The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 10, 1957, SECTION TWO, Page 14, Image 14

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    Riverside News
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnston
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Wettlaufer and son of Page and
Willie Shrader, Sandra and Doug
las were guests at the Will
Shrader home for an oyster sup
per Thursday evening.
The event was in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. Will Shrader’s 41st.
wedding anniversary
Mr and Mrs. Walter Miller and
Danny and Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Miller and family were dinner
guests at the Bill bofquist home
Rev and Mrs. Turner visited
at the William Hubby home in
Neligh Thursday.
Mr and Mrs. John Napier were
in O’Neill Sunday evening.
Mrs Keith Biddlecome and
Mrs. Lionel Gunter called on Mrs.
Rol Hord Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pieraon ate
Sunday dinner with Mr and Mrs.
Walter Woeppel.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier were
supper guests of Ina Bennett Sat
urday. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Burtwistle were also guests.
The Milford Wehenkel family
of Neligh called at the Robert
Montgomery home Sunday eve
The Johnny Miller family visit
ed in Crofton Sunday, Decem
ber 30.
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Conner*
were supper guests of the Martin
Mosel family Friday.
Mr and Mrs. Dale Napier and
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier and
family were Sunday dinner
guests at the Lynn Fry home.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mont
gomery and Roberta were Sun
day dinner guests at the Louis
Shrader home. Mr. and Mrs. Mil
ford Wehenkel and family of
Neligh were also guests.
New' Year’s day guests at the
following places Alfred Napiers,
John Napiers and Glen Harps
ters, at Web Napiers; Bill Frys
and Dale Napiers, at Richard
Napiers; Wayne Fry’s at Chamb
ers. Dewitt Hokes, at Alvin Nel
son’s near Plainview; Keith Bid
dlecomes at Raymond Schmidt’s
Loratne Montgomery’s and Lynn
Frys’ at Floyd Napiers; Robert
Montgomerys’’ at Henry Wehen
kels at Orchard; Lyle Switzers’
and Rol Hords’ at Lionel Gunters;
Mrs. Hazel Kimes, Dean and Dal,
at Earl Pierson’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer vis
ited Ruth Switzer at the Neligh
hospital Sunday afternoon.
Mr and Mrs. Bert Lank visited
at the Willie Shrader home Sat
urday evening.
i uv lie v . x u* ..j ■ --
supper guests at Bert Finks Fri
day evening.
Jim and Dave Pollocks were
supper guests at the Bert Fink
home Wednesday evening, Janu
ary 2.
Rev. Turner attended prayer
I conference at Page Saturday.
The Carl and Leslie Miller
families were Sunday dinner
guests at the Rev. Turner home.
Joanie Miller spent the week
end at the Archie Johnston home.
Mr and Mrs. Rodney Pollock
and Phil of Omaha spent the
weekend at the Dave Pollock
home. They also visited relatives
at Neligh.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller
arrived home from Denver, Colo.,
Saturday evening after visiting
their daughter and other relatives
and friends a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Miller
and family visited the Richard
Miller family in Oakdale Sunday.
Mrs. Anna Miller of Ewing ac
companied them.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry and
family called on the Richard Na
pier family Wednesday evening
Group Designates
•Work Night —
Tuesday', January 15, has been
designated as “work night” for
members of the Methodist Adult
They will meet at 8 p m., in the
basement. Each member is asked
to bring a dozen cookies, rags and
cleansers. Also those who wish
to paint are asked to bring brush
Honors Mother—
Mrs. L. A. Burgess is entertain
ing at a coffee party Friday in
honor of the birthday anniversary
of her mother, Mrs. Laura Walker.
Two other daughters plan to be
here. Mrs. M. L. Crandall of
Fremont and Mrs. E E Bright of
Winners Named—
Winners at Chez-A-Mari club
held Monday evening were
Mrs. Robert Cole of Emmet,
Mrs. D. A. Kersenbrock and two
guests, Mrs. Robert Devoy and
Mrs. Stephan Wallace of Wahoo.
Mrs. John H. McCarville was the
Sioux Cityan Feted—
Friday afternoon Mrs. Harry A.
Larson and Mrs. Roy Berner
were hostesses at a dessert
luncheon at the Larson home in
honor of Mrs. Kenneth Glandt, of
Sioux City, formerly of O’Neill.
MM in Session—
The MM club met at the home
of Esther Harris Saturday at 2
p.m. Guest was Mrs. John Conard
of Emmet. High scores went to
Mrs. Arlo Hiatt and Mrs. L. A.
Burgess. Late lunch was served.
Bride-Elect Feted—
A wedding shower was given
for Miss Ida Bauld, bride - elect,
by her friends at Elkhorn motel
Thursday evening. She received
j many gifts.
Mrs. VanVoorhis Guest—
The Birthday club met Friday
with Mrs. Harold Young. Eleven
members were present with Mrs.
K. L. VanVoorhis as guest. Mrs.
I Felix Hendrick baked the cake.
Spend Holiday in Iowa—
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kyster spent
Christmas and returned on new
year’s to Council Bluffs, la., at
the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
[ Stem pie and Mr. and Mrs. Ted
' Kyster.
• *, •.
Church Notes '
METHODIST (O’Neill-Emmet)
Thursday, January 10: Prayer
circle, 10 a.m., at the Claude
Bates home; WSCS at the church,
2 p.m.
Friday, January 11: Dorcas, 2
p.m., at the church.
Sunday, January 13: Junior
choir, 9:15 a.m., Sunday
school. 9:45 a.m.; worship service,
11 a.m.; sub-district MYT coun
cil, 2:30 pm.; Sunday evening
fellowship — supper. 6:15 o’clock;
evening service, 7:15 o’clock.
Monday, January 14: Inter
mediate MYF, 7 p.m.; church
board, 8 p.m.
Tuesday, January 15: Adult
fellowship will hold a church
cleanup night. Members urge
others to come and take part.
others to come and take part.
Bring small and large paint
brushes and general cleaning
Wednesday, January 16: Choir
practice, 7 p.m.; senior MYF, 8
Sunday, January 13: worship
service and children’s Sunday
school, 9:30 a.m.; adult Sunday
school, 10:30 a.m.
Thursday. January 17: Women’s
Society of Christian service, 2
p.m., at the John Conard home.
Friday, January 18: Evening
fellowship and Bible study, 8 o'
clock at the Bud Cole home.
Rev. D. E. Sallack, vacancy pastor
Sunday, January 13: First Sun
day after the Epiphany of our
Lord. Worship service, 1:45 p.m.;
Sunday-school, 2:45 p.m.; confir
mation class, 2:45 p.m.
Tuesday, January 15: LWML,
2 p.m.
Rev. Duane Lauber, pastor
Sunday, January 13: Sunday
school, 10 a.m.; worship service,
11 a.m.; Wesleyan youth, 7:30
p.m.; adult fellowship, 7:30 p.m.,
evangelistic service, 8 p.m.
Prayer service, Thursday, 8
p.m. _
METHODIST (Page-Inman)
Rev. Lisle E. Mewmaw, pastor
Thursday, January 10: Junior
ehoir practice, 4 p.m.; youth choir
practice 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, January 13: Sunday
school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.,
with baptismal service and recep
tion of members. Also, children's
session of the school of missions
during the morning worship hour.
I Church-wide school of missions
for youth and adults, 7:30 p.m., on
the denomination-wide study of
"High Hours of Methodism”. This
school had a good start last Sun
day night. Plan to attend every
session during January.
Wednesday, January 16: WSCS
prayer hour, 9 am.
Thursday, January 17: WSCS
all-day meeting with covered
dish dinner.
Thursday, January 10: WSCS
meeting, 2:30 p.m.; official board
meeting 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, January 13: Worship,
9:45 a.m.; Sunday - school, 10:45
: a.m.
Wednesday, January 16: Choir
practice, 7:30 p.m., in the Wilbur
Brown home, followed by MYF.
Thursday, January 17: Adult
i fellowship meeting, 7:30 p.m.
Rev. J. Olen Kennell, pastor
Sunday, January 13: Sunday-.
, school, 9:45 a.m.; worship, 11
; a.m.
Tuesday, January 15: The
I young married couples will meet
i at the manse at 7:45 p.m. Mr. and
j Mrs. Earl Hunt will serve the re
freshments. Mr. and Mrs. William
Whited will provide entertain
Wednesday, January 16: West
minster youth fellowship. 7 p.m.;
choir practice. 8 p.m.
Thursday, January 17: Presby
tery meeting at Wayne, 2 p.m.;
circle I of the Women's associa
tion meets with Mrs. Roy Shel
hamer. Circle II of the association
meets with Mrs. William Gatz.
Circle III meets one week later
because of Community concert.
Rex James, evangelist
Sunday, January 13: Bible
school, 10 a.m.; preaching and
communion, 11 a.m.. followed by
a fellowship dinner in the church
basement; youth meeting, 7 p.m.;
evening service, 7:45 o’clock.
Wednesday, January 16: Bible
study, 8 p.m.
Jesus said, "The truth shall
make you free’’ and "Thy word is
truth.” Come and hear God's
(RK1), Ewing)
Rev. J. Olen Kennell, pastor
Sunday, January 13: Worship
service, 9:30 a m.; Sunday-school,
10:30 a.m.
Tuesday, January 15: Bible
study. 8 p.m.
Attend Witness
"A happy people serving a hap
py God” was the theme empha
sized by Lyle E. Reuseh, district
supervisor of the Watch tower
Bible and Tract society, to the
convention of Jehovah’s Wit
nesses held in the Brookings, S.D.,
armory January 4-6, with 662 at
tending. O’Neill delegates were
Carl, Dave and Connie Anderson
and Dora Elshire.
Connie Anderson of O’Neill
was baptized on Saturday after
.METHODIST (Chambers-Amelia)
Rev. Harrv S. Mvcrs. pastor
Thursday: Choir practice and
MYF, 7:30 p.m.
Sunday: Worship service, 9:30
am.; Sunday-school, 10:30 am
Thursday: WSCS meeting at
the church, 2 pan.
Sunday: Sunday - school, 10
a m ; worship service, 11 a.m.; or
gan dedication service, 7:30 p.m.
Monday: Junior choir practice,
7 p.m.; senior choir practice, 7:30
p.m., intermediate MYF meeting,
7:30 p.m.;
Tuesday: Commission on mis
sions, 7 p.m ; official board meet
ing, 8 p.m.
Rev. Carl E. Pullman, pastor
Sunday. January 13: Sunday
school. 1:30 p.m.; worship hour,
2:30 p.m., Confirmation class
meets after the worship hour.
Walther league meets at 7:30 p.m.
Ladies aid meets Friday after
Communion services next Sun
day and announcements shall be
made after the worship hour.
Church council and voters’ as
sembly shall lx- decided after the
worship hour Voters meeting
January 20.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Zakrzewski and
Angela were dinner guests Sun
day of Mr, and Mrs. Leonard
Fox of Orchard. Other guests
were Mr. Bernard Gribble of
Chambers, Nebr.
Dr. and Mrs. Rex Wilson and
family were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Don Matson of
Burke. S. D,
Harold Parks spent new year’s
holiday at Phoenix, Ariz. He took
horses of Jack Sisson’s there for
races. Mrs. Parks spent now
year’s with the Floyd Luekens
and Ray Calkins families.
O’Neill News
Miss Charlene Shoemaker left
Friday for Mt. St Srholastica col
lege, Atchinson. Kans. On her
way she visited her cousin Cath
erine Tomlinson at West lY>int.
Guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs.
Elgin Ray were R E, Spelts and
Dick Spelts of Grand Island
Gary Waller of Wayne State
Teachers college spent the week
end with his parents, W W Wal
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manson
attended evangelistic services at
Church of Christ in Norfolk
Tuesday night.
Installation of officers for Or
der of Eastern Star will be held
at Masonic hall tonight (Thursday)
Lunch will be served by the men
Visitors Saturday at the home
of Mr and Mrs. Fred Robertson
were: Mr. and Mrs Jerry Boyer
and son and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Hover of Mullen, Nebr Mrs. Ivan
Boyer is a niece of Mr Robertson,
Mr. and Mrs. John McCarville
and family spent from Sunday
and over new year's with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L Egen.
of Ellsworth, Minn.
Dr. Donald E. David
Eyes Examined
Glasses Fitted
Phone 2101, Spencer, Nebr.
Ponton Insurance
Insurance of All Kinds
& Bonds
Phone 106 — Golden Bllg.
Butte Legion
Saturday, Jan. 12
Music by
and the Style Band
Music up-to-date that you’ll
Formerly 29.50—NOW . - 13.50
Formerly 34.50-39.50 „ 24.50
Formerly 44.50-49.50 29.50
Men’s — Women’s — Boys — Girls’
CAPS - Now.1/i OFF
Values to 34.50-NOW __ 19.50
Values to 49.50—NOV/.... 29.50
PANTS, NOW_ 2.98
/*\ OFF
tmv ’ SWEATERS ’ Hajnes Winter UNDWR.
SHOES ON TABLES 1.98 2.98 3.98 4.98
JANUARY 10 -19 O’Neill, Nebraska JANUARY 10 -19
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