The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 29, 1956, Page 10, Image 10

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    Chambers News
Thanksgiving dinner guests in
the Jake Hoerle home were Mr
and Mrs. Harold Hoerle and
family of Clearwater, Mr. and
Mr.s. Earl Hoerle and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Hoerle and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Lavem Hoer
le and children and Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Pavel an family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerald McClena
han and family of Omaha came
Saturday evening, November 24,
and spent Sunday with relatives
at Chambers. They returned
home Monday.
Thanksgiving dinner guests in
the Ralph Hoffman home were
Homer and Oliver Maring of
Eknmett; Mr. and Mrs. Darold
Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Arlo
Hiatt, of O’Neill; Jake Hoffman,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hoffman and
Dianne, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Hoffman and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Hoffman and child
ren, Mr. and Mrs. John Kellar,
Mrs. Elmer Wandersee and Mrs.
Harold Dexter. Jennie Halsey
and Vivian Harley were evening
• _l x f_ f’nmprnn
UJU • »**v* *»*»»• ----
and Fred Fangman spent Thanks
giving with the Don Camerons.
Mr. antj_ Mrs. William Witte
and children had Thanksgiving
dinner with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Witte, at Hoskins and
an evening meal with l>er parents,
Mr. and Mra. Charles Busch at
Stanton. On Saturday, they at
tended the wedding of her cous
in, Patricia Calelly to Robert
Johnson of Detroit Lake*, Wise.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Robertson
attended the funeral of her uncle,
Paul Roth, at Columbus Wednes
day, November 21.
A family gathering at the Har
old Green home Thanksgiving
included: Mr. and Mrs. Loyd
Taylor of Bassett; Mr. ad Mrs.
Bob Green of Grand Island; Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Green and family
of Bartlett; Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
Childers and family of Elgin;
Charles Green, Ralph Green,
Dean Green, Lester Green, Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Taylor and child
ren and Isaac Taylor, all of
Chambers. . ...
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik and
Pamela drove to Lincoln Thurs
day to spend Thanksgiving with
their son-in-law and daughter,
Mr and Mrs. Harvey Gesch and
family and their son, Myron.
Dinner guests Thanksgiving
day in the Max Jeffers home
were Mr. and Mrs. Manderson
Jeffers and four choldren of Mc
Cook; Mr. and Mrs. Art Kropp
and family of Ewing and Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Young of In
Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell
and Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Rubeck
and Kathy spent Thanksgiving
with the Lloyd Rubeck's in O’
Neil1. Other guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Milford Coats and family of
Thanksgiving dinner guests in
the Glen Grimes home were Mr.
and Mrs. G. H. Grimes, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Grimes and Gerold.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Grimes and
Patsy, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. New
house, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
Moss, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adams
and Don, Mr. and Mrs Charles
Coolidge and Kenneth.
James Tangeman, who is teach
ing at Polk, spent Thanksgiving
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Tangeman and Kay.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Walter
were over-night guests of their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Kirkland, at Bur well
Tuesday, November 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cook of
Bartlett visited his mother, Mrs.
Jack Kellar, Sunday, November
Mrs. Mary DeBruyn of Whit
tier, Calif., is visiting her mother,
Mrs. Nellie Starr. She expects to
stay until after Christmas.
Jack Hodge of Albion was a
guests in the home of his nephew
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. John
Honeywell, November 17-18.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker of
Amelia were Sunday, November
18, visitors in the E. R. Carpen
ter home.
si. Josepns auar society or
Amelia held a bake sale in
Chambers. Proceeds amounted to
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kopeky, jr.,
and son, Dickie, and Mr. Snyder
of Inman visited in the T. E.
Newhouse home Sunday, Novem
ber 18.
Supper guests at the J. W.
Walter home Sunday, November
18, were Mr. and Mrs. William
Jutte and Mr. and Mrs. William
The Woman’s Society of
Christian Service met at the
church Thursday, November 16.
Mrs. Roy Miller, Mrs. Mina
Myers, and Mrs. Louis Neilson
were hostesses. Mrs. L a v e r n
Hoerle presented the lesson con
cerning the United Nations.
Edward Pavel, jr., left Sunday,
November 18, for California
where he hopes to locate work.
Enroute he visited his uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hoerle,
at Winslow, Ariz.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hoerle were
supper guests on Friday, Novem
ber 16, in the Ed Pavel, sr.,
home and Sunday, November 18,
guests at the Kenneth Hoerle
There was a large turn-out at
the community sale held Satur- j
day, November 17, at the Legion;
hall. Merlin Grossnicklaus was
the auctioneer. __
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Supplement your diet every day with just
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Penny for penny ... yeu get
Poei ieHor m0ra value in high-potency
Look Bettor ... _ _
Gilligan’sRexall Drug
Ben Gilligan Robert T. Devoy
Phone 87 — O’Neill
■ ■ ■ 1
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Spring Wedding Planned
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Becker
announce the engagement of
their daughter, Barbara Ann.
of Kansas City, Kans., to John
Michael Curry, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Michael B. Curry of Kan
sas City, Mo. Miss Becker, who
is a radiol^ist, was graduated
from St. Mary s academy and
Providence hospital in Kansas
City, Kans. She is employed
there. Mr. Curry, who served
with the navy for four years, is
employed by the telephone
company at Kansas City, Mo.
A spring wedding is planned.
Church Notes
Pioneer Missionary
in Africa Coming
Murray Brown, missionary tc
French West Africa for 16 years,
will be guest speaker at a special
missionary rally to be held at the
O'Neill Assembly of God on Fri
day evening, November 30, ac
cording to an announcement by
Rev. Egon Kirschman, pastor of
the church.
Development of the work of
the Assemblies of God in French
West Africa and the present con
ditions there will be described by
Mr. Brown; he will also tell about
many of the unique experiences
which he has had in that land.
Under appointment of the fo
reign missions department of the
Assemblies of God with head
quarters in Springfield, Mo., Mr.
Brown with his wife, went to
Upper Volta, French West Africa
in January 1940, Where he built
three churches in the rural vil
lages surrounding Yako where he
was stationed.
Many hundreds of miles were
traveled by bicycle.
Mr. Brown along with another
missionary built the Assemblies
of God Bible school at Kouberi.
In 1947 Mr. Brown transferred
to Dapango, Northern French
Togo. • , . , .
Mr. Brown was ordained by
the Arkansas district council of
the Assemblies of God in 1935.
He has been a minister since
1932 and is a graduate of South
western Bible Institute.
Rev. E. Kirschman, pastor
Sunday, December 2: Sunday
school for all ages, 10 a.m.; wor
ship service, 11 a.m.; childrens
service, 7 p.m.; evangelistic rally,
7:45 p.m. . _ • j „
Weeknight service. Tuesday, 8
P 'youth service and choir1, re
hearsal, Thursday, 7j45 p.m.
Special .missionary .rally with
as guefct speaker ...Friday. Nov ^Ti
ber 30» at 8 .'„•••• • -
center Union (O NeUD
Rev C. P. “Tifrhef, pastor
Sunday, December ‘ 2: Sunday
school at 10 a.m.; preaching ser
vice at 11 a.m.; young peopjf?
meeting at 7:30 o’clock in the
evening; prdaching sery**
lowing the young peoples meet
"prayer meeting and n' e
study will be ih the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Dick Wednesday
evening at 8 o clock.
Duane Lauber, pastor
Sunday, December 2: Sunday
school, 10 a.m.; worship Service,
11 a.m.; Wesleyan youth, 7:30
p.m.; Adult fellowship, 7:30 p.m.;
evangelistic service, 8 p.m.
Thursday, November 29: pray
er service, 8 p.m.
Visit Nel»on Home—
Mrs. Nina Rust and daughter,
Mrs. Phyllis Hinkle and daugh
ter Nina, all of Chadron visited
Mr. and Mrs. Esty Nelson Friday
afternoon. Mrs. Harold Hargen of
Spencer drove them over. Mrs.
Rust is Mrs. Nelson’s mother.
METHODIST (Page-Inman)
Rev. Lisle E. Mewmaw, pastor
Thursday, November 29: WSCS j
meeting, 2:30 p.m.; junior choir
practice, 4 p.m.; youth choir1
practice, 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, December 2: Sunday
school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.;
MYF, 7:30 p.m.; membership
class 8:15 p.m.
Wednesday, December 5: WSCS
prayer hour, 9 a.m., scripture — 1
xfebrews 11.
Thursday, December 6: WSCS
meeting, 2:30 p.m.
Thursday, November 29: WSCS
fried chicken supper served toj
the public, beginning at 5:30 p.m.
Sunday, December 2: Worship,
9:45 a.m.; Sunday-school, 10:45 j
j a.m.
Wednesday, December 5: Choir
practice, 7:30 p.m., followed by
(Amelia- Chamber*)
Rev. Harry S. Myers, pastor. 1
Saturday: Membership training;
class, 8 p. m.
Sunday: Sunday-school, 10 a. j
: m.; worship, 11 a. m.; MYF, 7:30
p. m.
Monday: Missionary service
and family night, 7:30 p. m.
Tuesday: Official board meet- J
ing, 7:30 p. m.
Wednesday: Commision on
! membership meets, 7:30 p.m.
Thursday: MYF and choir,
practice, 7:30 p. m.
Friday: Membership training j
class, 8 p. m.
Sunday: Worship, 9:30 a. m.; j
Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m.; mis
sionary service, 7:30 p. m.
Monday: Official board meet- |
ing, 8 p. m.
C. W. Switzer, Wife . I
Wedded 48 Years
Mr.".«a«d Mrs.- G- .W. Switzer
i celebrated their 48th wedding
•annivetspry Sunday at the home
of. Mr..,Switzer’s brother, Ralph,
at. Meadow. Grove..
It was also the second wed
j ding anniversary of Mf. and Mrs.
, Dwight Bloomquist of Magnet
and Mrs, Eton Cameron, while
zer of Cedar Rapids.
All three couples, who, are re
lated, were present.
Marks Anniversary—
h Little DOwey Schaffer, son of
Mr and Mrs. Larry Schaffer,
celebrated his sixth birthday an
niversary Tuesday at a party for
his little friends.
To North Platte—
Mrs. Laura Walker left with
her daughter and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Miller of
North Platte, for a visit until af
ter Christmas.
Entertains Today—
Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka will en- .
! tertain the Jeudi club today j
| (Thursday). I
| Chez-a-Maxi in Session—
Mrs. D. A. Kersonbrock was
I hostess Tuesday to the Chez-a
] Mari club.
Civilian Air Patrol Benefit
.. DANCE ..
American Legion Ball Room
— O’Nefll —
Saturday, Dec. 1
Music by
Admission $1.00 S|
O’Neill News
Joe Sobotka. jr., a student at
the medical school at the Uni
versity of South Dakota at Ver
million, was home to visit his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sobot
ka for Thanksgiving.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan P. Jasz
kowiak and Nyla were Thanks
giving guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Brewster and family of Stu
Guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs.
Preston Jones were Mr. and Mrs.
R. V. Crumly and family of Page,
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walters
and family of Chambers and Mr.
and Mrs. Walter DeVall and girls.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Jur
an and sons went to Naper
Thanksgiving to visit the John
Stahlecker family.
Presbyterian Women's associa
tion wiH hold a bake sale, Satur
day. Dec. 1, at Shellhamer's Jack
and Jill starting at 10 a.m. 31c.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil L. Laursen
and family spent Thanksgiving
with Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Durr at
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Connors
and sons of Greeley were guests
of her mother, Mrs. M. J. Wal
lace on Thanksgiving. Mr. Con
nors returned to Greeley and
came back for his family Sun
Mr. and Mrs. C. Vincent Jones
and family stopped Sunday to
see his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
E. Jones on their way from Gor
don to their home in Columbus.
John R. Gallagher and his
aunt, Mrs. John Melvin, attended
the wedding Thanksgiving day in
Omaha of Miss Joanne Frenking.
Thanksgiving guests of Mrs.
Clara Schaffer and family were
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Seymour and
Mrs. Joe Seymour, all of Grand
Island and Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Miss Marybelle O'Connor, Mrs.
William Griffin and Mrs. Mar
garet Elkins were in Omaha Sat
urday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Orsborne
went to her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Strong for Thanksgiv
ing. Also present were. Mr. and
Mrs. Virgil Parks and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Nutter
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Helmut Arnold were Thanksgiv
ing guests of Mrs. Nutter’s broth
er, Gene Lesher near Taylor.
Mrs. Vannie B. Newman went
to Ainsworth to spend from
Wednesday, November 21, until
Friday with her daughter and
husband, Mr. and Mrs. William
Schiessler. Her other daughter,
Mrs. Vivian Magstadt, also of
Ainsworth was also there for
Mr. and Mrs. James Mullen and
Miss Patricia, were Thanksgiving
dinner guests of her brother and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ull
rich of Atkinaon. Other guests
present were Mrs. Don Martin
and Peggy and Dick and Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Wedige and boys of
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Muff and
Carolyn spent Thanksgiving at
the Cletus Muff home near Clear
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Nesbitt
and sons went to Fullerton to
spend from Wednesday, Novem
ber 21, until Sunday with their
parents, relatives and friends.
H. S. Moses went to Imperial
Thanksgiving day to join Mrs
Moses at the home of their son
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. A. S. Evans. They returned
Sunday. Mrs. Moses had left a
week ago Friday and went by
way of Lincoln where she visited
her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
R. S. Moses. They also attended
the Nebraska - Balor football
ivu33 Carolyn Moaeman of Om
aha spent from Friday^ until Sun
day with her parents’" Mr. and
Mrs. Paul K. Moseman.
Mr. and Mrs. Esty Nelson and
family went over to Spencer
Sunday to visit her brother,
Willard Rust and family.
Miss Myra Magstadt of Ains
worth was a Friday overnight
guest of her grandmother, Mrs.
Vannie B. Newman.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evans and
daughter, Dorothy, of Meadow
Grove were Thanksgiving guests
of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Evans and
Guests Saturday of Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn W. Miler were Mr. and
Mrs. Joe DeBarthe of LaMonoi,
la., and Mr. and Mrs. William
DeBarthe and son of Indepen
dence, Mo. The men are cousins
of Mr. Miller.
Mrs. Clyde McKenzie, sr., and
Connie Bowlby of Lynch spent
from Wednesday, November 21,
until Sunday at the Clyde Mc
Kenzie, jr., home.
Dr. and Mrs. Rex W. Wilson
and family were Thanksgiving
dinner guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hanlon.
Presbyterian Women’s assor.'a
tion will hold a bake sale, Satur
day, Dec. 1, at Shellhamer’s Jack
and Jill starting at 10 a.m. 31c.
Mr. and Mrs. James Mahon
and family were in Verdel for
Thanksgiving at the Bernard Ma
hon home.
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Tarr and
four children of Colome, S. D., |
arrived Wednesday, November 21 !
at the home of her parents, Mr. j
and Mrs. Mike London. Thanks
giving day Mr. and Mrs. Tarr
left early for Omaha to visit
Mrs. Tarr’s four sisters and to
attend to business. The four
children remained with their |
grandparents. The Tarrs return
ed here Sunday and left Mon- j
day for their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kyster and
family were Thanksgiving din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Thanksgiving dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tooker were
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete
Walnofer, of Atkinson.
Mr and Mrs Kenneth Waring
spent Thanksgiving in Page with
his mother, Mrs. Ethel Waring.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Watson |
were Thanksgiving guests of j
their daughter, Mrs. Dave Burk.
Mr. Burk and family, of Ewing, i
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. j
, Gordon Watson were their son j
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Watson of Chambers. In the af
ternoon they took a sightseeing j
trip to Ft Randall darn and
Pickstown, S. D.
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Mareel
lus and family and Mr. and Mrs. j
Billie Marcellus and family spent !
Thanksgiving in Ewing at the
Bob Tamms home. Other guests
wede Mr. and Mrs. Nolan De- j
losh and family of Stuart, Mr.
and Mrs. Keith Sweigart and
family of Witten, S. D , Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Robertson and family
of Long Pine, Kenneth Robert- I
son of Springviow, Mr. and Mrs. i
‘‘Bart’’ Barton and Dale of Royal
and George Robertson of Ewing.
From Wednesday until Sunday,.
November 14-17, Mrs. Stanley
R. Longenecker and children
were in St. Edwards visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Winston Stahleck
er of Canton, S. D. were Satur
day visitors at the Kenneth Jur
an home.
Mrs. Harry Clauson returned
Friday from Spearfish, S. D |
where she had visited her broth- 1
er-in-law, H. F. Plank, since
Sunday. November 1ft.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Ten
borg were Thanksgiving dinner
guests of Gary En body’s
i —I
Market Report
We have just finished two
great occasions — Thursday,
the day of thanksgiving (and
I think we all gave thanks but
very few out loud); the other
occasion happens every week
on Wednesday—Butte Live
stock Market’s AUCTION.
The November 21 sale was
on the ljght side, but the
market was very aggressive.
Market prices on stock was
very good on all classes — es
pecially on the better grade
calves and the good meat type
butcher hogs.
Lester Pearson
Marvin Larsen
See you Wednesday.
Special Registered Bull Sale
December 12
Butte Livestock
Butte. Nebr
Selling 17 Head of Registered Hereford Balta from the
L. J. Leehtenberg, E. J. I/eehtenberg, C. C. Nelson and Son.
and A. M Engelhaupt herds at
Butte Livestock Market
Wednesday, December 12th
2:00 P M.
These bulls are all coming-two-year-olds and are in
range condition and will be ready for heavy service. All
bulls are of popular blood lines. Bulls from these herds have
been topping the Niobrara Valley Hereford Association Sales.
For further information or catalog, see or write—
C. C. NELSON & SON, Bristow
I Annual O’Neill Chamber of Commerce |
Christmas Window I
( m
i — 7f=-' —
Find the Unrelated Item in Each Window
and List it on your Official Chamber of
Commerce Entry Blank.
Contest Winners announced and Prizes Awarded at the KVHC Free Anniversary
Dance at Legion Ballroom that evening at intermission time.
I at the Chamber of Commerce Office (Harrington Insurance Office) at 7:00 P.M. I
I Friday, Nov. 30. 1
I Prizes will be awarded on the basis of earliest returned correct answers. All I
( entries must be turned in no later than 10 o’clock. (
I Hundreds of Dollars Worth of Free Gifts i
I Every Participating Store Will Give A Prize (