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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1957)
\\w . sy\ h! *» // V'\*’l»A*/' s\xv i11///// m MAE FOR SALE Thiele’s Dairy Cattle TOP PRODUCING dairy cattle on hand at all times. Wiscon sin bred, fresh and heavy springers, first and second >alf heifers. Arnold Thiele 2Vt miles southwest of Clear water, Phone 17 on 12 36-49 FOR SALE: Letz 10” burmill, power take-off drive, mounted on rubber tires. — Ed Heiser, Atkinson. 37-38p60 FOR SALE: Angus bulls, 20 months old. — Musil Bros., O’ Meill 37-39p85 SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SEE US or white us if interested m Sprinkler Irrigation. We will be glad to figure your system for you, with the help of qual ified irrigation engineers, at no obligation. Wm. Krotter Co. O’NEILL, NEBR. Dealers in A - M Sprinkler Irrigation" 37 tf FOR SALE. Purebred Hampshire bred sows and gilts. Bred to purebred Hampshire boars for February, March and April farrowing.—Henry Stel ling and Son, Orchard, Nebr. 36tf USED MACHINERY TRACTORS— 49 J-D B 2—’42 B J-D. '40 B J-D. 1940 J-D A GRINDERS— J-D 10” hammermill. MOWERS— No. 5 J-D. 50 bu. steel hog feeder, like new. Farmhand heavy duty loader JOHN DEERE CREDIT PLAN Up to 3Mi Years to Pay JOHN DEERE DAY SHOW FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Harry R. Smith lmpls. Your John Deere Dealer Phone 562 — O’Neill FOR SALE: Registered Hereford bulls, 12 to 25 mos. old.—2% mi west of Drive In. John Niewohner, O’Neill. 36-44p FOR SALE: My entire herd of Shorthorn cattle, consisting of 12 good cows and 1 very good herd bull. Look them over.— Jake Helmer, 4% miles W. Brunswick. 37-38c Northwest Electric Motor Service DISTRIBUTOR for Fairbanks - Morse and Wagner. Electric motor rebuilding specialists. Motor controls. Portable tools. APPLIANCES — COMMERCIAL AND REA WIRING 24 - Hour Service “Service is our motto!" Phone 243-W O’Neill 30tf Used Car Bargains! 1952 Champ, hardtop. 1951 Studebaker Commander 1952 Customline Ford 8. tudor. 1950 Dodge. 1952 1V4-T. long wheelbase Ford truck. Smith Motor Co. Studebaker Phone 562 — O’Neill FOR SALE: SMALL PIANO may be had by local reliable party. Assume low monthly pay ments. Can be seen In vici nity. For information write Credit Manager, Box 584, Sdouoc Falls, S. D- 36-37c USED CARS 1956 Plymouth Savoy, 4-door, 2 kone, heater. 1954 Chev., 150 series, 2-door, 1955 Chev., 210 Del Rae, 2-tone paint, radio, heater. 1951 Chevrolet, 2-door. 1951 Plymouth, 2-dr. 1949 Chevrolet, Hometown Motor Co. Ph. 430, O’Neill_ FARM MACHINERY IHC Utility Farmall M. Farmall Super H. Farmall H. Farmall 14. Farmall 20. Ford Tractor. 3-16 IHC Plow. 2-14 IHC Plow'. 2-14 Massey Plow. WE HAVE a nice variety of used farming and haying equipment on hand. Come in and let us show it to you. LISTEN MR. FARMER ! ! ! SO THAT Mrs. Farmer will have more time to help you withtne spring woTk get a new Whirl pool washer and a new self washing cream separator. While your at it how- about a home freezer. Shelhamer Equip. Co. Your International Dealer Phone 570 — O’Neill FOR SALE: Good cedar posts. — Inquire Keith Anderson, Red bird. 37-»* ANGUS BREEDING 1 STOCK FOR SALE Herd Sires Bluebay Lad 31” of Ida from the family that produced the all American supreme champion. Pers Century of BBB by Re serve Champion at Denver in 1954. Visitors always welcome. BEELAERT’S BETTER BRED BLACKS \ rank Beelaert & Son lVi S., 1 E., Vi S. of Page, Nebr. 34-36-38-40-tf FOR SALE. I will sell three reg istered Hereford bulls coming | 3-years-old at the Atkinson Livestock Market Tuesday, January 15. — Vern Sageser, j Amelia. 37p40 FOR SALE: 35 - foot Sureway trailer house lived in less than j one year, like new. Small down! payment and take over pay ments or pay off balance.—tall 557M or see Dale Huddleston, j O’Neill. 37-38p \ >EE US for new SPARTAN or! SAFEWAY mobile houses, 25% ! down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone.—Con- I tois Motor Co., Neligh. 30tf [ Singer CHRISTMAS TRADE-INS ELECTRIC ROUND-BOBBIN Cabinets __ $25 , Treadles $5 Dale 1 luddleston O’Neill — Phone 557-M 36-37c ATTENTION, FARMERS and Ranchers: Salt, any kind, $161 and up. Will deliver large or ders to any vicinity. Located 3 blocks east and 4 blocks north of traffic signal. — Phone 524-M, O’Neill. 51tf I FOR SALE: Aeromoter wind mills and towers, galvanized j stock tanks, 8- and 10-foot j sizes.—John Sobotka, Inman, j Nebr. 23tf -- FOR YOUR HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES AGE 2 wks. to 1 month, order from GENE KROGH, North field, Minn., or phone Fair bault, Minn., 49531, or con tact Carl Krogh, O’Neill, for information. CALVES delivered to your place; regular truck shipments to O’Neill region. 37-40p2.55 Kelly’s Plumbing YOUR HEADQUARTERS for plumbing and well supplies, plumbing fixtures, Geneva steel kitchens, water systems, water softeners, septic tanks, root proof sewer pipe, wind mill heads and towers, pump jacks, well points, cylinders and leathers. If it pertains to plumbing or wa ter supply, we have it! Located 5 blocks south of the New Deal Oil Station, O’Neill. 43tf FOR SALE: Stove length wood, dry.—.Wm. Babutzke, O’Neill, phone 564-J-11 37-38p60 REAL ESTA1E FOR SALE Improved 520-acre farm in N.E. Holt county. SEV4 sec. 11-30-14 $35 per acre Quarter section, good pasture, well fenced. 320 Acres, well improved. Abart Company Phone 520 — O’Neill 48tf FOR SALE: Quarter section, 4 mi. N of Emmet, 22 A under culti vation, balance alfalfa, hay and pasture. — Lome Hickok, At kinson 37-38p70 2 — Good Nebr, — 2 Ranches For Sale 940 acres all pasture and hay, with dam, springs and shelter I belts. j 960 acres, hay and pasture and some farming, good wind breaks. EASY TERMS J. F. CONTOIS O'Neill, Nebr. Real Estate Broker Phone 368 FOR SALE: New 3-bedroom bun galow, must see to appreciate. Close to schools a®d church. Call 402-J for appointment. 37c Ranch IN BOYD COUNTY 1550 Acres ! GOOD farm land, alfalfa and pasture. Plenty of water for Irrigation. Modem house. Ranch can be divided in 628 and 922 acres. J. F. Contois Broker O’Neill, Nebr. — Ph. 368 36tf Visits Lynch— Mrs. Bertha Hayden spent the weekend of January 5 with Mr. and Mrs. John Hurd in Lynch. Returns to College— Ivan Kaiser returned Sunday to Lincoln, where he attends col lege. MISCELLANEOUS STRAYED: A calf to my farm 2Vt miles west of O’Neill. — Fred Fritton, O'Neill. 37p35 STRAYED from pasture: 2 cow* with calves at side, wf cow branded WJS on right side, black cow branded CS over bar. Reward $100 for informa tion. — \V. J. Storjohann, O' Neill. 37-38p75 L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. DON’T LET YOUR ACCOUNTS die of old age. — Call 520, O’- j Neill Credit Bureau. 30tf| AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED THORIN Farm Sales a Speciality Phone 207 — O’Neill | 36 Months to Repay on Real Estate LOANS $ 1,000 or less $23.00 to $1,000 ON FURNITURE OR AUTO Made on our regular monthly re payment plan and on a Special plan for farmers. CONFIDENTIAL PERSONAL SERVICE Central Finance Corp. C E. JONES, Mgr. Phone 14 O’Neill 2tfc HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator and Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill AT YOUR SERVICE IN REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE KEITH ABART Phone 209, O’Neill 28tf ANNOUNCEMENT Architectural designing, planning, estimating and drawing. Robert J. Krotter GRADUATE ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEER O’Neill, Nebraska Phone 531 or 285-J DANKF.RTS PROPANE O’NEILL AND CHAMBERS Bulk Gas Deliveries Norge Appliances Gas Heating Systems Dearborn, Seigler, Coleman, Universal, Hunt SPECIAL ON WASHER & DRYER COMBINATIONS Dankert’s Propane 22tf STOCKMEN if you aare waiting to see, you will be two years behind when you do see that Curtis Sires are improving the cattle in this area.—Call 469J Duane Gray, O’Neill. 3ltf. Business Opportunity Standard Service STATION for lease in O’Neill. Very good business. Good location. For details, write — W. C. Whited O’Neill, Nebr., 319 E. Fremont or phone 709. 24tf O. E. (“Oakie”) DAVIDSON Plumbing & Heating ‘The Best Work for the Least Money” GAS WATER HEATERS & FURNACES Phone 126 — O’Neill IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 34tf Wick’s Body Shop Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service 219 West Douglas — O'NEILL — * • « • , • ♦ CARDS of THANKS WE WISH to express our heart felt thanks to those who ex tended assistance in so many ways at the time of the loss of our dear mother. The prayers, floral offerings, beautiful cards and comforting words will nev er be forgotten.—Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Thorin, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards and grandchildren. 37p50 WE WISH to thank our relatives and friends for the expressions of sympathy and the many acts of kindness and the help which was extended to us at the time of the death of our beloved husband and father. Your thoughtfulness will al ways be remembered — Mrs. Judson R. Russell and family. 37p50 I WISH to take this means to thank my friends and relatives for the prayers offered, cards and gifts sent me while I was a patient at the Tilden Com munity hospital. Your thought fulness will never be forgot ten. May God bless you all.— Mrs. Don Lineback. 37c I WISH to thank my friends and relatives for their cards, letters and visits to me while I was in the hospital. They were greatly appreciated. JAMES BARTOS 37p50 WORDS can’t express my thanks to the many friends and rela tives who sent me cards, letters, and gifts during my recent ill ness. — KENT STAUFFER 37c I WANT to thank all the relatives and friends who sent me cards and flowers while I was in the hospital. I appreciated them very much. — ELMER F. SPANN 37p50 FOR RENT FOR RENT: 1 sleeping room, also a 1 room apartment. — Mrs. C. H. Switzer, O’Neill. 37c FOR RENT: Furnished, heated apartment, 3 rooms plus kitch enette and bath. Close in. — Phone 556-R, O’Neill. 19tf FOR RENT: Furnished apt., 4 rooms and bath. Utilities fur nished. —Phone 537 , O’Neill. 30tf FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — Phone 537, O’Neill. 16tf FOR RENT: Winter storage.— Contact K. C . Hunt, O’Neill. 30tf FOR RENT: Three - bedroom house.—Phone 577-W 37c FOR RENT: Partly modern 6 room house for rent. Close in. —Mrs. Frank Valla, 317 E. Everett st., O’Neill. 27tfc FOR RENT: Furnished and un furnished apts.—A. E. Bowen, phone 515, O’Neill. tl FOR RENT: Furnished apart ment. Close in.—Mrs. Clar ence Donohoe, Phone 559-R, O’Neill. 32tf WANTED WANTED: Young couple to oc cupy apartment and act as caretaker of the apartment house for part of rent.—See W. B. Gillespie. 36-38c WANTED: Baby sitting or part time housework. — Marvel Borg, phone 271-J, O’Neill. 37-38p6C WANTED — Shetland ponies State age, sex, sixe, color and price.—Harvey Hanson, Atkin son, Nebr., phone 8201. 37-39p Experience Unecessar> TRAINING on the job. We are interviewing men in this area regarding a very fine sales position. No Saturday or Sunday work. Your earnings will run from $350 to $550 per month. Salary and ex pense allowance begin im mediately with full train ing. Must be available for immediate employment. IF INTERESTED. write to Manager, P. O. Box 1341, Lincoln, Nebraska. 37e MEN 19-45 SPECIAL sales and interview work, salary, expense and commission. Travel in this part of Nebraska 5 days a week. start school and training im mediately. REQUIREMENTS Sales ex perience not necessary, but good personality and neat ap pearance is. Reputation check ed. Must own car. Apply to Mr. Pirtle, Golden hotel, O’Neill, Nebr., Thursday, January 17, hours 5 p.m., to 8 p.m. 37c (First pub. Jan. 10. 1957) NOTICE TO BIDDERS The O’Neill city council will receive bids on a four-plow tractor with wide front md, 13-inch tires and heavy duty in dustrial type loader with dirt and snow scoop. File bids with city clerk on or before January 19, 1957. O D. FRENCH City Clerk Try low-cost Frontier want ads for quick, sure results. x Presby tcrians to Hold Business Session— The annual business meeting and election of officers of First Presbyterian church will be held tonight (Thursday) at Fellow ship hall at 7 p.m. A pot luck dinner will be ser ved. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cone were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Yusten. BY MAIL OFFER DAILY LINCOLN JOURNAL 6Vi WEEKS $1 YyU’LL GET Blondie, Orphan Annie, Ripley’s Believe It or Not, Grin and Bear It, Dr. Al ber E. Wiggam, Steve Canyon, Bobby Sox. David Lawrenc*. Stewart Alsop, Associated Prea*. I'nited Press, Wire Photos, Wea ther Reports, Markets, Radio Programs, Dr. Alvarez. Nancy, Sports, Raymond Moley, Nor man Vincent Peale, H. I Phil lips, Roscoe Drummond, Rob ert S. Allen, Angelo Patrl, Mutt and Jeff, Abbie and Slats, Tarzan, Jane Arden, Mopay, Points for Parents, Life’s Like That, Little Debbie, Curly Kayoe, Crossword Puzzles. With the LINCOLN JOURNAL you get the Sunday practically free for some papers charge as much for daily only, as the Journal dot's including Sunday. By-mail offer in Nebraska and Northern Kansas — outside of Lancaster County — 6*6 week* $1.00 daily, 8t2 weeks Daily' and Sunday $2.00, a year $7 00 daily, with Sunday $11.00. Order direct or through our office. How Th/s Newspaper Helps Adverttsers With a defined audience 1 Any speaker knows (i.Ai In order for him to get his message across to his audience with greatest effectiveness, he roust first M familiar with that audience. | That’s why we hiake every effort to define our circulation audience with absolute accuracy and clarity—with facts verified by A.B.C.* audit. We want you to know the size of your audience, where members of that audience live, what they pay, and other information designed to help you prepare more effective sales messages. Ask to see this information this week. I •This newspaper is a member of tbs A I* dit Bureau of Circulations, a nonprofit, cooperative association of publishers, ad* vertisers, and advertising agendas. Oar circulation is audited at regular intervals by experienced A.B.C. circulation audi tor* and thair reports are made available to our advertiser* without obligatto*. MEASURE OF S E R V I C E . . . M A R K OF INTEGRITY ITHE NtBRASK A-IOW A HICTRICAL COUNCIL 9 presents | CEORCE “DINNER DILEMMA” The boss and his wife came for dinner one night To discuss George's future (which really looked bright >. But suddenly darkness enveloped the room! The freezer went on...blew a fuse...caused the gloom! MODERNIZE YOUR HOME WIRING For FULL HOIJSEPOWUR OS;.:/. Wf-i: ' . ..:V: -"'S®:..--: Send now for IIOUSEPOWER booklet. Find out whether your home’s wiring needs mod* cruizing—who can do the job for you—and how you can finance the work with no money down and up to 5 years to pay. Send for your copy today to your nearest CONSUMERS PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT office. George stumbled around—finally made it downstaua, The boss yelled at George, "The answer’s not fuses! Where he put in a fuse and completed repairs. It’s modem home wiring you need for your uses!" CALL YOUR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FOR A FREE ESTIMATE ON FULL HOUrSPGV/:?.