The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 06, 1956, SECTION ONE, Page 8, Image 8

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    Future Subscribers
SCHMITZ—Mr and Mrs. Ken
neth Schmitz of Bonesteel, S.D.,
a daughter, weighing 7 pounds,
born Friday, November 30, at the
Sacred Heart hospital. Lynch.
STELLING—Mr and Mrs. Le
land Stelling of Orchard a
daughter, weighing 6 pounds 14
ounces, born Sunday, December
2, in Antelope Memorial hospi
tal, Neligh. Maternal grandpar
ents are Mr. and Mrs. William
Wattermann oi Page.
SCHHAD—Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Schrad of Pasadena, Calif., a
daughter. Carla Ann, weighing
8 pounds, born Wednesday, No
vember 21, in Pasadena. Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Schrad of Ewing are
paternal grandparents.
CASKEY—Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Caskey of O’Neill, a daugh
ter, Suellyn Marie, weighing 7
pounds and 0 ounces, born Fri
day, November 30, in St. An
thony’s hospital at O’Neill. Mrs.
Caskey is the former Laurrel
Bennett of Winnetoon. Mr. Cas
key is the son of Mr. ad Mrs.
Harry Caskey of Venus.
N1ETFELD— Mr. and Mrs.
n i. nf t IrtinH I clhnH
|VW l/V 4 V ilivvivn. —- --
a son, Russell Robert, weighing
7 pounds 5% ounces, born Wed
nesday, November 21, in Grand
Island. Mrs. Nietfeld is the form
er Margaret Redd, daughter of
Mrs. Irma Redd of O’Neill.
COD AY — Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Coday of Atkinson, a son, Ger
ard Francis, weighing 6 pounds 3
ounces, on December 1, in Atkin
son Memorial hospital.
KEMNITZ—Mr. and Mrs. Mel
vin Kemnitz of Spencer, a son,
Wallace Faye, weighing 7 pounds
11 ounces, born Thursday, No
vember 29, in the Butte Mater
nity horn at Butte.
RIHA—Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Riha of Butte, a son. Dale Mar
ion weighing 6 pounds 12 ounces,
born Monday, December 3, in the
Butte Maternity home at Butte.
SIBBEL— Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Sibbol of Butte, a daughter, Pa
tricia Kay, weighing 8 pounds 1
ounce, born Wednesday, Decem
ber a, in the Butte Maternity
home at Butte. .
I’AVLIS — Mr. and Mrs. Rai
nuld Pavlis of Ewing, a daughter,
Kathy Lee, weighing 5 pounds
13 3/4 ounces born Wednesday,
November 28, at St. Anthony’s
hospital. .
KEHM—Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Kehm of Stuart, a daughtei,
Dorothy Ann, weighing 6 pounds
8 ounces, born Tuesday, Decem
ber 4, in Atkinson Memorial hos-,
KING — Mr. and Mrs. Keith
King of Stuart, a son, Keith Nor
man, weighing 8 pounds 10%
ounces, born Tuesday, December
4, in Atkinson Memorial hospital.
HANSON—Mr. and Mrs. Or
ville Hanson of Creighton, a
daughter, Jolene Kay, weighing
8 pounds 2 ounces, born Thurs
day, November 29, at Lundberg
Memorial hospital in Creighton.
THOMPSON—Mr. and Mrs. Le
on Thompson of Bloomfield, a
son, David Allen, weighing 8%
pounds, born Tuesday, November
27, at Bloomfield. Mrs. Thomp
son was the former Lillian Kli
ment of Atkinson.
Frontier for printing.
Carroll with AA
Brigade in Japan—
Pvt. Robert 15. Carroll, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Carroll,
128 N. Eighth st., O’Neill, is a
member of the 40th antiaircraft
rtuk-ry brigade in Japan.
Carroll is a radar operator in
battery D of the brigade’s 64th
battalion He arrived in the Far
East last June.
The 21-year-old soldier at
tended the University of Nebras
Hospital Notes
Admitted: November 28—Mrs.
Robert Kcrsch, Lynch; Mrs. Wil
liam Jensen, O’Neill; Mrs. Rai
nold Pavlis, Ewing; Carolyn
Backhaus, Amelia; Baby Lome
Fernau, O’Neill; Leona Serck.
Emmet. 29 — Mrs. John Under
wood, O’Neill; Barbara Kesten
holtz, O’Neill; Norman Taylor,
O’Neill; Patrick Gleeson, O'Neill.
30 — Mrs. Kenneth Caskey, O’
Neill; Richard Simon, O’Neill;
Charles Snowardt, jr., O’Neill;
Baby John Eggert, O’Neill. De
cember 1—Mrs. Vernon Lorenz,
O’Neill; Mrs. Joe Mlinar, Atkin
-on; Mrs. Don Adamson, O’Neill.
2—Mrs. Eugene Kaup, Stuart; Ef
fje Stevens, O’Neill; Herman
Cook, Chambers; Mrs. Homer
Ernst, O’Neill; Glenn Adams,
Chambers; Richard Nelson, O -
Neill. 3 — Harry Beilin, O’Neill;
Randall Shaw, Orchard.
Dismissed: November 28—Wil
liam McIntosh, O’Neill; Mrs.
George Weber, Butte; Brenda
Cole, O’Neill. 29 — Mrs. William
Jensen, O’Neill; Mrs. Francis
Musil, O’Neill; Baby John Eggert,
O’Neill. 30—Mrs. Lisle Mewmaw,
(More Hospital News
on Page 9.)
Page; Mrs. Oswald Drueke and
baby girl, O'Neill; Mrs. Paul
Krugman, O’Neill; Mrs. Bernard
Kornock, Page; Mrs. Hazel Endi
cott, O’Neill; Mrs. Arthur Berger
O’Neill; Oliver Hill, O’Neill; Bar
bara Kestenholtz, Inman; Richard
Simon, O’Neill; Charles Snowardt
jr., O’Neill; Mrs. Bernard Dusat
,vo, O’Neill. December 1—Patrick
Gleeson, O’Neill Norman Taylor,
O’Neill. 2—Mrs. Robert Kersch
and baby girl, Lynch; Baby Lor
ne Fernau, O’Neill; Mrs. Joe Mli
nar, Atkinson. 3—Claude Rut
:• u ;e, Inman; Carolyn Backhaus,
Amelia; Mrs. Wm. Shipman, Bur
ke. S. D.; Baby John Eggert,
OV.eill; Leona Serck, Emmet. 4
—Mr. Kay Miles, O’Neill; Mrs.
Homer Ernst, O’Neill; Mrs. Ken
neth Caskey and baby girl, O’
Neill; Mrs. Rainold Pavlis and
baby girl, Ewing; Herman Kor
nock, Orchard, expired. 5—Mrs.
Don Adamson, O’Neill.
Hospitalized: Effie Stevens,
O'Neill; Frank Fiala, Spencer,
Mrs Lois Adams, Chambers;
Randall Shaw, Orchard; Ruby
Lorenz. O’Neill; Edith Castleman,
O’Neill; Mrs. Catherine Malloy,
Atkinson; Mrs. John Underwood,
O’Neill; Mrs. Eugene Kaup, Stu
art; Garrett Janzing, O’Neill;
Glenn Adam, Chambers; Herman
Cook, Chambers; Harry Beilin,
A car driven by H. J. Bir
mingham struck a pickup own
ed by James Peters & Son late
Friday near Sixth and Douglas.
None was hurt.
How To Get Your Car Ready
For The Hazards of Winter
At Ails Him of year, car own
era methodically check the bat
tery, change the oil and pat anti
freeze in the radiator, bat few
think of protecting the most ob
vious part of any car—the body
Winter is rough on paint and
trim, particularly brightwork—
■nines it is mads of stainless
steel. To protect the car's ex
terior and, at the same time,
maintain trade-in value, give it
■ thorough washing with soap
said water. After cleaning, touch
op any nicks or scratches with
matching paint, paying special
attention to the lower sections
at the body where painted areas
are most apt to be chipped by
flying stones. Then apply a good
aset at wax to the body.
A lot of the brightwork on to
day’s automobiles (such as wheel
covers, grilles, side body mould
ings ana window mouldings) is
made of stainless steel. Stainless
steel trim does not require wax
ing or special cleaning, for it
will withstand winter’s severest
test—road salt—with just an oc
casional washing.
Brightwork parts that are
chromium plated should be
cleaned with special cleaners as
recommended by your service
station. For added protection,
pressure sprays of plastic or lac
quer may be applied after clean
ing. In areas where road salt is
used to clear the highways of
ice and snow, wash chromium
brightwork frequently to keep it
from corroding. Always wax
the chromium plated brightwork
along with the rest of the car.
■ ■
$00 - 1,000 Cattle Expected Today
We will have between 800 and 1,000 head of cattle to
day (Thursday)—about 500 fewer cattle than we sold a
week ago. But it should be a nice sale with a lot of good
cattle, including 500 to 600 calves, 200 yearlings, with the
balance in mixed consignments.
Listed in advance were: 60 black calves from Eagle
creek, choice for quality; 45 calves from Star; 28 steer
calves from Chambers; 30 choice heifer calves from O’Neill;
53 whiteface steers and heifer calves from Inman; 26 year
lings from south of O’Neill; 31 short yearling steers from
j Atkinson, 600-pounders.
O’Neill Livestock Market
Phone 2, O’Neill
• . ' * * . " . . . * ‘ t f * , , * '
Sick & Injured
CHAMBERS—Dan Prill, small
son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Prill of
Page, was recently released from
the Lutheran hospital at Norfolk,
following tnree week's care due
to an infection. He is a grandson
j of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gleed of
Chambers. . . Rev. Earl Schwenk
was in the Veterans hospital in
i Grand Island last week. On Mon
day, December 3, he returned for
a day for a checkup. . . Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Walter received word
that their son, Ivan Walter, of
Hoisington, Kans., had been hos
pitalized recently with complica
tions resulting from influenza. . .
Herman Cook was taken to St.
Anthony’s hospital Sunday. De
cember 2, following an injury
; which resulted in a brQken bone
i and other injuries. . . Glen Adams
w'as taken to St. Anthony’s hos
j pital in O’Neill Sunday, Decem
; her 2, for medical care.
O'NEILL—Mrs. Margaret El
kins went by train early Sunday
to visit her daughter, Bernice, a
patient in St. Joseph’s - hospital,
Omaha. . . Mesdames Richard
Perry, Wayne Harmon and Don
McKamy spent Tues’day in Grand
Island. Mr. Perry returned with
diem from the Veterans hospital.
... John Lansworth is a pa
tient in the Veterans hospital at
Grand Island. . . Charles Snow'
1 ardt, jr„ was. hospitalized Friday
after having lost a portion of his
little finger in a buzz saw acci
dent at his farm home. He was
adjusting the saw' at the time.
PAGE—Mrs. Bernard Kornock
was released from St. Anthony’s
hospital Friday where she had
submitted to an emergency ap
pendectomy. Mrs. Lisle Mew
maw returned Friday froth the
St. Anthony hospital at ' O'Neill
where she had major surgery. . .
Mrs. A. O. Weber has been hav
ing nerve trouble affecting her
face for the past week. She is
under the doctor’s care.
LYNCH — Mrs. Thirza Craw
! ford is caring for her father,
Mike Hull of Holt county, at her
home here. . . Mrs. Mary Hull is
recuperating from eye surgery' at
the home of her daughter,’ Mrs.
Dale Spencer at Spencer. The
surgery was performed at Yank
ton. S.D . . Mrs. Frank Cranford
is "feeling better” after several
days’ confinement to her home
here. »
AMELIA—Miss Caroline Back
haus was able to return home
Monday from St. Anthony’s hos
pital in O’Neill following an ap
pendectomy Wednesday, Novem
ber 28. . . Oscar Peterson was a
surgical patient at the Immanuel
hospital in Omaha Thursday, No
vember 29. . . Dean Prewitt is
suffering with a broken wrist he
received when cranking a tractor.
EWING— Mrs. Hazel Kimes,
who recently underwent a major
operation at the Antelope Mem
orial hospital in Neligh, is con
valescing at her home in Ewing.
Mrs. Edna Lofquest is assisting in
her home . . . Mrs. Aubrey Wood
is recovering from a severe at
tack of the flu, which has kept
her confined to her home the
, na^.t two weeks.
VENUS—W. W. Strope re
turned to his home from Sioux
city hospital where he had un
dergone a major operation on
November 15.. llis
•e .dition is "much improved”. .
Mrs. Clarence Finch received
medical aid at Creighton on Fn
l day, November 23, for an in
fected finger.
INMAN—Mrs. Pauline Anderl
has returned home after spend
ing the past month in the home
of her brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Krueger and
family at Minburn, la. She re
ports that Mrs. Kruegar is home
and “slowly recuperating” from
injuries in a car accident sever
al weeks ago. . . Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Gallagher and Janet and
Tim went to Norfolk for medical
DELOIT — Henry Trennepohl,
who- is a patient at the Thomp
son rest home in St. Edward, is
"somewhat improved.” . . . Mrs.
Henry Reimer visited Mrs.
Clint Taylor Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Taylor is a patient in Ante
lope Memorial hospital at Ne
INMAN—Mr, and Mrs. Charles
Young returned on Wednesday,
November 29, from Sioux City
where Mrs. Young went for med
ical advice.
STUART—Mrs. Fred Zink un
derwent sudgery at the Methodist
hospital in Sioux City on Thurs
day, November 29.
STAR—Richard Miller is con
valescing at his home after sev
eral days in the Creighton hos
Mr. and Mrs. Donald V. Donolioe ... to reside in Port
land. Ore.
ATKINSON — Mrs. George
Goldfuss and Mrs. William Fry
rear have recently submitted
to minor surgery in Our Lady
of Lourdes hospital at Norfolk.
xitiary Holds
Mile Party —
The American I region auxiliary
held a Christmas party on Wed
nesday evening at the Legion
I liatt-Donohoe
Nuptials ['old
; Miss Carolyn Ann . H\at\
daughter of Mr and Mrs Aria A
Hiatt, .of O’Neill,, and. Donald \
Donohue. son on Mr. iyid Ur>
John K Donohue of O'Neill .WEB
married Thursday, November *
a double-ring ceremony m
Stevenson, Wash.
Mrs. Do no hoe is a graduate of
O'Neill high school and until re
cently was employed in the Holt
county treasurer’s office. Mr
Donohue was graduated from St.
Mary’s academy.
They will make their home in
Portland, Ore.
(First pub. Dee. 6, 1956)
Julius D. Cronin, Attorney
Estate No. 4009
DECEMBER 5, 1956
IN THE MATTER of the estate
of Lottie Thompson, Deceased
CREDITORS of said estate are
hereby notified that the time
limited for presenting claims a
gainst said estate is March 27,
1957, and for the payment of
debts is December 5, 1957, and
that on December 27, 1956, and
on March 28, 1957, at 10 o'clock
A M., each day, 1 will be at the
County Court Room in said Coun
ty to receive, examine, hear
allow or adjust all claims and
objections duly filed.
County Judge.
M <\ .. INSTANT ^ 7T
I s \ WAXED n* Prices Effective in This Ad
IB ' PAPER Tlmrs., Fr. "pc. 6-7-. ■ ( (OdMlv StUUtd.
1 I OP n AlvlllCf MOR Sr: ni‘39*
I ——KAlDlVlD •■* =e»
■ iathroomtissue VIENNA S&**£19*
| r™ ™=ls OATES » 33© SiOf
h I fK°-^ ^ Obi .^BP ^
I™ I HD ^ MKKk ^ from good quality beef jjN.
MARSHMALLOWS 235* \f club steak <U[ *1
CDGOANUT _.VS. 25* XL# ?53’ _ _
I WALNUT MEATS .*™ 37* ““?** j<^
•“-~. " DROMEDARY vr~.V“59* biidev 80LOGNA e^
riour. bu-ib. bag 83.251
Nash Coffee , . Lb. 99c 1
Fronts, lb. 35c -- Hinds, lb. 39c
POTATOES - - - S1.98
ICE CREAM _ i-gal. 59C
2 S 25*
. • . • . . , • ' » *, .
3-LB. «£«%c
BAG _£3
tangerines I LIFEBOUY. 3 £ 29' 2£29'
TANGERINES 34c L(J)( 3 2 27' 2 = 25*
——— SURF.—33' —79'
chiffon j ri LUX LIQUID.£39' £69*
37* 67* I r™S“ VUiSK.— 33c «—75c
-=r LUX FLAKES.-34'
faSsfflM1* I 5135 RINSO.—33'o-.79c
i37‘ I I --— I QQVE r’.2-39'