMELIA—Mrs. Everett Stand-, age, who suffered a broken ankle in a car accident recently, was taken to Omaha where she sub mitted to surgery. The bones in the ankle were not healing pro-, perly and pegs had to be inserted. . . . Lawrence Standage was in- , jured slightly in a car accident as he was on his way to Atkinson for the holidays. . . Earnie John ston was sick last week. ORCHARD—Pete Cooper re turned home Thursday from St. Joseph’s hospital at Sioux City where he had been for the past 10 days for surgery. . . John Hol liday returned from the Omaha hospital where he had been the past three weeks for surgery. . . Mrs. C. E. Everhart is reported '“good” in a Norfolk hospital. RIVERSIDE — David Earl Shrader was sick last week with the measles . . . Mrs. Don Larson was taken sick with a severe headache Sunday evening. She was taken to Antelope Memorial hospital for a checkup about midnight. EWING—Thomas Wanser was dismissed recently from Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Norfolk. . . Frank Bollwitt is a patient at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Norfolk. ATKINSON—Elmer F. Spann, who had submitted to major sur gery, was released from the Lutheran Community hospital in Norfolk recently. REDBIRD — Richard Pierboom underwent an appendectomy at St. Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill on Thursday, January 3. CELIA — Mrs. Joe Hendricks returned home Saturday from a week spent in Atkinson Memorial hospital. Annexation Action Started in Knox CENTER — A second effort to annex a number of parcels of land to the Village of Niobrara was begun here this week. The village filed petition in district court to annex land and property to the corporate limits. The new action names 125 de fendants. A previous eiiun uhuca tuva* of the same property was begun in 1951, but eventually was frus trated by a sipreme court deci sion, which held that Niobrara was not an established corporate village. Since, a new law was passed by the legislature regarding munici palities, and Niobrara has estab lished corporate entity. Nelson Co-Introducer in Series of Bills— Sen. Frank Nelson of O’Neill has been a cosigner of LB 71, set ting a celling of $10,500 per year on the salary of the secretary of the state game commission. Nelson and two other senators also entered LB 39, repealing the upland game law. The O’Neill lawmaker and three others signed LB 41, which would provide for non-game fish to be taken by bow and arrow from April 1 to December 1, and LB 43, providing that any time there are unused deer or antelope permits they may be given to hunters not otherwise eligible. new housekeeper Mrs Ben Venteicher of Or-1 oh“d lu5 come to O'N.111 to, keep house for Very Rev. Tiro 3thy O’Sullivan at St. Patriot s rectory. * * . • «« , ' • « « ' , • * •* * - . - • * . •’ .*/*** | " This Is How GuUiver Felt A PINT-SIZED AMERICAN tourist inspects one of Britain’s diminu tive attractions, Bekonscot Village, complete with moated castle and manor house. Sightseers among the younger set will help swell Brit ain’s visitors from the States to the record number of 280,000 this year. And that count • is well organized to take care of the globe trotting tots. By wri to the British Travel Association, 336 Madi son Avenue, New Yc rents r lanning to take moppets abroad can obtain at no charge I • ■ scril the places of special interest, such as the Queen’s Doll Hou>a at Windsor Castle and the Royal Mews on Buckingham Palace Road where a child may view the royal horses Legal Notices (First pub Dec. 27, 1956) John R. Gallagher, Attorney NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 4163 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska. December 24, 1956. i IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HELEN S1MAR, j DECEASED. Notice is hereby given to all j persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of John R. Gallagher as Admin istrator of said estate, and will be heard January 17th. 1957 at 10 o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Ne j braska. LOUIS E. REIMKR, County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 35-37 (First pub. Dec. 27, 1956) Wra. W. Griffin, Attorney Estate No. 4164 jIN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA ESTATE OF THEODORE II. SCHOENJAHN, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, to all persons interested in said estate, take notice that a peti tion has been filed for probate of the last will and testament of said deceased, with authenticated copy and record of proceedings thereon by the District Court of Iowa in and for Monona County, and for appointment of Theresa L. Schoenjahn as Executrix of said Will, which has been set for hearing herein on the 171h day of January 1957, at ten o’clock a.m. Dated this 26th day of Decem ber, 1956 LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) „ 35-37c (First pub. Dec. 27, 1956). Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4159 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, December 20, 1956. In the matter of the Estate of Emma Dickinson L Weekes, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time - limited for presenting claims against said estate is April 17, 1957, and for the payment of debts is December 20, 1957 and that on January 17, 1957, and on April 18, 1957, at 10 o'clock A. M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, | hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. RE1MER, County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL! 35-37 | (First pub. January 3. 1957! | William W. Griffin. Attorney j NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Estate No. 4117 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF ELMER J. BILD, SR . DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED. Notice is hereby given that a petition has been flied for final settlement herein, determina tion of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribution of estate and ap proval of final account and dis * * *t * * • * charge, which will be held for hearing in this court on on Jan uary 23 1957, at 10 o’clock. A. M. LOUIS W. REIMER. . Counter Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 36-38 (Fust pub. January 3, 1957) William W Griffin. Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Instate No. 4116 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF ELLIE V. BILD, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been flied for final settlement herein, determina tion of heirship, inheritance taxes, foes and commissions, distribution of estate and ap proval of final account and dis charge, which will be held for hearing in this court on on Jan uary 23. 1957, at 10 o’clock, A. M. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 36-38 Card Party— Mr and Mrs. Dean Streeter entertained Wednesday evening at a card party in honor of the.r 39th wedding anniversary. Gene Mathews Feted— Mr. and Mrs. James Franssen and Cecelia Matthews of Iancoln arrived Friday to spend the weekend with relatives. They were guests Friday evening of Leo Matthews and family and at tended a party in honor of Gene, who left Wednesday for physical examination prior to army ser vice. The Franssens were Sat urday overnight guests of Mr and Mrs. Dean Streeter. McIntosh Jewelry . . . announces the winner of the 1957 Ford Kanrh Wagon in the— Name-the-Diamond Contest WINNER: Mrs. K. V. Willis 1523 West John St Grand Island HOTEL LINDELL LINCOLN, NEBRASKA FINE FOODS REASONABLES RATES MGR. FRANK KLEIN RES. PHONE 2-1008 No Need For... Continuous Advertising! PREACHERS Should preach only one sermon or so a year. People are against sin. anyway, so why harp on it? TRAFFIC LIGHTS Should be turned off at dangerous intersections to save electricity. Everybody knows it's a dangerous spot and that is sufficient. i * I TEACHERS I No need to review Lessons. Tell the children just once and they’ll never forget. I HIGHWAY POLICE I Stop driving up and down the highways. No need to caution drivers by patrol- 1 ling highways. Drivers know the law and should obey. I OUT OF TOWNERS I That advertise in the local paper and mail order firms that send out catalogs I are wasting their money. Everyone knows what is sold at stores in town and I they'll shop at home. 1 BUT I If you are one of the foolish kind—like the Notre Danse cathedral that has stood 1 six centuries but still rings the bell every day to let people know it is there— | and believe In continuous, profitable advertising, then you will advertise in . . . 1 THE FRONTIER / ] Are you eating your way to a Heart Attack? _______ _ IULUH IULVI *0. JOS TTM I 0,4 CHORE 1 ° A CHILIS ia. 29c GLOVES SPACHETTI 7*55?. ea. 27* * 37‘ . BEEF STEW ea 35< - I LIMA BEANS hnam ea 38c ■ i NOODLES .meee ea.31c Ugff/lM 1 NOODLES hnam .ea 35c — ^ * SPANISH RICE ea 13c ? 33‘ for appetites 0 0 -\L J "PARIN' TO 00 !•' ^ TUXEDO BRAND TUNA 2=3 3 • MORTON HOUSE WITH BEANS p,k.. P 0 CHILI ° w m m m . Kleenex piwn mm GOLDEN VALLEY FREESTONE IRREGULAR HALVES lUOJ II DUUlO^ PEACHES 4=*l F CAKE MIX ,I0*| CHOCOLATE BITS.2 4,£. 23' „ Franco American SPAGHETTI . 2 ”«?* 29' 1 EdlMj® Golden Valley Cut Spears ^£90 ASPARAGUS .2’?.”"35' UJ1M S:f\:i Del Monte Whole CORN »on*a"i .2 Com 29' Good Qualify Our Fowily Fancy /“ I I I Q CTC A l/C COLD COMFORTS R|CE .2 Lb, 27' ! CLUB STEAKS L Kleenex 40Q\ HERSHEY COCOA . 'cm 59' Dullelou, IAIGGIIGX ^fUU S ROBIN HOOD FLOURZIZI "X ’3” #) £ C Enazsnsa pumex l*- 4 j ■»« fL TV \Fwu-tultr CHOICE CUTS ISOM cooo quality beit 1 " for llnent! kZv __~_29' IBEEF ROAST . 39c BEANS iHSi£ SPARE RIBS lb 33 7 N?,zr ? 39c 67* Lr A-> TINS +J +J _ --- ' weinkrs 3 lbs. 99c BOLOGNA BLUE BARREL LAUNDRY SOAP 2...., 33' 39c lb~ Sweetheart DUHTMTE trend ”",uc"” 2-riV S CHEESE - u 45c SweetHeart *£gBUHVNlTt uqu«d DUTCH —■ - TOILET SOAR Rues BLARES TREND lb”18-._, FINE QUALITY ALL MEAT FINE QUALITY BEEF QUARTERS MINCED HAM GR- BEEF, 2 lbs. 69c £ 2 lbs.-59C FRYERS 39c COMPLETE LINE OF LIVESTOCK FEEDS igg Crumbles _ 100-lbs. $4.10 Pig Starter Pellets 100-lbs $4.95 16% Poultry Blanc. 100-lbs $4.60 40% Hog Balancer 100-lbs $5*00 12% Pltry. Mix-Cone. 100-lbs. $4.95 Complete Hog Feed 100-lbs. $3.95 Victor 40% Range Pellets or Cubes $70.00 Per Ton Bulk TOP MARKET FOR CfL A f ^ W Vi TOP MARKET FOR •GGS and CREAM AfZCr JJV«JIVC« S POULTRY and HIDES PROVE VOS. 179 AVn