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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1957)
Saiser Memorial Cross Purchased EWINC—The Women s Society ol Christian Save* Weeaes^v. Jmiry z. voted to purchase a metnunai crow for the late Mrs. P*tTy Sauer, a member of the group who was drowned last iumcier at Fh Randall lake. The group also voted to pur chase two inkling tables and a dozen fojcong chair* ** Island in My Community'* •S** the lesson topic for the so ciety, meeting m the Methodist chart* parlors with Mrs R. G Hockey a* leader. Miss. Hazel Ruby ana Mist R. sue Chare are new members and Mrs Willis Rockey, a former member returning to Ewmg to make her home, r~ay rejoined An otfficers meeting will be held January 16 at the home of Mrs. J. L. Prudea. The February WSCS meeting will mciade a 1 o'clock covered dish luncheon Band Boosters Hear Program EWING — Thirty - five person* attended the Thursday evening meeting of the Band Booster dub. Program rnuuoed a skit and pi ano duet by Carolyn Tams and Sharon Kropp, accordian sohot by Richard Williamson; piano solo by Patty Hoobe, a clarinet solo by Addiaon Siothower, music di rector. Mis* Virginia McDonald was accompanist. Contest games were played during the recreational hour. Lunch wa* served by Mr and Mr* C. C Hahlbecx, Mrs^ Jose phus Elston, Mr and Mrs, Roy Rotherham, Mr and Mrs. Julian SojkA. During the luncheon hour, Mr Siothower played some musical selections lea luring band and carious instruments Soeul Security Maa ( <>min{ - A representative of the Norfolk Social security office will be in the assembly room in the base ment of the courthouse in O'Neill from 9.30 am, to 3 pm, Thurs day, January 10. Self - employed applicants should bring extra copies of their 1955 and 1956 tax returns, re ceipts showing that the self employed tax is paid, and proof of age FINISH MAPS The Junior Audubon Bird dub of school district 115 met Friday, December 28 Ten members were present Two members. Gerald Harley, our president, and Judy Harkins, were absent. Patricia Harkins read aloud about the western meadowlark We also finished the maps of our parents’ farms — By De Wayne Harkins. m mm m The William Roll mans. . . wed December 9 in St. Patrick's Catholic church Lone Island. X. V.—O'Neill Photo Co. Help L Clubbers Sew Carpet Rags VENUS—The Help U club met with Mrs William Buxton on K ednesbay, wanuary 2, for an &n day meeting. Mr- Buxton served dinner at noon. Twelve memoers and one visitor were present The afternoon was spent sewing car pet rags During the meeting an oyster supper was planned for Monday, January which was followed with a card party at the Page Legion hall Clara Fink re ceived the door prize Next meet ing win be with Mrs Alta Finch Other Venas News Mr and Mrs Leonard Davey of Bellevue were Friday. January 4. overnight guests at the Ralph Brook he'User home. They visited at the Roscoe Groeling and Rus sell Ickier home Friday. Mrs Ralph Brookhouser spent the past week * at the Emil Bartos home Airman. Bride Feted at 5tuart STL'ART—Miss Kudina Wewei. daughter f Mr and Mrs- Ru dolph Wewei of southeastern Rxk county, and Al/c William ( Bill*' < Koitoan. son of Mrs Catherine Ko liman of Stuart, * re mar ,ed December 9 is St. P=tr:ck s Catholic church or. Long inland, N Y. They were feted recently at the Diamond Valley club house and the couple received many gifts The afternoon was spent play ing games. WINS HONOR Bernard Pongratr of O’Neill was recently honored at a noon luncheon as a county winner in a hybrid seed corn company's high yield award program. He earned the honor with a yield of 39 bu. per acre on a 25 acre field. Thoendei F amily in \ ule Reunion EWXXQ—Mrs A&&a liaoeadti, *£*U li\ 4 3 nUitS #04ililWCS®t ol m 4X4^, tr*!**-*<? ol her children home Christmas eve — the first Uu m many years V. —.. present were *4 gr a ngciu. — dree »na two great-grandchildren In atmnance were Mrs Ruse uiC.c^r Mr and Mrs .Ad red K.oc& and Jean Tboende*. ail of Columbus, Mr and Mrs James Donohue and sun of Fremont; Mr, ana Mrs Frame Thoendei ana family of Chadron, Mr. ami Mrs. Boh Seine* ana family of Sidney, Mr and Mrs. Bob Duryea of Arthur; Mr. and Mr* Roy Stamp of Norfolk, Mr ana Mrs joe Thoendei ana family, Mr and Mrs. Wes Darson *nd family, Ann rutin and A* Thoendei, all of owing Other Ewing New* Mr and Mrs. Clarence Coifaca and family and Mrs. Gena Crook and son were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr ana Mrs. Ra.. Tucker. Entertained on new year s day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Walter w ere their son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Alfred Walter, ana family of Clearwater and Mrs. and Mrs Cliflard Zei genbem of Orchard. Mr ana Mrs. Eugene Kresyl left Friday morning for their heme at Crawford after visiting with her parents, Mr and Mrs George LatzeL and Darlene Mr Kresei teaches music in the Crawford public school. Tne Pitch club was entertained Thursday evening at the home of Mg' and Mr* Ralph Mush. Guest* were Mr. and Mr*. Rimer Berg strom ..i*a Mr. nM M r*. Archie TuUie. Hign score wuuar? were r—mer berg.-trum for the men, • Amuc Tuttle fur the -u€ue*. . ** scure « e, .1 to Jerry Tumyack •a . . ... ? R lx Sr,am Mt Sir*, r,vi tn i .uaiccome at * pouch.e party Saturday v. erring at ’.-‘.c-i home n--u. hw.t.g. At nndnigtu aa oyster stew was eUyoyed. Present were Mr ana Mr*. Raymond Schmidt and family, Mr and Mr*. Han* Peter sun, Mr. and Mr* Prank Schmidt and Mr and ,*on Ciarenee bcnrmser. Roger Woepped who ha? Peer, employed in Omaha for several months, u a guest at the home of ms parent*. Mr and Mrs. Elmer Woejpd. Allen Peterson left Wednesday morning. January 2, for the Great Hakes naval trauung base. Ht sc accompanied by Keith Biddiecxme as far as Moline, 111 Mr bidaiecome w as also accom panied by ros son, Milton, who stopped in Omaha where he be gan a new yob. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Hans Peterson ana family on new year s day were Mr. and Mr? Clifford Anderson. Richard and Barbara of Grand Island, Mrs Carsten Peterson of Neigh the Misse? Norma Kopeeky of Inman anc, Mary uraham of ONeill Robert Tams and Hans Peter son transacted busines? at Kear ney on Monday. Merle Bee of Omaha spent the hi vacation with his parents, Mr and Mrs Floyd Lee On Christmas day. they went to Dix on where they joined Mr. and Mi*. Harold Brown of Omaha ai the borne of Mr kind Mr*. “Curly'* Sanders and family for a 1 o’clock dinner. I • Levs returned heme <a 7:._rsaay. Mr and Mrs.' Willi* Rockrj, who mo\ed to Omaha sometime g . return to E»;ng to tr._K< their home again ffixtune dur mg me month otf January . Mrs Rockey and children cam*. Sun day to visit at the home of Mr and Mr*. R G. Rockey fer a few days. Mr. and Mrs Boh Jones and son of Lexington, Mr and Mn Ray Tucker, Mr and Mr*. Ray Grubbs and sou were new year s day guest* at the borne of Mr and Mrs Ed Jones at Chambers Mrs Mildred Wright and family enjoyed a family get-together at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs. Bernard Mosel, and family on Christmas dav Other guest# were her par ent . Mr and Mrs. WiU Lehmen, and Mr and Mrs Richard Leh men. all of Chambers. Sunday guests at the home of Sirs. K. Spe# were Mr and Mrs, Ted Sf»es and Judy of Lincoln and Mr and Mr? Carroll Fry and family of Fremont Mr and Mrs Arthur Cue of Columbus spent Monday and Tuesday. January* 1, at the home of Mr and Mrs Fiovd Lee. New year’* day guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Joe Tom jack were Mr and Mrs- Blaine Spes. Mr *nd Mrs Arthur Cue of Columbus. Mr and Mrs. Floyd Lee. 1 ' r and Mrs Frank Hawk and family, all of Ewing Mr and Mr# John Wood re nted home Friday from Norfolk where she had been a guest at the home of her parent*. Mr and Mrs Louis Tanck Other pM- were her brother-in-law mi sister, Mr and Mr C W Ednry erf Florida. Mr and M r* Loi r. Sisson, who have been residing in Ew .ng for -everaJ mociha, have moved to the property belonging u» M: - V Bergstrom north erf the Elkborn hotel Mrs. Morris Roger of Neagh wi- a guest at the home of her mott-er, Mrs K Spes on new year ?. Leo Spes. who is m the army and is stationed at Ft Riley, Karo, is spending a week’s leave at the home of his mother, Mrs K Spes Chi Christmas day Mr and Mrs Ludwig Koerug had as their guests their son. Bob, now attend ing the University of Nebraska also their other sons and daugh ters and their families as follows Mr and Mrs James Koenig and daughter, Mr and Mrs Jerome Roth. Mr and Mrs .Arnold Thiele ami son. Mr and Mr- Stanley Soika and children Other guests *t' I **ii. Sojka and son. Dr 1 . ■ So)ka. erf trfnaha Caller* at the latdwig Koenig * me on Monday. December St, were Mr and Mr- Otto Ka.lhoff and children and Mrs Mubie Mialdust and daughter. all erf Clearwater On arw years day Mr and Mrs. George Walter erf Clearwa ter were gue«ts at the home of Mr. a* i Mrs. Thro Schueth (•flrr llorf— Mrs C J Gat* »«» hoiSca at coffee Saturday to introduce Mia* .Kay Riley of Fairhury She tt f.afieee of Jack Gatz. Frontier far printing Never An After Thirst SWITCH TO SQUIRT --— — a Ward Tax Service p Auditing. Bookkeeping and Tax Return* I MORGAN WARD GOLDEN ANNEX B ACCOUNTANT O'NEILL NEBR B Spec lalixing— B Federal Income Tax — Estate and B Gift Taxes B G hjc Tax Service Doesn't Cost. B . . IT PAYS.' B AK-Sf.P PEN’S DOLLAR MATCHING PLAN... Three years ago, Ak-Sar-Ben acted to encourage much-needed improvements of buildings and grounds at County Fairs in Nebraska. Ak-Sar-Ben offered a yearly grant of $500 to each County Fair matching that amount with local funds. From the beginning, the plan has been highly successful. Each year, approximately 75 counties have taken part in our “dollar-matching*’ plan for better County Fairs. The cost to Ak-Sar-Ben has been more than $37,000 per year, or a total of over $100,000 in the three years. Ak-Sar-Ben also appropriates $25,000 each vear in -pecia! premiums for 4-H and FFA exhibitors at County Fairs. All of this is in addition to the license lees and admission taxes collected at our race meet, which brings another $60,000 per year to our County Fairs. Thus, the County Fairs of Nebraska are now receiving approximately $125.000 each year from .4 k-^ar-Ben. The better County Fairs which result from this program are just part of the overall educational, charitable and agricultural work to which the mnior portion of all \k-Sar-Ben thoroughbred racing revenues are devoted. FACTS ABOUT AK-SAR-BEN Fach > ear Ak-Sar-Bcn grants scholarships and fellowship* to oser 200 students, enough for a small college- Most of the scholarship* help fi nance students to better agricultural grow th and dc'clop ntcut in Nebraska. These grant* and Ak->ar.Ben’» student loan fund* are fi naneed large!* b» thoroughbred racing. Vfbrwk* law permit* Ak-Sar-Be-n lo retain ten eent* of eser» dollar wagered at oar races. From thi* we mn*t par parse*, wage*, maintenance, insurance and other riprntr* totaling right of the ten rents. Thi* lease* approxi mate!' two rents of each dollar for our agrirnltural. educa tional and charitable programs. ' Lilt Pons. Lanrits Melehoir. the >ew lork Philharmonic Orchestra. Bob Hope, and Danne ki’e are a few of the mans attraction* Ak-Sar-Ben bringt to the Midwest. This is underwritten at a low to Ak-Sar-Ben so that people of this area mac f n jot entertainment that would not otherwise be atailable. AK-SAR-BEN Headquarters . - . Omaha, Sebraska FOUNDED FOR PUBLIC SERVICE . . . NOT FOR PROFIT — ■ - Fiftfc of a Stnea __ YS! FRiDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY S CARNIVAL ■* . lity Mac! Jon I 'oil MUSLIM SHEETS Reg. 1.79 BUY 3 WAYS ★ CASH ★LAY-AWAY ★ GAMBLES THRIFTY PAYMENT PLAN Cannon Percales 72 x 108* Ain '“2.59 Value For smooth luxurious sleeping—snowy white Cannon percctes. 186-threod I count—mode of finest combed yarns. ■ m-seer* I 81 x 108' Full Bed Size - ..A39 » Pillow Cases. 42 x 38’/*'.59< I l»-f1C 41 U re 81 x 99' 72 x 108' Fitted Twin Replace worn-out linens at a budget price! Come to our White Goods Car nival and save on 1st quality Haddon Hall sheets and cases! 132-thread count, hand-tom edges, taped selvages. & t>am 4* 4« REGULAR 1.99 SHEETS 81 x 10 8' double bed size. Full-size fitted bottom. *25 MM 4? PILLOW CASES, 42 x 36'.39* New "Silk Look” COTTON , PRINTS Volu« YD. Yards and yards of exciting "silk look” cotton prints! 36' to 39' wide, wrinkle resistant, shrink-resistant! Save up to 50% on springtime sewing needs! 9 Value^v 00) EACH J Save 40%! Biggest Buy of the YeaH DACRON PANELS •Shrink-Resistant • Little or No Ironing Misty-sheer panels drape beautifully, resist sgnBgbL heat, fumes, insects, mildew. 41 * 81" panels with 3* hems, white only. Easy care—they dry in minutwl <Md Rordorod SoKd Color* Cannon Towels Soft ftwffy 22 * 44* berth *ii« Hood TowoH, 59t VoK*. 35« Wort*c»othv 29t Voi->«... 19f >« tj $k»4-Pr»ot Latex ftockiifrf 24x36 Loop Rugs 3.49 066 Valve Low loop, Scvo twist vrtcoie Mon green tmoke grey, light green, gold rote beige <e*0B> 6 Goororrteed Foit Color* Chenille Spreods Thick wovy rows of cheni!>e in preen, white, gold, oqvro, rose or flomingo 90 X 103'. ««« Rleoched White, Top Ov«lfty 100 lb. Fbur Socks 4 -100 WosKed deon ond »roned, oH feody to be btmitxd. bcry by tbe dozen ot this low pr»ce' Keeps Mattress Like Need Mattress Pods 3?9 2®® Heavy 54x76' pod fcos good puoflfy musSwi cover, toped edges, zig-zog quitting. IB <!«•