Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1956)
Riverside News Mrs James Pollock, Wayne and Norman joined Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pollock and Patsy at a Sunday dmner at the Joe Stur baum home. Mr and Mrs. Rodney Pollock and Phil of Omaha and Earl Phillips of Gering spent the weekend at the Dave Pollock home. Mr. Phillips looked after Imsiness interests at Neligh on Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Dale Napier ate Sunday dinner with the Richard Napier family. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier treated the Forum group to a barbecue lunch at the United i*resbyterian church annex Fri day evening.' Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Strick land of California visited her parents, NJr. and Mrs. Joe Tom jack, last week. They came on Tuesday, September 4, and left late Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller and Alberta of Omaha and the Rich ard Miller family of Oakdale were labor day guests at the Johnnie Miller home. Mr and Mrs. Bill Fry and Kitty Fry spent Sunday at the Otto Retke home in Inman. Mrs. Edna Lofquist of Neligh visited at the Bill Lofquist home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rol Hord were in Tilden on business Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier at the Town House in O'Neill Saturday eve ning in honor of Marilyn’s birth day anniversary. Never An After-Thirst SWITCH TO SQUIRT Mr and Mrs. Joe Tomjack and Mr and Mrs Roscoe Strickland were Sunday dinner guests at the Frank Hawk home. The Happy Hollow 4 - H club met Friday evening with Janell and Clayton Hoke. The club is planning a Hallowe'en party at ihe United Presbyterian church annex in October. Mr. and Mrs. Rol Hord, Mr and Mrs. Alfred Napier and chil dren, Mr and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter, Mr and Mrs. Alvin Nel son and Jimmy of Plain view. Mr and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Clayton, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter and Paul visited Sunday with the Verl Gunter family in Crookston. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry and family were guests Sunday at the Floyd Napier home. Dinner was in honor of Marilyn's birth day anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter and Levon visited the air base near Sioux City Tuesday, Sep tember 4. Levon left early Thursday morning after a 30-day leave for New York. He will fly from there to his new assignment ;n Greenland where he will be stationed. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tomjack are moving to Ewing Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry and family and A1 and Keith Gibson were Sunday dinner guests at the lx>u Vandersniek home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller called at the Ellanehc Hcmenway home Sunday. Mr . Edith McClanahan of Or chard spent Saturday night and Sunday at the Earl Pierson home. Other guests Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woepple and Russel, Demaris Lindberg of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Burke and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Cleveland of Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cleveland and chil dren of Star, Mrs. Hazel Kimes and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Pnbnow and Maranna of Cedar Rapids and Mr. and Mrs. Will Conner. The dinner was in hon or of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Eher son of Olymphia, Wash . who.are here on their honeymoon R >bert Montgomery and Roberta came home Sunday eve ning after spending a week visit ing her parents in Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Foreman of Kasas City Mo., spent the week end at the S. S. Schlotman home. Mr and Mrs. George Mont gomery were in Norfolk Wednes day, September 5. George at tended a feed sales meeting at Hotel Madison. Mr and Mrs. Henry Weaver of Pontiac, 111., are visiting at the Will Shrader home Other guests on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Willie Shrader and family, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnston and girls, Mr. and Mrs Gerald Wett laufer and Gary of Page, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shrader and children, Mrs. May Shrader. Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett and Roger, Mr and Mrs Louis Shra der and children, Mr and Mrs. Ralph Shrader and family and Ina Bennett. Rev. Turner and several young people of the Free Methodist church attended a youth rally at the Wesleyan Methodist church in O'Neill Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer call ed on the Lee Finks Sunday and were dinner guests. They visited at the Lloyd Switzer home Sun day evening Mrs. Clauson Hostess— The MM club met Saturday afternoon for a dessert-luncheon at the M&M cafe and bakery. Mrs. D. H. Clauson was hostess. Cards were played at her home with Mrs. H. L. Lindberg and Mrs. D. C. Schaffer winning high scores. Hosts to Presbyterian Juniors— Mrs. D. C. Schaffer and Miss Janice Holsclaw entertained the junior department of the Presby terian Sunday - school with a treasure hunt and supper at the church. O’Neill News Mr and Mrs Ivan Wavman were Monday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Stanley R. Long necker. Mr and Mrs. Lafe Lewis and children returned from Omaha Sunday. September 2, after hav ing spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barnes. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Krugman visited at the Harvey Krugman home in Opportunity. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jones of Crawford were Tuesday. Sep tember 4, overnight guests of Mr and Mrs. Preston Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Knight, Mike and Douglas of Norfolk ar rived Monday to visit his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fora L. Knight for a few days. Miss Jean Head came from Omaha to spend the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Head. She is a nurse at St. Joseph’s hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Noeek er and children went to Harting ton Saturday evening to s]>end Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Becker. Miss Claire Hickey and Miss Kathleen Warnke went to Om aha Saturday to hear the Law rence We'lkc show on Sunday. They returned right after the show. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox drove their son, Raymond, to Grand Island early Monday where' he boarded an early morning train for Los Angeles, Calif. He was met there Tues day by his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fox, with w h o m he’ll live and attend cliool at Norwalk, Calif., where the Foxes live. He is in the seventh grade. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Kubitschek and two children of Tremont, 111., are expected next Thursday, September 20, to visit his par ents, Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Kubit schek. ♦ ♦ Mr. jrki Mrs W Henry Lofflin and Jo Lee went to Ord Sunday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. DeHart. Dr and Mrs Edward M. Glee son and Mike and Mary Cathe rine were in Sioux City Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Krug man and family' visited Sunday evening at the How’ard Oberles | at Opportunity. The Woman’s Society of Chris tian Service officers’ training class was held at the Methodist church Monday. Mr. and Mrs Allan P. Jasz kowiak went to Norfolk Sunday to visit Mr and Mrs. Bartley Brennan and son Mrs. Danny Helmer and two little daughters went to Bruns wick Friday to visit Mr. Hel tner's parents, Mr and Mrs. Jake Helmer. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McDon ald of Omaha are spending their vacation in and around O’Neill visiting relatives and friends. Sunday evening Mr and Mrs. George D. Hansen visited their son, Gerald Hansen, and family at the farm. Mr and Mrs. Vernon Harding left Wednesday for a two-weeks visit with their five children and families in Californit. Upon re turning to O’Neill they will take over the Miller Produce station. Mr. and Mrs. George D. Han sen left Tuesday for Hrainard, Minn., to visit her brother and sistei-in-law', Mr. and Mrs. Ed Henifin, and to fish for about two weeks. About 20 members attended Presbytery and Presbyterial ^ at the Presbyterian church at Ver del Tuesday. Mrs. (S. W. Porter visited »n Chambers Sunday at the Asa Hubbard and Hiram Hubbard homes. . ,, Mr. ana mrs. neuiiuiu left Monday for Lincoln where Mr Arnold was to be sworn in as a U.S. citizen. They returned late Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs Lester Walton and daughter, Charlotte Kay. are visiting at the Roy Parker home. They arrived last Thursday and are from Leesville, La. Mr. VValt lon will leave for overseas in Oc tober. Mrs. Walton is Mrs. Park er’s granddaughter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reece of Valentine stopped in O’Neill on the wray home lrom the Lincoln fair. They visited it the soil con servation office and at the H. L. Lindberg and H. G. Kruse homes. C. W. Porter left Friday to at tend a reunion of company S9B of World War I. He returned on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Berner Vis ited Saturday and Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Berner, at Nor folk. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Munson uccompanied Mr. and Mrs Lynn Briggs of Loup City ant nope hunting in western Nebraska over Saturday and Sunday. They returned with two antelope. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Carroll left Saturday for northern Min nesota on a fishing trip. Mrs. Don Petersen and children returned Sunday from Lake Ali ces, S.D. They had been visiting her mother, Mrs. George Padrnos, who had just returned from a hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dawes of Ravenna spent the weekend at the Owen Parkinson home. Mr. and Mrs. W. W .Waller, Gary and Rita visited at the Ray Snell home in Page Sunday, Sep tember 2. Gary left from there for Wayne college. He came home Friday to spend the weekend with his parents. Ml and Mrs. Ted Kyster re turned home from two weeks va cation at Council Bluffs, la., vis iting his folks and her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Stemple, and friends. Star News The Ed Thar rush family moved this week to Alliance where they will make their home. They have been living on the Charles Cole farm. Mrs. Tharnish is the former Delta Cole Mr and Mrs Claude Cole and son will soon move to the Cole farm. Mr. and Mrs Bob Tomlinson and son and Mr and Mrs. Albert Deriekson and family attended the state fair last week. Mr. and Mrs Bill Rudloff and family were Friday evening vis itors at the Lysle Johnson home Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller and Barbara and Mr and Mrs Nels Linquist and family were callers also the same evening. Mr Johnson is confined to his home after spending 16 days at the Veterans hospital in Lincoln. Mr, and Mrs. Ewalt Miller spent Wednesday evening, Sep tember 5, at the Bob Tomlinson home. The Star Get - Together elub meets this week with Mrs. Wil liam Deriekson. The Ash Grove auxiliary met September 4. at the hall. Plans were made to give the chairs a coat of paint. Plans were also discussed for the bazaar and supper to be hold some time in November Refreshments were served. M.r. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller and Barbara were Sunday dinner guests at the Gerald Waring riome. arbara Miller visited Diane and Barbara Snyder Saturday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Juracek, Irma and Lyle spent Sunday in Hastings. , . Mrs. Gene Mudloff and Larry called at the Lysle Johnson home Sunday. , _ Mr. and Mrs. Clyde VanEvery and family of O m a h a were guests at the home of Mr. Van Every’s brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs, William Der ickson, and family last week.. 25 Attend Flower Workshop— CHAMBERS— A workshop meeting sponsored by the Cham bers Garden club was held at the' parlors of the Chambers Methodist church on Wednesday, September 5, with a potluck din ner at noon. About 25 attended. Flower arrangements were dis played. Mrs J. W. Walter show ed slides of the rose parade in California. The group had an ex 'hange of plants and the Junior Garden club showed some of their arrangements. Prairie Maids Return from Fair— CHAMBERS — The Prairie Maids 4-H club demonstration team, composed of Patty Grubb and Jeri Coday, and their leader, Mrs. Wayne Smith, returned on Tuesday, September 4, from Lin coln where they had competed at the state fair. They won a red ribbon. The girls’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bayne Grubb and Mr. and Mrs. Ed' Coday, also attended the fair. Drives to Omaha— Mrs. A. R. Wyant drove to Om aha Saturday, September 1, to visit at the home of her son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bourne. She was accom panied to Omaha by her grand children, Dorothy Lynn and Lar ry Wayne Bourne, who had been her guests for 10 days. She re turned home the next day. DELOIT — Coralee Schmiser, 14, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schmiser of near Deloit, won a purple ribbon at the state fair last week on her Angus heifer. ___ mmm mm* mm* m^m mam mmr mm* *• FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O’Neill) Rev. J. Olon Kennell, pastor Sunday, September 16: Sun day-school. 9:43 a.m.; worship i service. 11 a.m ; congregational ' meeting, 12 M. Monday, September 17 Men’s ] council dinner for both hsubands end wives, 7 p.m. The film, "This | High Calling," will be shown. Tuesday, Septembr !8 Bible i study. 2:30 p.m i Wednesday, September 19: Junior high and senior high I Westminster fellowship, 7 p.m.; < choir practice, 8 p.m. Thursday, September 20: Cir-h cle 1 meets at 2:30 p.m., with 1 Mre. Roy Shelhamer as hostess; Circle II meets at 2:30 p.m , with < Mrs. D. N. Loy as hostess; Circle ] HI meets at 7:45 p.m., with Mrs i Milton Baack as hostess. , BETH AN I PRESBYTERIAN (RFl>, Ewing) Rev. J. Olen Kennell, pastor Sunday, September 16: Worship service, 9:30 a.m ; Sunday-school. 10:30 a.m.; church family night, 7 p.m. Covered dish supper. The film, "This High Calling." will' be shown. Tuesday, September 18: Bible study at the Walt Summercr home, 8 p.m, Wednesday, September 20: An nual cleaning day. CENTER UNION (O'Neill) Rev. C. P. Turner, pastor Sunday, September 16: Sun day school, 10 a.m.; preaching service, 11 a.m.; young people’s meeting, 7:30 p.m.; preaching ser vice following the young people’s meeting. Prayer meeting and Bible study will be m the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ernst Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN (Atkinson) Sunday, September 16 Divine serivees, 9 a.m.; Sunday-school, 10:15 am.; Lutheran hour, 4 p.m., W J AG (780 kc.) Tuesday, September 18: Luther an Women's Missionary league, 2 p.m. Visitors from Niobrara— Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hull of Niobrara visited Mr. and Mrs. Preston Jones Friday. r WESLEYAN METHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. Duane Lauber, pastor Sunday. September 16: Sun lay-sehool, 10 a m.; worship ser vice, 11 am.; Wesleyan youth. ' 30 p m., adult fellowship, 7:30 >m.; evangelistic service. 8 p m Prayer service Thursday, 8 >.tn. vellar Club n Session— CHAMBERS Fourteen moni tors. four visitors and some chil Iren were present at the home of drs Lila Grubb last Thursday \ hen the Kellar club met. Mrs !d Eisenhauer was eo-hostess. Entertainment consisted of nine readings and a social time toll call was answered by nam ng the most interesting place ■aeh one had ever been. The neeting September 19 is at tlie tome of Mrs. Bernard Hoffman E CONTINUES THROUGH SATURDAY, SEPT. 15 | Take advantage of this sale to get famous brands such as Admiral and Ham ilton for less than you ever dreamed possible. Generous exchange allowances. Prices deeply slashed on refrigerators, freezers, electric ranges, washers, etc. BUY NOW and SAVE PLENTY ! 11 - FT. ADMIRAL DOUBLE-DOOR REFRIGERATOR !j Reg. 499.95, Fxch.. 28988 120-Lb. Freezer 10-FT. ADMIRAL UPRIGHT FREEZER fct MM5 I Exchange - 19888 20-FT. ADMIRAL CHEST FREEZER Re 549.95 I Exchange _33988 10-FT. ADMIRAL REFRIGERATOR || Reg. 279.95, Exch. _ IS788 60-Lb. Freezer i! ---■ . 130-lnch Admiral Hamilton Electric Hamilton Automatic ELECTRIC RANGE DRYER WASHER 8 . FABRI-DIAL, 130-MIN. TIMER n I Reg. 229.95 Reg. 229 95 Reg. 279.95 j Now .- 168.88 Special Sale Price 168.88 Sale Price-198.88 _ ^ ■ | m . ■ Ii1_ : | Modern | Furniture Midwest Furniture j and Appliance Company Phone 346-J — West O’Neill liiliiiiiiniii ’ .. Edw. M. Gleeson DENTIST 2d Floor Gilligan Uexall Bldg. Ph. 240 - Box 14'J - Hrs. 8:30-5 John R. Gallagher Attorney-at-Law First Nat’l Bank Bldg O'NEILL - - PHONE 11 Ponton Insurance FLORENCE PONTON, Prop. Insurance of All Kinds & Bonds Phone 106 — Golden Bllg. Dr. Donald E. David OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Phone 2101, Spencer, Ncbr. -- ..DANCE.. { ! American Legion Ball Room — O’Neill — | Friday, September 14th 1 Music by JOLLY COPPERSMITHS Adm.: Adults, $1; Students, 75c • Their music is styled for dancing and listening pleasure! • Playing old-time Bohemian, Scandinavian, German and modern music. • Polkas, waltzes, schottisches, landlord } • Heard over WJAG every Sunday, 2:30 p.m. L__ ! II » I ! FALL FASHIONS TO • SEE YOU THROUGH • A BUSY SEASON i 366 ^ ^ Regular 5.98 Values ' • Dropped Waists, Sheaths, Tunics, Classic Styles • All New Fall Plaids k Vibrant now autumn colors . . . fashion's latest stylet and luxury rayon fabrics combine to take you through ™ a season full of activity at a price you’ll cheer. There P are smartly tailored street dresses and glamorous little k dresses for after five. At this thrifty price you'll want to choose several. Complete size range. «*>»!> _