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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1957)
Page WSCS m Aii-Day Session PACE — Merwyn yn»nm j reviewed Our Y *ung P'-apie of Today — Leaders at Tomorrow” or me memnerj at me WSCS gather’m at Mrs. Harry Harper's iume :or an siJ—lay meeting on Thursday A mvered listi meal was served at noon Mtr .iaroid Heuss :iau the le ■Uuiu and prtaenura the ewa '.sumas n Our Community ’ Mrs J W Finch sputa on the 10 diffrent procedures followed n the presentation at a ctingres ionai pill and the necessity for early action if it j possible to nuKi- any manges She eomment -d m the vnte your ongresa >nan ’ slogan. During ’he business meeting, presided over by Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge, the decision was made to order another coffee urn and the Ht-ompanying extract and peoper. Each member was assigned a missionary to whom she is to write on her own birthdate. The January 18 meeting also will be held at the Harper mime IOOF Degree Team Goes to Chambers PACE — The degree team at ijdd Fellows lodge, including Al ton HraddocJt. Carnes Walker. Carl Max, Pete and Robert Nis ,en and R. V Crumly, installed the following iff leers Munday evening it the IOOF nail; Tom Kelly, noble grand: Robert Vissen. right supporter R. V, Crumly, eft supporter; Ed d Stewart, vice-grand. Don Nissen. right supporter; Melvin Carson, eft supporter Cordes Waiker. •ecretary; Arnold Stewart, reas irer Clarence Stevens, mapiain: Cans Robinson, inside guardian. L*oyd PitNinun. jutside guard an. Jesse Kelly, past aooie grand. Mrs. Eda Stewart unu Mrs. Jes se Kelly pr<tpar«a ana served an rystur vusiper to about 35 guesu. The iegree earn wil go to Chambers T lesday evening where they will put -an the wot* for rutailauon of officers 'here. Rovai Neighbors install Officers PACE — Mrs. Ceiestine Lwach was .muated nto the Royal Neighoors odge Wednesday eve ning, January 2. before the n uui^t;on ceremony Mrs. Evelyn Gray was _nstai lng officer ana Mis. Ray Snell . as ceremonial narwiai with Mrs. Jerry Lomason as assistant. Officers ns tailed vere: Mes tames Gardes Walker, oracle; L O. Wood. vice-oracle: Jesse Kelly p a i t oracle: Hester Eamnsten. chancellor: Herbert Steinberg, re corder; Anton Niwen, receiver. Manager tor a three-year term Mrs. Harold Kelly Drs. Brown arid Wilson were installed by proxy a# -amp physicians. Mrs. Robert Gray warn appointed ape ciai auditor A covered dish uncii was served. To Report to Mavv Carrier— PAGE—ETSN Ricnard £. Stew art returned from the Kwa] alien L-lands on January 1 to spend ois leave with his parents. Mr. anu Mrs. Glen Stew art ana run slater. Mrs. Leo Neubauer He will re port to San Diego, Calif., Janu ary 28 to the aircraft aimer, CSS Kearsarge His brother, SP3 James E. Stewart, s also -pending a short leave with the family and will return to Camp Eustis. Va.. Jan uary 15. Try low-cost Frontier want ads for quick, sure results. Page News Mr ana Mrs. N D. Ickes ana Denny accompanied Mr and Mrs. Soren Sunnuen. ;r. tnd dusters >f Star to Oakdale where they and Mr and Mrs. Alva Inn ess odf Mmoow Grove were new year's tinner guests The occasion was uso the observance at Mr mn Mrs. Ickes fortieth wedding an niversary which occured in Jan nary L Mr and Mrs. Darrell Braun and daughters were after noon visitor Memoer* at the Chatter - Sew club were enter* amed on Friday at the home of Mr Jesse Kelly ‘or an afternoon at fancv work and visiting Three dollars was •oted to be given to *he polio inve Mrs 3r%nlle Kemper will be the F'eoruarv 1 hostess. Plan* were made for a pay-off party. January J6. Mr and Mrs. Jonn Sorensen and twin vons and Mr tnd Mrs. Roy Hansen and family enjoyed a turkey aupper at the Harry Thompson nome. new year's day Mr and Mrs. Bill Sorensen and Debbie and Mr .aid Mrs. Roy Hansen made a trip to Sheldon and LeMar*. la. Mr and Mrs. Ralpn Prill and on. Rooert. were guests at Mr and Mr Chris Nelson at Creigh ton on Friday Mrs Bertha Reed spent new year with Mrs. Hester Sunusten. Mr and Mrs. Jonn Grav, Mr and Mrs. Robert Gray and Veldon and Venue Hunter, ail of Page ana Mr ana Mrs. Art Miller and am of Chambers were dinner guests if Mr and Mrs. Arnold Stewart on new year's day. Mr and Mr . Liovd Powell of Alliance were Saturday to Wed nesday guests of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Dan Trashy nsKi. Mr and Mrs. Will Hicks of Martin. S.D . ^pent Friday night with her niece. Mrs. Soren Soren sen. sr.. enroute to Rochester. Minn., where Mrs. Hicks was due for a -heckup. Don Madsen ana hi* parents. __ __ Mr and Mrs. George Madsen if . . Mrs. Frieda Aaher. Mr and Mrs. Sen Aeffler were afternoon callers. Members if the GCCAG club were guests of Mrs. Clarence Ste vens Friday, tor an afternoon spent at arts. Mrs. Otto Mats vnuilat nad high score. Mrs. Ethel •Vanng, low, and Mrs Elsie Cork received the traveling award. Mrs. Ethel Waring will be the January 18 hostess. Lunch was served by the hostess. Clayton Messner and daughter. Elta Hac. were Saturday visitors at the Soren Sorensen, ar.. home at Page Mrs. Hester Edmisten spent Saturday at the Orville Kemper home. After spending the holiday sea son together at the (.Oswald Gold r uss home and with liher rela tives ,n the -’cirnty the visitors depaned for their homes. Mrs. Gerald Goidfuss md children ac •am earned Mr. and Mrs. Car! Goidfuss Thursday enroute to Cas tro Valley. Caiif.. where Carl ex pects to locate. Mrs. Eugene Goidtusi was a passenger as far a* Ogden. Utah, where her par ents live Pvt. Eugene Goldfuss .eft Friday fui Camp Chaffee. ,sr*.. where he m training on ns :rst assignment. The Band Mothers served pie and coffee following the program Fnday evening wnen the mid winter concert was presented, .lx . Merwyn French, tr. was n charge of the vocal music The uanu .va* directed by Leonard Sawyer Mr and Mrs. Hera Stevens >o •erved their 42a wedding anni versary quietly Sunday, Januarv d. His sister. Mrs. Eva Cunning - lam, served a thicken dinner to the group that mciuried Donald Cunningham and Mis* Effie Ste i*nv at O’Neill, who vpent several days with the Cunningham* and Stevens. Mrs. Stevens i recuper ating from the effects of a heart attack die had on Christmas aught. Mr ana Mrs. Meivm Hunch vent to Ruiiesieei. 3D. Sunday where they were guests of the Tony Schmidt's family Mr ana Mrs. William Neuoauer ma Mm Theima Summers were iunaay tinner guests of the Trank Beeiaert family Tin* Women’s Missionary so ciety of the Wesleyan Methodist church will meet Thursday after noon at the parsonage for the January meeting. -mith Heads Inman Phone Firm— INMAN—The Inman Telephone itnpany held its annual meeting at the telephone office on Mun ia%- aitemuon. Routine business was taken care of and the follow ing officers were elected for the earning year K.. p Smith, president. L. F fCopecky vice-president: L. W Suootka. secretary Swu Smith, treasurer: ma ueorge Fick. L. R. Tompkins and Freient Pnhil, poard of directors. Chambers News William Crawford left Sunday u^ht, January d, for Kansas City. Mo . fur a week at a co-op school Mr and Mrs. William Crawford nd amilv visited his parents. Mr md Mrs Horace Crawford, at wng m Sunday January 8. Mr and Mrs. Harvey Giseh and 'wo children <rf Lincoln spent the ceck.-nd with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Steve Shavhk and Pam md her ornTtier-m-law and «t - Mr and Mrs Edwin Hub bard and son Ricky Mrs Wavne Smith is teaching in district 115 for Mrs Harold Dexter, who underwent surface Saturday. January S. Trv low nwt Frontier want ads for duick. *ur** results Beautviand Reopened Jan. 7 nvTRODUCING Hiss fiunre Hi lndirws i )ff(*nm Finest 'eniw Helen Rourke PtlMir >65 — O'Neill Repor* it Condition of S STATE BANK at Swing, Nebraska. Charter No. 1600. at the dose at ousiness on 31 DECEMBER 1956 VS8ETS Cash. balances with other banks, ncluding reserve bal ances. and cash items in process at collection S 198.481 00 United States Government obligations, direct and guaran teed _©1.142.35 Other bands, notes, ana lebenhires_5,300.00 Doans and discoamts i including $210.38 overdrafts 220.701.29 Sans premises iwned $1,150.00. furniture and fixtures $3,320.00 ___... 5.070.00 Total Isaeta _ $1,075,395.24 LIABILITIES >*nanu deposits of individuals, partnerships, and orpora ations__ __306.131.18 Time deposits it individuals, partnerships, inri corpora tions _■___ 408.12 Deposits af United States Government (including porta. savings) -_ 11,034.85 Deposits if States and political subdivisions _ 145.122.76 Other deposits (certified uid officers' nhecKS. etc.) _ 9,000.00 TOTAL DEPOSITS_:_ $971,696.39 TOTAL LIABILITIES _ $ 971.696.89 CAPITAL .ACCOUNTS t * 25.000.00 Surplus __ 50.000.00 Undivided Profits - 25.998.35 Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital) 3.000.00 Total Capital Vccounts 108.698.35 Total Liabilities uid Capital \ooounu $1,075,395.2* -This bank’s capital consists af: Common stock with total par value at $25,000.00 MEMORANDA V^ets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes (including notes and bills rediscounted and securities sold with agreement to repurchase) $282,000.00 L Richard D. Edwards. Cashier, af the above named bank, do Hereby certify that the above statement is true to the best of my -enow (edge and belief. RICHARD D. EDWARDS CORRECT_Attest: M. B. Huffman. Mary B. Huffman. L. J. Spittler. Directors. Look what you get TOP-OP-THB BUILT-IN 36L6CTIV6 WATSP. LINS STYLING 3UOS 3AVSR LEVEL CONTJCl taratM An Am* '=s=r' for what you pay 1.25 PER WEEK MAYTAG WM. KROTTER CO. Serving North Central Nebraska Since 1891 Phone 531 O’Neill. Nebr. .' * * • . ‘ ■. • ••• • . . • . Market Report MONDAY. JAN. 7. 1957 At ‘his *ime it looks as if Verdigre had one of the best markets in ‘he nation in com i an son to reports given by 'he US DA for Monday’s mar ket. Extreme top on choice butchers was S17.75. However, the nulk of the No. 1 hogs sold from S17.+0 to $17 80. The No 2 and 3 hojp weigh - ng irom 200 to 240 aokl from 516.35 to SI7 35. Even the heavier weight nogs sold an in ictive ‘one Hogs weighing 280 to 300 pounds, but Strict ly meat tvne sold from 518.50 to 516 30. Pigs weighing 75 pounds sold for 516.90 each. Light butchers an feeder account sold from $17.50 to 518.40. One buyer purchased 94 head n that range. Bred gilts were in good demand but the boars were selling 510 to 515 -heaper. Batov calves sold from 56 to SI 8 per head. Other cattle sold about in line with the market. Next Monday, we are plan ning a soeciai cattle sale. We already have 7 or 3 listings of good cattle, so if you are plan ning to buy or sell cattle, re member the sale next week. Hog sale starts promptly at 11 i.m.. ai plan your consign ments accordingly We appreciate your pat ronage. Verdi ere Livestock Market Phone 36 Dan Jensen. Mgr. '• ’* *• ; . '• • IMPROVEMENTS 5-Rc:d Dwelling with Basement Dwelling is in good condition: serviced with REA. Barn. 24’ x 32’, nearly new Stanchions for eight cows: also feed hin Granary 10’ x 20’ Hog House. 20’ x 22' — Cattle Shed. 20’ x 30' Poultry House. 12’ x 24’ Large Com Crib with Roof Wire *onstmctlon <m the sides. LEGAL DESCRIPTION 140 acres of the SE !/4 <rf Section 25. Township 29, Range 9. Holt County Nebr.. ALSO the SW's at Section 30. Township 9, Range 8. Knox County, Nebr. The 140 acres is all farm land inder cultivation except far a new sfaelterbelt along the south side. This and has a test well for irrigation showing about 900-gai. capacity at ISO mm. Permit for the original well is applied Sor and permit will be is sued when well is brought into production. In—Holstein COWS One rnst fresh with third 'naif. Four nisi fresh with second omtves. One to freshen -toon, nomlni with -teeond naif. Four to freshen -toon. ( and 5 rean nid. Two to freshen about Hsreh 10. 0-rra.-old. Two to freshen about April 10. 4-vn-ttid. One 3-yr.-old heifer to freshen in dxty dors. Improved 268-Acre Ilolt-Knox County AS W E .ARE MOV ING to another state, the following described real estate and personal property will be offered at public auction, on the premises, located 31 ■? miles north of Page and 6 miles east; OR 17 miles east of O’Neill Livestock Market; OR 13 miles north of Ewing and 2 miles east; OR 3 miles west of Orchard and 8 miles north; OR 20 miles west of Creighton and I mile south, on — Wednesday, January 23 12:30 P.M. - LUNCH ON GROUNDS The Real Estate GENERAL INFORMATION The land is situated near the following cities mu towns: O’Neill. Creighton. Page. Orchard md Ewtng. O’Neill, pop. 3.J(H»> is the largest pf the reading centers). Very good gravel road, county maintained, runs past farm, giving good iccess to the trading communities. TERMS OF SALE Twenty perrent down payment in date of sale: balance less the unuirnt of loan, due upon delivers of abstract at title md deed. Powes sion in or before March 1. 1957. There is now a oan of JlOJOtt on farm with payments on the principle of S300 innuallv with interest at five percent. Arrangements -an be made for purchaser to issume the ioan. Earlier possession an be arranged at m -artier date if desired. INSPECTION For m nspection at the premises, .-(intact COL. ED THORIN. O’Neill. Nebr.. broker: the clerk. or the owners, who reside on place Inspection an 1 oe arranged at any sime. Holstein Fine Dairy Herd ITiis is an excellent herd of Holstem Dairy Cattle on ginating from the George Sorenson Dairy Herd at Omaha and from Minnesota and Wisconsin dairy herds. One cow has a 340-lb. annual butterfat record. 1—Holstein HEIFER, 2-yrs.-old 1—Holstein HEIFER, l-vr.-oid 5—Small Holstein CALVES I—Reg. Hereford BULL. 3-yrs.-old SHETLAND PONY — SOME FEED. CORN FODD ER AND HAY Machinery and Equipment 1944 IHC H Tractor, also a J-D Manure Spreader 36-ft. Elevator with motor second tractor Wagon Box and Gears, on rubber K'~n__ p„-,„ •> n Used Cultivator 10 x 16 Brooder House L Z I ^ 1951 IHC Cultivator IHC Engate Seeder, new c _^a ** J-D 12-ft. rake, new Compicker, good -erne ^lat cribbing • -ft. Trail Mower IHC Hammermill ^ eet^ Bunks Booster Buck for Tractor DeLaval No. 510 Elec. Separator, About 50 Creosote Posts 4-row Corn Planter good Some Household Goods VVee<ler Complete Line of Shop Tools Miscellaneous Articles TERMS ON PERSONAL PROPERTY: STRICTLY CASH Ervin & Shirley Woodworth, Owners COL. ED THORIlM, O’Neill BANK OF VERDIQRE Auctioneer-Real Estate Broker • -Oerk .*.*.•* •. . • • .*••.•'• .• , ’ . ‘ , • # • - * . , '. ,• * * • • • • •* * . • • • ' . * ,*• 1 ’ 1 «‘o*‘ • • • • •*•••*. v . • : • •. • • • 4. •* . • • * .* • • •* ..*••• 6 .