Hospital Notes • . • I ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: December 31—Lois Finrfi of Stuart, surgical; Mrs. Ora Yarges of Stuart, medical; Verm.n Raymer of Atkinson, medical. January 3 — Delbertj Scott of. Atkinson, medical. 5 —j Ado! h Zahl of Stuart, medical. I—Mrs Dwight Kenny of Atkin son. m dical 7 — Wesley Slay maker, jr., of Stuart, surgical. Dismissed: December 31—Mrs. PROOF! HALF AND HALF TEST makes a big difference! I Yes the amazing difference in your clothes is STA*NU. This new Miracle process means that your aatirs wardrobe takes on a NEW LOOK. Clothes cleaner and fresher ttiaa ever before. And THERE'S , ABSOLUTELY NO EXTRA CHARGE ’ tor STAANUI IDEAL CLEANERS George and Gloria MorUof IraEE pjOTOTjT DELIVERY O’Neill — Phone 775W Thilo Pp&sneCker and daughter of Atkinson; Arthur Waidman oi .Amelia, Mrs. Edward Weber of Stuart. January 1—Baby Richard Hogman of Newport; Mrs. Ther esa Kramer of Atkinson, Tom Nightengale of Atkinson, 5—Mrs. Joe Hendricks of Atkinson; Lois Pinch of Stuart. Hospitalized; Vern Siebert of Atkinson, Dick Straka of Stuart; Delbert Scott of Atkinson; Mrs. Frank Foreman of Emmet; Mrs. Casper Harley of Stuart; Mrs. Dwight Kenny of Atkinson; Mrs. Ora Yarges of Stuart; Vern on Raymer of Atkinson, Adolph Zahl of Stuart. Expired on admission. January 7—George W'hite of Atkinson. Expired: January 6—Joe Rocke of Atkinson. SACKED HEART (Lynch) Hospitalized: Dr. Edwin B. Brad ley of Spencer; Mrs. Mary Classen, of Spencer; Mrs. Mary Classen of Spencer; Mrs. Frank Cranford of Lynch, Francis Doty of Spencer; Baby Randal Lee Filsinger, son of Mr and Mrs. Leonard Filsinger, Spencer, Mrs. Carl Gnewuch of Norfolk; J- S. Graves of Naper; William Jordan of Butte; Mias Audrey Kaezor of Spencer; Mrs. Cecelia Liewer of Butte; Mrs. Joe Micanek of Lynch; Baby Julie Gail Schmitz of Bonesteel, S.D.; Fernando Grimm of Lynch. Dismissed: January 1 — Mrs Abraham Guthmiller of Anoka; Mrs. Ronald Gustafson of Butte; Vern Rust of Spencer; Rita Ann Filsinger of Spencer; William Blitzkie of Spencer; Mrs. Joseph Keller of Spencer. 2 — Baby Maury Noel Elsasser of Spencer. 4— Master Wayne Grainger of Butte. 5 — Mrs. Estel Angel of Spencer; William Boettcher of Spencer; Mrs. Lyle Watson of Chambers. 6—Mrs. Virgil Pinker man of Redbird; Master Verlin Stoltenberg of Naper. » Expired: January 2 — John Skalla of Bonesteel, S.D. Visit in Norfolk— , Mr. and Mrs. Esty Nelson and family went to Norfolk Christ mas day to visit their daughter, Mrs. Dalles Behrens and daugh ters. They returned home with the Nelsons to spend the rest of the week. Mr. Behrens came after them Sunday, December 30. CENTER UNION (O'Neill) Rev. C. P. Turner, pastor Sunday, January 13: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; the Gideons will have charge of the morning wor ship service, 11 o’clock; young peoples’ meeting, 7:30 p.m.; preaching service following the | young peoples' meeting. Prayer meeting and Bible study will be in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ernst at 8 o’clock Wednesday evening. Return from North Platte— Mr. and Mrs. Fora L. Knight returned Monday from North Platte where they visited since Friday with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lou kota, and two children. Saturday morning their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Knight of Sterling, Colo , visited at North Platte. Mrs. Shierk Hostes*— The Merry mix club met Tues day for a 1 o’clock luncheon at the M&M cafe. Cards were play ed at the home of Mrs. Paul Shierk. High score was won by Mrs. H Moses. 9FF in Session— The 9FF club met with Mrs. Dean Reed Wednesday night following a dinner at 7 o’clock at the M&M. A guest was Mrs. Don Bunkdts. -’ - mm- ... Miss Riley . . . betrothed. M iss Kay Riley to Wed O’Neillite Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Riley of Fairbury announce the engage ment and approaching marriage of their daughter, Kay, to Jack Gatz, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gatz. Miss Riley is a graduate of Fairbury high school and Duches ne college, Omaha, class of 1955. Following graduation, she taught at St. Mary’s academv, David City. Presently she is on leave from American Air Lines, where she is serving as a stewardess. Mr. Gatz was graduated from St. Mary’s here and attended the University of Nebraska and Creighton university. He is af filiated with Beta Theta Pi. He recently returned from Hawaii where he was stationed with the infantry for two years. The wedding will be an event of January 26 at St. Michael’s Catholic church in Fairbury. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNiehols ... to reside in Omaha. —O’Neill Photo Co. - I Miss Ita Bauld, Robert McNichols Exchange Vows Miss Ita Bauld, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bauld, sr., was united in marriage to Rob ert McNichols of Omaha, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Mc Nichols, at St. Patrick’s Cath olic church. The double - ring ceremony, performed by Very Rev. Tim othy O’Sullivan, church pastor, took place Saturday, January 5, at a 9:30 am., nuptial mass before altars decorated with poinsettias and lightly silvered Christmas trees. Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride appeared in a white lace, waltz-length gown with full skirt. She wore white accessories and carried a white prayer book with red roses. Tiny red rose buds dotted the streamers. She also wore a pearl necklace and matching earrings. Her matron-of-honor, Mrs. Alvin Ott, appeared in a pink faille gown fashioned along princess style with three-quar ter length sleeves. It featured a grey and pink bolero. Her bou quet was of white daisies with pink ribbons and lace. Richard McNichols served as bestman for his brother. He wore a brown suit and the bridegroom wore a blue suit. Both had white boutonnieres. Sr. M. Michael played nup tial music on the organ. After a short wedding trip, the couple will be at home in Omaha, where the bridegroom is employed at the Lang air port. Both Mr. and Mrs. McNich ols attended St. Mary’s acad emy. She was empoyed at the K&M before her marriage. Thursday Hoste«« tn Pinochle Club— DELOIT — Mrs. Frank Miller was hostess to the Deloit Pinochle club Thursday at her home. Mrs. Carl Thiele won high and travel ing prizes. Mrs. Paul Funk re ceived low. A dessert lunch was served by the hostess. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Charles McDonald February 7. New year’s guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCarville, jr., were Mr.' and Mrs. Francis Hart and family j of Winnebago. O’Neill News Patty Morrison, Patty Tomlin son and Betty Dillon spent Thursday in Ainsworth visiting friends. Miss Shirley Leahy, who teach es in Denver. Colo., returned to her work on new year’s after spending her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fritton. Miss Dorothy Bennett was met in Grand Island late Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKamy. Miss Bennett had been in Engle wood, Calif, visiting her brother in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Galbreath, and son for two months. She had attended the Rose parade in Pasadena Mr. and Mrs. Dave Burke of Ewing visited Mr and Mrs. H P Savidge Sunday. Patty Morrison, Betty Dillon, Patty Tomlinson, Larry Brook h o u s e r and Don Dobrovolnv spent Monday, December 31, In Sioux City visiting friends. They returned homo Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. William Froelich, jr., returned to Chicago, 111., Monday DRS. BROWN & FRENCH — O'NEILL — PHYSICIANS A SURGEONS a £ectet/ a New Kind of Aid! All in the ear ... no cords! To discover the secret of how you too can hear a whisper and be inconspic uous with a Vi-oz. hearing aid, call or send for free information. SONOTONE 618 Kilpatrick Bldg. You Are Invited to a ■ rnrr TCCT Your Anywhere, ■ fI\lL IEjI Home Anytime, or |S HOTEL GOLDEN, O’NEILL I I hursday, Jan. 17 — 9 a.m., to I p.m. !■ r See for Yourselli SEE THE GOLDEN ROCKET 88 ... Lowest*Priced Rocket Engine Carl It cost? much less than you’d ever guess to step up to the value of an Olds! You get big-car benefits at surprisingly small cost in Oldsmobile’s beautiful new Golden Rocket 881 Ami you get a stunning new low-level look that gives you big-car prestige and smart Modern Accent Styling. ^ hat • more, you’ll have the dynamic performance of the great new Rocket T-400 Engine* ... the luxuriously smooth riding qualities of Oldsmobile’s new Wide-Stance Chassis ... all of l‘)57’s most advanced engineering features! So come in, look around, and drive a Golden Rocket 88—now! *277-h.p. Rock.l 7-400 Engirt, itandard on all mod*/*; *p*cial Rocket Engino, with up to 312 h.p., tsvailablo at oxtra cost. II OUR QUEST . . . TAKE A ROCKET TESTI Step inside and get the excit ing feel of this new Oldsmobile. Settle back in the luxurious Tech Style Interior and take a look around. You’ll see Oldsmobile’s smart Accent Stripe highlighting the inside moUf too ... dramatic new design everywhere! Come in! Guest-drive a new Golden Rocket 88, soon! OLDSMOBI E __ YOU'RE ALWAYS WELCOME AT YOUR OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEALER’S! ~ A. MARCELLUS CHEVROLET CO., 127 North Fourth St. Phone 100 H AN OLDS TV DOUBLE FEATURE! ERNIE KOVACS, WITH A HALF-HOUR OF COMEDY . SAT., JAN. 19 * NSC-TVI I his is the Transportable X-Ray Unit operated by the I SCOVIE ANNOUNCES The Western Auto’s Annual !! »* ** 44 «« *« 9 ♦♦ i 15% OFF On All Sales Totaling $1 or More! JUST WHAT YOU'VE BEEN waiting for . . . an op portunity to cash in on some REAL DISCOUNT SAVINGS during our January Clearance. Think of it! 1 5% off on all sales totaling $1 or more. SAVE! SAVE! Sale will be in progress Thursday, Friday and SATURDAY ONLY ... so hurry! Scovie’s The ! i ! O’NEILL ■" ■— i TUBERCULOSIS ,s KELE ■■■■ini... I — imwm— I uberculosis Survey Division of the State of Nebraska Department of Health FOR YOUR PROTECTION GET FREE CHEST X RAY IN O’NEILL 1t= JANUARY 14-15-16-17-18 • s™. FRIDAY At the Youth Center— Takes only 1 Minute — Clothing Need Not Be Removed O’Neill Jan 14-18 — Chambers Jan. 22-23 — Inman Jan. 25 — I’ajre Jan. 29 — Ewing: Jan 31 - Feb. 1 Tuberculosis Is Contacted From Another Active Case It is a communicable (catching) disease. It is caused by a germ which usually attacks the lungs but may attack other parts of the body. It is spread from an infected person to others in several ways, some of which are: Through nose and throat discharges by coughing and spitting. Through using dishes, linens and other articles soiled by an Infected person. Tuberculosis infection usually is the result of continued cl ose contact with an active case, therefore, it is a "family disease." How Do We Know Who Has Tuberculosis? Early Tuberculosis is without symptoms. It is no respector of persons. It occurs in all walks of life and at any age, but is least likely to be present in a serious form between the ages of 4 and 14 years. If coughing and loss of weight are present, the disease is well advanced and a person has lost his best chance for com plete recovery. One can have a far advanced case without any symptoms. How Can We Protect Our Family? Have a Free Chest X-Ray When Our Unit Comes to Your Community Have the family physician give each member of the family a tuberculin test. If the test is ‘‘positive” have him X-ray the chest to see If nature has walled off the germs, or if they are doing harm. For safety, repeat the X-ray each year. Protect Your Home From Tuberculosis HOLT COUNTY TB ASSOCIATION