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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1956)
>lr. and Mrs. Bruce McElhaney ... to reside in Atkinson— O'Neill Photo Co. 1 lazel Marie Johnson, Bruce r. McElhaney Exchange Vows Miss Hazel Marie Johnson, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Harry Johnson of Dorsey, was united in marriage to Bruce T. McEl haney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted McElhaney of O’Neill Sunday December 23, at 4 p.m. The double-ring ceremony was per formed in First Presbyterian church by Rev. Joseph Walstead of Niobrara, assisted by Rev. J. Olen Kennell, pastor. The altar was decorate! with baskets of red carnations and white stock with silvered Christmas greens. The pews had white poinsetta bows with Christmas greens accented by tiny red berries. The bride, escorted by her father, appeared in a floor length gown of imported rose pointe lace nylon tulle over taffeta with fashioned moulded bodice, fea turing sabrina neckline edged in lace medallions gathered with iridescent sequins. The long sleeves tapered to deep points. It was fastened at the back with tiny lace buttons. The bouffant skirt of nylon tulle with a wide panel of lace at the front and back was edged in medallion se quin trimmed lace. It featured a drop waist line. Her imported illusion fingertip veil was held in place with a lace pillbox trimmed with tiny seed pearls and iridescent se quins. Her jewelry was pearl earrings, a gift of the bride groom. She carried a white orchid on a white prayer book with streamers sprinkled with varie gated velvet leaves. Candlelighters were Mrs. Frank Carroll of Lincoln and Mrs. Kenneth Marlatt of Wood Lake. Mrs. Donald Calkins of Lin coln was maid-of-honor. Brides maids wrere Mrs. John E. Babl of Dorsey. Mrs. Robert Sholes and Miss Kay Eisenhauer of Qh ambers. Little Miss Cindy Sholes was flowergirl and the ringbearer was Duane Richter of Dorsey. All the attendants, including the flowergirl, appeared in identical Christmas taffeta gowns featuring cumberbunds and bouffant skirts. The sa brina necklines formed a vee in the back. They had white chif fon velvet headbands made with sweetheart lines, resembling crowns with tiny white Christ mas corsages on one side. They carried matching muffs with corsages of white poms, little red berries and green leaves, matching the smaller headpiece corsages. Little Miss Sholes carried a nosegay of red and white car nations. Master Richter wore a FOR SALE or RENT 3-bedroom house, with garage, large yard and garden all fenced in. Natural gas heat, good location. CALL 772 O'NEILL pom boutonniere in his navy [ suit. Gary Clifton of Orchard serv ed as bestman. Attendants were Donald Calkins of Lincoln, John i Brady of Dorsey and Ted Lind berg. Ushers were Gary Wilson of Redbird and John Bowen. They all wore navy suits and carnation boutonnieres. Miss Marjorie McElhaney of Denver, Colo., sister of the bridegroom, was soloist, accom panied by Mrs. H. L. Lindberg. She sang “1 Love Thee” and “Through The Years”. John Bowen sang "The Lord’s Prayer.” Mrs. Johnson, the bride’s mother, appeared in a mauve lace gown with matching feather ed hat and gloves. She wore a white feathered carnation cor sage. Mrs. McElhaney, the bride groom’s mother appeared in a toast wool dress with beige ac cessories. Her corsage was of pink feathered carnations. Mrs. Cora Clifton of Orchard, the bridegroom’s grandmother, appeared in a royal blue crepe dress with a white carnation corsage. a .i rr e lowed the ceremony in Fellow ship hall. The reception was the first formal use of the new' portion of the church. Miss Jeannine McElhaney, a sister of the bridegroom, had charge of the guestbook. Those assisting at the reception were Mrs Lee Brady, jr., hostess, Mrs. D. C. Schaffer, Mrs. D. D. De Bolt, Mrs. Christine Williams and Mrs. John Conard of Emmet, al so Miss Priscilla Holsclaw’ and Miss Kathleen Brady. Mrs. Don Petersen of Ft. Leon ard Wood, Mo., Mrs. Darold Audiss of Butte, Mrs. Don Go del of Scottsbluff and Mrs. Ben Troshvnski of Omaha had charge of the gifts. Mrs. Dean VanISvery of Omaha. cut the three-tiered wedding cake, which was com plimented by table decorations of Christmas colors, green and white. The Misses Elizabeth Schaffer and Patricia DeBolt poured. After a short wedding trip, the couple will be at home in At kinson. For her trip, Mrs. McElhaney wore a winter white brocaded faille dress with black acces sories and an orchid corsage. She was graduated from ONeill high school and attended Doane college at Crete, where she was affiliated with Omega Psi Theta. She teaches third grade in the Atkinson public school. Mr. McElhaney is a graduate of O’Neill high school and at tended Wayne State Teachers college at Wayne. He served two years in the army including li£ years spent in Germany. CENTER UNION (O'Neill) Rev. C. P. Turner, pastor Sunday, December 30: Sunday school, 10 am.; preaching, 11 a.m.; young peoples;’ meeting at 7:30 p in.; preaching service fol lowing young peoples’ meeting. Prayer meeting and Bible study will be in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ernst Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock. County Court Arthur Frank Gibbs of Inde pendence, Mo., speeding night, December 20, fined $17 and $4 coal*, officer — E. M. H**treit«s Frank E. Buckles of Merriman, overload on axle, November 26, fmed $80 and $4 costs, officer — Donald Jenny. Clyde K McGary of. Wapit, ' ed $10 and $4 costs, officer—R. L. Gude. Elmer J. Trankle of Rapid City, S D. speeding day, December 24, fined $14 and S4 costs, officer—R. L. Gude. Everett Roubideaux of Mc Pherson. Kans., speeding day, De cember 24, fined $18 and $4 costs, officer—R. L. Gude. Richard W. Bell of Olmsted Falls, O.. speeding day, December 24, fined $16 and $4 costs, officer —E. M. Hastreiter. Calvin H. Henderson of Fre mont, speeding, fined $10 and $4 costs. City Court Carl Kainphaus of O'Neill, im proper U turn, December 17, fin ed $1 and $1 costs, officer—-John N. Schmit. Justice Court Edward A. Pavel of Chambers, I careless driving, December 21, fiin’d $25 and $4 costs, officer— k's R Johnson. Atkinson Airman t» Turkey Post— ATKINSON—After spending a ■•-day leave visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T F. Hickman, A/2c Jerry Hickman left Omaha by plane on December 5 going by way of New- York City, New foundland, Scotland and to Frankfurt, Germany, from where he was sent to Ankara, Turkey His address is. A/2c Thomas Hickman AF27722620, 56933rd1 RADGRUMO, APO 206-A. New York, N.Y. He recently graduated from ra dar school in Biloxi, Miss Arrive from Florida— Mr and Mrs. Ralph Porter, Ella Rose and Ralph Raymond of Panama City, Fla., arrived De cember 21 to spend the Christ mas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C W Porter, other relatives and friends. Return from Kansas— Mr. and Mrs. Ben Videricksen anti family returned Wednesday after having spent the weekend and Christmas w-ith relatives at Salina and Ellsworth, Kans. Mrs. Leslie Tompkins Dies in Washington INMAN — Relatives received word Mnndav of the death of Mrs Leslie C. Tomokins, 75, of Kelso, Wash. She died Sunday. December 23. Funeral arrange ments are not known. Mrs Tompkins was the former Carrie Alice Coventry, young*'*! daughter of the late James and) Lohisa Dav Coventry. She was a sister of the late George A. Co ventry. Mr Tompkins is a broth er of L. R. Tompkins. She and her husband spent their early married life in Holt county in and near Inman, later moving to Boone county where they resided near Primrose and Albion. Thev moved to Kelso about 20 years ago. Survivors include: Widower — Leslie: daughter — Mrs. Elmer (Hazel) Kruse; sons— Dale and I/eon: several grandchildren, all living in or near Kelso; sisters— Mrs. L. S. Mapes of Fremont and Mrs. Guy Brillhart if Hastings. A son. Robert, preceeded his mother in death. Other Inman New* . n't! L’F Kopeck) • » Is m the home of Mr . t ‘s rents, Mr and Mrs L a is Kopecky, and on Christ mas day they were guests at the ru me cf their un. ie and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Snyder, at Page. Mr. and Mrs. Yern Wrode and family drove to Springview Christmas day where they were guests in the home of their broth er- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Hipke, and son, Juluis, Mr. and Mrs. Harry MeGraw were Christmas day guests in the lonn- of Mr and N|r> Donald \V > fe and family near Oakdale. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Harte and family were Christmas day guests a the home of their brother-in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Axberg, at Gross. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chudo i H'lka drove to Grofton Christ mas day where they were guests in the home of their son-in-law li-.d daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Sturky, and family. Mr and Mrs. Floyd DeLong warn to Sioux City Monday after noon and spent Christmas day in the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Itak ., anil children. Guests in the home of Mr. and ills Kenneth A Coventry on C mas day were Mr and Mr> James Coventry, Kay and Hill, Mr and Mrs. John Mattson and Mr. and Mrs. James McMahan. Miss Barbara Brunckhorst ac companied her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs Max Mesaman, to their home in Nor folk Tuesday afternoon, where 'ho will visit for several days Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keyes are spending the Christmas holidays ni Worthington, Minn., guests in the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burgstrum, and children. Horace Kiel and children spent Christmas day in Allen as guests in the home of Mr. Kiel's parents. Guests in the home of Mrs. Marye Hartigan Christmas day were Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hartigan of Norfolk ami Mr and Mrs. Paul Hartigan and children of Page. Mr and Mrs. Arthur Benash and family of Beatrice came Thursday evening and spent the i emainder of the week, including Christmas, in the home of their l arents, Mr and Mrs Ray Siders, and Marilyn Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Hibbs and family of Star wore additional Christmas guests Sms' linin ' a d Rodney Hibbs remained to spend part of his Christmas vacation with his aunt Marilyn. Mr. and Mrs Char les Russell and Debbie of Lincoln had spent Sunday with her par ents. Mr and Mrs Ray Siders. Mr and Mrs. Lyle Orhmund of Seneca arc spending the Christmas holidays in the William Orhmund and Charles Sobotka homes. Mr. and Mi's. Albert Anthony and children were guests Christ mas day in the home of Mrs An thony's parents, Mr and Ml'S. Ot to Matschullat and family at Page. Mr, and Mrs. I. L, Watson, Carolyn and Sam were Christmas day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs John C. Watson and family in O’Neill. Christmas day guests in the home of Mi and Mis Vaden Ki vett and Keith were Mrs. Kivitt’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Pen well and their brother-in-law and sister. Mi and Mrs. Victor Work ineistcr and family, all of Madi son. Frontier f»r printing. «tpecia. greeting for pretty special people... our customers! May you all en|oy the pleasure* v «f a prosperous New Yearl O’NEILL PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSOCIATION JAMES W. ROONEY, Sec.-Treas. 1 I SWIFT’S SLAB I BIN s 1 Boiling Beef lb, 19c Pork Roast lb. 39c Ocean Perch lb. 29c I GROUND HOURLY, 100% PURE GROUND L * I ALL MEAT GOLD COIN SLICED U. S. GOVT. GRADED GOOD Ring Bologna lb. 39c Bacon lb. 49c Prime Rib Steak lb. 49c IT’S HERE NOW! ! Volume No. 10 of the Encyclo pedia of the World only 99c per volume. We still have Volumes 1 thru 9. HYimox COOKIES_pkg. 39c PLUS A FREE Relish, Bon Bon or Candy Dish with each package C emm With A 5.00 Or More Grocery Order LIQUID WISK-full qt 49c REALEMON DRINK-46-oz. can 19c DEL MONTE BEETS_2 for 25c KRAFT TID BIT MARSHMALLOWS .... pkg. 25c HARVEST MOON (Made by Kraft) SALAD DRESSING_qt. 45c STEELE COUNTY CORN-2 cans 25c BEET SUGAR_100 lb. sac 9.79 . DUNCAN HINES CHIFFON CAKE MIX_pkg. 39c . STOKELY’S HONEY POD PEAS-2 cans 39c r VAN CAMP’S | PORK & BEANS 4 No. 2? cans 98c STOKELY’S CHUNK PINEAPPLE_No. 2 can 29c DEL MONTE GRAPEFRUIT JUICE-46-oz. can 29c STOKELY’S CREAM CORN-2 cans 33c DALEE FRESH ORANGE DRINK g 2 FullQts. 24c Iriiiuouunx FUlffi? 339i n| STOCKTON _ iayL r|*Wl _ _ i* (RTSUP3 sr 4Se! CAMPBELL’S TOMATO _ X, inc CAN---I 11 I ■ ■ — ■ — ■■■— ' “””“ Frisidettes Frozen ~ PK(». ra GRAPEFRUIT,^™™for39c (]qyu 10c] I UKnlwVC*, Juice-doz. 39c |fj M NORTHERN GROWN RED , '] *•* • * *• •••