The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 18, 1956, SECTION TWO, Image 11

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    Mr. and Mrs Lee Downey of
Denver, Colo., were callers last
Thursday morning at the Fay S.
Bnttell home.
Mr and Mrs. Archie Bright
and Bill Hovey of Ord attended
the Stuart homecoming Saturday
Venetian blinds, prompt deliv
ery, made to measure. metal or
wood, all colors.—J. M McDon
ald's. O Neill. tf
Supper guests Monday evening
of Mr and Mrs. J. H. Davis were
their houseguests, Mr and Mrs.
Andrew' Johnson and Mr and
Mrs. Oscar Sampson, all of Mora,
Minn , Mr. and Mrs. Wade Davis
and family of Ewing, Mr and
Mrs R. A. Stowell and Gary, Mr
and Mrs. Ralph Stowell and Mr.
and Mrs. Rex Stowell and family.
“The Old Reliable”
FridaV, October 12th—2,700
All Aberdeen-Angus Auction
2,200 calves sold at prices
ranging from $21.00 to $27.05
cwt. for steers and $17 00 to
$19.90 for heifers. Yearling
steers from $18.75 to $20.00
Monday, Oct. 15th — 2,150
calves sold from $18.00 to
$22 00 for better kinds and
from $16.00 to $18.00 for com
parable heifer calves.
Tuesday. Oet. 16th — 1,800
cattle sold, including around
800 yearling and 2-year-old
steers. A very active demand,
prices fully 50 cents per hun
dred weight higher at $18.00 to
$19.50. Cow market fully
steady and active. Around 300
calves sold steady with Mon
day market.
next calf sale
We can use more good quali
ty steers for next Tuesday.
Prices the past week have re
covered on these kinds. Good
time to cash them is when they
want them! Phone 5141.
Atkinson Livestock
Veteran President
Darrel Dexter (above), son
of Mrs. Olive Dexter of O’- 1
Neill, has the distinction of ;
having been president of his 1
class for four successive years. >
He was elected as president
when in the seventh, eighth, i
ninth and again this year in the
10th grade.
~ *- "
Tuesday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Beilin were Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Bltimmer of Arnold, former
ly of O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Becker and
Roberta went to Hartington Sun
day to visit her sister, Mrs. Aug
ust Noecker, and her father, John
r riaay guests oi Mrs. «osa
Bowers were Mr. and Mrs.,
Frank Klasna and Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Ludwig, all of Spencer.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eppenbach
and family, his mother, Mrs. Elsa
Eppenbach, and his brother, Gary
Eppenbach, went to Palmer Sun
ady to visit the former’s brother
in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs.
Eric Eilers, and family.
Callers Wednesday, October
! 10, at the F. S. Brittell home were
Mrs. Ray Conard and Mrs. Dickie
Fernau and daughter of Ncligh.
Frank DeBacker of Fremont is
visiting his brother, G. C. De
Backer, and Mrs. DeBacker this
I week.
S/Sgt. and Mrs. Robert D.
| Clements and Debra Ann and
Robert, jr., of Lowry air force
base, Denver, Colo,, returned on
| Saturday after visiting his par
| i-nts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clem
ents, since Monday, October 8.
Mrs. Esther C. Harris enter
tained the Wesleyan Service
Guild Monday evening.
Lt. James Merriman is attend
ing a two-weeks’ course at Ft.
Lauderdale, Fla. He is stationed
in Georgia. He is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. L. M. Merriman.
Mrs. John J. Harrington went
to Sioux City Saturday to meet
Mr. Harirngton, who is employ
ed in Chicago, 111. He returned
Tuesday. Their daughter, Mar
lene of Omaha, attended the Gra
ham-Maughan wedding Saturday.
She arrived Friday with Don and
Edward Graham, both of Omaha.
They returned Sunday.
HEO Club Becomes
Extension Group
n • HEO dub met
at the Glenn Harpster home last
The club has decided to become
an extensoin club and will take
their lessons from the O'Neill
Other Deloit News
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Prellwitz
and daughter of Kearney visited
at the Frank Bohn home over th
weekend Mrs. Prellwitz was
formerly Evelyn Bartak.
Mrs. Frank Miller went to
Grand Island last Thursday. Her
son. Leonard, who is in service
in Wyoming, returned home for
a month’s leave from camp.
Sunday dinner guests at the
Keith Bartak home were Mr,
and Mrs. Bill Gibbs, David and
Kathy and Mr. and Mrs. Lambert
Bartak. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bartak
and family of Inman were after
noon visitors.
Mrs. Fred Prellwitz and daugh
ter and Mrs. Frank Bohn were
Saturday evening visitors at the
Bill Gibbs home.
The bridge west of Deloit was
rebuilt last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Bauer
and Dan planned to leave Wed
nesday by train for California
where they will visit their daugh
ters, Mrs Dewayne Borg and
Mrs. Jerry Lamport, and fam
ilies. .
Mrs. r red narpsiei «»uu
Lu were Orchard visitors Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morrow
and daughter of O’Neill are stay
ing at the Bauer home this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Bartak
made a business trip to Sioux
City Friday.
Mr and Mrs. Lynn Carnes of
Ncligh spent Sunday afternoon at
the Henry Reimer home.
Leave for Detroit
to Attend Wedding—
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Froe
lich and son, William, jr., depart
ed Sunday for Detroit, Mich., to
attend the prenuptial parties for
Miss Kathleen Seymour and her
liancee, Mr. Froelich, jr.
Others leaving this week will
be: James, Charles and Miss Ma
ry Froelich, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rob
ert Berigan, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Stout, Mr. and Mrs. Frank FYoe
lich, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Birm
ingham. Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Campbell, J. D. Cronin and Very
Rev. Timothy O’Sullivan.
The Birmingham girls, Miss
Barbara and Miss Marde, who
are employed in Denver, Colo.,
will fly to Detroit. Mr. and Mrs.
Edward M. Gallagher will also
be present at Saturday’s wedding.
O’Neill News
Mrs' Ray Lawrence and fami-1
ly and Mrs. A1 Hamik and fam-;
ily visited Mrs. John Gallagher in
Inman Saturday.
Mrs. I. J. Kinsman of Colum
bus was met in Norfolk Monday
by Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Morgan.
Mrs M. J. Golden and Mrs. F.
J. Dishner. She will visit rela
tives for a week.
Romaine Saunders of Lincoln
was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. L.
G Gillespie last Thursday and
Friday. , .
Calvin Murphy, who was sta
tioned in Germany, arrived home
Sunday evening guests of Mrs.
Emma Lawrence were Mrs. Lou
is Taggart and daughter, Jackie,
and Mrs. Merle Fagan, all of
Chambers^ ^ Kenneth Juran
and sons spent Sunday in Creigh
ton visiting friends. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roth and
daughter of Atkinson were Sun
day dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd E. Johnson and fam
Sunday evening Dr. and Mrs.
Merle Hunt of Battle Creek vis
ited the Earl Hunts and the K. C.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones visit
ed her brothers, and sisters-in
law Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Peter
son and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Peter
son, in Polk Sunday.
The Harold Humnchs have
named their little daughter Jan
1 °Mr and Mrs. Marvin Miller
expect to go to Lincoln Friday
and return Sunday. Mr. Mtlle
plans to attend the football game.
Weekend guests of Dr. and
Mrs. Harry D. Gildersleeve were
Dr Norman Rathmann of Blair
and Fred Wildes of Fremont.
- "1
Five Grid Regulars on Shell
Five regulars from last year’s St. Mary's ped ankle; Jim Froelich, bad knee; Jerry McGinn,
academy football team are on the hurt list, pos- broken leg; Larry Cleary, knee injury. (Not pic
ing a serious blow to Coach Don Templemeyer’s tured is Jim Becker, who had knee surgery this
hopes. Left-to-right: Capt. Tom Schneider, chip- summer.)—The Frontier Photo.
Mrs, Susan Kubitchek returned
Friday from a visit in Denver,
Colo. She accompanied Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. McManam.v of Den
ver, whom she had been visiting.
The McManamys returned home
Sunday. Miss Sharon Hancock,
who is employed in Denver, also
accompanied them and visited
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Hancock, over the weekend. She
returned with the McManamys.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Baack at
tended the 34?h division staff of
ficers’ meeting at the national
guard conference held over the
weekend in North Platte. Mr.
Baack is a major. Their son,
Ricky, left Friday to spend 10
days in Seward with relatives.
* •* ( ' % ■
sec ribN rw o
jhe Frontier
O'NEILL, NF.BR.. Till RS„ <HT. 18. 1956. —'PAGE 9.
Timers’ Homecoming
Foe Will Be Tilden
EWING—It’ll be homecoming
Friday at F.wing high school and
a big day lies ahead.
There will be a parade down
town at 2 p m,, with most of the
classes and school organizations
represented with a float or some
other type of entry. The parade
will be climaxed with an old
fashioned pep rally at the post
office corner.
In the evening, Coach Fritz
Reifert's Ewing Tiger*, beaten
only once this season, will enter
tain the Tilden Tigers, ancient
The band will appear at the
game and present a halftime
show. The homecoming king and
queen will be crowned—complete
with attendants,
After the game, the homecom
ing dance will be held at St.
Dominic hall. The homecoming
royalty will be given special rec
ognition. Jess Gayer and his or
chestra will provide the music.
More SPOR 1 S on 10
I>ran Streeter
Feted on Anniversary—
Mrs. Dean Streeter entertain
ed at a card party Sunday eve
ning in honor of her husband’s
birthday anniversary.
Mr and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie,
jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
R Revell spent Friday in Lynch
at the home of Mrs. Clyde Mc
Kenzie, sr.
Mrs W. H. Harty and Mrs. F
H. Harty went to Creighton Sun
day to visit the former’s daugh
ter, Mrs. Kevin Kocina, Mr. Ko
eina and daughters.
Joan and Joan McKenzie, twin
family birthday dinner Wednes
McKenzie, jr., were honored at a
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
day to celebrate their fifth birth
day anniversary.
Last Thursday guests of Mi
and Mrs. L. F. Beckenhauer were
Mr and Mrs. Richard Miner and
daughters of Denver, Colo., and
Mr and Mrs. Harry Beckenhauer
of Norfolk.
Dale Beilin spent Sunday night
with Arnold Miller, son of the
Evvalt Millers. Arnold, who re
cently was discharged, returned
from Germany recently.
Wallpaper. 10c per roll. 3 for
25c.—Scovie’s Western Auto, O’
Neill. **<•
Rev. Thomas DeBaeker of Nor
folk brought some boys to see
the St. Mary’s game last Thurs
day. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs.
C«. C. DeBaeker.
Little Suzanne Benner and her
mother, Mrs. Roy Berner, have
been staying with Suzanne's
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L.
Harmon, since she and her moth
er were dismissed from St An
thony’s hospital. They will re
turn to their home in town when
Suzanne is a little older.
15-Foot Cord
Special ... $1.00
Regular 1.98
Special $1.00
6 - FOOT
Regular 5.95
Special $4.95
Regular 2.98
Special $1.98
Phone 21 O'Neill
WE WIS1 I to announce that we will be open for business in our i
modern new store in the Consumers Bldg., on East Douglas street,
on —
However, we will continue to do business in our present location
through Saturday night, October 20th.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday — Oct. 18, 19, 20
Only V* Only
Phone 98 — O'Neill
O’Neill Dollar Days — Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 18,19,20
Ladies’ rayon slips. Assorted styles and sizes. 32-44.
White, black and pink. Value to $3.98.
Each _ $2
All nylon knit slips. Lace trim. White. Built-up shoul
der style. Sizes 4 to 12.
Each -$1
1 . F» '
Ladies’ cotton blouses. Plains and printed style*.
Assorted siie 32 to 40. Hurry for these!
Each- 1.50
Fast color prints in attractive styles. Regular 2.79 quality.
Ladies' sizes 12-20 and 38 to 44.
Easy-eare 40 denier nylon briefs. Fancy lace panel trims. White. S-M-L.
Each Pair_00c
Tan glove leather or black leather loafers. Fashioned for fit and built for wear.
Ladles’ sizes 5 to 9.
Men’s eturdy twill jacket with wool Inter-lining. Knit bottoms and cuffs. Olive
drab color only. Sizes 36 to 46. Plenty of hard wear In these!
LADIES’ COATS — m,, nlAfe 57
Outstanding wool fabrics. The season's lastct fashions and colors. Lr | WL I La La xJr WW
Made to sell up to 39.95. Large cotton filled pillows, assorted fabrics and colors. Save!
Buy Now!_$33 Each_77c
Cotton print or crisp organdy fabrics. Bib or tea
styles. Assorted colors. Buy several!
.—- - _
Limited quantity of famous-brand hose. Sheer 60
?au?e quality. Wanted shades in 8Va to IOV2 sizes.
2 Pairs-$ 1
1 7"
27 x 48, cotton and rayon, rayon and nylon loop rugs.
Fringed ends. Non-skid hack. Assorted colors.
2 ^ ..$5
36” printed flannelette. Gay patterns on pastel grounds.
Ideal for gowns, pajamas, etc.
3 Yards for___51
Fine white cotton. Tested for strength. Practical sise. Stock up at this low price.
12 for-88c
40-piece set. Famous Wm. Rogers flatware. Beautiful
pattern, heavily silverplated. Don’t miss this big
saving during our Dollar Days!
40-Pc. Set_$12
Soft, absorbent rayon and cotton towels. 27 x 35 sue.
Woven red border on two sides and hemmed edges, i
4 for_97c
E ~1
Largo size “Dacron" (Reg. trademark) filled com
forters. Light-weight, non-matting. Gay floral print
covers. Buy for Christmas!
Each - $9
39” wide unbleached muslin. Firm, sturdy quality.
Stock up at thLs low price. i
5 Yards for..J J
24 x 48 cotton rugs. Heavy tight-woven quality. As
sorted multi-colors.
2 for-$3