The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 27, 1956, Page 8, Image 8

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    Carols Sung, Gifts
Exchanged by Pupils
EWING— Group singing of
Christmas carols wax enjoyed by
the grade students of the Ewing
public school in the auditorium
Thursday afternoon Mrs. Wilbur
Spangler was pianist. After re
turning 1° their rooms, a Christ
mas party was held with an ex
change of gifts. Refreshments
were served.
The seventh and eighth grades
had a luncheon from noon until
1 p.m., Wednesday, December
19, with exchange of gifts on
Thursday. Mrs. Helen Grim and
her kindergarten children had
their party Friday afternoon De
cember 19 Gifts were exchanged
and refreshments were served.
The grade teachers of the
school were guests of the high
school teachers at a Christmas par
ity Wednesday evening, Decem
ber 18, at the school. Games were
played in charge of Supt. L. M.
Carter, assisted by Miss ^lice
Hamilton. Gifts were presented.
Refreshments were served by
Uie hosts, Superintendent Carter,
Mias Lena Baker, Mrs. Amber
Schlotman, Miss Elsie Chase,
Coach Fritz Reifert, Addison
Slothower and Miss Alice Hamil
Guessts were Mrs. Beulah Black,
Miss Doris North, Mrs. Grace
Thompson, Mrs. Ruth Hanson
and Mrs. Helen Grim.
Coach’* Father
Expire* at 59
EWING—Ralph Reifert, 59, a
World War 1 veteran and a long
time furniture dealer and fun
eral director at Hartington, died
at 10 o'clock Christmas eve at
Survivors include: Widow-—
Ethel; sons—James, a medical
officer in the navy, stationed
in Hawaii; Charles of Hartington;
Francis, better-known as Fritz,
the Ewing high school athletic
coach; also one daughter.
Examinations for
Postal Positions—
Opportunities to apply for
employment in the O’Neill post
office were announced in a bul
letin issued this week.
Examinations are for substi
tute clerk and city carrier po
sitions, which liave a starting
pay rate of $1.82 an hour.
Applicants must pass a writ
ten test and reside in the deliv
er area or be a bona fida pa
tron of the post office named
above. Age limits are given in
the examination announcement;
however, there is no age limit
for persons entitled to veteran
interested persons may obtain
further information and blanks
from the O’Neill postofficc or
from the director, Ninth U. S.
civil service region, New Feder
al Building, 1114 Market st„ St.
Louis 1, Mo.
Club to Meet—
The South Side Improvement
dub will meet with Mrs. Leon
Beckwith in Tuesday, January 8,
instead of the usual day.
Visitors Here—
AMl/c and Mrs Jerry Fox and
two children of Cheyenne, Wyo.,
arrived late Saturday to visit over
CTiristmas with Mr. Fox’s mother,
Mrs. Earl Fox.
Annaul Party—
Delta Dek held its annual
Christmas party last Thursday at
Mrs. Homer Mullen’s home.
District 45 Pupils Go ‘All-Out’
Pupils in the Mott rural school in Knox
county near Walnut, district 45, went “all-out"
Friday night in the school’s annual Christmas
program attended by a large crow'd. The en
tertainment included skits, poems, recitations,
and songs. Left-to-right: Front row—Wendell
Widhelm, second grade; Darvin Johnson, third;
Marce Rudloff. second; Glenda Sorensen, sec
ond; Susan Widhelm, primary; Joseph Rudloff,
primary; second row—Dennis Rudloff, fourth;
Edward Ennen, seventh; Douglas Miller, sev
enth; Janet Rudloff, sixth; Loretta Rudloff,
third; Shirley Ennen, fifth; Donna Ennen, third;
third row—Miss Deloris Belka, teacher.—The
Frontier Photo.
Amelia News
The Women’s Society of Chris
tian Service met Thursday, De
cember 21, at the church annex.
There were 19 members present.
Mrs, Lawrence Barnett of Gree-|
Icy, Colo., a former member, was a
visitor. Mrs. Delbert Edwards had
charge of the discussion on edu
cation. Mrs. Emma Lindsey and
Mrs. Etta Ott served luncheon.
There was also an exchange of
Mrs. Emma Lindsey and Flor- j
once went to Omaha Monday to
spend Christmas with the P. L.
Strenger family.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Dierking
and Cynthia and Mrs. Stella
Sparks drove to Ord Sunday en
joying supper at the Legion club, j
and later attending a show in j
Mi', and Mrs. Gale Fix and
family of Scottsbluff are visiting j
their respective parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Fix and Leone, and
Mrs. Alice Prewitt and family
during Christmas vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Thompson,
Ronnie and Kay, spent Christmas
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Will Dierks, at Scottsbluff.
The Merrj Matrons club met
Thursday, December 20, for its
Christmas party at the home of
Mrs. Blake Ott with Mrs. Stella
Sparks as cohostess. A goose din
ner was served. The afternoon was
spent with games and contests
and a gift exchange.
The Christmas program at the (
Methodist church Friday evening
was well attended and much en-j
... „ .. _
ivir. ana ivua.
spent Christmas at Lincoln with
their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Johnson and Mark.
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Svatas, Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Svatas and Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Maas were
Christmas day guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Orville Svatas near Cham
i bers.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Waldo
and daughters. Barbara and Judy,
arrived Friday from Denvei,
Colo., to spend Christmas with
homefolks. They were guests on
Christmas day at the Lloyd Wal
do’s. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Werner
1 and family of Chambers were al
I so guests. •
Mrs. Bertha Sammons enter
tained the Duane and Roy Miller
families at Christmas dinner.
Mr and Mrs. Heinie Frahm and
family visited at the Elvin Wel
ton home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnes and
family of Scottsbluff spent the
Christmas vacation with Mrs.
Etta Ott and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Adams and Don in Amelia, and
with her mother, Mrs. Ira Hop
kins, in O'Neill.
Mr and Mrs. Bert Newkirk and
son. Scotty, of Lincoln arrived
Saturday evening and visited
over Sunday with her mother,
Mrs. Edith Andersen. Other din
ner guests on Sunday were Mr.
and Mrs. Lew Baekhaus and Mr
and Mrs. Earnie Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs. Hienie Frahm and
Patty, Douglas and Dannie, spent
the day after Christmas with Mr.
Frahm’s twin sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Jerome Krutz and family near
Mr. aad Mrs. George Fullerton
Phillis and Dale, drove to Omaha
Saturday to meet their son, Don,
who flew home from Los Angeles,
Calif., for the holidays. They en
joyed their Christmas dinner with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Spath, on Sunday at their home
in Omaha, returning that evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Porter and
sons of Thermopolis, Wyo., ar
rived Saturday to spend Christ
mas with her mother, Mrs. Eva
Baekhaus, and sister, Caroline,
and other relatives at Chambers.
Chambers News
Miss Shirley DeHart and pupils
of the Anderson school presented
a Christmas program on Thurs
day evening, December 21. It was
well attended. The Valley Center
school, district 107, taught by j
Miss Lorraine Farrier and Mrs.
Kenneth Adams, presented a pro
gram on Tuesday evening, De'
cember 18.
Mrs. Carrie Halloway was hon
ored by a card shower on her
91th birthday anniversary, which
occurred on Sunday, December
The Methodist youth fellowship
went earroling Sunday evening
after which the carollers were
guests of Mrs. Harry Myers for
1 ..
James Tangeman, who is teach
ing at Polk, is spending the holi
days with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Tangeman.
Memorial Baptist church pre
sented a cantata, “Immanuel For
ever”, Sunday evening, Decem
ber 23. On Monday evening, the
Sunday - school presented its
Christmas program. A film, “My
stry of Bethlehem”, by Billie
Graham, was shown, with singing
by George Beverly Shea and Cliff
Barrows. The church plans to
hold a watch night service on De
cember 31 from 8 p.m., until
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wal
ter and children, Linda and Jim
mie, spent Christmas with her
parents at North Platte.
Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Avard and
Patty came Saturday, December
22. Mrs. Avard and Patty, who
are attending school in Kearney,
plan to remain with her father,
E. H. Medcalf until new year’s.
Mr. Avard returned to his work
at Ainsworth Sunday evening.
Batenhorst Accepted
into Dental School—
STUART — Kenneth Baten
horst,son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Batenhorst of Stuart was ac
cepted into the college of dent
istry at the University of Nebras
ka on December 21.
His freshman year will begin
in September 1957.
Kenneth was graduated from
Stuart high school in 1951 and
attended Creighton university
prior to serving in the navy.
Since his separation from the
navy, he has attended the Uni
versity of Nebraska.
Frontier for Printing.
Ed Dewey, VC ife
Wedded 53 Years
CHAMBERS—Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Dewey observed their 53rd wed
ding anniversary in a quiet man
ner at their home in Chambers
Sunday, December 23.
Other Chambers News
Mrs. Viola Hoesener and son,
Alvin, of Stanton were overnight
guests in the A. A. Walter home
Friday, December 21. They also
visited the Rueben Peltzer,
Wayne Smith and Raymond Wal
ter families. Mrs. Haesener and
Mrs. A. A. Walter are sisters.
Duane Porter arrived home
from Greenville, S.C., where he
is attending Bob Jones university,
to spend the holidays with home
Vivian Harley came Wednes
day, December 19, from Sdward
to spend the holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Har
Donald Fullerton of Lancaster,
Calif., is spending the holidays
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Fullerton and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerold McClana
han and sons of Omaha came
Sunday, December 23, to spend
the holidays with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Chet McClanahan, and
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barnett
and daughters, Ardith and Con
nie, otf Greeley, Colo., are spend
ing the holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Alderson, at
Chambers and Iris parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Stacy Barnett, at
A mol i n
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Albers
and family of York came Monday
to spend Christmas at the home of
his mother, Mrs. Anna Albers,
and brofher-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Walter.
Guais Wintermote returned
i from Lincoln Friday evening, De
i cember 21, bringing Mary Ellen
| Gillette of Chambers and Zane
Edwards of Amelia home for the
holidays. Both are freshmen at
Wesleyan university.
James Newhouse and two sons
of Wichita, Kans., Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Newhouse and family of
Lincoln and Katheryn Newhouse
of Detroit, Mich., spent Christmas
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. E. Newhouse. This is the first
time in 10 years the family has
been together. Mrs. James New
house was unable to be present
because of the illness of her
Mr. and Mrs. Ben A. Medcalf
and children of Sioux City came
Saturday, December 22, to spend
Christmas with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter, and his
father, E. H. Medcalf.
A pre-Christmas family dinner
was held Sunday, December 23,
at the G. H. Grimes home. Pre
sent were: Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Grimes, Bernard, Edythe and Ri
chard, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coo
lidge and Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Grimes, Gleeson, Gloria
and Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Adams and Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Adams and son, Larry.
Mr. and Mrs. James Messer
brink and daughter, Cheryl, of
Fremont; Mrs. Hazel Boatman
and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lange
and sons of Atkinson were Sun
day, December 22, dinner guests
at the Vem Wilkinson home.
---»■ ~
Marta Mignery Weds
at Grand Island
DELOIT-'-Miss Marta Mignery
was married at Grand Island on
Saturday, December 22.
Marta is a senior at Wayne
State Teaener’s college She is
he younger daughter of Mr. and
Mrs Melvin Mignery of Bartlett.
Her husband's home is Grand
j Island.
Other Deloit New*
Elayne Reimer, who is a stu-,
dent at Wayne State Teacher’s1
college, came home Friday to |
spend the holidays with her par-!
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer. I
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Thiele
spent Sunday at the Ronnie Hem
erway home.
Mrs. Stevens, second grade
teacher in the Neligh schools, I
spent Monday at the Henry Rei
mer home.
Mr and Mrs. Glenn Harpster
and sons were dinner guests on
Christmas day at the Alford Na
piers residence.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harpster
spent Christmas at the Reimer
home in Ewing.
Correction: The Otto Kallhoff
family has television, not Mrs.
G. A. Bauer, as recently reported.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manson
of O’Neill spent Christmas with
Mrs. Malison’s mother, Mrs. An
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer
and Elavne and Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. Larson spent Christmas eve
at the Elmer Pahl home in Oak
land and Christmas day at the
Don Starr home in West Point.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clements of
O'Neill spent Sunday evening
with Mrs. Bauer. Janice Bauer
also spent several days with her
Harold Millikan, president of
Norfolk Christian college, will be
in charge of tha Sunday morning
and evening services at the
Church of Christ in Ewirig on
Sunday, December 30.
Mrs. E. L. Sisson spent the
u eek at her farm home.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Slattery and
family of Durango, Colo., arrived
Sunday to spend Christmas with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Slattery of Longpine. They also
visited Mr and Mrs. L. D. Put
nam and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Slat
tery, jr.. at Star. The Slatterys
formerly lived northeast of O’
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harley of
Atkinson have named their new
daughter, Kathleen Suzanne. The
Harle\* spent Christmas with her
parents. Ml* knd Mrs. Ralph
Mr. and Mrs. George Munun,
jr., spent from Saturday until
Christmas morning with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mumm.
sr., at Creighton and returned
to spend Christmas with her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Orsborn.
Others present were Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Orsborn and family and
Mr and Mrs William Orsborn
Page Band Concert
Slated for January—
PAGE—The cage schools will
resume classes on Wednesday,
January 2. The winter band and
vocal concert will be held Friiday,
January 4. at the school audi
torium. starting at 8 o’clock.
The band mothers w'ill serve
pic anil coffee following the
Dr. J. L. Sherbahn
Vi Block So. of Ford Garage
Complete X-Ray Equipment
O’Neill, Nebraska
Alice’s Beauty Shop
Res. 3 doors west of Texaco
125 East Douglas
Phone 263 — O’Neill
Improved 240-Acre Holt Co. Farm
(In Redblrd Vicinity, Northeast Holt Co.)
At Referee's Sale!
By order of District Court, the following described real estate
will be sold at auction at west front door of Holt Co. Curt
house, O’Neill, Nebr., on—
Tuesday, January 8,1957
Starting at 2 P. M.
IMPROVEMENTS—Four- bedroom dwelling, frame. REA,
electric hot water heater, electric pump, full basement
(partitioned). Large barn, 28’ x 40’, stanchions in good
condition. Brooder house. Calf shed 10’ x 14’. Hog
house 25’ x 45’. Two corrals. Young orchard.
LAND—Pasture and alfalfa except 15-A. under cultivation.
Well fenced, cross-fenced, spring-fed stream, open year
around, through pasture. Legal description: E%NWy4
and NEy4 of Section 27, Twp. 32, Range 10, W. of Sixth
P.M., Holt Co., Nebr.
20% down on day of sale; balance upon court confirma
tion. Abstracts on file for inspection. For inspection
of premises contact referee or attorney (indicated below).
) NOTICE: Mrs. Irene Carsten, widow of the late Chester G.
Carsten, is sole owner of adjoining additional 200-A. of
pasture’and hay land to be offered at private sale si
multaneously: SEVi Sec. 27, NEy4 of NW14, Sec. 35, all
i in Twp. 32, Range 10, W. of Sixth P. M., Holt Co.
Atkinson, Nebr.
O’Neill, Nebr. |
American Legion Ball Room I
— O’Neill — I
Sunday, December 30 |
Music by
Don Shaw and his Orchestra
Admission: $1.00 per person 4
Annual New Year’s Eve Party J|
for Lerion and Auxiliary members and their inesto S
Congratulations! to t
Welcome the First-Comer
in 1957!
The lucky parents will receive a
THAT’S OFR WAY of welcoming: the lucky little boy or
g:irl . . . the first arrival of the new’ year.
Headquarters for GAS or ELECTRIC
O Neill and Chambers
... presents . • .
To the Winnah!
Gift Subscription
I -1
Who’ll Be First Sf!*8
*n on
The Lucky First-Comer in *57 Will
We proudly salute the new Holt County Baby Derby
Champion. One case of oUr famous VITAMIN D will
be delivered to the lucky baby’s front door (if the win
ner resides in one of the Holt county cities or towns) or
the parents may claim the case of milk at one of stores.
Ask for MEADOW GOLD . . At the Store or At Your
Your Door
BILL PERRY, Mgr., Phone 464-W
he Baby Derby Champ
\\ E RE PLEASED to present to tlie first
corner in ’57 one case of —
Harding Cream
takes great pleasure in welcoming the
hirst-Born in the New 't ear of 57
FOR T1IE PARENTS of the luck.v one we’ll
happily present . . .
Harding Butter
Manufactured in O’Neill—the Hotter Capitol of the Sandhills!
' —." ". I'
One Case of Pop
. . . directly from our factory — our gift
to the proud POP of the Baby
Derby Champ! |
First Baby’s beaming
Dad will be entitled
to pick his choice ol
flavors — with our
Happy New
Merri- Dr. Pepper Bottling Co.
R. E. Moore, Prop.
HERE AT MclNTOSH’S we feel the first 1957 baby to be
bom In Holt County is entitled to something really
special. So we have set aside two fine gifts!
lO Karat Gold
. . . plus . . .
1847 Rogers Silver-Plated
McIntosh Jewelry
“Where Price and Quality Meet”
Ml ea-ei .e.ei— an -m »-—■ - — ■ an ■ an m m — -