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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1956)
Future Subscribers ' SPENCE—Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spence of Mildred, Pa., a daugh ter, born Friday, September 7. Mrs Spence is the former Anna Mae Wiseman of Page SHELDEN—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shelden of Spencer, a son, weigh ing 7 pounds 5 ounces, born Sat urday, September 8, at Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. PAPSTEIN — Mr. and Mrs Ralph Papstein of Lynch, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 7 ounces, born Monday, September 10, at Sacred Heart hospital at Lynch. ROOSE — Mr and Mrs. Regi nald Roose of Stuart, a son, Charles David, weighing 8 pounds 13 ounces, bom Wednesday, Sep tember 5, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. CADWELL—Mr and Mrs. Je rome Cadwell of O’Neill, a daughter, Shirley Jo Ann, weigh ing 7 pounds 9 ounces, born Sat urday, September 8, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. .JENSEN—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jensen of Kimball, a daughter, Linda Jayne, weighing 8 pounds 3 ounces, born Saturday, Septem- ( ber 8, at Atkinson Memorial hos- j pital. i IK>TY — Army Pfc. and Mrs.! Richard Doty of Anchorage, Al aska, a son, weighing 8 pounds. Mrs. Doty is the former Elaine Anderson of Atkinson This is the couple’s first child. BARKER—Mr and Mrs. Wil burn Barker of Napa, Calif., a daughter, Terrie Lynne, weigh ing 7 pounds 5 ounces, born re cently The mother is the former Miss Sharon Leidlng of Orchard. MEURET—Army Pfc. and Mrs. John Meuret of Columbia, S.C., a son. Patrick Lee, weighing 8 pounds, bom Saturday, Septem ber 8. Private Meuret is the son of Mrs Katy Meuret of Bruns wick. _ , __ _ Mri i E-rv— nfv. uuu nuii. Meyer of Wayne, a daughter, Karen Grace, born Thursday, August 30, in the Wayne hospi tal. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs Herman Meyer of Atknison and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Trigg of Reed Springs, Mo. SCHWENK—Rev. and Mrs. Earl Schwenk of Chambers, a son, Stephen Ray, weighing 8 pounls 10 ounces, born Friday, Septem ber 7, at St. Anthony’s hospital. SUMMERER — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Summerer of Ewing, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 8^* ounces, born Friday, September 7, at St. Anthony’s hospital. GEARY—Mr and Mrs. George Geary of Amarillo, lex., a daughter, Bette Marie, born Wednesday, August 29, at Amar illo. G. H. Geary of Inman is the paternal grandfather. SOJKA—Mr and Mrs. Stanley Sojka of Ewing, a son, Stanley Uidwig, weighing 8 pounds 9 ounces, born Monday, September 10, in Antelope Memorial hos pital in Neligh Mrs. Sojka is the former Kathryn Koenig. The SoJkas have two daughters. GIBBS — Mr. and Mrs Bill Mrs. Gibbs is the former Do-is weighing 7 pounds 11 ounces, tKirn Friday, September 7, at a Norfolk hospital. The Gibbs have one son, who is staying with his grandparents, the L. L. Bartaks. Msr. Gibbs is the former Dons Joan Bartak. SEDLACEK — Sfc. and Mrs. Gary Sedlaeek of Norfolk, Va., a son, Daniel Lynn, weighing 7 pounds, born Friday, August 31. The paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs. George Sedlaeek of S)x-ncer and the paternal great grandmother is Mrs. Lottie Sed lacek, of Lynch. NURNBERG — Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nurnberg of Norfolk, a son, weighing 6 pounds 6 ounces, Ixirn Saturday, September L Mrs. Nurnberg is the former Leslie Pavlik, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pavlik of Norfolk for merly of Verdigre. SCHMUECKER—Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sehmuecker of Atkinson, a son, Rodney Edward, weighing 8 pounds 11 ounces, bom Tuesday, September 11, in Atkinson Me morial hospital. LATZEL—Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence- Latzel of Oak Ridge, Calif., a son, weighing 7 pounds 3 ounc es, born Monday, September 3. Mr .and Mrs. Alfred Doud and Mr. and Mrs. George Latzel, all of Ewing, are the grandparents. INFANT DIES ATKINSON—Graveside funer al services were conducted Tues day afternoon for Ernest Got schall, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gotschall, jr. The Got schalls have a daughter and one other son. I ■ Demonstration Wins Purple Ribbon— INMAN—Mrs Robert Ruther and son. Bob, returned Tuesday evening from Lincoln where they attended the state fair. Bob Ruther and Gary Fick received a purple ribbon on their demon stration "Safe Handling of Live stock. Carroll Holmes New Manager— Carroll Holmes of Ord, who is married and is the father of three girls, is the new manager of Os l>orne's Shoe Store. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S (O’Neill) Admissions: September 5—Mrs. Walter Anson, Bristow; Mrs. Merwvn Parks, O’Neill; Thomas D. Anderson, O’Neill; Mrs. Har old Gilman, Amelia; George La ney, Inman. 6 — Mrs. Don Borg, O'Neill Mrs. Robert Summerer, Ewirg. 7 — Mrs. Earl Schwenk, Chambers. 8—Mrs. Fred Babutz ke O'Neill. 9—LaDonna McNul ty O’Neill; Theodore Englehaupt, Spencer. 10-Mrs. A. D Miller. Chambers; Fred Naslund, Page; LeRoy Knepper, O’Neill; Patricia Alles. Lincoln; Mrs. Walter Housemann, Pickstown, S.D. 11 Mrs. Leonard Shoemaker, O Neill Mrs. LaVern Stevens, O' Neill; Mrs. Joe Brewster, Stuart. Dismissals: September 5—Mrs. Harrv Appleby, O’Neill; C. K. Foret1. O’Neill; Alva Marcellus, O’Neill; Jerry Gokie, O’Neill. 6— George Laney, Inman 7 — Mrs. William Anderson, O Neill (ex nired); Mrs. Leonard Svatos, Chambers; Mrs. Vincent Reiser and baby boy, Butte. 8 Mrs Merwyn Parks and baby girl, o - Neill ‘Mrs. Walter Anson and ba by boy, Bristow. 9—Mrs. Robert fooker, O’Neill; Thomas D. An derson, O’Neill; Mrs. Don Borg O’Neill. 10—Mrs. Harold Gilman Amelia; Arthur Tomlinson, In man; Mrs. John Kaczor, Spencer Mrs. Bertha Harkins, Chambers 11— Mrs. Bob Summerer and ba by girl. Ewing; LeRoy Knepper O’Neill; Mrs. Karl Schwenk anc baby boy, Chambers; LaDonm McNulty, O’Neill; Mrs. Waltei Housemann, Pickstown, S.D Hospitalized: Fred Naslund Page; Mrs. Albert Miller Cham bers' Mrs. Mae Landis, O Neill Mrs Lois Adams. Chambers Claude Rutledge, Inman; Garret, Janzing, O’Neill; Mrs. Fred Ba butzke, O’Neill; MTrs- Jo® ster. Stuart; Mrs. Nellie Hill, He bron; Mrs. Roy Tuttle, Ewing Mrs. Lavern Stevens, O Neill Mrs. Leonard Shoemaker, O Neill Patricia Alles, Lincoln; Theodore Engelhaupt, Spencer. SACRED HEART (Lynch) Hospitalized: Mrs. George Bar ta Lynch; Otto Barta, Verdel Mrs. ‘Etta Bennett, Naper; Dr Edwin B. Bradley, Spencer; Mrs Mary Classen, Spencer; Mrs. Et fie Chandler, Spencer; Miss Nan cy Connot, Fairfax, S.D.; Joht W Dickey, Spencer; Frank Ellis Verdel; Baby Randal Lee Fil singer, Spencer; Mrs. Carl Glen wuch, Norfolk; Larry Dean Haun Spencer; Mrs. Otto Guthmiller Anoka; William Jordan, Butte Mrs. Thomas McClatchy, Bone steel S.D.; Thomas McClatchy Bone'steel, S.D.; Allen Mitchell Atkinson; Mrs. Mary Nemec Spencer; Ernest Olson, Bristow Miss Lillian Olson, Bristow; Mrs William Schultz, Naper; Mrs. Wil liam Shelden and baby boy Spencer; Mrs. Arthur Wilson Verdel; Mrs. Ralph Papstein anc baby girl, Lynch. Dismissals: September 6—-Hen ry Lampman, Anoka; Mrs. Walt er Songeroth, Bonesteel, s.u. Miss Linda Johnson, Verdel; Mis: Norma Becker, Lynch. 7 — Job1 Miller, Spencer. 8—Mrs. Rober Grainger, Butte; Mrs. Paul Web er, Butte. 10 — William Reiss Niobrara. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: September 4—Pete: ; Nelson, Stuart, medical. 5— Mrs l Reginald Roose. Stuart, obstet I rical. 6—Mrs. John Bonenberger Atkinson, medical. 7—Mrs. Ed^ ward Kramer, Atkinson, medical 8—Mrs. Jerome Cadw-ell, O’Neil obstetrical; Mrs. Robert Jensen Kimball, obstetrical. 10 — Mis Carol Hoffman, Stuart, medical Mrs. Ernie Gotschall, Atkinson obstetrical. Dismissed: September 4— Te res a Bode, Petersburg. 8—Pete Nelson, Stuart. 9—Mrs. Reginali Roose and son, Stuart. 10—Mis Carol Hoffman, Stuart. Hospitalized: Art Waldman Amelia; John Schneider, Atkin son; Mrs. William Vrooman, At kinson; Mrs. Edward Kramer, At kinson; Mrs. John Bonenberger Atkinson; Mrs. Edward White Amelia; Ralph Reese, Amelia Art Cowperthwaite, Atkinson Mrs. Jerome Cadwell and daugh ter. O’Neill; Mrs. Robert Jensei and daughter, Kimball._ First Show at Dusk — Gates Close at 9:30 FRI-SAT. SEPT. 14-15 DOUBLE FEATURE “CANYON CROSSROADS” Western — and — “SKABENGA” Filmed in African Jungle SUN.-MON.-TUES. SEPT. 16-17-18 fXhrfSr &t/A/ Atm A Good Western — Alao Shorts WED.-THURS. SEPT. 19-20 “FLAME OF THE ISLANDS” ALSO SHORTS Family Night — Bring ’Em All 1 Buck * * V, . Inman News Mrs Leo P. Mossman left Monday evening for Lincoln where she will visit in the home <*f her sister, Mrs. Hazel McGrail. Mr and Mrs E. E Clark re turned early Tuesday afternoon from Aitken, Minn., where they spent 10 days vacationing. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins | left Thursday morning for Su perior where they spent the re mainder of the week in the i home of their nephew' and neice Mr. and Mrs. Fred Romig Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mattson 1 returned Wednesday evening ; September 5, from Meadowlands 1 Minn , where they spent a 10 | d a y vacation visiting John’s | mother and brother. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hartigan ol Norfolk spent the weekend in the James Coventry and Mrs. Marye Hartigan homes. Don Kelley has returned tc Norfolk where he is enrolled ir Junior college. This is his second year. Mrs. W C. Kelley entertained the LL club at her home or Wednesday afternoon, Septem ber 5. The time was spent so cially. Mrs. Kelley served lunch A special committee of thi WSCS met Thursday afternoor at the church annex for the pur pose of making out year book: for the coming year and to plar the dinner to be served at the : fall festival to be held early ir October. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Wheelei I of Laramie, Wyo., were guest: Wednesday afternoon and eve | ning, September 5, in the honn ' of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson. Mrs Wheeler, a former resident, was formerly Marilyn McClurg. Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Conger and Mrs Dora Conger of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs Dean Conger of Belle Fourehe, S.D., were calling on old friends here on Thursday afternoon. The Congers formerly lived here. Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry and son. Bill, were dinner guests Thursday evening in the home of their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hartigan, in Norfolk. The occasion was the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Coventry Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hutton and two daughters and Miss Vic ki Sue Hutton of Omaha spent several days the past week in. the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T D. Hutton. Miss Sadie Harte of Long Beach. Calif., and Mrs Elizabeth Tieknor of Denver, Colo., arrived here early Sunday morning for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. George l nephew, Leo Harte, met them in Laney and other relatives. Their Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony and children were Sunday din ner guests in the home of their ■ brother and sister-in-law-, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Matschullat and family near Page. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Siders and Marilyn returned on Sunday from ‘ Lincoln where they visited ; several days in the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell, and family. They also took in the state fair. Miss Carolyn Watson returned to her nursing duties at the Im manuel hospital in Omaha on ' Monday morning after spending three weeks vacation in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson, and Sam. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Watsor and children of O’Neill were Sunday dinner guests in the home of John’s parents, Mr and Mrs. Ira Watson, and family. METHODIST (O’Neill-Emmet > Rev. Glenn Kennicott, pastor O’NEILL— Thursday, September 13: Pray er circle, io a.m., at Claude Bates home; meeting for church ushers at the church, 8 p.m. Friday, September 14: Dorcas, 2 p.m.; Gideon banquet, 7:30 p m., at the church. Sunday, September lfl First worship service, 8:30 am.; Sun day - school, 9:45 a m : second worship service, 11 a.m. Monday, September 17: Inter mcliate youth fellowship at the church. Tuesday. September 18: Adult fellowship supper, 6:30 p.m., at the church. Wednesday, September 19 Choir practice. 7 p.m.; senior MYF, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, September 20: Quar terly conference, 7:30 pm, at the church. Friday, September 21: Districl meeting at Neligh. 10 a.m,; Dor cas, 2 p.m. EMMET— Sunday, September 16: Sun dav-school for children. 9:30 a.m.; worship, 9:45 a.m.; adult Sunday school, 10:45 a.m. Thursday, September 20: WSCS will meet with Mrs. Rob ert Fox. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Schnei der, formerly of Omaha, have moved to Fulton. Mo. He is the son of Lett C. Schneider of O’ Neill. Make Plana to Serve Star. Hold Bazaar— STUART—The Women's soci ety of the Community church met last Thursday afternoon with 19 members present. Rev D. D. Su was a guest. Devotions were led by Mrs. Jane Cobb. Mrs. George Hitch cock and Mrs. Mahlon Shearer assisted Mrs. Cobb with a mis sionary program. All missionar> projects for the year were re ported completed. Plans were made to serve the' Eastern Star district banquet on October 3. A tentative date for the annual bazaar and dinner was set for November 8. Lunch was served by the host esses, Mrs. Cobb. Mrs. Joy Green field and Mrs. Wesley Slaymak-: _ Clubbers Go on Observation Hike— The Eagle Creek 4-H club met Sunday, September 9, at the home of Gene O’Neill where ev eryone enjoyed a pot luck dinner. President Gene O'Neill took the club members on an obser vation hike. We saw some inter esting things. After the hike the meeting was called to order. Plans were made for the next meeting which will be' at the home of Mary Jo and Betty Curran on I Ocotber 21. The project books and 0-10-2 forms were handed to our leader, Mrs. O’Neill. There was some discussion about what projects we would like to take next year, was treated to watermelon by the After the meeting the group Vequist family. — By Vincent Ernst, club reporter. Frontier for printing! Mrs. Harris's Mother Dies tn Iowa— EWING—Mrs. H: R Harris re turned Saturday from Onawa, la., where she was called last week because of the serious ill ness and death of her mother, Mrs. Sarah Shaffer, 84. Funeral services were held on Tuesday, September 4, at the Onawa Chris tian church. The late Mrs. Shaffer had fre quently visited her daughter in Ewing. She was torn in Iowa and spent her entire life there with the ex ciption of one year when she lived in Kansas. SPENCER Edward ITokop. son of Jerome Prokop, is home on a 30-dav leave from the navy. HOVEL LIN DELL LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Fine Foods Reasonoble Rales Mgi. Frank Klein Res 2-1006 —-TBWlMHMMilWWWfWWifWI - -- B H I ■ I No. 300 r — T B4 # 111 ^B HI Tibs ^i^MMwibMBB Chili a_4 ro. Spaghetti i!*-. _4 roa Beef Stew _3 roa Lima Beans L_3 roa what a DOLLAR will buy Noodles b««i_ 4 ros when you shop at your Noodles -3ro. friendly Jack and Jill!!! Spanish Rice-6ro. IS. I APRICOTS £»‘l fiiooz$1 r'.v "®- |J|c flour ^ fKGS 1 Y * IU I SP—87* CHIU S|«*ld!E DOLLAR ST-R E-TCHERS DEL MONTE DEL MONTE G2LiE? Va ri^ CAJ|UP PINEAPPLE DRYsSIMG PINEAPPLE VINEGAR CRUSHED IN NATURAL IUICE ^ NO. 2 CANS PULL _$11[ 3 for 89c ll^T GERBER'S ^*“12" $1 ICED TEA ..™££25‘ u/n mno mi»cntow" qqc nCLun U Onp*rretMVM.<««.CLASS OiJ SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS_1 Lb, Box 28c DUNCAN HINES ™.-49' DUNCAN HINES .-33' PANCAKE MIX =T”.'v^ 35' OYSTERS-,.‘“-43' ^ DELICIOUS SMOKE FLAVOR SMOKED PICNICS MEDIUM StZE ! LB. - - YOUNG TENDED Cut from Good Quali y Beef 'mmo' ' GROUND BEEF Lb. 33c CHICKENS BEEF LIVER Lb. 25c Good Quality Delicious Smoke Flavor ^ A O c SLICED BACON Lb. 41c ■ Luncheon Pickle-Pimento ■———BAKED LOAF Lb. 39c fWBnnjffl.. .three mouth euiw sau/ WKjpmM ■» n_I &&&& PRODUCE //S MEDIUM SIZE CALIFORNIA SUNKIST ORANGES T Solid Well Trimmed i-resn neoas FRESH CABBAGE...u. L Tender Young Sweet Carrots k FRESH CARROTS.C?£l2c Pure Vegetable _ Shortening ^ ControUed Sods CRISCO W1- Detergent Prescribed ^ _ > ' ^ ® ^. ^ tor Automatic Washers BLUa^,TE ] |BLUE BARREL — Ms 39* 5ft_19* LAUN0RYSOAP FLUFFoOOC P .. sy* ST_59* 2 & 33* 3 us.7 7 _