The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 13, 1956, Page 8, Image 8

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    Right Hand Lost
in Shredder Mishap
DELOIT — Alvie Parks, who
Jives in the Deloit community,
lost his right hand Wednesday,
September 5, in a shredder acci
dent He was taken to the Neligh
hospital and later to a veterans’
Mr. Parks was employed by the
Huffman corporation and lived at
the main ranch with his wife and
eight children, the oldest of
whom is 11. His wife is the for
mer Theresa Thiele.
Other Deloit News
Mr and Mrs. Jewell Tomjack
and two sons of Hastings spent
the weekend at the R. M. Tom
jack home.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Manson
and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Briggs
spent several days last week on
a hunting trip.
Mrs Sidney Anderson visited
Saturday at the Henry Reimer
Mr and Mrs. Adolph Wulf of
Michigan visited Tuesday, Sep
tember 4, at the Fred Harpster
and Henry Reimer homes.
The Deloit Pinochle club met
last Thursday at the Charles Mc
Donald home. Mis. E. L. Sisson
won the traveling prize; Mrs. Mil
ler, high, and Mrs. Pofahl, low.
Lunch was served by the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Neider
heide and family visited last
week at the Fred Maben home.
They are from Michigan. Vincent
is the son of the late Charles
Money to Loan
— on —
Central Finance
C. E. Jones, Manager
O’Neill Nebraska
Betty Conger of Elgin and
Elaync Reimer went to Wayne
on Wednesady, September 5, to
register for college work. Elajne
spent the weekend at home.
James Miller, Evelyn Scholl
and Cora See Schmiser are tresh
men in Ewing high school. Ma
dme Stearns is a freshman at El
Mr and Mrs. Ralph Tom jack
we tnto Omaha Sunday to visit
their son. Gene, who was visiting
his sisters. Gene is stationed at
Denver, Colo.
Homesteader at
Wall Is Visited
Mr and Mrs, John Grutsch
and son, Elwin, and Mr. and
Mrs. L. G. Stevens of Oakland
returned Friday, August 31,
from a weeks’ trip through the
Black Hills
They also visited Mrs.
Grutseh’s brother. John Moler,
of Wall, S.D., at his place where
he homesteaded 50 years ago. It
was the first time Mrs. Grutsch
had visited him.
She said he sent his regards to
all his old friends in Holt county.
Member of Ak-Ak
Pfc. Kenneth L. Taylor, son of
' Mr. and Mrs Jack Taylor of O
i Neill is a member of the 433d
! antiaircraft artillery battalion at
Ft. Lawton, Wash.
A communications specialist in
the battalion’s Battery C, Taylor
! entered the army in July, 1955,
and completed basic training at
Ft. Chaffee, Ark
He attended O’Neill high
Girls Model Clothes
for Program—
L Y N C H — The local 4 - H
achievement day program was
held Friday evening at the
American Legion hall with a
large crowd attending.
Several girls modeled clothing
which they had made which
helped to make up the program.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie
ji\, and family were Sunday din
ner guests of Mrs. McKenzie
sr., at Lynch.
Mrs. Guy Cole left Monday foi
Seward w'here she will visi’
friends for a few days.
Airplane Kit |p||y
Balsa Wood 25c m !
Piper Cub, Phantom Fury,
Mustang—many new mod
els! Big 16 to 32-in. wing
Auto Model Kits
Old, new! 69c
Authentic details molded in
plastic, turning spoke
wheels! Old or new models.
Easy to ai
s e m b 1 e !
Strata- Flyer,
Each in bag.
Choice of 4
easy - to -
make models!
6 - in. wing
I ouch
Pebbled scuff
proof rubber!
Self - sealing
valve. 9x5-in.
Junior boys’
miniature 6 x
3 - in. size.
Pebbled rub
Official Style
Official 12 x 6Vi-in. size!
Ruggedly constructed of
red triple-lined fabric.
w-WlllfIwiftfliairWMp . |
J - ♦ • * * •
■ Bazaar Scheduled
Sept. I 5 at Lynch
LYNCH — The Assumption
!< sod Virgin Mary purishoners
have completed plans lor a- full
entertainment in Lynch
Saturday, September 15
The program includes: Cake
walks,- fish ponds, a real country
; store, a parcel post sale, articles
from many states for sale, a
chicken dinner beginning at 5
p.m., and a big dance injthe eve
Other Lynch News
Ben and Dollie Reiser of Butte
were Sunday visitors at the Mel
| vin Lueken home Sunday, Sep-:
.ember 2.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Keller were
recent visitors at the Eldon Kop
lin home in Butte.
Mr and Mrs. V. J. Koscan of
Anoka visited relatives in the
local hospital this week
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nelson re
turned home from a vacation
trip. Emil Koval assisted at the
postoffice during Louis’ absence.
Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Sixta are
in Minnesota looking after their
their farm interests there.
Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Franklin
of Verdel were Lynch visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barta of
Niobrara were Lynch callers re
Mr, and Mrs. Guy Chambers
and family were Lynch visitors
last Saturday. They plan to move
from Gross to Pierre, S.D., this
coming week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hurd are in
Iowa for an extensive stay.
Mr. and Mrs Lee Barnes and
| Mr, and Mrs. Bryan Barnes re
. turned home from a vacation
trip in Canada and Montana.
Mr. and Mrs. Jergon Jergonson
of Norfolk looked after Lee’s
chores while they were away.
Florene and Gene Harris ac
companied the W. Forseth fam
ily of Spencer to San Diego,
Calif. They both hope to find
Mrs. John Rossmeier, Brenda
and Shirley Moody spent several
days at the Gilbert Mammot
home in Grand Island.
Jackie Lueken returned home
Sunday after spending the week
at the Ben and Dollie Reiser
ranch home south of Butte.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hanel of
Omaha visited at Ray Longs last
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Havranek
of Spencer visited here tis week
Claude Collins called on
friends here recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Teadtke re
turned home last Sunday from
several days spent in the Black
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Court
i ney were'state fair visitors the
oast week.
Rev. Foster of Spencer visited
Father Kamber Thursday.
Emil Koval plans to leave this
week for Lincoln to continue an
agricultural course at the Uni
versity of Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Whetham
have returned to their home in
Casper, Wyo., after visiting at
the Don, Art and Glen Stewart
homes also at Ed Whethams. The
Walt Whethams are former
Miss Merle Merchant left for
Newport where she is teaching
this coming year.
Mrs. Gladys Gallop returned
home from the west coast where
she visited relatives this summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Long at
tended a Ruda family gathering
at the Fred Ruda home Sunday, j
September 2. \
Mr. and Mrs. Don Allen at
tended the state fair the past*
week. _,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Collins
and family of Broken Bow visit
ed at the parental, Elmer Chris
tensen, home here last week.
Gary Nelson of Wayne is visit
ing at the parental home this
Kenneth and Dean Stewart
leave this week to enter the
University of Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Courtney
returned from a week’s vacation
in Omaha and Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Mulhair at
tended the state fair this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Barta of
Verdel were Lynch visitors
Hoy Johnson’s
Mother Dies—
DELOIT — Mrs. Johnson, 94,
mother of Roy Johnson of Neligh,
died in Omaha Wednesday night,
September 5.
Funeral services were held sat
1 urday morning at the Congrega
j tional church in Neligh.
Spend Weekend Here—
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brennan
of Omaha spent the weekend with
relatives and friends.
Thurs. Sept. 13
Family Night
Joan Crawford in
Co-starring Vera Miles, Lome
Greene, Ruth Donnelly and Cliff
Robertson. “I never know what’s
coming next . . a kiss or a slap.”
Family admitted for 2 adult tick
ets; adults 50c; children 12c
Fri.-Sat. Sept. 14-15
Print by Technicolor
Starring Rory Calhoun, Yvonne
DeCarlo, Mara Corday, Rex Rea
son, Neville Brand. Her love . . .
for the first man to claim it! This
was the law of the tyrant who
ruled the frontier in 1842.
Adults 50c; children 12«; matine
Sat. 2:30. All children under 12
free when accompanied by parent
Sun.-Mon.-Tuc*. Sept. 16-17-18
Tab Hunter and Natalie Wood,
the audience award-winning guy
from “Battle Cry.” The sensa
tional girl of "Rebel Without a
Cause”. They flame with the fire
of first love in—
People would say: “But they’re
only kids!” Shy, awkward Trace
Jordan who always ran from
trouble—and Maria, the mixed
up teenager who alw'ays made it!
Adults 50c; children 12c; matine
Sun. 2:30. AU children under 12
free when accompanied by parent
(.rattan Flats Club
Has Buj*> Month—
rhe Grattan Fiats 4 - H club
was busy during the month of
August. We held two regular
meetings and also our 4-H pic
First meeting was held at
Ford's park. We met at 6 o’clock
for a swimming party and then
barbecued hambergers and
roasted weiners for supper.
After lunch we went to Frank
Searles’ for our meeting. We
practiced our demonstrations
which we were going to give at
the county fair. We also com
pleted our plans for the fair.
On August 27, our club met at
the Fritz Brockman home. Main
business was getting record
books finished
Our club will meet again in
October at the Roy Way man
Each of the four girls in the
sewing club made outfits and
stvled them at the county style
revue.—By Connie Jean Brock
man. newsreporter.
Mrs. Streeter
Dinner ilonoree—
Last Thursday evening at the
Dean Streeter home, Mrs. Street
er was honored at a birthday an
niversary dinner.
The guests were Mrs. C. Ray
Williams and Miss Colleen of
Sheridan. Wyo., Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Streeter, Vincent Streeter
of Grand Island and Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde McKenzie, jr., and
O'Neil! News
Mrs. C. Ray Williams and
daughter, Miss Colleen of Sheri
dan. Wyo., were last Thursday
overnight guests at the Dean
Streeter home. They were en
route to Xavier, Kans., where
Miss Colleen will enter h e r
sophomore year at St. Mary’s
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Kenfield of
Julesburg, Colo., arrived Wed
nesday, September 5, to spend 10
days with their daughter and her
husband, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon O
Ramsel and sons.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Froelich
left for Chicago Monday. They
plan to return at the end of the
week. Miss Mary Ellen Froelich
left Monday for Duchesne col
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Baker re
turned Tuesday, September 4,
after a trip to Wyoming where
they visited his mother. Mrs. O.
W. Baker and other relatives.
They left Saturday, September 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Berner visit
ed his mother and sister, Mrs
Clara Berner and Miss Muriel of
Norfolk over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Asher and
Susan of Valentine visited at the
H. E. Asher and A. R Wyant
homes over the weekend.
Miss Genevieve Biglm and
Miss Nora Mc-Auliffe arrived Fri
day from Sioux City to visit Mr.
and Mrs. F. N. Cronin until
today (Thursday).
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brewster
and Gary and I^iwrence Rouso
visited relatives over the week
end at Harrison. The men went
hunting and each got an ante
Monuments of lasting
J F. Bloom Co. . . • monuments
made bv skilled craftsmen of the
from the factory to the consumer.
—F.mmet Crabb. O’Neill, phone
139-.!. 3<tf
Weekend guests at the Frank
Benash home were their son and
bis family, Mr. and Mrs. 9'lbei't
Benash and children of Milford.
Mrs. W. J. Biglin and Mrs.
Margaret Bohler were hostesses
Tuesday at a luncheon in honor
of the Misses Mary and Kathryn
Grady and Mrs. H. J. Hammond.
The Misses Grady left Wed
nesday for their home in Denver.
Mrs. Hammond plans to leave
soon to spend the winter in Den
UMr. and Mrs. Larry Schaffer
and Dewey will move into the
Hammond home at the end of
the month. ,
Mr and Mrs. George Hartford
attended the C. J■ Schroth fu
neral in Orchard Monday.
METHODIST (Page-Inman)
Rev. Lisle E. Mewmaw, pastor
Thursday, September 13: Jun
ior choir practice, 4 pm.; choir
practice, 8 p.m., followed by MYF
council meeting.
Sunday, September 16. Sun
dav-school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11
a m.; MYF, 7:30 p.m., followed
bv religious census meeting for
both churches with Reverend
Foster, mobile minister, as di
rector. t „
Monday, September 17: Com
missions meet at 8 p.m., and of
ficial board meeting, 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday, September 19:
WSCS prayer hour, 9 a.m., Scrip
ture lesson—Matthew 5:13-21.
Thursday, September 20: WSCS
meeting. 2:30 p.m.; junior choir
practice, 4 p.m.
Thursday, September 13: WSCS
meeting, 2:30 p.m.; fall festival
and anniversary committees meet
at 7:30 p.m., in the Harvey Tomp
kins home, followed by official
board meeting at 8 p.m.
September 15 and 16: MYF
tour to Lincoln.
Sunday, September 16: Sun
day-school, 8:45 a.m.; worship,
9:45 a.m., featuring the dedica
tion of memorial clergy chairs;
religious census meeting, 8 p.m.,
in Page church for both churches
with Reverend Foster, mobile
minister, as director.
Wednesday, September 19:
Choir practice, 8 p.m., followed
by MYF.
Thursday, September 20: Adult
fellowship meeting, 8 p.m.
vital tax
money can
costa not one
O'Neill, Nebr.
Rose Mary Babl
Shower Honoree
EMMET— A wedding shower
was held in honor of Miss Rose
Mary Babl. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Babl. on Sunday even
ing in the home of her parents.
Miss Babl was married on
Wednesday, September 12. at the
Church of the Epiphany in Em
met. There was a dinner fol
lowing the ceremony in St Mi
chael hall.
Other Emmet News
Mrs. Jim Peatrowsky and
daughter. Kathy, left on Friday
to return to their home at West
Point after being a guest of the
A1 Kloppenborgs for a week.
Mrs. Peatrowsky and Mrs. Klop
penborg are sisters.
Mrs. Dean Perry and Beverly
i visited Mrs. Joey Staub at O’
Neill Wednesday morning. Sep
tember 5.
Miss Patricia Mullen was a
weekend guest of her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. William Mullen.
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Havranek vis
ited Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Hav
ranek of O’Neill on Thursday
Mrs. Anna Ramold and sons
spent a few days visiting rela
tives at Central City this week.
Roland Wills left on Monday
morning for Wayne where he
will enter Wayne State Teacher’s
college for another term
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler and
granddaughter. Mary Alice, went
i Lincoln on Thursday to attend
the state fair. They visited Mr.
Mr and Mrs. F. G. Webber and
family at Lincoln, also Mr. and
Mrs. Fleming at Monroe and Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Peterson at
Platt center, returning home
Saturday evening.
Mr and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and
daughters were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Tomlinson and
Veldon of Star on Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Fred Perry of O’
Neill visited at the Dean Perry
home on Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Brockman
Connie and Jerry visited Mr.
and Mrs. Homer Ernst on Thurs
day evening.
Mrs. Bessie Burge and June
visited Mrs. Harry Appleby at
the home of her daughter at O’
Neill Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Patterson
visited at the George Robertson
home in O’Neill on Wednesday
evening, September 5.
Mr. and Mrs John Kee were
uests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Bates Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Turner of
rewster visited Mrs. P W. Me*
Gmnis and Mr and Mrs. Guy
1 Cole of O’NeiH on Sunday after
Guests at the home of Mrs.
Bessie Burge on Sunday honor
ing the birthday anniversaries of
Mrs. Glen Burge and daughter.
Myrtle and Mrs. Clyde Burge
and daughter, Joyce. Those pre
sent were: Mr, and Mrs. Clyde
Burge of Amelia; Mr. and Mrs
Glenn Burge and family of
Chambers and Jerry Dickerson
of Oklahoma.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Perry were
supper guests of Mr. and Mrs
Paul Newton on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bates
and family visited Mrs. Henry
Benze and family on Friday eve
Gerald Wills will leave Wed
nesday for Omaha where he will
attend Creighton university.
The South Side club met with
Mrs Joe Winkler Tuesday, Sep
tember 4, with nine members at
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wink
ler and children visited Mr. and
Mrs Joe Winkler on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. G Owen Cole
went to the Missouri river Sun
day where they went boat and
surf board riding.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cole and Mr.
and Mrs. Art Humpal left on
Friday for Canada where they
will spend a week fishing. Jackie,
Chip and Fat, sons of the Cole’s
are guests at the clcorge Skopec
Mr. and Mrs G. Owen Cole at
tended the golf banquet at the
O’Neill country club Thursday
EMMET — While moving a
small building last week Ray
Tunender had the misfortune to
have it upset falling upon him
cutting his back and breaking
one rib.
Northeast Corner .
of 4th & Douglas
Phone 167
Eyes Examined-Glasses Fitted
Office Hours: 9-5
Monday thru Saturday
AS WE HAVE DECIDED to quit the farm, we will offer the following described per
sonal property, at public auction, on the premises, located I mile east,
2 miles north, 4 miles east, 2 miles north, 2 miles east, 6 miles north, 4 miles east, 0
miles north and 5 miles east of O Neill on O Neill-Redbird road (road will be maik< d
with farm sale signs); OR 4 miles south from Redbird store to sign, then > miles east,
OR 1 mile north and J mile east of Dorsey, on
Tuesday, Sept. 18th
Sale Starts at 1 P.M. Lunch on Grounds
52-HEAD of CATTLE-52
One milking now: one to freshen soon
24—Hereford CALVES 1—Purebred Hereford BULL, 1-year-old
Some Year-Old Hay — 2 Stacks of Alfalfa — Some Brome Seed
’54 J-D Model 60 Tractor,
wide front end, like
new, used less than 900
’51 J-D B Tractor
Power Troll for 60 J-D
Power Troll for B J-D
’55 MM 88 Combine,
power lift, with motor,
new, used about 60 A.
Farm Hand, heavy duty,
with manure fork,
sweep head with push
off, like new
j-D 6-Ft. One Way
’48 Jeep with aluminum
Heavy Duty Underslung
and Cable
Winch and Cable
J-D No. 5 Power Mower
J-D 14-Ft. Rake, new
I-D Tractor Manure
Spreader on rubber,
2 wheels
100-Bu. Wagon on rubber
100-Bu. Flare Box Wagon
Wood Bros. Corn Picker
40-Ft. Elevator
John Deere 2-Row Lister
on rubber
J-D 2-Row Cultivator
Side Dressing Attachment
for J-D cultivator
Eli Attchment for same
15-Ft. J-D Disc, hydraulic
or manual control
Eli, IHC pull-type
No. IAS Bear Cat Feed
Sargent Manure Loader
Grading Blade
Attachment for any
M-M 11-Ft. Grain Drill
3-Section Harrow
10-Ft. Disc
2-Bottom Moline Plow
LOOO-Bu. Steel Granary
Steel Running Gear
Cement Mixer with 2-Cyl.
Maytag Motor
Quincy */2“FL Air
Compressor, new
400-Chick Gas Brooder
2—Fuei Tanks on Stands
20-Ft. Extension Ladder
10-Ft. Ladder
50-Ft., 6-In. Rubber Belt
2 60-Bu.: Hog Self
12-38 Tractor Chains
Comfort Cover for A or
Miscellaneous Items such
as Barrels, Hog Water
ers, Vise, Anvil, Forge,
Buzz Saw, Small Tools,
3,000-Watt, 110-Volt Light Plant, Fairbanks-Morse
This is in good condition; ideal for REA standby service.
Misc- Household Goods
TERMS OF SALE: Strictly Cash. No property to be removed until settled for.
"Dick" B. & Irene Marston
Auctioneer-Real Estate Broker Clerk