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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1956)
Peck-Renze Rites at Long Beach St Anthony’s church in Long llearh, ( alif , was the setting for tne ceremony in which Miss Earl ine Peck, only daughter of Mr and Mrs Earle Peck of Hartmg ton, became the bride of John H a son of Mr and Mrs Herman Henze of O’Neill, on Sat urday, September 1, The bride, given in marriage h> her father, chose for her wed ding a waltz-length gown of ivory chantilly lace over taffeta, fashioned with a V neckline. The back of the skirt was accented at the waistline with pleats. Her hat was ivory felt trimmed with * vor7 satin and she wore wrist I-— length gloves of ivory, with an orchid corsage completing her ensemble The bride carried a mother of pearl rosary, a gift from the bridegroom, and a pearl-covered missal, which had been carried by the bridegroom’s grandmother at her wedding. Ruth Renze, sister of the bride groom. gowned in navy taffeta with navy accessories, was maid of-honor Her corsage was of yel low daisies. The bridegroom and his best man, James A. England, a ship mate, were attired in grey flan nel suits and wore carnation bou tonnieres. Mrs Peek chose for her daugh ters’ wedding a medium brown ensemble with cocoa brown ac cessories and a talisman rosebud corsage. Mrs. Renee wore a cade' blue dress with navy accessories Her corsage was of red rosebuds A brunch was served at the ViUa Nova, Long Beach, imme diately following the wedding A reception was held in the af ternoon at the Moose lodge, East Los Angeles, for relatives and freinds of the couple. The wed ding cake which served as the centerpiece for the bride’s table at the reception, was cut and served by Mrs. Fred Renze of Whittier, aunt of the bridegroom Mrs J. P. Hartnett of East Los Angeles, aunt of the bridegroom, poured and Mrs James A. Eng land opened and displayed the gifts. Guests for the day included the brides’ godmother and her hus band. Dr. and Mrs. F E. Smith of Long Beach, former Hartington residents. During the week preceding the wedding the bride and bride groom, their parents and Jim Renze were entertained at the J. P. Hartnett residence in East Los Angeles and at a private swim ming party at the Lou Holzer residence in Beverly Hills. The couple is now at home at 11534 East 3rd. Long Beach. Dinner Guests Mr and Mrs. C. G. Shellhase and Mr and Mrs. Albert Klingler of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. John Tipton and Mr. and Mrs Chris Jesen of Tekamah were Sunday dinner guests at the Ivan Cone home. Stuart Young Folks Off to Colleges STUART— Young folks from the Stuart community, who have enrolled in various schools and colleges, include: Henrietta Coats, Nola Ober mire, Kenneth Batenhorst, WUlis Berry, Richard Flynn, Frame1 Hamik, James Harnik, Calvin McClurg. Marvin Mitchell, War ren Mitchell, Pat Murphy and Donald Shald, all at the Univer sity of Nebraska, Lincoln; Don ald Fuller, Terry Cobb and Low ell Seger, Wayne State college. Larry Paxton and David Moses. Norfolk Junior college; James Nelson, Kearney State college; John Qigler and Donald Ziska, Conception seminary in Missouri. | Jane Murphy, National Business school. Sioux City, and Glenn Lockmon, Nebraska Trade school. Milford, Other Stuart News James Hamik, son of Mr and Mrs Martin Hamik, arrived home Friday. September 7. having re ceived his release from army ser vice. Mrs, Wayne Olson, Ricky and j Randy of Oklahoma City. Okla., I are visiting her parents, Mr. ana ' Mrs. Jack McGrow. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Flynn, i formerly of Stuart, moved from Omaha Saturday, September 8, to Lincoln where Mr. Flynn will en roll at the University of Nebras- ; i ka Mr. Flynn has been employed by Northwestern Bell Telephone company and Mrs. Flvnn is a reg istered nurse. Their address is ?22 South 21st st. Mr and Mrs. Edwin Engler, son. John, and Donald Ziska went to Lincoln Wednesday, Septem ber 5. where they attended the state fair Thursday. They were fuests at the Leonard Engler iome two nights and on Friday irove to Conception seminary in Missouri where John and Donald mrolled. Mr and Mrs Engler -etumed via Red Oak. Ia., and irrived home late Saturday nigh* Mrs Elmer M c C 1 u r g and laughter, Donna, took her son. Calvin, and Marvin Mitchell to Lancoln on Sunday. September 9. where the boys enrolled In the University of Nebraska Family Dinner at Flome KM MET — Mrs Bessie Burge entertained her family Sunday Mrs Glen Burge and family at Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge of Amelia and Clayton Burge of Amelia The occasion honored the birthday anniver saries of Mrs. Glen Burge and her oldest daughter. Myrtle, and Mrs Clyde Burge and daughter. Joyce. REAL SAVINGS ON SOLID COLOR PINWALE CORDUROY! Reg. 98c value! First quality pinwale cord | urov in a beautiful array of outstanding colors. A'l ! washable! L— ---_k SPECIAL BUY ON SLIGHTLY . IRREGULAR QUALITY SHEETS! Savings galore! 81x108 bleached sheets. The sl^;ht unperfection will not impair the long wearing quality. Stock up! ^.. WARM FLANNEL PAJAMAS Special priced for our sale! \ ~ \ Values up V \ tw2,49 yt^s /I / / I Save now! Be warm for winter with these sanforized /af\| % Vfy flannelette pajamas in assorted styles, prints /jWky and colors. Long wearing and easy washing < -1 i 7 i / ik MEN! A SPORT SHIRT RIOT! Regular 2.98 and 3.98 shirts for only Long sleeve sport shirts in all the newest fall fabrics and shades. So smartly tailor ed of washable rayons and cottons in as sorted plaids and plains. Sizes S-M-L. Choose early! MEN’S WORSTED WOOL SLACKS Full cut and fine tailoring, only Our own Donfield brand slacks of 100% worsted wool flannel and fancy patterns in new fall shades. They are sure to fit smooth. Don’t pass this bar gain by. Sizes 30 to 42. I Here’s Your Chance to Stock Up on FIRST QUALITY CANON TOWELS! Rath rowel Hand Towel Wash Cloth 24 x 46 36 x 2K 12 x 12 86c 46c 26c Special purchase on extra heavy solid color absorbent terry towels with a woven satin border. Hurry in and choose from colors of pink, rose, turquoise, buttercup and pink beige. I SCULPTURED COTTON THROW RUGS “ ‘ I I Size 21x34 with fringed edge! J } I V Bright cotton throw rugs. Loop twist with high I | low loop sculptured design. A large selection of I I decorator colors. Buy now! Jewelry Sale A wide selection of fall’s smartest jew elry. Earrings, neck laces, bracelets, pins in pearl, gold, silver or rhinestone. A Vlw SOFT, HI-BULK ORLON* SWEATERS f I * DuPont’s for women! ^ trademark for its Carefree cardigan! Acrylic fiber. 299 Slipover 199 Soft, easy to wash, heavy Orion* matching sweaters. Choose from beautiful fall colors. Dyed to match perfectly. Sizes 32 to 40 :■ -a WOMEN’S FANCY NYLON BRIEFS Easy to wash and long-wearing! Easy-care, forty denier nylon tricot briefs with fancy lace panel trims. Assorted styles in white only. S-M-L. New fancy sofa Cotton receiving Pillows __86c Blankets! 37c Large, cotton filled, sofa 26x34 receiving blankets pillows in gay assortment of Plain pink, blue, mint or fabrics and colors. Save! maize with white stripe Popular new car coats at $ this new low, low price! H^^ll on this savings! Dan sheen gabardine, double breasted wooden toggle closing, 30” length, rayon taffeta quilted wool lining . . . 32” single breasted 3-button, poplin car coat. Chromspun taffeta plaid quilt ed wool lining. Sizes 10 to 18. LIMITED QUANTITY! \ 42x81 DACRON* PANELS! Big bargain savings! F irst quality, 100% Dacron*. Eggshell only. 'DuPont’s registered trademark for its polyester fiber. Easy-care Dacron* panels of sheer loveliness. They have a 1-inch side hem and 3-inch bottom hem. Just wash, let dry and hang. They look sparkling bright and new. A remarkable value for only 97c. Buy now! BEAUTIFUL ACETATE AND RAYON READY MADE DRAPES! Tailored to wear longer! 48x90 f Aft for only m g ^ Large size 48x90 un lined drapes with buckram lined pleats that stay stiff and neat looking. This is a regular 3.98 drape. Choose from beautiful patterns: Modern, scenic and floral. Hurry in for this money saving bargain now! SOFT, ABSORBENT TEA TOWELS! 27x35 rayon and cotton! ; First quality rayon and cot ton tea towels with woven red border on two sides and hemmed edges. mmmmmmwmmmm. 1