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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1956)
Future Subscribers LANGAN—Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Langan of O’Neill, a daughter, Joyce Kathryn, weighing 6 pounds 2 ounces, born Wednes day, December 19, at O’Neill. ADAMSON—Mr. and Mrs. Emil Adamson of O'Neill, a daughter, Dianne Marie, weighing 4 pounds 15 ounces, born Friday, December 21 at St. Anthony’s hospital in O'Neill. CASKEY—Mr. and Mrs Don ald Caskey of Orchard, a daugh ter, Sheri Lyn Jean, weighing 6 pounds 15 >4 ounces, born Satur day, December 22, at St. An thony’s hospital, O'Neill. WAYMAN—Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wayman of O’Neill, a son, Irvan Leo, weighing 8 pounds 9 ounces, born Sunday, December 23, at St. Anthony's hospital, O’Neill. ZASTROW—Mr. and Mrs Lou-; is Zastrow of O’Neill, a daughter, Eileen Marie, weighing 6 pounds 4*4 ounces, born Sunday, Decem ber 23, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. ELSASSER — Mr. and Mrs. | Raymond Elsasser of Spencer, a son, weighing 8 pounds 4 ounces, born Sunday, December 23, in the Sacred Heart hospital at Lynch. KRUSE—Mr. and Mrs. William Kruse of Winnetoon, a son, Wil liam Junior, weighing 7 pounds 13 ounces, born Saturday, Decern-j bor 15, in Lundberg Memorial hospital, Creighton. MLADY—Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Mlady of Verdigre, a daughter, weighing 6 pounds 4 ounces, born Friday, December 21, in Lund berg Memorial hospital, Creigh ton. FULLERTON — Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fullerton of Stuart, a daugh ter, weighing 6 pounds 8 ounces, born Thursday, December 20. in Atkinson Memorial hospital. Christmas Eve Guests— Christmas eve and day gues*s of Mr. and Mrs. Lofflin were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. De Hart of Ord and Mr. and Mrs. George Woods of Fremont, her sister and husband. _ Sick & Injured EWING—Mrs. K. Spea suffered a .severe heart attack early last week and was taken to Antelope Memorial hospital for treatment. She is convalescing at her home in Ewing. . . Mrs. Henry Fleming became ill Thursday while with her family and enroute to their home from Norfolk. They stopped at Neligh where she entered the Antelope Memorial hospital for treatment . . Miss Judy Jefferies, Omaha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Hermit Jefferies, was taken ill Monday, December 17, and was taken to St. Catherine’s hospital where she underwent an opera tion for appendicitis. She came home Friday and is convalescing at the home of her parents. . . Mrs. Dewitt Gunter, who has been a surgical patient at an Om aha hospital, was able to come home Wednesday, December 19. She is making "satisfactory im provement” at her home. . . j Thomas Eacker remains in “cri tical” condition at St. Joseph's hospital in Omaha Mrs. Eacker is with him. He was hurt several weeks ago while riding on a fender. He is in a cast from his chest down. No surgery has been performed. PAGE— Kent Stauffer returned home Saturday from Omaha where he had gone for treatment for ringworm in the scalp. While there the Stauffers were guests of her brother, Gordon Harper, and family. They will return to Omaha Wednesday for further treatment.. . Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stevens received word from their daughter, Mrs. John Emerson, that her husband had been hos pitalized the past two weeks in a Charles City, la., nospuat. RIVERSIDE—loanie Miller has missed several days of school. Her mother took her to a doctor Thursday. . . Mrs. Howard Miller received word that her nephew, Lyle Williams, a son of Davis Williams of Salem, Ore., had an operation on his lung. His con dition is “satisfactory”. . . Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock called on Ruth Switzer in the Antelope Memorial hospital. Her condition is “un changed.’’ CHAMBERS—Mrs. Ted Tom jack returned home Thursday, December 20, from St. Joseph’s hospital in Sioux City. . . Ruth Ann Scott underwent a tonsilec tomy Saturday, December 22, at St. Anthony’s. . . James Tange man submitted to a tonsilectomy at St. Anthony’s Saturday, De cember 22. O’NEILL — Rev. and Mrs. Duane Lauber were called to the bedside of his father in Naponee Sunday. It was reported his father was suffering from an accute case of appendicitis which had burst before he reached the hospital. Rev. Lauber is the pastor of the Wesleyan Methodist church. ATKINSON — Thomas O’Con nell, 56, suffered four broken ribs about 1 p.m., Thursday in a fall while working with a chain saw in a tree at the Leonard Ulrich place. The limb sawed off unbal anced the tree, which toppled with him. INMAN — Jimmy May, son of Mrs. Frances May underwent an j appendectomy at St. Anthony’s | hospital in O’Neill on Saturday afternoon. MARCUM HEADS CLUB SPENCER —Dr. J. C. Marcum has been elected president of the Community club. Dr. J. M. Puce lik has headed the club since its organization and is retiring. John R. Krotter was reelected secre tary-treasurer. Edward Campbell arrived Sat urday from Green Bay, Wise., to spend the holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Oabel Bush (renter) wed in church rites; Miss Kaye Tbaden of Omaha (left), bridesmaid, and Phillip Sherbondy of Omaha (rijfht). bestman. Babutzke . . . home in May. Completes Cruise in Mediterranean— Frederick A. Babu tzke (above), son of Mr. and Mrs. Fied Babutzke, a member of the navy crew of the U.S.S Currituck The ship has recently reported to its home base at Norfolk, Va., from a cruise through Mediter ranean waters with stops at England, Spain, Portugal, Sicily and other countries. On January 4 the ship and crew will leave for San Juan. Babutzke was not home for Christmas, but plans to come home in May with his wife. She is now in Orchard with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Vrooman, and is completing her senior year at Orchard high school.' Babutzke volunteered for four years with the navy and com pleted a year October 17. Auction Calendar Tuesday, January 8: Chester A. Carsten estate improved 210 acre farm near Redbird, referee’s sale. Holt courthouse, 2 p.m. Al so adjoining 200 acres belonging to Mrs. Irene Carsten at private sale; Francis D. Lee of Atkin son, referee; John R. Gallagher of O’Neill, attorney. (Details on page 8). O’NEILL LOCALS Dr. and Mrs. Ivan French and children of Wahoo and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tallon and children of Omaha arc spending the holidays with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. O. W. French. Mr. and Mrs. H. Phillip Ane walt and son, Anthony, of San Diego, Calif., arrived Wednesday for the latter’s wedding to Miss Betty Gallagher, Saturday, De cember 29. Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Stewart and family spent the holidays in Lincoln with relatives. Mrs. Vannie Newman and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Babl and three children of Kimball were Christ mas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Babl of Emmet. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parks and family of Scottsbluff ar rived Saturday to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sargent. Mr. Parks returned home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Parks and the children remained for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Price of Bellwood spent Christmas with relatives here. McNair-Bush Nuptial Rites Read at Omaha Mr. and Mrs. George McNair of O’Neill announce the marriage of their daughter, Leona, to Cabel Bush of St. Joseph, Mo. The nuptials took place Saturday, December 1 at the American Lutheran church in Omaha. The double-ring ceremony was per formed by Rev. Dwain Olson The bride appeared in a street j length, sleeveless, fitted white satin dress with embossed lace. Her corsage was of red roses. Her white hat had a small veil. She carried a white bibb; and wore pearls, both gifts of the bridegroom. The bridesmaid. Miss Kaye Thaden of Omaha, wore a laven der dress similar to the brides. Her accessories were lavender and she wore a white corsage. The bridegroom wore a navy suit with a white boutonniere. The bestman, Phillip Sherbondy of Omaha, wore a brown suit and a white boutonniere. Mrs. George McNair, mother ; of the bride, chose a rose color ed lace dress with a white ear ; sage. Mr. McNair was unable to be present at the wedding. The bride was given in marriage by Ed Johnson, of Omaha. Kgn Richards of Omaha, was usher. Mrs. Lola Sherbondy of j Omaha, was in charge of the j guest book. A reception followed in the I church basement for 35 guests. Mrs. Bush is employed as a commercial artist for the Epson Lithograph company in Omaha and teaches at the Omaha Art j school children’s classes on Sat urday. Mr. Bush is employed as a salesman for Cory Products and plans to attend the University ! of Omaha next semester. After a short honeymoon, the! j couple will reside in Omaha. __ Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Ryan ol j South Sioux City arrived Sunday to spend the holidays with their daughter and her husband, Mr.! and Mrs. George Hammond, and children. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Carroll and children are visiting her mother, Mrs. William J. Biglin, for the holidays. Too Late to Classify CARD OF THANKS I WISH to thank Dr. Brown and the St. Anthony’s hospit al staff for their care, and all my friends for their cards, gifts and visits while I was in St. Anthony’s hospital.—Gray don Bates. (First pub. Dec 27, 1956) William W. Griffin, Attorney Estate No. 2793 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF JOHN P. MANN, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determina tion of heirship, distribution of estate and approval of final ac count and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on January 16, 1957 at ten o’clock a.m. LOUIS W. REIMER. County Judge, i (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 35-37c Church Notes METHODIST < Page-Inman). • Rev. Lisle E. Mewroaw,. pastor ! 'AG E— Thursday, December 27; Junior i loir practice. 4 p.m.; youth choir practice, 7:30 p.m. Sunday, December 30; Sunday - hool. It) a.m.; >tudent recogni tion day service 11 a.m.; MYF, 7:30 p.m.; membership class, 8:15 pm. Monday, December 31: MYF new year's eve party concluding watch night devotional service. Tuesday, January 1: King’s Daughters meeting, 8 p.m. Wednesday, January 2: WSCS prayer hour, 9 a.m. Thursday, January 3: WSCS meeting, 2:30 p.m. INMAN— Sunday, December 30 — Wor ship, 9:45 a.m.; Sunday - school, 10:45 a.m. Wednesday, January 2: Choir practice, 7:30 p.m., followed by MYF. METHODST (Chambers-Amelia) Rev. Harry S. Myers, pastor AMELIA—• Sunday, December 30: Sunday school, 9:30 a.m. No worship ser vice at Amelia. CHAMBERS— Thursday: Chambers MYF box social, 7:30 p.m. Sunday: Sunday-school, 10 a.m.; worship service, 11 a.m.: senior MYF meeting, 7:30 p.m. Monday: Junior choir practice, 7 p.m.; senior choir practice, 7:30 p.m.; intermediate MYF meeting, 7:30 p.m. • **» * . . I Tuesday Official board meet-, mg, 1:30 p.m. , .'■* * , C&NW Tax Bill in State S315,000 The Chicago and North Western railway has reported tax payments of more than 315 thousand - dollars in Nebraska during 1956. This includes $20;249 in Holt county. Also $14,915 in Boyd county; $18,145 in Antelope coun ty; $6,366 in Rock county; $9,133 in Brown county; $33,339 in Cherry county. Meanwhile, passenger business has been brisk on passenger trains 13 and 14, Omatm-Chad ron. On one westbound trip 65 passengers were crowded into a single day coach. Eastbound train 14, through O'Neill early Wed nesday, carried two dayeoaches, both virtually filled. Ten passen gers boarded here. O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newman and sons, James and Joseph of Chappell, spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John i Storjohann. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Vamae Newman were Mr. and Mrs. William Schiessler, Mrs. Vi vian Magstadt and Myra and Mr. and Mrs. Turk Beebout and fam ily, all of Ainsworth, and Mr. and . Mrs. Jerry Babl and children of Kimball. Mrs. Schiessler, Mrs. --- • nd Mrs ! '■•< - .■.;>» Mr Mi n*t .Hi li.mdi-' •* . Mis Oxfoid is spending the’holidays in Denver, Ccjo. •- - ——— Mi -., Viinuu Newman left n» •(Jav ( rhursda\ to spend a eouplc f>f, months. with . hj»r* son-in-law and. daughter. Mr and Mr- .terry Babl, and family in Kimball. - 1 MILLER THEATER — ATKINSON — Fri.-Sat. Dec. 28-39 A TOUGH TOWN TO UVr IN . HT; 'Nfc BUT AN CASY PLACE *f0 / | f|iW00LPH SCOTT \ ^ fHHt Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Dec. 30-31-Jan. 1 I Wed.-Thurs. I This coupon and one paid mission will admit two | ults. Jan 2-3. • ■■mb mbb^^bb AFTER - CHRISTMAS CLEARANCE Beautiful, Life-Like Barbara Jo DOLLS, slashed from 5.98 „ 3.98 CANDY for Parties! BE SURE to pick up a box of those delicious PANGBURN'S WESTERN STYLE CHOCOLATES to serve your guests during those between-the-holidays parties! WHEN PLANNING AND SHOPPING FOR THOSE PARTY NEEDS BE SURE TO INCLUDE FRESH . . . JOHNSON NUTS . . . FROM GILLIGAN'S FOR YOUR SNACK TRAYS! ____ Make Those Holiday Get-Togethers Live Forever with PICTURES BE SURE you have plenty of flash bulbs and a supply of FRESH FILM from Gilligan’s! Guard Your Health Carefully YOUR HEALTH is priceless. Protect yourself by having a regular medical checkup by your family doctor. And when your doctor finds it necessary to give you a prescription, take it to GILLIGAN REXALL DRUG to have it filled by one of our PRESCRIPTION SPEC IALISTS! Gilligan’sRexallDrug Ben Gilligan Robert T. Devoy Phone 87 — O’Neill 0F, VUJl wctfieifij i A HAPPY NEW YEAR j MARCELLUS IMPL. CO. Phone 5 West O’Neill sffittmataawaamaasammmstmmaaaamttmaraaagmmtremBaa Market Report Verdigre Livestock Market Monday, December 24 Extreme, top on butchers was $17.55 with the majority of the No. 1 hogs selling from $17.25 to $17.50. The bulk of the No. 2 hogs sold from $16.90 to $17.15. Some of the extreme fat and heavier hogs sold from $16.35 to $16 80. Sows sold from $14.25 to $15.90. Breeding boars sold from $35 to $80 per head. Wcan lin pigs sold at $13.50 per head and light butchers on feeder account sold from $16.50 to $18.00 per hundred. A Brown Swiss springer heifer sold at $180. Several fat heifers sold from $13 to $15 per cwt. Baby white face calves sold at $20 each. Remember the dairy sale January 4. We will be selling only cattle that are either tested or vaccinated for bangs. We appreciate your patron ae! Verdigre Livestock Market Phone 86 Don Jensen, Mgr. ROYAL THEATRE 2 days only — O’NEILL — 2 days nnly I ' WARNER BROS pratant | tha i-yaar-ma ttaga aanaatron with tha pfiia-winning caat ot tha phayt ^ uoy *<**-* &sa k>« k mm m ■ «*»j »»• r» twi w aumu wwnc* *» «» • taut IHM1I UlM Sunday & Monday, December 30-31 VdulU 50c, Children 12c: Matinee Sunday 2:30. Ml child ren under 12 free when accompanied by parents. —---' ---- ■.- '■ ---"I jt-w*****&&&&&*** Jf WM. KROTTER €0. Serving North Central Nebraska Since 1891 Phone 531 O’Neill, Nebr. r— f== .. ..n. BRAND B ■■■ CHIU 22... 29* SPAGHETTI 2T? 29* BMgggEiESBl BEEF STEW...36* wesson ... n. m- • _ LIMA BEAHS I?-.. 36' 0IL 0 NOODLES A....31* ‘ "* NOODLES A....35* SPANISH BICE...19* for yoor Mow Yoar'% party and dimoor MRS. GRIMES CHILI GRAVY AND BROWN BEANS SIMMS S34S •OLDEN VALLEY CRUSHED rAPPLE 2 43 OUR FAMILY FANCY CATSUP SI00 I DCillQ « 1 He °,r F<,"'n'' «•«*»•. «••> Mother’s Best m™„.v««tAs,H.*oOYSTERS "2Jt^39c macaroni yJSSi flour CHERRIES '"-13' macako Oil FAMILY FANCY J f V tJ # COCKTAIL 4™'88‘ V.“° ZjC O / C OI K FAMILY FANCY ™CI TOMATO JUICE 29c C HOC OLATF < hip iianttiw ——n HERSHEY’S ~23‘ GOFXfCi ft OlY FAMILY FRF.SH dinner SALAD DRESSING <*49‘ HI NTS FANCY napkins TOMATOES.3’™tT' ? 49c Dial Soap Stops odor bofort It slorfs } 37* *•* 1 *ir ftsAtMn ftp/ 37* *--3-3< FRUIT* •VEGETABLE* ourru as curs /J. PORK CHOPS A/k\ bi__53* \\ Grapefruit ^TOMATO** Bcucaoa* run* |Q for - - 3i>* 1 1 ‘ *** Potatoes joo-lbs. 1.98 Te^T Vst«s Crackers 2-Ibs. 49c VANILLA -R* Ice Cream V2‘Sal* 59c ^WATOB n_40*