The Frontier Woman ... Zesty Kraut Aids Duck Dinners ti> BLANCHE SPANN PEASE Homemaking Editor Kraut is tr« . , served w.ih foods saeft as P«rrk, goose and duck F . a ,ri-. ple and appc .ja»g flavor try combining kraut v. tn other types of meal such as beef chuciy. \ cal shoulder and iamb. For, example here’s a kraut and paprika >ef re ipe using chuck oeef s an econotm al dish. KKAt'T AND PAPRIKA BEEF Three tablespoons butter or margarine, 2 i .ps sliced onions, 1 tablespoon paprixa, tea spoons salt, 1 pound chuck beef (cut into cubes), 2 cups water, 1 No 24 can kraut, 1 tablespoon butter or margarine, 1 tablespoon brown sugar. Melt three tablespoons butter or margarine, add onions and saute until golden brown. Add liaprika, salt, beef and water Cover and cook over low neat about one hour or until meat is tender. Cook kraut over moder ate heat, stirring occasionally, until thorougly heated. Drain off liquid, add one tablespoon but ter or margarine and brown su gar. Heat until butter and sugar are melted. Place on serving platter and top with meat and sauce. One of these days those of you who raise ducks will be having roast duck and maybe you'd like to try stuffing the duck with kraut stuffing. You’ll never know whether you like it or not until you try it. Might be deli cious! ROAST DUCK WITH KRAUT STUFFING One 5- to 6-lb. dresed duck, 4 teaspoon salt, pepper, 1 No. 303 can kraut (drained), 4 cup fine ly chopped celery, 1 apple, pared, cored and chopped. Place duckling on rack in roasting pan, sprinkle surface with salt and pepper. Combine kraut, celery and apple. Stuff the cavity of the duck with this mixture. Tie legs securely to i ; 'lera’.e oven of 325 T a .i,g 20 to 25 minutes per pound. Iti. ST KRA I . LASH, me No. 2 .an sraul, 2 runs •' • Jn i chtL - i a,.p ■ •• : ' • » --l-.mi 4 teaspoon salt, . 4 cup i t* wine, ! , cups water. 2-j tar ie'-poons butter or margarine, ■ .a. diced pork, », Jb. diced 2 tablespoons chopped par sley, cup condensea tomato soup, *v cup sour cream, n a kettle combine the kraut, apples, onions,- paprika, pepper, suit, wine, and water. Mix thoroughly. Cover and bring to a Ixnl. Cook over low- heat for one hour. Melt butter or margarine over medium heat Saute diced pork anu veal until tender, not brown ed t oim ne meat mixture with cooked ki.iut. Add parsley and soup Cover bring to boil and rook gently 45 minutes. Remove f’ uni neat and add sour cream slowly, ■ lining constantly. Noli if very tart apples are used, add one tablespoon sugar, tfw — i aimed Bushels tu I um.Uiirs— 52 W st 5th- St. \ on; Net r. peal frontier Woman’ Another cann nr season, we had bushels of tomatoes to can and hope everyone nad as good iuck with tlieir gardens as we did Have our caie filled with vegetables and fruits ana in the basement, ready for next w-inter and saved from the grass - hoppers, which are quite bad here. When peeling apples or peach es for canning, arop them in vinegar-salt water. 1 use two tablespoons of salt to a gallon of cold water. Rinse the fruit well before canning. This keeps it from turning dark when you are ready to can. Make litHe girls' and boys’ ! the tails of discarded men's shirts. Trim with bands of bright colored material. A cup of bleach in water helps i i linoleum of hardened floor wax. W on glassware develops small ni on the edge if the base, you an rub it smooth again with fine sandpaper. Close zippers on wash day car iient ; r«.• laundering them • t • z ppers may tear other garments. JOSEPHINE EORGELT NOW AT VALENTINE AMElaA Mr and Mrs. Ivan il< th and Cynthia recently were transferred to Valentine from Ponea. Mrs. Roth is the former j canine Doolittle. Mr. Roth is employed as a butcher m the Council Oak store. 0 Neill News Mr and Mrs R, ph Tooker visited Mr. a; i Mrs. Claude Humphrey and Mr. and Mrs, I ter WaJnofer Sunday at Atkin Mr- John V C. f < 'tnaha visited last week at the heme i f lie - rn ner, Mr- 1. S.. . an. Mr. M ;< • ill cam# Friday and they returned t imija Sunday, Mrs H. L Lmiuerg and Re oh i left Friday for Lance to. They visited Marilyn and Ted Lind berg From there they went to Omaha where Mrs Lmdoerg left with .Mr. and Mrs. R. \\ Swan son for BurbanK, Calif She will visit her brother and other rela tives. Ralph returned to Lincoln for the football game Saturday. Bruce McElhaney returned last T i tv 'from Germany. He had months there in the .. mod services. . ... god Mrs Dale Wilson „vts . 1 t. • of V ivpt Sunday Dinner guests Sunday of Mr i Mr Marlin \v ichman were • 1 and tl tnd Bouska of A kin . .*..a Jae Bousia1 of Portland, rt. . guests Wednesday. .•! 10, a; me W. W Waller o were Mr and Mrs Fred > i a ; go of Sher idan, Wyo ... oid M. - J ack Hermanco of vi o were dinner guests Wed ;i •*!..'> evening. Octooer 11, of and Mrs. H. G. Kruse, viv. and Mrs. Sylvester Zakr e.vsKi. Bernard Gribble. Ange iine Zakrzewski and Mr and Mrs William Podany of Butte i re dinner guests of Mr. and Mr. Thomas Zakrzewski of Op ■ .and Ronhy,-celebrated then* M Mri • . - . * to Oil* ' • . , t , ■ • .• ■ v S .h e Mr an 1 Mrs C E i, Mrs, Marv ' • r. Mi nd Mrs Daniel Fase id • a of Ease, Mr. t Mr? Adi h Wc-tzier of < Mr. and Mrs. K. i \ ' Mi Mrs . • Novak and aoughier, Lindy, and Roger A:idet*v>n of F emont were guests of their gianttp irents, Mr and Mr? Hero Jansen. They were Sunday dinner guests at the John Jansen home. Mr. and Mrs Ray Sullivan of Norfolk and Mr Agnes Sullivan ot Chicago, 111., spent the vveek . . I at the Pat Si, tivan home, r. John Stuifhergen and ,i. ren spent 10 weekend in \ ; > ■ ■ i parents. M ■ and Mrs. E. T Ditto. Mr and Mrs Richard Smithson spent '. e weekend at Yankton, S n, attending the 75th homo* •- ,ng .(Universal' of Yankton eo ege. \ and Mrs CiWfo Smith of ' a. 'a. were Friday overnight .. ii - s of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. K e. M . d Mrs George Sehmiet enKuop of Hooper spent the wei .end with Mr and Mrs Wil iam Solfermoser. Mrs. lima Redd spent the weekend in Grand Island with tier son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neitfeld. Mr and Mrs A. L. Rymann and family spent the weekend in Oak dale visiting her mother, Mrs, H. H Springer, who is in the hospi tal Mrs Springer has to go to Lincoln for X-ray treatments Scott Infant la Baptized - STUART- Theresa Kathryn Scott, infant daughter of Mr, and Mrs James Scott, was recently e r stoned by Rev A J lHiseh ang in St. Boniface Catholic church. Mi-s Mary Henning of Atkin son, the child’s natural great grandmother. and John Hem ming of Atkinson, a great uncle, were sponsors. _ ■ . ——■— Frontier for printing! Never An After-Thirst SWITCH TO SQUIRT RE-ELECT FRANK NELSON to the Slate Legislature from the 23TH DISTRICT (Holt, Itn.vd, Itock and Keya Paha Counties) • A farm operator of northern Holt county who believes in, and has worked for, home rule on all local prob lems. | • A legislator with experience in the legislative field, who knows the problems you are faced with, as he i has many of the same. • Promises a careful, honest study of all bills and sup port of those that will make for a better 28th district and state of Nebraska. YOUR SUPPORT AT THE POLLS NOVEMBER 6T1I APPRECIATED 9 x 12 Axminister RUGS All wood in variety of patterns and colors. VALUES UP TO 79.95 Your g A Choice S-T-R-E-T-C-H your homo heat dollars with.,,} NEW Conoco Super Heating Oil ...with anti-sludge, anti-smoke additive! 0 Burns clean and complete. oi >oo| and carbon deposits in your burner . .. extra savings for you. 0 Guards against toullngl New anti sludge, anti-smoke additive keeps filter and other burner parts free and clear. ^ Uniform heat I You enjoy truly comfortable heat. . . with virtually no unpleasant odor or smoke. ^ Fewer repairs I VN New Conoco Super in the tank, your burner stays clean all Winter long. Tank need filling? Call me for fast, friendly servicel JIM STORMS O’NEILL R. G. ROCKEY EWING — PHONE 82 ! SALE DAYS — THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY OCTOBER 18th-19th-20th « TABLE LAMPS k Assortment No. 1 Wrought Iron and China Bases Values up to $6.95 Your 100 Choice _J FELT BASE RUGS Four Patterns to Choose From Dollar Days J 0 0 Special_ STUDIO BEDS in Modern Tweeds Makes into Single Size Bed Regular 59.95 J A 00 Dollar Days Price —4U k LOOK! YOU SAVE 89% 5-PC. CHROME DINETTE SET Greatest buy ever! Extra strong 1 6-ga. chrome tubing. Table opens to 5 ft. Stainless steel apron. Duran chair upholstery. Grey table with grey or persim mon chairs, Dinettes as law as. $49 TABLE LAMPS J Assortment No. 2 { Brass and Black, Black, and China Bases j MODERNISTIC STYLES AND SHADES While m 00 ! They Last!_4 | TELEVIS’N CHAIRS J Armless Style — Friezes and Tweeds * Regular 23.95 4 Cl 00 * 6 Only at_| 0 J T-PC, SECTIONAL J in Grey Tweed i WITH R1 BBERI/ED HAIR PADDING I Regular 109.95 ~ A QO ! Sale Price_/|| i WHAT NOT SHELF Do-it-yourself kit. No nails or glue needed. No limit to designs. REGULAR 1.49 $ Days Price — LAMP SHADES Large assortment for table lamps. VALUES TO 3.89 ! Choice j Platiorm ROCKERS Swivel type in red or preen metallic tweed. REGULAR 29.95 £ale $24 Price ■ Boudoir LAMPS China bases, parchment shades. 12 ONLY Dollar Days f* Price 9 x 12 J FELT BASE RUGS J Bird quality grade. REGULAR 8.50 Dollar Days Price PAINT ROLLER « PAN Regular 1.29 Dollar Days Price _ JADE-ITE 4 PC. BOWL SET Heat - Proof Regular 1.49 Sale Price _ $1 DOWN PER TIRE will hold your choice of any of our Wintermaster Tires! 6y2-ln. Elgrade FILTER DISCS REGULAR 69c EACH Sale £ 1 2 for * LIMIT OF TWO Varcon New-Glo AUTO POLISH Cleans and polishes in one operation. Money-back guarantee. Now...... $1 ——————— «in i 4 - Tie BROOM WAS 1.19 $ Days * Price ^ * 4 - PIECE g MEASURING CUP SET 4 Aluminum I »4 — 1/3 — >/a — » CUP SIZES Regular 89c g Sale Price _ < -4 PAINT in Quart Size | One Coat Flat, was 1.19 — Now 1.00 g Satin Finish, was 1.39 — Now 1.00 g Semi-Gloss Enamel, was 1.39 — Now 1.00 g Interior Gloss Enamel, was 1.55 — Now 1.00 g Varcon | BONDED ANTIFREEZE | 50-50 mixture protects to 50 below zero. I * $100 WRITTEN GUARANTEE ) Regular 1.19 | $ Days Price_Gal. $ 1 * -a.. 100 - Ft. CLOTHES LINE Braided Cotton Was a Good Buy at 1.19 $ Days Only_$ 1 Enamelware UTILITY PANS Regular Price 1.19 Sale Price_ $1 _ Electric ! MIXER BOWLS < Regular 1.29 * $ Days Price_88c < ■ - — d > WATER GLASSES | Floral Pattern ^ Were 12c Each i Dollar Days Special | 12 for _ . 1-Qt. Pyrex MEASURING CUP Regular 69c Each Now 2 for CAKE PANS Aluminum Covered Regular 1.29 S Days Price TROUBLE7 LIGHTS < 6- Volt Regular 1.95 . Dollar Days 4 00 < Price __ I J l :i ± i | j-m :11 k1#A Mrf V TTTT«