The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 10, 1957, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 11

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    Albino Skunk Smells
No Differently!
R<X.’K FAIXS—A Ltekota hunt
er, Clarence Knobbie, recently vis
iting at the Floyd Johnson home,
reported having killed an albino
skunk. He didn’t say, however,
whether or not it smelled differ
ently than the familiar black and
white striped ones.
Other Rock Falls News
New year’s day guests at the
James Curran home included Mr.
and Mrs. Francis Curran and
girls, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Curran
and children, George Curran,
Bert Ott, Pat Allen and Anita El
Dave Molar w'as a Friday caller
at the James Curran home. Fran
ci* Curren called there Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. William Claussen
and Mrs. Marie Lewis motored to
Norfolk on January 2, returning
on Thursday. Mrs. Claussen was
having her glasses fitted with new
Mr and Mrs. Dave Jensen were
Saturday evening callers at the
William Claussen home.
Sunday guests of the Blake
Benson family included the Hugh
Benson family and Elwin Benson
of Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. William
Serck, Leona and Linda, Mr. and
Mrs. Art O'Neill and son. Gene,
Carroll O’Neill and Ray Keeler.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hipke and
son were Sunday afternoon visit
ors of the Claussens.
Mrs. Mamie O'Neill is spending
a few days at the Roy Lowry
home in O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Yantzi of
Chadron spent the weekend with
relatives in and around O'Neill.
Mr. an Mrs. Floyd Johnson and
Linda and Mr. and Mrs. John
Schultz and girls and Mr. and
Mrs. Vic Johnson were new year’s
day and evening guests of the Ls>
well Johnson family.
Sunday evening visitors of the
Floyd Johnson’s were Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Gallagher and Pat
and Herb Underwood. The eve
ning was spent playing cards.
Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Linda
visited with Theresa Breiner and
grandsons, Russell and Lonnie, on
Friday afternoon and evening, i
Mrs. BUI Murray was also there
and gave her mother a hair-do.
Mrs. Lou Brown visited on
Monday afternoon with Mrs.
Floyd Johnson and Linda. She
and Linda played several games
of carrum.
Mr. and Mrs Wayne Mattern
were Sunday night visitors at the
Lou Brown home.
Lou Brown left on Monday
morning for Denver, Colo., to at
tend the livestock show and ro
Mrs. Lou Brown and children
visited at the Don Hynes home
Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist and
children visited at the Don Hynes
home on Saturday night.
The Lyle Vequist, Lou Brown
and Duane Sanders families spent
Wednesday night, January 2, at
the Henry Vequist home watching
the prize fight on television.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and
Lynda were Friday evening visit
ors at the Wesley Taylor home.
Mrs. James Curren and Ardell
called at the Blake Benson home
on Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist and
children and Mr. and Mrs. Art
O’Neill were Sunday evening
guests at the James McNulty
Mr and Mrs. Don Hynes and
Lynda spent Sunday at the
George Calkins home.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Derickson
and children called on the Hynes
family Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Black, Ran
dy, Loris, Ryan and Ricky were
Sunday dinner guests of the Al
bert Widtfeldt family.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Morrow
and children were Sunday dinner
guests of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Vequist, Mr. and Mrs.
John Turner, Gene and Betty and
Margaret Donohoe were also visi
tors there.
Ray Johnson was a Wednesday
evening caller at the John Schultz
There w'as quite a wood-saw
ing ‘ bee” at the Henry Vequist
and Duane Sanders homes on
Wednesday and Thursday. Those
helping included Mr. an*! Mrs.
Floyd Sanders (Mrs. Sanders
helping in the house), Lowell
Johnson and Lyle Vequist.
Francis and Mike Sterns had j
supper with the John Schultz
family on Friday. Alden Breiner,
Phillip and Leslie came later in
the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and
Lynda spent new year’s day at
the George Calkins home. Mrs.
Mary Tomlinson and son, Larry,
were guests that day.
Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Taylor
were Tuesday afternoon callers at
the Lyle Vequist home.
Evening callers at the Don
Hynes home on January 3 in
cluded O. J. Druceke and sons,
Mardy and Danny, and Sam Der
ickson and son, Russell.
Mr. and Mrs. Art O’Neill and
Francis Johnson were evening
callers at the Floyd Johnson
home on January 2.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz and
daughters and Pat Gallagher and
Herb Underwood attended the
square dance in Page on Satur
ay night.
Floyd Johnson, in a long dis
tance telephone conversation with
his son in Masachusetts on Mon
day, was informed that they’d
had a foot of snow during that
day. New England has had some
very rugged weather, while we’ve
been enjoying this Florida-like
temperature. Folks talking of
leaving for California to spend
the winter, must be going in an
ticipation of bad weather to
Mike Sterns was a Monday
supper guest at the John Schultz
home. Francis Sterns came later
and spent the evening.
Voice Pupils Appear
in Friday Recital
Voice students of O’Neill high
school presented a recital Friday
evening. Nancy Kennell and Kar
en Bridges were student accom
Participating were Karen Har
tronft, soprano; James Reynold
son, bass; Linda MacKinlay, so
prano; Karen Gruhn, soprano,
and a triple trio composed of
Sharon Hartronft, Velda Ernst,
Elaine Krugman, Karen Bridge,
Nancy Kennell, Linda MacKinlay,
Marian Moseman, Sharon Nelson
and Jane Petersen.
Speech Class to
Meet Saturday—
Registration for the second
semester off-campus class, ”Fun
damentals of Speech”, will be
held at the O’Neill public school
Saturday, January 12, starting at
10:30 a.m.
Supt. Royal Henline of Neligh
will be the instructor for this
three - hour class from Wayne
State Teacher’s college, according
to Miss Alice L. French, county
Entertain at Dinner—
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Marlin Wiehman were Mr. and
Mrs. John Lettman of Winside
and Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius
Leonard and daughter of Wake
field, Tuesday dinner guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Frank John
son of Casper, Wyo., and Mrs. Ed
Bouska of Atkinson.
John R. Gallagher
Att irney-at-La'.v
First Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Paul Shierk
Insurance of All
Choose from such well-known lines as
Serta - Crome Craft - RCA - Admiral - Hamilton
459.50 3-Pc. Sectional 339.50
! Foam Cushions SAVE 120.00
79.50 Studio Couch 49.50
! SAVE_ ..... 30.00
269.50 2-Pc. Suite 199.50
Beige Frieze SAVE 70.00
299.50 2-Pc. Sectional 239.50
Green Frieze SAVE 60.00
239.50 2-Pc. Sectional 179 50
Gray Metallic SAVE 60.00
289.50 Hid-a-bed 199.50
Brown Frieze SAVE 90.00
69.50 Platform Rocker 39.50
SAVE__ 30.00
79.50 Swivel Rockers 54.50
Reversible Cushions SAVE 25.00
169 50 Serta Sleeper 119.50
SAVE _50.00
79 50 5-Pc. Chrome 49*50
SAVE __._30.00
1 49 50 7-Pc. Chrome 109.50
2 Leaf Table SAVE-40.00
129.50 Drop Leaf 89.50
4 chairs _SAVE.-40.00
15.95 Steam Iron 9.95
9.95 Dry Iron 7.95
19.95 Waffle Baker .. 14.95
19.95 Coffee Perculator 14.95
16.95 Automatic Skillet with lid 12.95
1 7.95 Automatic Toaster 12.95
Admiral Refrigerators, Freezers,
Electric Ranges, Washers, Dryers.
219.50 3-Pc. Walnut 189.50
SAVE__ 30.00
259.50 3-Pc. Blond Mahogany 209.50
SAVE . _ 50.00
219.50 3-Pc. Lime Oak 179.50
With Bookcase Bed SAVE _ 40.00
199.50 3-Pc. Walnut 159.50
SAVE_ _ 40.00
With any 3-Pc. Bed Room Suite,
Box Springs & Mattress 69.50
Full Size Innerspring Mattress 19.95
129.50 Drop-Leaf Table, Blond 99.50
3 Pedestal — 3 Leaves SAVE 30.00
15.95 Lime Oak Chair 12.95
SAVE 3.00
I 29.50 China Cabinet 99.50
Mahogany SAVE---30.00
139.50 Sewmore Portable 89.50
SAVE_ 50.00
349.50 Vigorelli-Automatic 279.50 I
159.50 Miracle-Necchi 99.50
16.95 Twin Drain Tubs 12.95
SAVE_ 4.00
89.50 9 X 12 Wool Rugs 59.50
129.50 Bunk Beds _ 89.50
Complete with Mattress SAVE_40.00
Save 2.00 a Sq. Yd. on Mohawk Carpet.
Phone 346-J — West O’Neill
The Frontier SPORTS
Ewing Tigers Hit
Elgin Quint, 64-41
EWING—Coach Fritz Reifert’s
Ewing high Tigers successfully
overhauled Elgin Friday night
and won it, 64-41. The Tigers'
height made the diffrence. Ray
Turner turned in 18 points for
The Eagles led 16 - 10 at the
first quarter, but the Reifert kids
were in front, 28-22, at intermis
sion and stretched the lead to 45
32 at the end of the third. Box
EWING (64) fg ft pf pts
Larson 0 0 1 0
Hahlbeck 2 0 2 4
Wright 0 0 0 0
Rotherham 0 11 1
Bartos 114 3
Tams 0 0 0 0
Scheer 5 0 310
Potter 0 5 15
Carl 6 1 3 13
Sisson 5 0 0 10
Turner 74118
Totals 26 12 16 64
ELGIN (41) fg ft pf pts
Ha. Shores 3 3 3 9
Busteed 1 0 0 21
Mason 8 6 3 22
Faubel 111 3
He. Shores 0 2 4 2
Mock 0 0 0 0
Kopestka 0 3 3 3
Martin 0 0 2 0
Totals 13 15 16 41
Game Association
to Pick Officers
There will be a meeting of the
newly-formed North-Central Ne
braska Game Conservation asso
ciation tonight (Thursday) at 8
o’clock, at the American Legion
club in O’Neill. Permanent offi
cers will be elected.
All members and any persons
who are interested in hunting
conditions in this area of Nebras
ka are urged to attend.
Dr. H. D. Gildersleeve of O’
Neill was named temporary
chairman when the group was
founded more than a month ago,
and Art Noecker of O’Neill was |
made acting secretary.
Over one hundred memberships
have been sold during the current
membership drive and anyone
wishing to join may contact their
local community representatives:
O’NEILL — Guy Cole, Virg
Laursen or Dr. H. D. Gildersleeve.
STUART—Ira M. Ready.
ATKINSON—Line Griffin.
CHAMBERS—Lloyd Hoerle.
INMAN—I. L Watson
SPENCER—Lloyd Classen.
BUTTE- Warren Jordan.
CREIGHTON—A. W. Hengstler. j
O’Neill News
Dr. and Mrs. Stephan W’allacej
and family returned Tuesday to |
their home in Wahoo after visiting j
his mother, Mrs. M. J. Wallace, I
and other relatives since Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Enedahl
and family and A. Neil Dawes
and Larry and Marvin went to Ft.
Randall Sunday and then went
ice fishing on the Missouri.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack London and
Stevie of Colome, SJJ., spent
Sunday with his uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Mike London. They
went to Spalding to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Richard London and other
relatives. They met their little
grand-niece, Cathy Jo Flaekus,
who was born January 3.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gatz went
to Omaha Monday to attend a
dealers’ meeting. Their son, Jack,
and fiancee, Miss Kay Riley, re
turned to Fairbury.
Owen Hiatt of Ralston visited
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Hiatt, and other relatives from
Saturday, December 29, to Mon
day, December 31.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fleming of
Oakdale were new year’s guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Law
Saturday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Laurence Haynes and fam
ily were Mr. and Mrs. Pete Nis
sen, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes
and the Robert Nissen family, all
of Page. Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Freemeyer of Page were
Club Meets—
The Bridge club met Wednes
day afternoon for luncheon at the
M&M and cards at the home of
Mrs. L. A. Burgess.
Atkinson Faces
Josies in Holt
1 ourney Opener
The 20th annual Holt county
prep basketball tournament will
be held at O’Neill Tuesday through
Friday, January 22-25, at the O'
Neill high school gymnasium
Tuesday, January 22: O’Neill
vs. Page, 5:45 p.m.; Inman vs.
Ewing, 7:15 p.m.; Atkinson vs. St.
Joseph’s hall (Atkinson), 8:30
Wednesday, January 23: Win
ner of O'Neill - Page game vs.
Stuart, 7 p.m.; St. Mary’s aca
demy (O’Neill) vs. Chambers,
8:30 p.m.
Thursday, January 25: Semi
Friday, January 25: Finals.
The Inman Tigers, tutored by
Bob Loomer, are the defending
champions. The Tigers also cop
ped in 1955.
Four Irrigation
Wells Reported
DEGOIT—Irrigation wells were
put down recently on the Stearns,
Schmiser, Kneival and Bill Gibbs
Other Deloit News
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sisson mov
ed to a home north of the Ewing
hotel last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Spahn
served a turkey dinner new year’s
day to the Spahn families.
Elayne Reimer returned to her
college work at Wayne Tuesday,
January 1.
Don Lubcn left Saturday for
camp after spending several days
at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer
and Elayne and Larry Olson
spent new year’s day at the How
ard Temple home in Hastings.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bartak en
tertained about 12 young folks at a
new year’s eve party at their
Don Larson returned to Boston,
Mass., Friday morning where he
is in school while in service.
New year’s eve, Mr. and Mrs.
Ewald Spahn entertained a group
of their friends at a party in their
new recreation room.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larson
and Don visited Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Mlinar and daughters of
O’Neill on Wednesday, January 2,
to celebrate Nancy’s birthday an
niversary. Nancy has been having
Hoi lie Merchant of Elgin has
been doing some remodeling at
the Philip Thiele home.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Harps ter
took Willard to the dentist several
times last week.
Mr. and Mrs. El van Kenney
and family of Iowa and Martha
Kenney of Elgin were Sunday
dinner guests at the Maynard
Stearns home.
There will be a polio benefit
bake sale Saturdey, January 12,
10 a.m., to 8 p.m., at the Dobbs
store in Chambers. Contributions
appreciated. 37c
' ¥
Manor i
ii |
i; Elgin’s |
H i
Home for the
Aged |
Under New Management •
I: >
- ,
Visitors Welcome
Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Iverson ( 1
Elgin, Nebr.
Esty Nelson and Lois and llene
spent new year’s day in Bristow
at the C. C. Nelson home.
Mr and Mrs W C. Whited and
family spent Sunday in Orchard,
at the home of Mr and Mrs. Ar
el Bright.
Sunday evening guests of Mr
and Mrs Earl Bauld in the coun
try were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Blake,
Mr and Mrs. A1 Ott and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran and
I. A Ott.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran
and A. 1. Ott were Sunday guest*
of Mr and Mrs. Alvin Ott.
Mr, and Mrs. John Schmit were
Thursday and Friday guests of
Mr and Mrs Ed Schmit.
Helen Wentworth of Norfolk,
Avon supervisor, will hold a
meeting of Avon representatives
at the home of Mrs. Henry \jcrt
flin tonight (Thursday)
On the premises, located miles K. of O'Neill sale barn.
OR 4 N and W of Pace, on—
22 HEAD OF CATTLE — Consisting of 5 Holstein cows;
2 blk wf cows: 2 half Guernsey cows; 1 bro Swiss heifer;
9 wf & blk wf heifers, 2 steers and 1 blk buLl, 3-yrs-old.
KMX) bu. Ear CORN — 10 Tbns AIFALTA
10 Tons Prairie HAY — 100 White Rock PULLETS
MACHINERY — 1951 M tractor, super |*ack & remote con
trol, 1951 Oliver 3lt> plow with raydex bots.; IHC 31 mow
er; IHC 2-row cultivator; fuel barrels; J-D 933 wagon. 90
bu. box; farm hand, basket & push-off; IHC bear grinder,
IHC electric separator; electric brooder; tank heater, crib
bing; cream cans; etc. TERMS: Cash
Buv Wanser, Auct. — O’Neill National Bank, clerk
I \
10 full ounces
in every package
don't take LESS!
Check the weight on every package!
jRwMv 0M i<{////f/f 0m
New fall and winter styles, reduced for
savings! Ladies sines 12 to 20, 16Vi to 24Vi
$4 $6 $8
One group of better cotton dresses. Prints,
plains. Broken sizes 9 to 13, 12 to 20.
Values to 3.98
Special_ 1.99
Heavy cotton outer shell with quilted wool
lining. Zip-off fur hoods. Olive drab or
grey. Sizes 40 to 48.
SPECIAL ■■■■■_ 16.88
Assorted styles and fabrics. Navy-type
coats, parkas and sur-coats. Broken sizes
4 to 16.
6.77 t» 9.77
Clearance of all women’s and children’s
knit headwear. Plenty of winter ahead,
buy now!
Reduced V2-PRICE
Large 70 x 95 size. Semi-bleached cot
ton. Edges whipped for longer wear.
Reg. 2.29
First quality al>sorbent towels. Good
heavy weight
Bath Size_2 for 99c
Hand Size_3 for 99c
Wash Cloths __ 6 for 99c
Sturdy 13%-oz. denim, western rut pants.
Slight irregulars. Plenty of wear in these.
Waist sizes 28 to 34 only. Regular 2.98 value.
Each Pair...
Good selection of children’s shoes. Leather
uppers with sturdy long-wearing soles.
Strap sandals for girls. Oxfords and hl
shoes for boys. 9 to 2.
Each Pair_2.98
Clearance of better quality cotton fabrics.
Prints, ginghams, drip-dry.
One Group_37c
One Group __57c