The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 27, 1956, Page 7, Image 7
I I FOR SALE FOR SALE: Duo Therm oil heat er and 500 gallon fuel oil sup ply tank, good as new. Will sell at half price—Robert MacLachlan, Phone 8751, At kinso"- 35-36p USED CARS 1956 Plymouth Savoy, 4-door, 2 R»ne, heater. 1954 Chev., 150 series, 2-door, very clean. 1955 Chev., 210 Del Rae, 2-tone paint, radio, heater. 1951 Chevrolet, 2-door. 1951 Plymouth, 2-dr. 1948 Buick, priced for quick sale.: 1949 Chevrolet, motor very good. 1946 Motorcycle, Harley David son, completely overhauled and repainted. FULL LINE OF AUTO PARTS Qualified Mechanics LOWEST HOURLY RATES We work evenings to get your job done! Hometown Motor Co. Ph 430, O’Neill FOR YOUR RADELLE needs — Viola Schneider, Phone 8032, Atkinson. 35p. FOR SALE: 4 registered Angus bulls 20 months old; purebred Hampshire boars and bred gilts.—El merest Farms, 6 miles south, 1% east Leigh, Nebr. 34-35c Used Car Bargains! 1952 Champ, hardtop. 1951 Studebaker Commander. 1952 Customllne Ford 8, tudor. iQ^n rwiffp 1952 1V4-T. long wheelbase Ford truck. Smith Motor Co. Studebaker Phone 562 — O’Neill IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured? —See Ed Thonn, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 44tf Northwest Electric Motor Service DISTRIBUTOR for Fairbanks - Morse and Wagner. Electric motor rebuilding specialists. Motor controls. Portable tools. APPLIANCES — COMMERCIAL AND REA WIRING 24 - Hour Service “Service is our motto I" Phone 243-W O’Neill 30tf USED MACHINERY TRACTORS— ‘49 J-D B 2—'’42 B J-D. 40 B J-D. 1940 J. D. A GRINDERS— J-D 10" hammermill. MOWERS— No. 5 J-D. Farmhand heavy duty loader JOHN DEERE CREDIT PLAN Up to Years to Pay Harry R. Smith Impls. Your John Deere Dealer Phone 562 — O’Neill FOR SALE: Registered Hereford bulls, 12 to 25 mos. old.—2% mi west of Drive In. John Nlewohner, O’Neill 27-35p FOR SALE:Fifty storm windows, various sizes. Also very good 36 - inch combination door.— Ralph Beckwith, phone 553-R O’Neill._ 34-35c FARM MACHINERY Farmall M Farmall H Ford Tractor Farmall 20 Loaders — Several makes and models. No. 9 Trail mower Dirt scoop to fit Ford. Cream separators Mavtag Washer Used refrigerators Whirlpool washers Whirlpool dryers Whirlpool freezers Toy tractors and implements. Seif-washing separators. For The BEST TRADE See Shelhamer Equip. Co. Your International Dealer Phone 570 — O'Neill USED CARS GIVE US a bid on these . . . all local cars: •53 Chevrolet Hardtop Bel Aire, radio, automatic shift, looks and runs like new. One owner car. •53 Chrysler Windsor 4-door se dan. Radio, automatic shift, perfect condition. One-own - •51 Kaisers - f !?r 22 •49 Chevrolet two-door $175.00 •48 Ford coupe --12222 •46 Ford fordor-- J“U.UU •49 Kaiser-——- *275 00 •48 Jeep, runs good $275.W) USED PARTS for 1947, 1948, 1949. 1950 Kaisers at one third or less the new price! ALSO new parts for all Kais ers, Jeeps and Willys pick ups. Hurry! Outlaw Implement Co. O’NEILL, NEBR. S8-34c SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile houses, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to nay. Write or phone.—Con tois Motor Co., NeUgh. SOtf ATTENTION. FARMERS and Ranchers Salt, any hind, $16 and up. Will deliver large or ders to any vicinity. Located 3 blocks east and 4 blocks north of traffic signal — Phone 524-M, O'Neill. 51tf FOR SALE: Aeromoter wind mills and towers, galvanized stock tanks, 8- and 10-foot sizes.—John Sobotka, Inman, Nebr. 23tf REAL ESTATE Real Estate FOR SALE Nine-room house, modern, nice lot, good location, very good terms, priced reasonable. 1,800-acre ranch with immediate possession, very good terms 240-acre improved farm, north east of Atkinson. 320-acre farm east of Atkinson. 880-acre ranch in western Boyd county. Ed Thorin O’Neill - Phone 207 Auctioneer - Real Estate Broker 31c FOR SALE Improved 520-acre farm in N.E. Holt county. SEV< sec. 11-30-14 _ $35 per acre Quarter section, good pasture, well fenced. Abart Company Phone 520 — O’Neill 48tf 2 — Good Nebr, — 2 Ranches For Sale 940 acres all pasture and hay, with dam, springs and shelter belts. 960 acres, hay and pasture and some farming, good wind breaks. EASY TERMS J. F. CONTOIS O’Neill, Nebr. Real Estate Broker Phone 368 ANGUS BREEDING STOCK FOR SALE Herd Sires Bluebay Lad 31” of Ida from the family that produced the all American supreme champion. Pers Century of BBB by Re serve Champion at Denver in 1954. Visitors always welcome. BEELAERT’S BETTER BRED BLACKS Frank Beelaert & Son 1V4 S., 1 E., & S. of Page, Nebr. 34-36-38-40-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT: Furnished, heated apartment, 3 rooms plus kitch enette and bath. Close in. — Phone 556-R. O'Neill. 19tf FOR RENT: Furnished apt., 4 rooms and bath. Utilities fur nished.—Phone 537 , O'Neill. 30 tf FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — Phone 537, O’NeilL 16tf FOR RENT: House, modern two-bedrooms.—Pete Petersen, O’Neill, phone 491-W. 35c FOR RENT: Winter storage.— Contact K. C . Hunt, O’Neill. 30tf FOR RENT: Partly modern 6 room house for rent. Close in. —Mrs. Frank Valla, 317 E. Everett st„ O’Neill. 27tfc FOR RENT: Furnished and un furnished apts.—A. E. Bowen, phone 515, O’Neill. tf FOR RENT: Furnished apart ment. Close in.—Mrs. Clar ence Donohoe, Phone 559-R O’Neill. 32tf CARDS of THANKS WE ARE so very grateful to the many friends and neighbors who so kindly helped us during our recent bereavement, and to all who furnished food and as sisted here at the house and at the church. Also for your kind expressions of sympathy. We sincerely thank you and may God bless you all.—The Tren nepohl family. 35p50 I WISH to thank my friends and relatives for their cards and letters and their visits to me A special tnanks to Dr. Brown, the Sisters and nurses for the care I received while a pa tient at St. Anthony’s. For all I am truly grateful.—Fred Daniels. 35p50 I WISH to thank all my rela tives and friends for the cards, letters and visits to me while I was in Tilden hos pital. They helped make the stay1 more pleasant.—Mrs. C. E. Brittell. 35p. THANKS to all our relatives and friends that sent cards, gifts and visited me during my stay in the hospital.—Mrs. Joe Beelart. 35c DOCTOR JAY SPEAKS CHAMBERS — Dr. J. LaVerr Jay of O’Neill, superintendent ol the northeast district, delivered the message at the morning wor ship service at the Method is' church. MISCELLANEOUS j Kelly’s Plumbing YOUR HEADQUARTERS for plumbirig and well supplies, plumbing fixtures, Geneva steel kitchens, water systems, water softeners, septic tanks, root proof sewer pipe, wind mill heads and towers, pump jacks, well points, cylinders and leathers. If it pertains to plumbing or wa ter supply, we have it! Located 5 blocks south of the New Deal Oil Station, O’Neill. 43tf ANNOUNCEMENT Architectural designing, planning, estimating and drawing. Robert J, Krotter GRADUATE ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEER O’Neill, Nebraska Phone 531 or 285-J DANKERT’S PROPANE O’NEILL AND CHAMBERS Bulk Gas Deliveries Norge Appliances Gas Heating Systems Dearborn, Seigler, Coleman, Universal, Hunt SPECIAL ON WASHER 8t DRYER COMBINATIONS Dankert’s Propane 22tf STOCKMEN if you me waiting to see, you will be two years behind when you do see that Curtis Sires are improving the cattle in this area.—Call 469J Duane Gray, O’Neill. 31tf. IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 34tf Wick’s Body Shop Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service 219 West Douglas — O’NEILL — NOTICE: I have purchas e d Gansters Return, a purebred registered greyhound from the John Pesek kennel of Ravenna. This is a grand son of the great Gangster’s Shadow. Mr. Pesek advertis ed him as the fastest dog alive. Will start him at Stud at the ranch 17 miles northeast of Burwell. Stud fee $20.00— Ray L Gumb. 34-35p Business Opportunity Standard Service STATION for lease in O'Neill. Very good business. Good location. For details, write — W. C. Whited O’Neill, Nebr., 319 E. Fremont or phone 709. 24 tf O. E. ("Oakie") DAVIDSON Plumbing & Heating “The Best Work for the Least Money” GAS WATER HEATERS Sc FURNACES Phone 1 26 — O Neill DON’T LET YOUR ACCOUNTS die of old age. — Call 520, O’ Neill Credit Bureau. SOtf AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED THORIN Farm Sales a Speciality Phone 207 — O’Neill 3 6 Months to Repay on Real Estate LOANS $1,000 or less $23.00 to $1,000 ON FURNITURE OR AUTO Made on our regular monthly re payment plan and on a Special plan for farmers. CONFIDENTIAL PERSONAL SERVICE Central Finance Corp. C. E. JONES, Mgr. Phone 14 O’Neill ttfc L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator and Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf HALVA ELECTRIC O’NEILL THERE IS NO job too large or too small for us to repair. CAR HEATER motors repaired while you wait. 27-35c Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill AT YOUR SERVICE IN REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE KEITH ABART Phone 209, O’Neill 28tf WANTED WANTED: Baby-sitting evenings, after 6 o’clock. Very reliable.— Call 143-W. 33-36pl00 WANTED: Car salesman, state experience, qualifications, sal ary desired, reference, and other information in full in first letter. Jess Tepner Chev rolet Co., Creighton, Nebr. 34-35 WANTED: Experienced married man for year-around ranch work. School close.—C. M. KeLler, Newport, Nebr. 34-35p LOST & FOUND LOST: Green two - tone earring between my residence and St. Patrick’s church on Third st.— Mrs. Frank Valla, O’Neill. 35p40 Legal Notices (First pub. Dec. 27, 1956) John R. Gallagher, Attorney NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 4163 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, December 24, 1956. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HELEN SIMAR, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court, for the appointment of John R. Gallagher as Admin istrator of said estate, and will be heard January 17th. 1957 at 10 o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Ne braska. LOUIS E. REIMER, County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 35-37 (First pub. Dec. 27, 1956) Wm. W. Griffin, Attorney Estate No. 4164 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA ESTATE OF THEODORE II. SCHOENJAHN, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, to all persons interested in said estate, take notice that a peti tion has been filed for probate of the last will and testament of said deceased, with authenticated copy and record of proceedings, thereon by the District Court of Iowa in and for Monona County, and for appointment of Theresa L. Schoenjahn as Executrix of said Will, which has been set for hearing herein on the 17th day of January 1957, at ten o’clock a.m. Dated this 26th day of Decem ber, 1956, LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 35-37c NOTICE A meeting of the stockholders of the O’Neill Civic Club will be held January 8, at 8 p.m., at the Golden hotel for the purpose of election of officers and for the transacting of such other business as may come before the meeting. J. B. GRADY, Secretary-treasurer of O’Neill Civic Club. 35c O’NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Tib betts and family of Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tibbetts and two daughters and Mrs. Edith Castleman, a patient at St. An thony’s hospital, were Christmas dinner guests in the Arthur Tibbetts home. Donald McNair and Mr. and Mrs. Cabel Bush, the former Leona McNair, all of Omaha, spent their Christmas vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George McNair. Christmas dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rohrer were: Mr. and Mrs. John Rohrer and son, Richard, of Den ver, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bowers of Plain view; Mr. and Mrs. Lor in g Jenkins and family of Plain view; Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kendall of Pierce; Mr. and Mrs. Don Clyde and family and Clarence Farr, all of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Art Noecker and family spent Christmas with rel atives in Hartington. Spending Christmas at the Bert Henning home at Atkinson were Mr. and Mrs. Russel Yusten and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson and family of O’Neill. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Henning and family of Atkinson and Freddy Grothe of Emmet. January Studies Planned tor WSCS PAGE;—Mrs. Merwyn EYench, sr.. will conduct classes in mission study for the WSCS on "Youth in .1 Responsible Society—A Chris tian Concern” and "High Hours ot Methodism in Town-Country Communities" in a churchwide study effort with Mrs. Melvin Smith in charge of the children's study on Sunday mornings. All-day meetings will be held in January and both studies will be* concludes! during the month. Mrs. EYench assisted Mrs. El mer Trowbridge with the lesson which was presented in skit from “Christinas at Home”, assisted by members of the society The triple trio sang "Dona, No bis Pacem” and ‘‘Do, How a1 Rose” acompanied by Mrs. Mer- j wyn EYench, jr. Mrs. Soren Sorensen, sr., and Mrs Jesse Kelly served lunch. Other Page News Mrs. Mary Stevens and son, James, and son-in-law, Henry Matoucek, arrived Monday eve- ( rung, and are guests in the Don and Eva Cunningham and the j Herbert Stevens home. The ladies are sisters. Tiie Christmas program at dis trict 57 was followed by a lunch of pie and coffee. Miss Delores Mellor is the teacher. Studies will be resumed on December 31. Joe Schollmeyer, who lives north of O’Neill, has purchased the Art Frahm farm, northwest of Page, for a consideration of $5, 300. ivir. anci ivus. aivu xuwurchu ui Columbus recently came after his mother, Mrs. Carrie Townsend. She will spend the winter months at Columbus and Norfolk, the lat ter being at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Chmeler. Mrs. Hester Edmisten was hos- i tess to a group of friends for din- j nor Sunday evening. Guests in-1 eluded Mr. and Mrs. William, Neubauer, Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ic- | kes of Ft. Collins, Colo., and Mr. and Mrs. Edgor Wood of Lincoln. Evening guests were Mr. and Mrs. | Calvin Harvey and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Steinberg. Mrs. C. P. Leach held high score, Mrs. Ethel Waring low, and Mrs. Clarence Dobbins received the traveling award when Mrs. Anton Nissen was hostess to the members of the GGO&G club Friday afternoon at cards and the annual Christmas party. Lunch followed an exchange of gifts. Rahn Home Scene of Group Gathering CELIA—A young peoples’ par ty was held at the David Rahn home Friday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis and d a ug liters, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks and family, Duane Waldrop, Herman Meyer and Beverly, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Dobias and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob C'earns, Vivian and Vir ginia Thurlow, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hupp, Rev. and Mrs. Stein camp, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Orr' and family, Charles and Lrancis Chaffin, Rev. and Mrs. Charley Phipps, Lloyd, Bernice and Jerry Hendricks. —, Other Celia News Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilmurry and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Pat Kilmurry home in Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reiser and family visited the Joe Hendricks home Sunday and were there for dinner. Clarence Focken, jr., and Patty Allyn were at the Clarence Foc ken, sr„ home for supper Sunday evening. i r i » mwudo Cnf nrrl'Jir nt x u iv. u»*»*«v* o ~ ~'—-—-ar the Clarence Johnson home were: Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck and Sheryl, Mr. and Mrs. George Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mlinar, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mlinar, Mr. and Mrs. Dwaine Lockmon and boys, Mrs. Libby Mlinar, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Batenhorst and Lynctte. William Maloun helped Duane Beck butcher a beef Saturday. That evening Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Maloun, Billy and Dorothy were supper guests at the Beck home. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hupp, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Orr and daugh ter and Mr. and Mrs. David Rahn and family visited at the Joe dricks home Sunday evening. Roger Hoffman spent Monday night with Billy at the William Maloun home. Mr. and Mrs. Omer Poynts vis ited Monday at the Mark Hen dricks home. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY'S (O'Neill) Admitted: December 19—Mrs. Hugh Langan of O’Neill. 20—Mrs. Wood Jarman of Chambers; Micheal McManus of O’Neill; Marlene McManus of * O’Neill; Terry McManus of O'Neill. Mar garet McManus ot O'Neill; Mrs. Emil Adamson of O’Neill. 21— Raymond Carlisle of Atkinson; Miss Ruth Ann Scott of Cham bers; James Tangeman of Cham bers. 22—Mrs. Donald Caskey of Orchard; James May of Inman; Mrs. Hazel Endicott ol' O’Neill. 23 —Mrs. Ivan Wayman of O’Neill; Mrs. Louis Zastrow of O'Neill; Elmer Juracek of O’Neill; Mrs. Bernard Schmitz of O’Neill; Nelse Anderson of Butte. 24 — Mrs. Frank Biglin of O’Neill. 25—Miss Joellyn liackhaus of Chambers. 26—Jess Wills of Emmet; LeRoy Claaey of Page; James Batenhorst o£ Stuart; Evelyn Stannard of O’ Neill. Dismissed: December 19—Ger ald Monk of O'Neill; Mrs. Clif ford Potter of Ewing. 20 — Miss Sherry Stewart of Page; Mrs. Bertha Reed of Page. 21—Darrol Baker of O’Neill; Otis Armfield of Anoka; Mrs. Michael Reiser of Butte. 22 — Graydon Bates of Emmet, Marlene McManus of O’Neill; Margaret McManus of O'Neill; Micheal McManus of O’ Neill; Terry McManus of O’Neill; Mrs. Vernon Carpenter and baby girl of O’Neill. 23—James Tange man of Chambers; Raymond Car • ii . r A • M rc .InO uau. * --» - Schmidt and baby girl of O’Neill;' Mrs. Hazel Endicott of O’Neill; Mrs. Hugh Langan and baby girl [ of O'Neill; Miss Ruth Ann Scott' of Chambers. 24 — Mrs. Wood Jarman of Chambers; Mrs. Emil Adamson of O’Neill; Elmer Jura cek of O’Neill. 25—Mrs. Donald Caskey and baby girl of Orchard. 26—James May of Inman. Hospitalized: Mrs. Lois Adams of Chambers; Jess Wills of Em met; Edith Castle man of O’Neill; Mrs. Ivan Wayman of O’Neill; Mis. Louis Zastrow of O’Neill; Mrs. Catherine Malloy of Atkin son; Nclse Andersen of Butte; LeRoy Clasey of Page; Mrs. j Frank Biglin of O’Neill; Garrett. Janzing of O’Neill; Mrs. Bernard Schmitz of O’Neill; Joellyn Back haus of Omaha. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: December 17— Mrs Richard Shaw of Atkinson, medi cal. 18—Donald Putnam of At kinson, medical. 19—Mrs. LeRoy Fullerton of Stuart, obstetrical. 20 _John O’Connell of Emmet, acci dent. 23—Mrs. Blanche Edwards of Chambers, medical. Dismissed: December 18—Mrs. Frank Foreman of Emmet; Harry Kopp of Stuart; Doan Schaaf of Atkinson. 19—Mrs. Arthur Harley and daughter of Atkinson. 20 — Mrs. Everett Standage of Atkin son. 21—Mrs. John Barnes of At kinson; Sister Mary Richardis of Atkinson. 22—Mrs. Arlen Brown and son of Atkinson; Mrs. Rich ard Shaw of Atkinson. 23—John O’Connel of Emmet. Hospitalized: Art Waldman; Ri chard Straka; Mrs. Theresa Kra mer; Joe Roone; Mrs. LeRoy Ful lerton and daughter. lundberg memorial (Creighton) December 15-22 Admitted: Mrs. William Kruse of Winnetoon; Mrs. William Stoural of Niobrara; Jerry Jirou sek of Verdigre; Mrs. Tom Bryce of Creighton, Mrs. Joe Rudloff of Verdigre; George Kumm of Creighton; Mrs. Johnny Mlady of Verdigre; Max Jacob of Bloom field. Dismissed: Baby Kotrous of Verdigre; Mrs. Leo Mulhair of Lynch; Mrs. Rose Bicek of Ver digre; Mrs. William Kruse ami son of Winnetoon; Mrs. Joe Rud k>ff of Verdigre, Mrs. Willard Stoural of Niobrara Real Estate Transfers QCD — C. M. Daly to Bertha Bellar 12-14-56 $1 -Lots 12-13-14 Blk H- O’Neill & Hagertys’ Add O'Neill. QCD—Alex & Herman Friekel to Victor Friekel 8-31-56 $1 -N'v Sec 2- SW>4 2-31-14 E4 35-32 14 and >2 Int in NW'4 6-31-14 WD — Bertha Bellar to Ger trude Thomson & hus 12-21-56 $5700-Lots 10-11-12-13 & 14 Blk H-O’Neill & Hagertv's Add- O’ Neill. WD—William Finch to Coral E Finch 12-10-56 $1 - & Court Decree- Lots 7-8-9-10 Blk 17 Kimball & Blair’s Add-Stuart. WD — Rose Ann Whidden to Adelbert Fauquier & wf 12-12-56 $3250-Part of SW'4 Sec 20-26-12 260 ft by 60 ft QCD—Harold Albrecht, et al to Amelia Albrecht 10-18-56 Sl-E’, 24- 31-14. QCD—Sylvia Lieb to Ernest M Lieb 12-15-56 $l-Lot 4 Blk 2-B Ballons Add-Atkinson WD—Jay DeGroff to Lew A. Carter & wf 12-12-56 $1-Piart of Lots 15 & 16 Blk 31-O’Neill. WD — Nettie M Fletcher to State of Nebraska-10-23-56 $98 Part EMjN^NE‘4 24-29-12. WD—Marie Etta Hornbaok to State of Nebr - 10-15-56 $23.40 Part W*£NW'4SW *-4 Sec 18-32 11. WD—Cleta Ritts to State of Nebr 10-29-56 $516 - Part E^NEft Sec 25-29-12. WD—Marie Stuckey to State of Nebr -10-16-56 $289 80-Part EVi 25- 32-12 & Part W4SE>4 30-32 11. * ... - ■■ Hold Family Gathering — The James Boyle home was the scene of a nearly complete family gathering on Christmas I--: ,|ay All the immediate family wore present with the exception of one son, Donald, and family Of Junction City, Kans. Pres ent were Mr and Mrs. Robert Trowbridge and family, Omaha. Mr and Mrs., John lloham and daughter, Linda Joann, of | Omaha, Mr and Mrs. Edgai Boyle and son, Jimmy. id Page, also Gaylon and Patrick Boyle of Lexington ROYAL THEATER — O’NEIU. — Thurs. Dee. 27 ■‘TOWARD THE UNKNOWN” Starring Will ia m Holden. Lloyd Nolan, Vivian Leigh and Charles MoGraw The experi mental rocket pilots climb aloft into the unseen, the uneonqueor ed. the unknown Not Family Night Fri.-Sat. Dee. 28-2* Randolph Scott with Barham Hale and Jav C Flipen in "7TH CAVALRY" Mr Scott Is the officer who not only had to fight the In dians but also the hatred of his own regiment. Sun.-Mon. Dee. 30-31 Nancy Kelly and Patty Mc Cormack. and Heneny Janes in "BAD SEED" A hidden shame out in the open and the most terrifying rock-bottom ever hit for love! Talk all you want about the man and the woman, but please don’t tell about the girl! Tues-Wed.-Thors. Jan. 1-2-3 Maureen O'Hara, John For svthe and Tim Hovcy in “EVERYTHING BUT THE TRUTH" The wonderfully warm, hi lariously different story of one little guy with a big, brave heart who dared to tell the truth . . . and set the whole country spinning. ~~1 ———— Never An After-Thirit SWITCH TO SQUIRT _ __ New Year’s Eve DANCE SUMMER I. A ND BALLROOM Ewing Mon., Dec 31 MUSICAL ACES Admission: 75c Light Receipts Here Today Estimates receipts of cattle at the sale today (Thursday) j are around 200 head. Between 75 and 100 will be calves; balance will be butcher cattle of all kinds. Because of the in-between-the-holidays-season, the cattle sale will be brief and the run light. However, there will be a sizeable run on hogs with good breeding boars and feeder pigs already consigned. Happy new year, everyone! O’Neill Livestock Market Phone 2, O’Neill Announcing Re-Opening of O’Neill’s Town House Ah IER BEING closed for several months, we are pleased to announce The TOWN HOUSE will re-open on— Saturday, December 29th . . . and will be happy to serve you nightly (except Mondays) thereafter. Reservations are now being received for New Year’s Eve. Make up a party . . . fun . . . favors . . . limited reserva-- | tions so make your arrangements right away. BANQUETS, PARTIES, RECEPTIONS A SPECIALTY The Town House PHONE 273 I. DR. G. R. COOK O’Neill