The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 10, 1957, SECTION ONE, Image 6

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    Amelia People Spark
Small School Fight
4 00 Attend Meeting
at Rushville
AMELIA—Lloyd Waldo, presi
dent of the Nebraska Small
Schools association, drove to
Grant FYiday to speak at an or
ganizational meeting there. Ear
lier he spoke to 400 persons in a
session at Rushville in Sheridan
county, where compulsory redis
tricting is also being opposed.
Clyde Widman and Harlan
Dierking conducted a similar
meeting in Rock county, at Bas
sett, last Thursday night. Only
opposition at Bassett to the Small
Schools stand was voiced by per
sons related to a member of the
state department of education
A desperate effort is being
made to save the rural schools
and small high schools, according
to Miss Florence Lindsey, The
Frontier's Amelia correspondent.
Other Amelia New*
Larry Kennedy expected to
leave Monday, January 7, for
Riverside, Calif.,, to find employ
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Thompson
and Barbara Sue were new year’s
guests at her parents, Mr and
Mrs. Bus Gilman.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fullerton
were hosts to the young adults at
the church annex Friday evening
Mrs. Clyde Doolittle entertain
ed several friends at a party Sun
day evening in honor of her hus
band’s birthday anniversary.
Among those present were Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Gilman, Mr and
Mrs. Ralph Adair, Mr and Mrs.
Bob Adair, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Briggs and |
son of Rose visited her sister and |
family, Mr. and Mrs. Heinie
Frahm, on Saturday. Mrs. Maude
Forbes, mother of the ladies, also
visited there.
Mrs. Marvin Doolittle and little1
son, Rodney, have been visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Skala, near Howells since new
Mr. and Mrs. Bus Gilman were;
guests Thursday evening at El
mer Oetter’s.
Mrs. Alice Prewitt and family
drove to Mullen Sunday, Decem
ber 30, to take her father, Luther
Phipps, to the home of his son,
Lyle Phipps, where he has been
making his home.
Amelia News
Mrs. Delia Ernst arrived home
Sunday from Wichita, Kans.,
where she spent the holidays with
her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Charlie Ernst. Mrs. Stella Sparks
met her at the bus.
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott were
Sunday dinner guests of their
daughter. Mrs. Gloria Landrum,
and Sally at their home in Atkin
New year’s day guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Lew Back
haus were Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Blackmore and little grand -
daughter, Connie Beckwith, Mr.
and Mrs. William Fryrear, Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Berry and
Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest John
ston, Mrs. Emma Lindsey and
Florence and Mrs. Edith Ander
Glenn Whites, S. C. Barnetts
and Ralph Rees were O’Neill
callers Saturday.
Mrs. Edgar Jungman has been
visiting relatives in Omaha. She
returned home Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rees and
family of Erickson were Sunday
dinner guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Peterson.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gilman were
new year’s eve guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Peterson.
The Harlan Dierking family is
enjoying a new Buick car.
Mr. and Mrs. William Thomp
son and daughter, Marilyn, re
turned Monday, December 31,
from Scottsbluff where they had
visited Mr. Thompson’s sister,
Mrs. Lula Carpenter, and her
daughter, ivirs. uicn
Selby and family, Darrel Carpen
ter and his family of Sedro Wool
ley, Wash., were also visiting his
mother, Mrs. Carpenter.
The Amelia Methodist congre
gation was well represented at
a cantata presented by the Cham
bers choir Sunday morning at the
church there.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Marcellus
and daughters of Pico, Calif., and
Art Waldman were new year’s
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgax
Peterson. The Marcelluses left
the following day for their home.
Mr. Waldman expected to go to
California by train but was un
able to get a reservation. He is
visiting his sister and brother at
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adair spent
new year’s day with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter.
Mrs. Larson Is
EWING — Those who spent
Christmas day with Mrs. Minnie
Larson in Ewing were: Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Harrod, Mr. and
Mrs. Keith Harrod, Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Harrod and daughter, Cathy,
all of Burwell; Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Peters of Norfolk; Mr. and Mrs.
Cressel Anderson and sons of
Bloomfield; Mr. and Mrs. Wes
Larson and family of Ewing, and
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Larson and
family of O’Neill.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr
and Mrs. Harry Graham were
Mr. and Mrs. Berton Kimbell of
Osmond. Mr. and Mrs. David
Maughan of Tilden, who had been
visiting her parents, the Grahams,
for five weeks, returned to their
home in Tilden Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Haun, Carol
and Joyce of Coleridge were new
year’s evening guests of Mr. and
Mrs. William L. Edwards and
Miss Genevieve Biglin returned
to Sioux City Friday. She had
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. N.
Leaves Pentagon
Post for College
Glen Ridgeway Makes
Surprise Visit
CELIA — Glen Ridgeway of
Washington, D.C., a nephew of
the Lauridsen brothers, surprised
them new year’s day by stopping
at the Hans Lauridsen home. He
was enroute to Missoula, Mont.,!
where he expected to enroll in
college January 7.
He had attended school there1
for two years and his education
was mterupted to enter military
He worked in the Pentagon
building for the past three years.
He left Wednesday. January 2,
for school.
Other Celia News
The Sunday - school class of
Mrs. Mark Hendricks held a
•‘watch night” at their home on
new year’s eve. Others present
were Mr. and Mrs. David Rahn
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Lewis and family, Joe Hendricks
and children, Rev. and Mrs.
Steinkamp, Rev. Charles Phipps,
Mr. and Mrs. Omer Poynts, Con
nie Hitchcock and Mr. and Mrs.
Orville Orr.
. • t it .1_* I. _ _n,i,o/4
iVidllV. iu.uuwvi\j -
for Omer Poynts Thursday.
The Celia Pinochle club met at
the Duane Beck home Friday
evening. William Maloun and
Mrs. Colfack were high bid
ders. Billy Milner and LeRoy
Hoffman won low and Mrs. Le
Roy Hoffman and Denton Colfack
won high scores.
Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun
and son were new year’s dinner
guests at the O. A. Hammerberg
Bobby Knudsen spent Saturday
at the George Mintle home.
Mr. and Mrs. Omer Poynts and
Duane Waldrop spent new year’s
day at the home of Mrs. George
Peabody in Dallas, S.D.
Markita Hendricks spent Sun
day with Vivian Thurlow.
Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun
and son, Dorothy Scott and Ger
ald Heiser were new year’s eve
guests at the Duane Beck home.
Mrs. Alice Hill was a Sunday,
December 30, dinner guest at the
LeRoy Hoffman home.
Harold Frickcl was an over
night guest at the LeRoy Hoff
man home Wednesday, December
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lauridsen
and family spent Wednesday,
January 2, at the Hans Lauridsen
home. ,
Duane Waldrop spent Monday,
December 31, to Friday with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Omer
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman
and sons were Thursday evening
>u si at the Duane Beck home.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck and
Sheryl were Saturday supper
guests at the George Beck home.
On Thursday afternoon, Mrs.
Leonard Chaffin and Mrs. Con
nie Frickcl visited the Milton Mc
Kathnie home and madeup the
year books for the Celia Home
makers club.
,v. \ t.o&svUre returned home
Saturday from a month's vLsit at
Nogales, Ariz., with his sister,
Mrs. Lou Bellman and family.
Dorothy Scott was a Sunday
dinner guest at the William Ma
loun home.
Mr. and Mrs. Denton Mellor of
Cody were Monday evening sup
per guests at the Leonard Chaf
fin home.
Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun
and son were Sunday evening
guests at the Duane Beck home.
Alex Forsythe was a Saturday
visitor at the William Maloun
Ladeiy, Carson
Birthdays Noted
DORSEY — A card party was
held in honor of Albert Ladely’s
and Albert Carson’s birthday an
niversaries, which fell during the
first week of January.
The young people went ice
skating while the oldsters played
High men’s score went to Har
old Osborn; low to Willard Aim.
High score for the ladies went to
Mrs. Veldon Pinkeiman and low
went to Mrs. Harold Osborn.
A lunch was served at mid
Other Dorsey News
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Coakley
and family left Friday for their
home in Lebanon, Ore., after hav
ing spent several days here visit
ing friends and relatives. They
especially made the trip back
here to see Mrs. Coakley’s moth
er, who had undergone surgery.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Wells and
Susan visited at the Harold Os
born home Friday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Millard. The
Osborn’s were not home as they
were attending a party.
Supper guests at the Harold
Osborn home Thursday were Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Marston and
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Greene of
Lynch. The group later in the
evening enjoyed Mr. Marston s
movies he had taken at various
points of interest in the midwest.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Alder and
Russell spent new year’s eve with
Mf. and Mrs, Howard Marston.
The Dorsey aid society met at
the home of Mrs. Anna Carson on
Wednesday, January 2.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carson
ahd family visited Sunday at the
Willard Aim home.
There is no school at the Dor-1
sey district for a few days, as the
teacher is ill.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Miles and
family spent new year's eve at the
Willard Aim home. They were
supper guests there also.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hurd of
Lynch were new year’s day din
ner guests at the Claude Picker
ing home.
O’Neill News
Mrs. Lawrence Urban and Rose
Mary went to Missouri Valley, la.,
over the holidays to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Charles King.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Savidge
went to Merriman on business
Wednesday, December 26.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haggerty
came from Casper, Wyo., for the
holidays to visit her mother, Mrs.
Susan Kubitchek. Thursday, De
cember 27, they left with Mrs.
Kubitchek for a month’s tour of
Florida and Texas and other
southern states.
Monuments of lasting beauty
made by skilled craftsmen of
the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu
ments from the factory to the
consumer. — Emmett Crabb, O’
Neill. phone 139-J. 37tf
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Seymour:
drove Miss Rose Ann Schaffer to
the Sacred Heart School of Nur
sing at Yankton, S.D., Sunday,
where she is a student.
Miss Ann Waters returned Fri
day to Omaha after having spent
the holidays with her sisters, Mrs
William J. Biglin and Mrs, Mar
garet Boler.
Miss Barbara Birmingham re
turned last Thursday to Denver.
Colo., after having spent the holi
days with her parents, the If. J.
Birminghams. Site will start
teaching the second ■ semester. _
Mrs. John Beilin, accompanied
by her parents of Springview and
other relatives, left Wednesday,
January 2. to attend the funeral
of her aunt at Colorado Springs,
Colo. They returned Saturday
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Brit
tell went to Valentine to help
their son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Dickie Ferttau. and
Joyce move from Neligh. Little
Joyce had been with her grand
parents since last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs Vernon Carpenter
And daughtei were in Burlington
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John B. Lammers, for new year's
The Misses Jean and Janet 'De
coy and Patricia Gleeson were in
; Sioux City for the new year’s
| Don and Bud Godei were in
i Omaha on business Sunday and
Edw. M. Gleeson
2d Floor Gilligan
Rexall Bldg.
Ph. 240 - Box 149 - Brs 8:30-5
income Tax
For assistance in filing your
self-emplovmcnt and tax
reports, call on
Geo. C. Robertson
Accounting and former em
ployee of Internal Revenue.
Downey Bldg. Phone 534
Hp-lSS*1"? ~ .
\ Gives you better automatic
\ with fast, low-cost
DRIES an 18 lb. \ /lA A
load of wel clothes N, AfWf
at one time. \ //
CONVENIENCE top door ^
lets you load and unload
without stooping or
heavy lifting.
k^^ ^ y * h I j *1 kyAfc J h^I
Am*. * Jp J
For Dependable GAS Service
Chevrolet shows you some important differences in low-priced cars just by
the look on its face!
Wouldn’t you say that most of the ’57 cars
look good from 50 feet away, but what about
from 50 inches away?
What does a close-up of the grille tell you, for
example? Is it solidly made like the new
Chevrolet grille? Or, in comparison does it
look less rich in design—feel less strong and
solid? Compare the quality and construction
of the bumpers and headlights, the fit of the
chrome trim.
The more closely you look all around the car,
the more clearly you’ll see that Chevrolet has
the edge in the way it’s put together. You’ll
find, for instance, that Chevrolet is the only
car in its field with a lacquer finish . . . that
only Chevrolet Bel Air models give you foam
rubber cushions in front and rear seats as
standard equipment. These are just a few of
the advantages of Body by Fisher. And
Chevrolet, you know, is the only low-priced
car that has a Fisher
We’ll be glad to give
you a close-up, com
parative look at this
new Chevy any time
you care to come in.
This week, maybe?
Only franchised Chevrolet dealers display this famous trademark
Phone 100 O’Neill, Nebr.
• *
.. DANCE ..
American Legion Ball Room
— O’Neill —
Saturday, January 12th
Music by
Admission: Adults $1.00 Students 50c
County Treasurer’s Semi-Annual Statement
Balance Receipts Transfers Transfers Disburs. Balances
Funds July 1 7-1-56 to from other to other 7-1-56 to December 24
• 1956 12-24-56 funds Funds 12-24-56 1956
General . $ 5,181.42 94,775.38 2,710.60 . 92,557.78 10,109 62
Intangible .. 160.19 2,410.21 . 2,020.85 549.55
Univ. Hospital . .. 72.97 1,257.13 .18.54 1,246.61 122.03
Care of Insane .,_ 1,245.60 23,832.14 659.44 23,067.90 2,669.28
Care of Feeble Minded . 252.70 5,332.89 141.31 5,103.15 623.75
Veterans Aid . 7.27 ' ' „ 7'^7
Special Building . 861.67 16,639.48 471.03 16,189.50 1,782.68
Service Annuity . 390.62 7,512.14 214.11 7,306.57 810.30
Medical College Building . 195.30 3,756.07 107.05 3,653.21 405.15
School Land . 9,708.16 27.050.95 31,250.26 5,508.85
University Land . 628.45 1,837.65 2,324.65 141.45
Highway Supervision . 46.16 236.08 273.33 8.86
Highway Maintenance .. 720.04 3,682.80 4,264.64 138.20
TlirrhufOV _ nvprufpitrht FinPQ 120.00 . . 120.00
Drivers Licenses . 75.80 438.00 . • ... 460.50 53.30 (
Old Age Tax .. 637.11 5.739.74 . 5,154.61 1,222.24
Special Bee . 1-25 40.31 . 47.56
Tow Permits . 10.00 ... . 10.00 .
Old Age Assistance . 2,847.18 82,203.80 197.60 80,539.20 4,709.38
Aid, Dependent Children .. 561.65 18,520.60 60.00 60.00 18,113.00 969.25
Aid Blind . 381.20 7,445.00 7,316.00 510.20
Aid, Disabled . 125.00 6,363.80 6,013.60 415 20
Admin. Expense ... 449.50 7,886.05 . . 7,726.46 47i.49
General . 97.834.91 59,720.43 2,192.44 75,957.95 83,789.83
Bridge . 49,371.48 25,814.80 372.55 43,570.39 31,988.44
Road . . 17,431.97 51,338.62 63,083.38 5,687.21
Road-Bridge .. 4,090.04 12,247.07 9,702.14 6,634.97
Mail Route . 28,944.22 39,327.92 63,838.04 4,434.10 *
Soldiers and Sailors Relief . 2,065.55 209.30 4.29 . 2,279.14
Unem. Relief . 7.581.86 2,303.27 55.66 2,162.01 7,778.78
Medical and Hospitalization . 4,781.00 5,711.29 119.90 7,308.40 3,303.79
Fair . 2,618.86 2,119.98 29.97 3,000.00 1,768.81
Mothers Pension . 1,072.12 1,072.12
Delinquent Tax Fund . 29.91 . . 29 91
Inheritance Tax .. 19,466.18 ^’olo’!» QOO' 23.46 21,089.23
Advertising . 388 20 . 38820
Misc Fees . 209.05 209.05 . .
Drivers License . 38 50 38-50 .
Partial Payment . 2,116.07 228.93 756.94 1,588.06
Int. on Investments ... . 15,467.77 2,415.00 17,882.77
Tax Sale Forclosure . 3,305.52 3,305.52
Noxious Weed . 3,373.10 1,157.20 4,530.30
Tax Sale Redemptions .... 17.00 4,961.90 . ' ' ‘ 801.55
Motor Vehicle Tax-Undistributed . 14,305.73 4,021.05 . 18,034.49 292.29
Trust Fund . 5000 . 5000 .
General . 59,960.98 41,758.16 3,329.20 52,335.00 52,713 34
Library . 1,221.48 1,864.62 58.09 2,360.00 784.19
Poll Tax ... 2,230.38 . . 2,230.38
Fire Districts . 340.46 2,925.73 3,266.19
General . 238,214.43 233,991.50 16,658.35 4,767.28 266,908 04 217,188 96
Bond . . 18.398.96 11,390.92 5,093.06 1,590.36 16,534.91 16,757 67
Free High . 30,719.09 66,293.48 1,756.65 756.00 98,013^2
ni-i. A __it_—.4.
wyiaic uviuuviiv • • • ..
Fines and Licenses . 7,906.95 . 7.906.95
Miscellaneous . ■* 557.11 . 557.11 . .
Estray . _ .
Blanket School . 177fi ... . 17.76
General . 3^I ?? 34.886.42 8,236.57 53,360.00 22,060 68
Water Bond . 178,265.48 82.67 6,800 38 11,511.90
Funding Bond ' , . . .• 11.24
Sewer Bond . 3,878 63 127.51 233.10 10,860.60 2.725.69
Atkinson Park Bond . *’53 • 894.56 44.93 4,048.92 1,421.14
Atkinson Municipal Bldg. Bd. '' 812.58 450.00 362 58
O’Neill Swimming Pool Bond (OD) 529.53 13.40 16 25 221 55
O’Neill Park Bond . 1,927.17 58.07 2,211.25 281.43
O’Neill Dist. Paving Bond J'J®" 6,882.73 8.390.40 2,596.00
O’Neill Intersection Paving Bond 20,161.80 5,043.48 178.65 228.00 25,155.93
O’Neill Street Widening Bond . 441.01 . . 441.01
Gas tax . 5,022.90 . 5,022.90 .
PqU tax .... • ...... . • • 882.88 882.88 . .
Auto License .. 894.84 894.84 . .
$728,430.35 $ 970,234,30 43,011.64 $43,011.64 $1,013,781.30 $684,883 35
„ . T , , ,ac/s 728,430.35
Balance July 1, 1956 .
Balance December 24, 1956 . 684,883.35
$1,698,664 65 $1,698,664.65
Cash and Checks in Office . 5,623.34 OFFICE ON DECEMBER 15, 1956
Invested in Government Bonds . 175>000 0° Road Fund . $7,335.08
$684,883.35 Registered Warrants December 24, 1956 Road Fund $13,601.01
I, J. Ed Hancock, County Treasurer of Holt County, Nebraska, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement of receipts, trans
fers, disbursements and balances is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31 day of December, J. ED. HANCOCK, County Treasurer
jggg KENNETH WARING, County Clerk