Chambers News Mrs. C. V, Robertson, Mrs A1 Dterking, H. C, Walter and Mrs. Charles Spann attended a district work shop meeting of the Carden clubs at Atkinson Monday. Oct 15. Miss Vivian Harley who at tends Concordia college at Sew ROYAL THEATER — O’NEILL — Thurs. Oct. 18 Faminly Night Big Double Bill LAST OF THE DESPERADOS America’s most reckless era. James Craig. Jim Davis, Carton MacLane, Margia Dean. Hated, hunted, he was a target for ev ery loose gun and gal in the life of “Hilly the Kid" — also — III LAI'C.IIED LAST Frankie Lane, Lucy Marlow, c os tarring Anthony Dexter, Dies Ixing, with Alan Reed, Jesse White. Family admitted for 2 adult tick cts — Adults 50c; Children 12c Fri.-Sat. Oct. 19-20 Victor Mature, Janet Leigh SAFARI Color and Cinemascope, with John Justin, Roland Culver, Liam Kodrnond, Earl Cameron, Orlando Martins. As never before ... all the awesome spectacle and sav agery of darkest Africa. Adults 50c; Children 12c: Mat inee Saturday 2:30. AI1 children under 12 free when accompanied by parent. Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Oct 21-22-23 Gregory Peck, Richard Basehart, Leo Genn in the John Huston production of Herman Melville’s MOBY DICK Color by Technicolor. Orson Welles as Father Mapple. Never such a sight. Never such might. The white whale had nearly de stroyed him—and no one would rest until the white whale was dead. Adults 50c: Children 12c; Matinee Sunday 2:30. AH children un der 12 free when accompanied by parent. ard, is one of the 10 girls selected for candidates for queen of the college. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor. Harley of Chambers. Mrs. Raymond Beed went to Omaha Monday, October 15, as a delegate to the assent iy of the Rebekah lodge. Members of the Woman*; So ciety 01 Christian Service of the Chambers Method t church at Unded a Northeast d.un t S .nar at Bassett Fridav. October 12. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Carpen ter and daughter, Juaiiti. iiiia o;i; * her 10, from Burui . V n , to visit his hr .. r. i. .: r v peoter and, also his brti r- i. uw and s ter, Mr, and Mrs. E, . . Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. T E New ; went to Inman Sur. i. , < > tc er 14, to attend the 75th annivers ary celebration of the Inman shower at Laurel Sunday, Octo 1 t 7. honoring a friend. Miss Carrol Lute On Sunday, O to er 14, both Mr, and Miw Young went tu Laurel to at*, nd the weed of Mi l Luti to Bor o HLastrup, Mr, and Mrs, Don Benck and children of Bloomfield were Sun day, October 14, visitor.' in t Harry Meyers home Mr. and Mrs. F, S. Carpenter of Omaha were supper guests in the home Qf his brother, Mr. and Mrs. E. R Carpenter, Wednesday evening, October 10 They also ealled in the Floyd Whitaker home. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Walter drove to Sioux City Friday, October 12. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jones and Mr. and Mrs. W E Martin of Park Rapids, Minn., have been visiting relatives and friends at Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gilbert drove to Kilgore Saturday where they visited a nephew and his wife. Rev. and Mrs. Carroll Gil bert. Returning home they stop ped at the home of her brother in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Z. X, Marshall, at Stuart and they spent the night with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gilbert, and family of Stuart. Mr C. O. Briggs of Red Oak, la., visited her mother, Mrs. A ini a Farrier her sister, Mrs. Al vin Tangeman; her toothers. Earnest and Hyias Farrier, and their families. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fees and sen returned last week from Los Ange •>. c if., where* he had ii employ ml several months They were accompanied by M: Robert Farrier of Compton, C.i - if., who ,s visiting her mother, Mrs. Chet Fees, and with other Farrier relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter r . Mr. and Mrs. . r\ in Carpenter and children of Burlington, Wash., also their father. Miron Carpenter, drove j A n Sunday where they were dinner guests in the Dean Stevens home Others presen, re Mr. and Mrs. lien Medea.£ nd eln iren of Sioux City. The . t in v. . ivirs, earpemci ,t * .*> anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik and m ioi i cent visitor.' at u* home of ais sister, Miss Em ma SI.-, i ■ i. gin. (. iuis Wuitermoie and Eugene . ,M-r drove to Bloomfield Fr - eay with Staniej Elkins’ pickup and brought oack the electric oi gan which the Methodist congre gation here has purchased. Rev. Harry Myers returned . . ediiesuay evening, October 10. from Lincoln where he had at tended a three-day school for ministers. ro Honor Past-Presidents, i i trier Members— PAGE—Plans have been made to honor the past presidents and the charter members of the Page Improvement club on November 5. Plans also have been made for a card partj- October 30. The new by-laws of the so ciety were revised by a commit tee. Mesdames Evelyn Gray, Al ton Braddock and Ray Snell. Mrs. Harold Kelly and Mrs. A O. Weber joined the club. Patricia Ellen is the name chosen by the Gene Wolfes for l heir new daughter. They now have three daughters and three j sons. Mr. and Mrs. David Patrick Maughan . . . will reside at Til den.—The Frontier Photo. Graham-Maughan Nuptials i a k s Place in O’Neill At 10 a.m., on Saturday, Octo ber 13, at St. Patrick’s Catholic church here, Miss Kathleen Ma rie Graham was united in mar riage to David Patrick Maughan of Tilden before an altar dec orated with autumn flowers. Very Rev. Timothy O’Sullivan officiat ed in the nuptial mass and the double-ring ceremony. Acolytes were Eugene Jilg and Douglas Spittler. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham. The bridegroom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maughan of Tilden. The bride, given in marriage by her father, appeared in a Chantilly lace and nylon net gown which featured a high neckline and lace bodice. Her double nylon lace net skirt fell into a long aisle-wide train. Her imported silk illusion veil was fingertip length and was held in place by an imported shell-shape cap edged with pleated illusion and tiny seed pearls. She carried a white prayerbook topped with white carnations and white streamers. It was a gift from the 'bridegroom. She carried out the tradition of something old, new, borrowed, and a penny in her shoe. Miss Mary Graham, a sister of the bride, was maid-of-honor. She wore a pink gown which had a lace jacket and a nylon net ballerina-length skirt. Her head band was of pink flowers. She carried » pink and white colonial bouquet of carnations. The bestman was Dean Mau ghan of Tilden, brother of the bridegroom. Ushers were Don and Edward Graham of Omaha, brothers of the bride, and Clar ence Jockens of Tilden, a broth er-in-kiw of the bridegroom. All of the men wore business suits and white boutonnieres. Miss Bonnie Burival, accom panied by Mrs. J. Robert Beri gan at the organ, sang “On This Day,” “Panis Angelicus” and “Ave Maria.” The bride’s mother wore a purple crepe dress with tan ac cessories. Her corsage was white | carnations. The bridegroom’s mother chose a blue wool dress with navy ac cessories and a white carnation corsage. A breakfast for the immediate families, Father O'Sullivan and llev. Thomas Hitch was held at the M&M cafe. There were 20 present. From 2 p.m., until 4 p.m., at the home of the bride’s parents a reception was held for 150 guests. The table was centered with a four-tier wedding cake baked by Mrs. Carl Colfack. Dec 1 orations were pink and white, j the bride’s colors. Mrs. Berton Kimball of Os | mond, an aunt of the bride, pour ed. Mrs. Clarence Jockens of Til den, a sister of the bridegroom, served the cake. Miss Connie Jo 1 Bazelman had charge of the guestbook. Miss Marlene Harring ton of Omaha and Miss Patricia Maughan of Tilden, a sister of the bridegroom, had charge of the gifts. For going away, the bride chose a blue suit with navy accessories. After a trip, the young couple ■ will live in Tilden. He is em ployed by the Norfolk Bridge Construction company. Mrs Maughan attended St. Ma ry's academy and Mr. Maughan attended Tilden high school. Out-of-town guests were: Miss Marlene Harrington. Miss Margie Norman, Edward and Donald Graham, all of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mulhair of Lynch; Mrs. Alva O’Brien of Stanton; Mrs. Lyle Scheer of Norfolk; Mrs. Elizabeth Velder of Fremont; Mrs. Margaret McCarthy, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jockens, Mr. and Mrs. Flank Maughan, Dean, Jerry and Pat, all of Tilden; Mrs. G. Dozier, Mr. and Mrs. Nick De Muth and Mrs. Thomas Meis, all of Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Berton Kimball of Osmond; Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Simmons of Page; Lou Pet erson and Richard Wright, both ol Ewing. REACH FORMOSA CHAMBERS—Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walter recently received a telegram from the board of for eign missions, Lutheran church (Missouri synod), stating their son and his wife, Pastor and Mrs. Norman Walter, had arrived safe- j lv in Formosa September 28. Rev. and Mrs. Walter have gone to Formosa as missionaries from the Lutheran church. Legal Notices (First pub. Oct. 18, 195b) John R. Gallagher, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4146 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, October 11. 1956, In the matter of the Estate of David Stannard and Margaret Stannard, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time lim ited for presenting claims against said estate is February 8, 1957, and for the payment of debts is October 11. 1957. and that on No vember 8, 1956, and on February 9. 1957, at 10 o’clock A.M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to re ceive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W REIMER Countv Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 25-27 j (First pub. Oct. 18, 1956) NOTICE OF DELINQUENCY OF SCHOOL LAND LEASE RENTAL To: Andrew G. Johnson, O'Neill, Nebraska. Notice is hereby given that the | rental on your school land lease ! contract with the State of Ne I braska covering the I NWLSE‘,4 Of Section 36, Township 31. Range 12, in Holt County, Nebraska, is delinquent for more than six months and that if all payments due thereon are not paid, as pro vided by law, within ninety days from date of the first publication | of this notice, your said lease i will be declared forfeited by the Hoard of Educational Lands and Funds. BOARD OF EDUCATIONAL LANDS AND FUNDS ELMER H. MAHLIN, Secretary 25-27 - — ■ -i Club Completes Plans for Achievement Day LYNCH- Mrs. Art Retilaff was t dess to the Highland extens: n ub Thursday afternoon, October Miss Margaret Stenger present u : e les.'.>n on “Effective Shop*" Eight members were present \chievemunt day plans were m :e for October 25 Other I.'nrh New s Mr and Mrs Dwayne Milk nd faml's of rhoenix. An• . are v v si ting a the paientai yd M, Is heme The • 01 Methodist young ■ club o' Atkinson met a*. V ■■ m church on Monday •i o i ■ r 8, for a social M»d re is hour with Lynch M 1 ..dp Hammon Ui Ed Johns home on Mr and Mrs, William Veseley and children of Verdel recently visited at the .Frank Fisher home Mrs E, Evans returned to her . rr.e in O’Neill after \ isiting het daughter. Mrs. Herbert Price, and family several days. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Mulhair were in Omaha last week, Clayton Bennett was a Sunday, October 7, dinner guest at the ■ c-d Kraft home at Bristow, Mesdamos Charles Courtney, Frank Weeder and Albert Kn >,\ ai. Miss Margaret Stengn and Rev. Charles Kamber attend , \CCW deanery meeting at Ewing Tuesday, October 9. Fa ttier Kamber gave the keynote address of the program. The board of directors of the Farmers Union Co-operative of Lynch held a monthly meeting at the elevator Monday evening, October 8 lion Reiser of Butte was a touch visitor Tuesday, October 9 Mr and Mrs Roy Bartrlson . nd Mr and Mrs Warren idr n.ui, all of Butte, visited relatives at the local hospital Sunday, Oc tober 7, Kenneth Johnson and his brother, l .ester. Howard Mart* and Marlen Lewis attended the national corn picking contest at Columbus on Friday. Mrs. Marti an mpanied the men as far as '.or: > , md spent the day at the Wayne Mart* home. Feted on Anniversary— Mrs Ramon Bright recently was honored at a surprise birth dny anniversary party by the birthday elub. Twelve ladies were the hostesses. The self invited e nests were from Orch ard, Atkinson a ad O'Neill. Frontier for printing! - i Thurs., Fri. & j Sat., Oct. 18 19-20 | ! j i 1 i i i ■ s _ ________ HOSTESS SET Aqua-Ripple 14-Ox. Tea ; LIBBY GLASSES $2.00 Value Dollar Day Special Three Days Only $1.00 LIBBY BOUNCE TUMBLERS Heat Treated i SET OF 12 j Regular $2.00 Value Dollar Day Special Three Days Only : $1.00 PITCHER and | GLASS SET OF 6 ! Regular $4.00 Value Dollar Day Special Three Days Only ! S2.50 i I CRYSTAL FLAIR Fight 10-Ounce Beverage GLASSWARE SET Regular $2.00 Value Dollar Day Special Three Days Only ROSE TRELLIS PARTYTIMP; BEVERAGE SET Set of 8 Regular $2.00 Value Dollar Day Special Three Days Only _ STEMMED j WINE GLASSES ! Set of 4 Regular $1.50 Value Dollar Day Special Three Days Only _ [ m I Cambridge Caprice Crystal H FOOTED TUMBLERS I Regular Price $1.95 I Dollar Day Special — Three Days Only I $1.00 I 4 COMMUNITY TWILIGHT SPOONS Regular $2.95 Dollar Day Special Three Days Only $1.00 Off_ STAINLESS STEEL SET OF 6 TABLEWARE 6 Knives 6 Soup Spoons 6 Forks 6 Teaspoons Regular $8.95 Dollar Day Special Three Days Only $5.95 McIntosh jewelry O’NEILL ' ' ,• 8 ", • . * V • ’ •• • •.: . . o • . . • • •• : ‘ ; *: • _ • . •• „ .• .. • . • • Planning a NEW HOME? • HOME BUILDING • CHURCHES, • COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION We’d be pleased to maka FREE estimates for youl ^ **,l ■yam' O’Neill Construction & Cabinet Works PHONE 205 GERALD MONK. Prop. O’NEILL • * * • , • • ' ,.**•, *, •• • • • '****» • * * * * • • *• Regular $2.50 Pair DUCK DECOYS Dollar Day Special $2.00 CLOPAY ACCORDION DOORS Regular $8.95 Dollar Day Special $7.95 TIRE HOT PATCHES 2 Cans of 10 DOLLAR DAY SPECIAL $1.00 Regular $1.29 BROOMS Dollar Day Special $1.00 LARGE 4-TINE BARLEY FORKS Regular $3.19 Dollar Day Special $2.00 HAMMER HANDLES Dollar Day Special 9c HEADQUARTERS FOR THE HUNTER!_ O’Neill, Nebr. Phone 125 GAS HOME HEATER ; Discover the miracle of TRAVEL l HEAT and najoy Warm floors all wlntar longl Toko advantage of our KIng-Slie Trod# In Offer now ... and get a new Siegler at BIG savlngsl A Siegler actually pays for itself with the fuel it savesl You get up to twice the head You save up to half the fuell See today and tavol I4*** Olv., you 1 I ,# ' oown *° "*• I '» "Xm!2^2ZT! I torn pp""*9U. I MAOIC- I •«» I *°N CONSTRUC. I S5B"«wi I DANKERT’S SERVICE O’Neill — Phone 410 Chambers — Phone 2101